The Dragon of the North DLC will be released on May 2nd.

The title is a clear reference to daimiyo Date Masamune, and in fact that’s the first character introduced by the images. As usual, he looks really badass.

We also get a look at two more characters, Date Shigezane, Masamune’s cousin, and retainer Katakura Shigenaga.

Two new guardian spirits for William are portrayed, Seiryu (Blue Dragon), which is the same that appears behind Date Masamune, probably indicating that he will pass it on to Willian somehow. The second is an old acquaintance, Nekomata.

Three new levels have also been revealed, Aobajou, Chusonji and Tohno, set in the northern area of Japan named Iwate Prefecture.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a NiOh expansion without new ugly monsters to kill, and we also get to see the Odachi, which is basically the greatsword version of a Katana.

On top of the DLC content, we also get four images from the free update that will be release on the same day. Two of them show online PvP, that will include both 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 modes.

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Famitsu Scan

another scan


>new weapon(s) oh shit what could it be
>something else crazy and awesome?
>nah fag here's a bigger katana lol

Super looking forward to it. Hopefully Nekomata is the new hotness for ninja builds, I'm getting sick of Aya-komori.

Nioh is GOTY even if nobody wants to discuss it.


Not with that enemy variety.


The DLC will literally fix everything.

Why can't hip windows be a popular thing in real life? Yoga pants are nice and all but hip windows just do things to me man


Unless it adds three times the enemy variety in the base game no it will not.


I just wonder how much content it will have, hopefully its not a series of fight 2 of these bosses at the same time! like the previous mission pack was.

hopefully the pvp won't suck
not that it really matters for a game like this


Man, its like they made a more realistic version of Basara Masamune.

I forgot I bought this game

I've only reached the third region, but I really love this game. My only complain is the bosses having way too much health.


>Tome fighting with a big hammer
Someone has to translate that bottom part asap

It is for me so far. P5 could be really good but I haven't played it yet and nothing else this year really looks my speed.


Can you play as more than william? always wondered

I'm assuming /niohgen/ will try again once this hits

You can reskin William as other male characters in the game using currency earned through co-op and killing revenants.

So there's 2 no yokai, plus some variations of previously existing yokai such as ice one-eyed-oni. I do hope there's more than just that and this is just a teaser.

Also anything on the pvp?

i feel really let down by nioh, playing the demos only to find in the full game there weren't any new enemy types is really disapointing

Sup Forums loathes the game because it isn't a 1:1 Souls clone.
Their loss.

Does that bottom portion say something about being able to transform into female characters? I think it does.


>My only complain is the bosses having way too much health.
bosses die really quickly compared to similar games, I actually think they don't have enough health.

we need a moonrune reader

Change Characters l Play As Any Boss, Ally or Revenant

it does.

My build is so OP that I feel as though I'm cheating. I hope they nerf some of the abilities.


Do they? because the water blob boss took an eternity to kill, even using the bonfires to lit your sword.

I think Nioh is more about self moderation. If you don't want to be level 750 you can level down. If you don't want to use op shit you can not use it.

Some people take more pleasure out of breaking the game than playing the game, and I like that they have that option. I have the option to play at a reasonable level and maintain the challenge.

They might need to take a second look at this with pvp in the game though.

>be me
>phd. in theoretical physics
>everyone is talking about the new nioh dlc
>decide I might as well check it out while taking a dump
>fuck this it's 2 pages long
>zoom in to a random spot
>some other dead gay samurai is getting added, this time mr. masamaymay himself
>start shredding ass
>dumbass pvp arena is getting added, as if that will fix this broken game.... what a mess
>push out an eruption of sludge followed by a dripple of liquid from my anus
>okay maybe it gets better
>only 1 new weapon type added and it's just another sword
>eject another huge load of shit getting my ass sprayed by the blowback
>oh look -- it's still a ps4 exclusive!
>shoot out one more load of liquid and soft driblets
>oh great they're asking another $20 bux for content that was axed from the main game
>okay fuck this it's like it was written in the retarded ape exhibit at the zoo
>put my phone away, squeeze out another fart then pull up my pants and walk out the bathroom

oh well, at least I'll get to watch the niohggers have to cope with this steaming pile of nip shit rofl

This . What's worse is the few yokai they include are awesome and made you want to see more.

Where's my space travel nerd. Get the fuck off of Sup Forums and makes yourself useful. Theorize some FTL.

>still no Sakon's giant straw hat
Fuck everything.

Be honest, no fanboying, is this worth $60?

depends, do you mind fighting the same 5 enemy types over and over?

>phd. in theoretical physics

if the pvp shown off is even somewhat good ill pop nioh back in and start making builds


>do something that doesn't involve hand waving


I'm ok with this.

This game teaches you about all it has in about 10 hours. And then you fight the same shit over and over and over and over


at least it's got a lot of bosses and a decent combat system

Do it. Making shitty youtube videos isn't enough anymore. Go fucking do something. More like theoretical NEETS, I can sit around all day making theories and not doing anything too.

fucking based cat-bro. Nigga best be rolling with us for real this time.


What do you mean by the same? do they get harder/change gear or are they ALWAYS the same?

Hells yeah, gotta be a spirit animal for sure this time.

>tfw too intelligent to follow Hideyoshi


>>put my phone away, squeeze out another fart then pull up my pants and walk out the bathroom

Why should I listen to someone with a phd. that doesn't even wipe shit off his ass.

I'm a samurai

that wasn't a mission pack, they just threw that stuff in an update. Don't know if it was announced anywhere but it was a surprise for me.

also fuck the two masters.


Looks like it's half past midnight.


So sexy!

past the 3rd region you'll see the exact same enemies for the rest of the game, some of them are slightly reskinned or use different elements.

Fuku gave me the worst case of Yellow fever I've ever had.

That's the new weapon type.


dawn is breaking

when are we getting dual pistols reeeeeee
still glad that I grabbed the season pass when it was on sale. still not sure why the fuck they did that to begin with

is it worth it to grind for greens/min-max in WoTS?

I managed to beat the Nioh mission with those two samurai assholes but the the shore mission with nobunaga and ice woman was impossible

don't have onmyo stuff, went ninjutsu, what are my options

>two masters.

is there no rock to seperate them?



To fuck over me for buying deluxe edition lmao.

Otherwise, Dual Pisols might show up in this one due to Date, but if not there's gonna be two other so I'm sure they'll show up.

>nobunaga and ice woman was impossible
you have to be patient

>tfw still no PC release date


use blinding shells and catwalking scrolls, they'll have trouble targeting you.

Caltrops nyugguh



Shoot Nobunuga in the goddamn face

His down time is incredible, at least 4-5 seconds you could spend kicking his bitch wife in the cunt.

>Tome skin for Anjin-dono
fucking rock hard

>Only one new weapon
>It's just a bigger katana


>cat bro is back


They've pretty much got all the bases covered when it comes to Japan weapons, what else could they add?


I'm hoping that there's some surviving Kelley clones that follow William back to Japan.

He was just too much fun as a villain.

summonable tentacles



Naginatas, tonfas, those three part staves.
