Call of Duty: WWII’s ‘diversity’ is nothing more than marketing

>Since American pop culture took control of World War II as a narrative, it’s always been presented as a white man’s war. From Sands of Iwo Jima to The Great Escape, The Thin Red Line to Saving Private Ryan, that’s the perspective you get. Call of Duty: WWII isn’t going to change this, but it sure wants credit for trying.

>Activision and Sledgehammer Games pulled the wrapper off their glamour franchise today, and despite the exclusively white and male makeup of those doing so on stage, they want you to think this is a more inclusive tale of World War II. It may yet be. We won’t know until Nov. 3.

>For now, the tone-deaf manner in which this all-white production checked all the diversity boxes — “women, an African-American unit and even a child” — reduced everyone else to a bullet point on the back of a box, yet another feature. We’ve got a private multiplayer beta; we’ve got zombies; we’ve got black people, we’ve got women, we’ve got a Jew.

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>No pastebin
Nice try polyfag!

Isn't that litterly what diversity has become though? A mandatory quota?

What the fuck were EsJayDubbayus expecting when they demanded it be shoehorned into videogames

They need more gay nigger jews in the production team to put diversity in the game because straight white people can't show diversity, ever.

> we’ve got a Jew.
you mean the one reaping all the profits for this series, so what the fuck is new?

>white man's war
Well, white people started it, sure as hell ended it, and were the one's that mostly fought in it, unless you don't counts slavs as white people, then hey maybe you're on to something.

However, reading through the comments, I find it funny that a fair portion of their audience seems to be calling them on their bullshit. Maybe this fad is on its way out.

This is honestly a good thing. They'll never be happy so most companies will probably say fuck it in the end and just stop trying to do this. The ones that don't stop will just die off.

They're half right.
Yes, it is just a diversity quota.
Yes, they're just bullet points and boxes to check.

But it's that way because you whined and demanded that it be that way. You aren't worth anymore consideration than that. Giving you the small hand waved gesture like this is more than what's deserved. Frankly, your whining should have been ignored, but if this nets a result where developers realize you are unapeasable and none of your complaints are valid or warranted and a complete waste of time and effort, then that's a positive result as well.

Why do you retards keep giving them attention? You know that, even if they were satisfied by anything ever, they'd still churn this shit out for their pathetic fans.

It's actually really great that call of duty is doing this. No one in their right mind actually cares about the franchise at this point. The moment this flops it will set a precedent. "sjw revisionist history couldn't even sell a call of duty game". A few remaining sjw companies will still be making sjw games until they go bankrupt but absolutely no other company will bother.

Sup Forums shit aside this really shouldn't bother anyone. If anything you're annoyed because it's shoehorned, they're meeting a quota or the one that I'll never accept - literally weren't part of. but guess what it's a fucking business, not only that its CALL OF DUTY.

>sjw revisionist history

Wait a second there lad

What is revisionist about WWII being a multicultural war? WWII definitely involved a shitload of minorities.

I mean, of course the whole diversity thing is marketing, but decrying any acknowledgement of minorities as "muh ess jay dubyahs" is just as stupid.

>no black people
>they get mad
>put in black people
>they get mad
i wish other races didn't exist

WW1 and WW2 was pretty white; barring of course the eastern theater.
Unless japanese/asians are now white. It's hard to tell these days. Sometimes they're white. Sometimes they aren't.

Literally one tenth of all army registrants from the US were black, user.

Arguing that minority participation in WWII was negligible is literal revisionism.

I said it was mostly white.

You reiterated what I said.

This stupid shit is so tiresome.

Alright, then I misunderstood your post -- I thought you were disagreeing with it being a multicultural war.

Anyways Sup Forums and SJW's will bitch about the game regardless. Horseshoe effect is some shit.

Wait, so things game is still gonna pander to them? I was hopeful from the trailer that they weren't buying into the bullshit...

You see what you get for trying to please people?

Just don't buy it and move on, simple. Jesus fuck stop whining.

>Well, white people started it

if you count the sino-japanese war, technically asian people started it

It was definitely multicultural. Germany, Austria, Italy, Uk, France, Russia, US, etc. each have unique cultures and governments.

The things, all of these countries are a majority white, and a vast, overshadowing portion of the belligerents were white.

Well, it's call of duty.

I think there's some valid criticism there.

But yes, WW2 was, well, world war. It's impossible for it to be just one culture because it involved multiple cultures and theaters. Very few nations were unaffected.

WW1 was interesting racially as well because the Americans didn't want to use the harlem hellfighters and didn't want them to see combat, but the french didn't care, they took anybody they could get because by the time americans started coming they had enough shit to worry about; to see so many people heading out to the action instead of retreating was a great morale booster.

