Name me 5 games that are worse than sonic 06

Name me 5 games that are worse than sonic 06

Other urls found in this thread:

Sonic boom
Hong kong 97
crazy bus
train simulator with its $2000+ DLC
LoZ: Wand of gamalon.

the first Neptuina
DmC: Devil May Cry
ET for the Atari 2600
Mass Effect 3
Megman Battle Network 4

Viva Pinata
Any Kirby game
Megaman X 3-7
Dig Dug 2

>the first Neptuina
Try all of them.

That series is continuing proof that you can make the worst fucking games imaginable and still be successful if you put brain dead, one dimensional waifus in it.

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
Big Rigs
ET Atari
Superman 64

Sonic Boom
Sonic Lost world
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Rush
Sonic Riders(the entire series)

dude, you don't understand.

Even the FANBASE thinks the first one is bad

>any kirby game
sorry couldn't quite catch what you said after forcefully vomiting up that shit opinion.

I had more fun with it than the other dmc games

S06 wasn't that bad

>tfw you can beat Sonic 06 with ease

to an extent i only agree with you because i have a lot of fun laughing at the stupid glitches that happen.

>Viva Pinata
>Any Kirby game
holy shit you're really trying aren't you


$6000+ DLC

Fornicate Thou
It was the most boring derivative piece of shit I ever experienced.

the legend of zelda breath of the wild
super mario odyssey
persona 5
horizon zero dawn


Yea all these Redditors hating on it because le epic meme need to git gud at the game

Sorry I dont like your babyshit walking simulator

Fuck off faggot

>Sonic Rush
What the fuck is wrong with you?

you can't git gud with a broken game


tell that to that ulililili or whoever it was that was the Bubsy 3D master

>$6000+ DLC
jesus, mary and joseph are you serious

I don't care about those fucks.

Just from Sonic alone:

Sonic Boom
Sonic Chronicles
Sonic Labyrinth
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic 3D Blast

The worst things to ever fucking happen to the Sonic Series incarnate

>Uriel's Chasm
>Fallout 3
>Team Fortress Classic
>Thief 4

Sonic Drift
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Bubsy 3D
WoW: Legion

>Shadow the hedgehog
>Sonic Chronicles
Fuck you

>Fallout 3

The game itself is still beatable. If anything, its pretty easy.

sonic heeeeroessss


How hard bby?

I unironically enjoyed the first sonic riders back when I played it. I liked the air management and all that. Haven't played it for years though.


this is a transcendent level of idiocy

Superman 64
Big Rigs
Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Vroom in the Night Sky

OK, wiseguy, what do I win?


Never has a developer made me lose so much hope for the future so easily.

Any shitty animu game ever

Sonic Labyrinth.


Niche games tend to have a lot of DLC to compensate for the small userbase, although 6000$ is a bit excessive.

You realise that it's supposed to be a replacement for actual model train sets right? Which actually cost even more than that.