Games you liked that the AVGN shit on.
Pic related. Megaman Legends
Games you liked that the AVGN shit on
Other urls found in this thread:
Paperboy to a lesser extent
Other than that, most of what he's reviewed falls under "meh" for me.
That one and Simon's Quest.
Bible Games, the blue bootleg NES cartridge.
Noah's Ark is a gaming masterpiece
Batman Forever.
M.C Kids
Dick Tracy
Elmo in Grouchland
Easy mode: Ghosts 'n Goblins
I can't say I hated it as a kid, but it really wasn't good or fun.
He never said that game was bad though.
Megaman Legends.
He started with a narrative he wanted to push, which is fine. He wants to be angry about a game.
But this game didn't pick to be chosen. It's just beyond him.
I wish he gave it the same dedication and learning curve he did Street Fighter 2010
Crazy bus of course
Fun fact, this game actually has a cult following in Japan and Japanese AVGN fans were pissed that he trashed it
Super Castlevania IV. He was too retarded to know how to jump onto the stairs if I remember correctly.
He did mention at some point, that the japanese version of the game apparently makes sense, and that its the translation that makes it undecipherable.
but he's correct. You have to shoot your bubbles at everything, every block, sometimes twice. that's a shit mechanic.
that doesn't make it GOOD, it makes it playable. which almost every other game possible. games are playable.
>AVGN shat on Megaman Legends
Well I'm glad I haven't watched him in ages.
MML of course and Silver Surfer.
Once you learn the mechanics to Silver Surfer it's actually quite easy to beat with minimal deaths.
TMNT for the NES.
Every Power Rangers game ever made. I love them all.
One of the best examples of survival horror of it's time.
>be 14
>find gametrailers for DoA softcore porn
>find out about screwattack
>worship stuttering craig and handsome tom
>avgn joins screwattack
>take everything these guys say as gospel
>buy an snes and genesis because they convince me it's the only good systems
>buy old issues of nintendo power to try to be more like avgn
>someone asks if me i'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear or play Silver Surfer for NES
>buffalo takes diarrhea dump in my ear
>handsome tom and stuttering craig have a falling out
>avgn is actually just making shit up for views
>can still feel buffalo shit in my ear canal from time to time
Life sucks sometimes, guys.
He apparently enjoys it in real life though.
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties.
I love that episode, that game is so fucking bonkers.
3DO actually made good games
how the fuck did that get through them?
No, he said that one was his favorite
Was pretty common back then actually, Castlevania 2 suffered so much because of a very poor translation.
Get it?
i think the license fees for the 3do was 1 dollar
Die Hard and Silver Surfer
Although they are tough cunts of games.
Megaman Legends and Battletoads.
Although it isn't really an issue like some people are treating it, in J&M mondays he often says he enjoys a lot of the games that he used as the butt of jokes in AVGN
And we'll never know what happened
Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a fine game on 16 bit platforms and the Sega version had better controls than the SNES but James would never know this since he's a Nintendo fanboy.
MML and Roger Rabbit.
When BLB became more than a minor Board James character, I saw hope for the future of Cinemassacre.
I genuinely wish him the best of luck in his future projects. He's a cool guy.
He just shit on it's control scheme not being as fluid as ocarina of time or megaman 64
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout.
Its really not that bad, just your average platformer
I've once had the faintest memory of playing a game that seemed to be mario party but with sonic characters.
I never thought about it until that one episode where he mentioned sonic shuffle.
The current theory is that a fight ensued over Punch Out.
"Another "off-limits" discussion on the sub is the "Punch Out" drama in the wake of Bootsy leaving Cinemassacre.
On 28 February 2017 Bootsy tweeted this
Later on that same day the Cinemassacre channel uploaded a full playthrough of Mike beating the game.
This was very coincidental and strange given the mystery of Bootsys recent departure, and I was wondering if it was a reason for him leaving.
What I find particularly interesting is the complete lack of mentioning Bootsy in Mikes 28 feb video, despite the fact that Bootsy is known as the champ of punchout in that group, and actually coached Mike into beating the game for the first toime in this video
Any thoughts?
Daily reminder to spam Bootsy on Twitter until we learn the truth...
We really do deserve a video or something explaining what happened. All we got was a brief statement from Mike on the Cinemassacre subreddit saying that Bootsy won't be working with Cinemassacre anymore. You get banned from the sub if you even think about mentioning Bootsy's names, all of of his playlists have been deleted from YouTube.
That description would make a great Tinder bio.
This isn't real, right? There's no way....
yea its real, just like every other lie on the internet
I...... really want to suck that
>linking to reddit
fucking kill yourself you huge fucking faggot holy shit
It's confirmed real.
Source: I saw it. (Not in person, unfortunately. I'm gay though so I wish)
just fucking click the link, man, and learn The Cinemassacre Truth
Makes sense. Fuck Mike, man. What an asshole friend. Fuck him AND his cock. He actually puts a cucumber in his pants; someone noticed on stream
bootsy is starting his own channel
>Megaman Legends control is not as smooth as Megaman 64
even straight men get turned on by his dick. It's weird. Lucky son of a bitch. I can only imagine how women feel when they see it
Mike will always be like less attractive and likeable Jason Flemyng to me
shut the fuck up and talk about Mike's dick like the rest of us. Stop being a cuck
top kek
>Jason Flemyng
Who's that? I googled and didn't get any results
Can't check it out, but is he going with the Board James persona Bad Luck Bootsy, or is he himself?
The persona he used in his Battletoads Bootsy Beats video (himself)
Seriously? He's a british actor, who appeared on Snatch. and Lock, stock & two smoking barrels for example.
I just realized I accidentally used Bing. I just searched on Google and found him.
Why is Bing so worthless?
Huh. This is actually intriguing. I must dig deeper.
Microsoft literally pays ANYBODY to use it and still nobody does
If you don't believe me, look up Bing rewards. You literally win free shit if you use it.
>I must dig deeper.
into what, Mike's asshole, you cuck? top kek
shut the hell up, you liberal conservacuck.
NES starwars isn't that bad. It's hard but so is the SNES one and it gets it's dick sucked for it.
its ok Mike, we know this is you
Just beat Silver Surfer
It's a great game
He didn't shit on my battle toads. He just said it was hard
Sorry, but it's a shit game. There's no reason the control had to be so ass when a bunch of games showed how to do 3D before it
>Easy mode: Ghosts 'n Goblins
Easy mode? EASY MODE?!? I'll show you fucking easy mode.
The controls are far fucking better than nearly every other game of its era. Its clunky for sure looking back but people seem to forget what a fucking nightmare controlling cameras was in games before analog control was standardized.
You are extremely misinformed or just straight up blinded by nostalgia
I remember getting that game when i was a kid. I didn't know what the fuck to do. Shit fucking enraged me played it a few times trying to figure it out and then to the dust pit it went.