What happened during the war at home in America and afterwards was also some serious shit and I think woodrow wilson got away with way too much bullshit without being criticized because he was seen as a progressive democrat, despite being racist as fuck himself and pretty much turning on the people who elected him, which guaranteed a republican super majority the next primary election by voters who felt betrayed by what they felt was a really tyrannical leader.

I think people have already forgotten that Trump got elected because people were so tired of this horseshit.

If scarf clad pseudo adults are going to keep trying to bully people into having their opinion with vacuous redditisms for the next 4 years then prepare for another 4.

Does this mean I can play as a little black girl storming Normandy?

it was mostly white tough that doesnt mean there werent any minorities, fuck its not surprising at all that MINORITIES were in a MINORITY when it comes to the participation in the war

honestly there are some good tales you could get from their participation if you tried

not that sledgehammer will try, im just saying

just like DICE with the Harlem Hellfighters, it will all be wasted potential

>just like DICE with the Harlem Hellfighters, it will all be wasted potential
That story doesn't end as well as you think it does.

>reduced everyone else to a bullet point on the back of a box, yet another feature. We’ve got a private multiplayer beta; we’ve got zombies; we’ve got black people, we’ve got women, we’ve got a Jew.
Isn't that what "diversity" has been turned into for years now? Why is it now that it's an issue?

For some reason I find it very cynical when a company heavily markets their "diversity". I don't know why.

It happened to Assassin's Creed. There were complaints that the one set in France had no playable women. Then the very next game was set in London with a playable woman, and suddenly putting in a woman was seen as just hollow pandering.

>big series they don't like
>cast is still majority white
>no minorities or women in the trailer
>dev team probably all white

>WW2 game
>It's yet more Americans saving the day
>No campaign from German PoV
>No campaign from Russian PoV
>No campaign focusing on the second Sino - Japanese war

You're missing Japan and China, two main participants on both sides, both non-white. Also the fact that non-whites made up a big-ass part of the Allied and certainly the Axis forces.

I hate to use the word "eurocentric" but you literally listed European nations and the US. Yes, when you ignore all the non-whites involved (Japan is even the one who instigated the US getting involved, arguably making it a "world" war) then a "vast, overshadowing portion of the belligerents are white".

It's just dishonest to do so.

oh i know, they return home only to remain discriminated as fuck

thats part of what makes it interesting, theres no great celebration and victory dance, is as bleak as the rest of the conflict

the HH also faced an interesting conflict, soldiers go to war prepared to risk their lives for their country, but hat if your country treats you like shit? can you imagine the patriotism of some of those troops fighting? or maybe the level of desperation willing to take a job like that?

its good shit i tell you

When people discuss ww2, there are two main theaters people discuss.
The european front, and the asian front.

They're pretty self explanatory to be honest, but the asian front got as far in to america as Alaska.

>All these people on both sides ignoring the fact that more Chinese people died than any other country

"white man's war" my ass

I'm not going to list every country involved because the list is bigger than you think, so I put etc.

And the game is set only in the European theater, so there's going to be no Japan involved at all. You're looking too far into my post.

It's sad when people get pissed at what you DON'T say rather than what you did say.

This just happened to Marvel comics, so maybe

>No campaign from German PoV
>No campaign from Russian PoV

you know you can play Company of Heroes for that, its an RTS tough

CoH Opposing Fronts includes a german campaign and it has a good story

CoH2 is all about the eastern front, tough ruskies got pissed the game portrayed soviets as murderous assholes

>More "muh european conflict was full of niggers and women" memes

I'm contesting this bit you did say, lad

>vast, overshadowing portion of the belligerents were white

because it's just wrong.

>And the game is set only in the European theater, so there's going to be no Japan involved at all

Except the most highly decorated American unit in the entirety of US military history.

And you don't need to list every country involved, sure, but you clearly cherrypicked two huge contenders from your list to support your point. Which is why I said it was dishonest.

Because a vast majority of soldiers were white. Asians had a role in the Pacific Theater, but in the European theater it's basically whites from different countries.

There's no need to see a large number of minorities just to show they were there.

>linking directly to Polygon

Get out, faggot.

>There's no need to see a large number of minorities just to show they were there.

Why not though?

the rape of nanking is a hoax!

>oh i know, they return home only to remain discriminated as fuck
Largest race riot in history was on their return in Chicago. All entirely because of Woodrow Wilson. Fun fact. The jim crow laws that were pushed back into law were his. Not some racist southern bible belt hick. Progressive Democrat. I hate to keep pushing that but it's really important because he was elected on a ticket of progressive ideals and delivered on none of them and completely 180'd.

