Game makes you play a different shittier game to unlock something that finally looks good

>Game makes you play a different shittier game to unlock something that finally looks good

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There both shit op

Normal D.VA is the only good one

I feel bad for people who actually want to play quickplay in HOTS

Could be worse, it could be Hearthstone

I haven't played in a good while, did they lock Junker D.Va behind something?

So what TF2 item did you get for playing Overwatch, user?

Shit, it's even worse since you have to force a friend to play with you

HotS is good though :^)



Is there a worse community than Overshit?

Overwatch gave us a reason to stop playing a shitty hat simulator that all non-russian players stopped playing 4 years ago.

koreans don't care about blacks.
wasn't some plastic slut put on retirement for saying what literally the entire country thinks?

You mean The global media?


why's everyone obsessing over the suit?
The mech is the cooler looking part of the skin

You quit for a terrible skin simulator that nobody but SJWs and LoL/CoD literal children play? Wow, what a step up lmao

The best part is I'm sure a black person didn't draw that. It was some middle class white person that would still go straight to the police the minute something and happens.


Are you talking about TF2 here or what?

If you don't think valve has completely ruined tf2, you're too young to post here, though, I already know you're too young to post here because you think that "popular" is the same thing as "good".

Does the Officer D.Va skin deal extra damage to Lucio and Winston?


what an original joke.

Fuck you.

>are you talking about TF2

TF2 is known for its skins, SJWs, and LoL player community? What sort of a lame attempt at a comeback is that?

I'm 21, and I'd bet money I'm older than you, shitshelf.

>because you think that "popular" is the same thing as "good"

You're the one who insinuated TF2 has nobody playing it, you fucking moron. I showed you the stats and blew your argument the fuck out. Nice attempt at damage control though.

>If you don't think valve has completely ruined tf2

Let me correct you. "If you don't think Valve has completely ruined TF2, you're a sensible human being who doesn't overreact to one bad update which they later fixed, and can realize the game is still excellent and far better than the inferior copy Overwatch."

>won't allow you to appear offline to friends list
>makes you play other games with friends to unlock stuff

Why does blizzard hate robots and love normies so much?

>korean police
>"muh cops killing black kids for no reason mane they just goin to da stow"
Why do fatburgers think it's always about them?

No, she just gets into a long a protracted legal battle and gets her name dragged through the mud every time she kills one of them.

This skin finally bumps off the "no good skins" list

The list is now:
>Soldier 76

Why does she have black people lips?

tumblr can't draw to save their lives

>Not posting the unedited version.

>equating american cops to famously useless and coward korean police

literally cancer

then stop playing Overshit

Isn't it your bed time, kiddie?

Do Koreans even know that there are black people?

>you're a sensible human being who doesn't overreact to one bad update
>to one bad update
>one bad update

Barneyfag go to bed

Wow user you sure managed to wriggle your way out of having no reply with that post.


yes, one, faggot

if you're going to tell me why you think the inferior copy of TF2 that Blizzard shat out is somehow better than TF2 I'm all ears, because I know you don't have even a single good argument

I love the Officer D.Va skin so fucking much. The suit pants drive me wild.

Yeti Hunter

>Soldier 76


Null Sector



fuck you the chinese skin is god tier



>Game that tries to promote diversity has you unlock a police officer skin
Yeah, people who gun down minorities needlessly are a good lot to be basing your skins off of.

I can't tell if you are mocking how overwatch players think or you are one.

>luna mei
>ribbit / hockey Lucio
>commando soldier
do you have literal shit in your eyes?

>faggots playing babys first fps criticizing other shit games
delusional underages infesting this board

Was this actually a thing?

Yes, they know about black people.

>everyone freaking out about niggers getting shot
>not about how the police are a paramilitary force existing to keep the ruling elite safe and rich with the threat of death or imprisonment for not paying taxes and being a good sheeple

>All cops brutalize blacks
>All Blacks get brutalized by cops

Liberal logic ftw

>give a korean doll big nigger lips
Can you not taint everything you touch?

