I miss autobalance
I miss autobalance
I just started playing TF2, I dont get it, do they give you stuff for balancing the team or i am mistaking it for something?
I was in a match today were we miraculously held off last for minutes with several people missing from the team, and no one on the enemy team wanted to switch the whole time.
You get double the points.
Which means you get nothing.
Both auto balance and team shuffle was one of the worst things about TF2 if you actually had friends to play the game with because it constantly ruined everything.
Fuck auto balance.
TF2 has experience points now? what? what do they do?
I'll admit that I've been rustled in years prior when I go through all of the work of being the top-scoring MVP of my team just to get auto-balanced to the losing team at the last possible moment, but I learned to just laugh it off before they implemented this new system where you consent to being balanced.
Well thats a huge bummer
Apparently it unlocks stuff
Tf2 fucked their server queing sideways, so I assume the exp has something to do with it. I wouldn't expect them to just give you something that people would like.
I miss pre-f2p TF2
I miss the caber actually being fun to use
I miss fun mods
I miss decent community servers
I miss when the devs would come play and troll everyone with their 'valve' weapons
I miss big Halloween updates
I miss the comics
I miss sprays
I miss when the Milkman set was inbetween being launch broken and completely worthless.
>inbetween being launch broken and completely worthless.
So balanced..?
Uhh, you don't get to bring friends.
Yes. I miss it when it was useful but not stupid overpowered like when it first launched.
>my face when i saw that reload nerf on the shortstop
Valve is filled with fucking idiots.
>tf2 exp
>no reward but notoriety to jerk off to
I wish it gave away random items on level up, something, anything.
The reason why anyone gives a shit about Overwatch or Call of Duty's EXP system is that it actually rewards players with shit and brings notoriety. TF2's stupid EXP system is completely worthless.
I miss being able to deal with spies as pyro
At one point they asked for feedback from the competitive TF2 community, after they got everything from the pros they decided to ignore all of it and moved onto rushing Competitive mode from beta in order to compete with Overwatch.
Fuck Valve.
I miss games not having stats.
W/L? Who the fuck cares. Teams wouldn't be stacked if that shit wasn't being counted.
CounterStrike Global Offensive does this well of all games since ranks aren't shown until the very end of the game.
You got literally nothing before, not even points
You still have stat/rank wanking there. Same with Rocket League.
I wish the stats and ranks were completely hidden. Thereby people would put it out of their minds instead of it being thrust into your face in-game or on a stats page.
git gud
>winning with overwhelming force
>enemy team starts disconnecting
>die, get autobalanced to losing team
>losing team starts winning, old team starts falling apart
I'm not so arrogant to say I was carrying them, but I like to think I was at least a lynchpin or some other kind of glue keeping the momentum up.
Was it goldrush?
Global Elite, bae. Stats still suck because they force players into shitty mindsets.
>he's not on a competitive team
>I miss sprays
They better not have removed sprays because fuck that.
I miss all those other things too.
Tf2g was saying they are back. Im not sure
>Comp TF2
>WAHHH I should get to ruin other peoples fun because i want to pubstomp and team stack with my shitty friends.
Problem is that if you're queuing and you switch then you're stuck on the enemy team and have to leave in order to play with your friends again.
this. w/l is bad enough, but keeping track of k/d for objective based games causes all sorts of problems
rank is the least bad
If it's before the round even started and the other team is low I'll absolutely switch, but if it's in the middle of a proper game after they've been getting steamrolled I'd rather just finish the game quickly so the teams scramble.
While what they did instead was dumb as hell I have no problems whatsoever with them ignoring Comp players, I don't want them balancing shit for that dumb ass 6s shit when the normal games have 2x the players.
Not all comp games are 6s. Highlander is a thing.
There should be an achievement for taking the balance option multiple times in one game.
>still not allowed to switch teams
why do you do this valve
True but given I know they've talked to B4nny and in an already small community 6s is king do you really think they had many of them? Anyway I'm not super jazzed about the idea of balancing based on a format where there are 9 people and you can never ever offclass either, though it's not as on its face retarded as asking the people who only play 5cp with half-sized teams at least.
Pareto principle.
Because people hated autobalance.