>the HH also faced an interesting conflict, soldiers go to war prepared to risk their lives for their country, but hat if your country treats you like shit? can you imagine the patriotism of some of those troops fighting? or maybe the level of desperation willing to take a job like that?

Mostly they were relegated to ditch and grave digging and other labor jobs and away from combat (Intentionally) to keep them from getting any noble ideas of patriotism or deserving more rights at home. Basically up until france got a hold of them they did very little fighting.

And france was given the unit under their command because the US didn't want them or have a use for them aside from above stated hard labor. A lot of blacks really DID question, "why should I sign up for a nation that doesn't want me?"

The answer never came.
And mind you, this is completely ignoring the massive police raid in new york and the massive overreaching sedition acts and alien acts. People were literally hung and murdered and the press celebrated it just for speaking out against the war.

>game is set in the European portion of war
>list the major countries involved in that portion of the war
>be wrong and "dishonest"


And most of the soldiers in the European theater were white. Get over it. Were blacks involved? Sure. Doesn't mean they're poorly represented when the game features little to none.

Because minorities were mostly spread thin and were just following white people's orders. You can make one of the random npcs in your squad black, and you wont get anything else. Because that's how it was in WW2. Being black or latino didn't mean anything.

now i hate diversity for the sake of diversity

however if it makes for an interesting story, i dont mind, not that i expect an interesting story but well

t. Ichiro Ichigo


Because there was never a large number of minorities to begin with, thus the term "minority".

>talking about the war in general being multicultural
>cherrypick the belligerents that don't support your point
>move goalposts to "I was actually just referencing the game!"


>And most of the soldiers in the European theater were white. Get over it.

I'm not even arguing against that. I'm saying that you're wrong when you state

>vast, overshadowing portion of the belligerents were white

If you're just going to keep strawman ess jay dubyahing I'll stop replying.

>Facts are racist if they don't agree with our progressive agendas

I can still remember that day all those decades ago when I stormed the beaches of Normandy with a platoon of gay transpeople of color

There's nothing wrong focusing on a certain unit that was [insert something diverse]. What is a problem is when you try to shoehorn something in purely for diversity for an audience that doesn't buy your product and piss off those that do since nothing usually seems cohesive.

"Progressive" people have always been cancerous since we have the internet they can continue their lifestyle beyond college unlike the 60s. I don't get why video games attract such an autistic crowd

are these people seriously trying to say this isnt what all game companies are doing right now? does it need to be this blatantly obvious for them to even notice?

>Because minorities were mostly spread thin and were just following white people's orders

Is this bait? Google the 442nd Infantry Regiment for god's sake.

>Because there was never a large number of minorities to begin with, thus the term "minority".

One fucking tenth of all army registants doesn't hold up to Sup Forums standards of "there gets to be one black person in the game"? Fucking wew.

My thing is that I dislike all revisionism. SJW revisionism with we wuz kangs, but also "muh white man's war" with Sup Forums.

Whoops, forgot your (You)

I never realized saying "most of" and "a vast majority" weren't the same. Then again, I'm not retarded.

>I never realized saying "most of" and "a vast majority" weren't the same

Oh my God you are retarded.

>vast majority

Now fuck off ESL, I'm done spoonfeeding you.

all of this could also be added as part of the story, its real good

another good story could be that of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, it was composed mostly of american japanese troops, and those guys were treated like shit too back home

another tale of "my country treats me like shit, but i gotta do what i gotta do"

i havent seem many stories like that, stories that paint the very concept of duty in a darker shade of grey

So you want a game set around the 442nd Infantry Regiment then?

I recall an entire portion of a past WWII COD game being dedicated to you playing as a guy in an all-black regiment.

What if the black units interested the developer?

That would... actually be really fucking cool, sure.

It doesn't matter though. The idea that minorities were "just following whitey" is the most retarded thing I've read today.

Actually it's closer to 1/16.

And no one is saying "No Blacks Allowed". We're saying there's nothing inherently wrong with the game having no blacks, or having a very small amount.




Where the fuck did you get those numbers lmao. Is there a book that clearly states any of this of are you assigning values and opinions to terms where they clearly have no business being?

Also 1/16 being blacks means 95% is actually pretty close to accurate.

>i havent seem many stories like that, stories that paint the very concept of duty in a darker shade of grey
Reminds me of the lost battalion in WW1.

They were prepared to die but they weren't happy about it. And a lot of them died due to exposure and starvation. Most of them rotting before they died.

But the thing is, how do you turn that into a video game? It's brutal, it's awful, and it's, importantly, unglamorous and unfun. That's the point, I think, but remember it's still a video game. And it's hard to tell stories where everybody is miserable all the time while still making an entertaining game. And a game's primary goal is to entertain. If it doesn't fulfill its primary goal, the message is lost. You can't engage the person to enjoy the message they won't assimilate it.