>My fanart is canon

>Sup Forumsshit + Sup Forums being le 12yo epic 4chin mood of edgy haters

Truly the worst thread up right now

Everyone laugh at this pathetic newfag

officer dva is p cute 2bh. it's a shame that she guns down minorities on the daily.

Slightly tweaked lips, on model now other than the bottom lower lip corners needing a tweak.

>Strike Commander Morrison
>Not good

damn... this pic is deep. it shows how the artist is truly manifested through their art.

>American police aren't public servants enforcing impersonal law to protect from mob/street justice with a marginal group of those who abuse their authority.

Commie scum

el lo el, hu hu, no hacks required.


are you in a clan with your fellow 8th graders called "PC MASTER RACE"?

>tfw didn't own overwatch in summer
>can never get Taegeukgi
Shit sucks

You already outed yourself as a 9th grader user, give up the ghost.

>wants people to buy boxes for skins
>makes certain events to incentive people to buy boxes for the limited time
>makes those items return, destroying any sense of exclusivity they had therefor giving players no urgency to pay money for them since they always have next year

Bad move in a sea of kike moves like upping the duplication rates on crates.

>American police are the only police that exist
How can one demographic be so utterly and ironically bigoted

>not going full Aryan young Morrison and triggering the fat lard-brained tumblrites by merely existing ingame as the only non-deformed/disfigured young white male

It works too, you'd think I was merely jesting but I've had people get mad at me in-game and start burping about cis shit and misogyny when I kill them and they have to see an able-bodied apex male in potg t-bagging their faggot rollerskate nigger corpse

By being utterly and unironically imbecilic.
SJWs are just the new generation of hipsters, which were just adult emos/scene kids. They have absolutely no personality or sense of self and can by all factors be considered not real people. They leech on whatever is currently popular in their social circles like mindless cultists because they're basically pathetic animals devoid of human intelligence.

Honestly the only good thing I can see in this game is the art direction
I really really like the way that mech looks, and the police uniform is effay as fuck
I can't say enough good things about the indian lady wears either, anything looks good with augmented limbs but still
not good enough for me to touch the fanart or community or god forbid the game itself with a ten foot bargepole though

smart decision tbqh

It's hit and miss, they should fire whoever is behind art design, keep the team who work on it, and get someone from Pixar or original pre-kike Disney to come in.

I'll take things that have never happened for 2000$ Alex

>Honestly the only good thing I can see in this game is the art direction
Pretty much
Once the initial high of this new extremely polished video game wears off, you realize it's a shallow poorly balanced metafest where you can't solo carry if you tried and the only fun characters to play are the ones that will get you screeched at for playing them.
This starts to show especially when you play almost any other FPS. It's literally babby's first FPS. There's SO many people playing this game that have never touched a shooter in their entire lives, and that just makes the experience that much worse

I'm going to get that new police skin and only go after Lucio


At first I thought this was some photoshop, but it was an actual article

You should take yourself to Reddit, you've obviously never played Overwatch.

I will say that some of the newer stuff has been awful
I really hate some of the skins for the robot monk, the face mask one especially totally ruins his aesthetic
Why have a fucking blank faced robot if he wears a human mask WHAT THE FUCK
They could use some more basic skins though, I really liked the olympics ones because of how clean and purposful they are
The edgy ones that came out just a while ago are too edgy, far too much visual clutter, and the blue ones have nowhere near enough blue and way too much silver

liberals are literally becoming the out-of-touch, frightened soccer moms of the 2010s.



The vocal ones always been that.


I can already envision all the people crying about being singled out by racist cop D.Vas while playing Lucio and Blizzard eventually altering the skin.


>2 skins that make her look like a beetle
>no good skins


it doesnt look good, the lights at the top look retarded

or maybe the guy that thinks going ballistic and screaming and shouting obscenities in a professional environment is totally fine is the one who is out of touch

>Hanzo has basically nothing downstairs


>professional environment

lmao fuck off nigger

D.Va vs N.Ga


You don't actually think saying "n-word" is some novel concept from this decade, do you?

Are you retarded or did you literally crawl out of your mother's cunt 3 years ago?
N-word has been in use for decades
It's only recently that people are getting used to using nigger during discussion of the word

what did it mean by this?