>another good story could be that of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, it was composed mostly of american japanese troops, and those guys were treated like shit too back home

Those guys they recruited right out of the camps? That would be rad as shit.

Well, it is focused on the European theater and mostly follows an American unit. I'm not white and I don't see a problem in a lack of "diversity" given the setting. Shoehorning diversity because it's 2017 is very silly.

>What is a problem is when you try to shoehorn something in purely for diversity for an audience that doesn't buy your product and piss off those that do since nothing usually seems cohesive.
Here's someone that actually gets why this is supposed to be a bad thing.

It's not a bad thing to not have black people and it's not a bad thing to not have black people, what is a bad thing is giving special treatment just on the grounds that they're black and also nullifying artistic merit in the process.

>Actually it's closer to 1/16.
>Thus Negroes, who constituted approximately 11.0 percent of all registrants liable for service, furnished approximately this proportion of the inductees in all branches of the service

And there are definitely people objecting to the idea of blacks being in the game. Just read the thread and the shit I'm replying to.

wanna see some fucked up shit kid?

>Ww2 game is loved because Historical Accuracy
>Make subhuman version of Waw to pretend subhumans fought for america
>That didn't happen until vietnam
>Might aswell not make it ww2 if you add women just make another futuristic future shooter because you are alienating the fans of the original once again
>Jews killing the CoD franchise one game at a time

Let me do the math for you retard.

1.2 million blacks actually served in the war effort by 1945.

The total number of US soldiers during the war was 16.1 million.

1.2/16.1 = around 7.5%

That in no way merits a representation of being 40% of the soldiers.

There better not be female soldiers in the multiplayer, unless it's the Russians or somebody else who conscripted everyone & their mother to fight. It's going to be a shitshow if the Americans, British or Germans have women soldiers.

It's 2017 you sexist, women play video games too and deserve equal representation.

You can make something miserable and still all right to play. Spec Ops: The Line was one long unbroken chain of miserable fuck ups, for example.

Spec ops came to mind.
But spec ops had a lot of action.

Some stories are lacking in that. Freezing to death and dying of disease in a trench for weeks isn't very action packed.

Why do minorities "want" to be part of a war? Are they retarded?

>Ww2 game is loved because Historical Accuracy
Have you never played a WWII game in your life?

i dont give a fuck about niggers but the fact i have to play as some burger when the russians did the majority of the job.

Would you play a WWII campaign that tried to portray each side as equally bad and good?
>Japan: Orderly, stern and dignified with a sense of brotherhood, but borderline fanaticism and callous disregard for both their own lives and the lives of those they conquer
>American: Proud, loyal and good to work with, but too caught up in their definitions of morality to care about the bigger picture and can fall into hypocrisy (i.e "man these nazi's are fucked up *shoots POW in the head*)
>Britain: A dying Empire that has been severely wounded yet is more focused on killing the enemy then keeping themselves together
>Russian: An unmatched sense of loyalty to one another, an unmatched pragmatism by the Commanders
>Germans: Easily the most prepared, most disciplined and best equipped side, but kept in line by fear and fanaticism that controls their every actions

i think you can tackle almost every topic with the right genre

it doesnt have to be an FPS, it could be an adventure game, perhaps similar to valiant hearts

you could also base the story LOOSELY on the topic, take a couple of artistic liberties to make it all more interesting

>80% of the European theater was fought on the eastern front
>Entire trailer is D-Day

Are Americans still pretending they fought something else besides civilian militias and a bunch of demoralized divisions?

I'm not happy that Trump, but I'll never pretend I don't understand why.

They did a majority of the deaths, rapes, pillaging and killing of their own people that's for sure.

>Russian did the majority of the job
Not really, Ivan. The United States won the war with the nuclear bombing of Japan. You can stop acting like Russian troops suicide charging into minefield made much of a difference.

Personally, I somewhat disagree.
I think some stories just aren't suited to video games, nor is every story better off as a video game.

yeah well i imagine some cannot, but i believe most can

Did you type that entire shitpost while squatting?

The nukes did nothing but kill civilians. Russians defeated the Kwantung, aka the strongest and most experienced army the Japs had.

I'm surprised Japan hasn't turned that into a hentai yet

This only bothers you if you let it. Remember that you have control over your own mind.

Let him have it. That country has had nothing else going for it for the last 80 years.

the number is close to 11%

without counting other minority groups

of course whites were still a majority, but the number of minorities was not insignificant

Whatever, I'm sure every citizen in western Europe would have been totally fine with Ivan doing all the work and "liberating" every country from Moscow to the Atlantic.

America was majority white back in the 1940's.

The majority of American soldiers who fought in WWII were white.

Why do people get so mad over historical facts?