You can choose only one to eradicate from the face of the internet. Which do you choose?

You can choose only one to eradicate from the face of the internet. Which do you choose?

Other urls found in this thread:

neogaf, others would follow

Only keep Polygon for their Youtube channel

Destroy Polygon please

NeoGaf since they actually effect games. (Reminder the whole Yooka-Laylee thing was because of them)

Neogaf. The forum dying would be a bigger blow than polygon since they just bounce back like what happen to kotaku original owners.

Neogaf. Polygon has the McElroys as their one redeeming factor.


polygon is just another drop in the awful games media sphere

does eradicating the site also eradicate the user base? if so then definitely the subhuman freaks on neogaf

Sup Forums, because then the redditors will have to gb2reddit

they're the ones with the influence

neogaf is just a forum of shitters

polygon because i can never forgive them after their nudoom video


Neogaf. Polygon's media is too fun.


The sonybro shitposting will multiply a hundred times over though.

I choose Sup Forums.

Fuck off

This. If the McElroys weren't with Polygon it would be completely worthless.

Sup Forums

For sure NeoGAF. Neofags have too much influence in the game industry, ridding them would be a huge blow.


Sup Forums

please kill yourselves

NeoFag. Polygon is full of SJWs, but NeoFag is home to both Sonyroaches and SJWs.

i hate both equally.

On one hand, Polygon has the worst journalism ever, especially with their rock band 4 preview event article. And then give 10/10 scores to shill their friend's Gone Home game despite how horrible it is.....

On the other hand, Neogaf is a sjw infested nest that bans everyone who remotely defends fanservice.

They're both horrible as fuck.

>but NeoFag is home to both Sonyroaches

Fuck off with your console war bullshit.

Most fanservice games are from Sony. And they hate fanservice japanese games that they ban anyone liking it. That place is not a sony fanboy place like you believe.

I unironically enjoy some of Polygon's video stuff.

Which is better: Titties or Ass?

Neogaf, no doubt.
Polygon might be shitty, but I like to watch them screw around in

if you eradicate one of them, another would eventually take their place

its better to eradicate the entire human race just to be safe

My dude, the LITERALLY have Sony reps that frequently browse and post on that site and are indisputably the most biased site toward Sony. If you aren't aware of this universally known fact, then you're part of the shitposters who migrated from that shithole to ruin this shithole.


I hate sony ggers more than clickbait I can easilly ignore.


woah that sounds fun ill check that out mister not-a-polygon shill



NeoFaggers have geniunely ruined entire games in the past. They are also a 100% libtard site that bans anyone for even saying Trump's name in a non-negstive light. A geniune liberal safe space circlejerk.

Polygon. Neogaf users would infect everything else without their safespace just like Sup Forums posters would infect everything if we were shut down.

Neogaf for sure

They are the alt-left.

neogaf, it's the polar opposite of chan culture without the anonymity

they screech nazi at everything, meanwhile chan screams sjw

At least Polygon can provide comedy gold like when they tried to play DOOM, neogaf on the other hand is the ultimate in hiveminded groupthink, and that's saying a lot considering all the other types of video game forums i.e gamefaqs, where the communities are just as cancerous but aren't anywhere near as influential on the industry.

Silly Ütermensch, you can't eradicate Sup Forums

If Neogaf is destroyed then Sup Forums dies as well, more than half of the threads here are either complete copies of threads there or about posts made there.

Implying that this is bad

Agreed. I'm not rattled by anything remotely SJW like apparently everyone else here, but I'm genuinely tired of hearing about it constantly. McElroys consistently crack me the fuck up though, and Nick Robinson is a beautiful self-aware parody of himself.

The real issue with all of this is that we're all trying to watch, critique, analyze, and fucking argue endlessly about games instead of playing them, and it breeds madness.

People like to be noisy and talk shit. Ignore 'em and play more vidya.

Sup Forums is just reddit 2.0 so it's no big loss.

honestly, this

Sup Forums

NeoGaf easily

>I choose Sup Forums.
Nice try Shclomo SkekelBernstien

neogaf mods removed my neptunia megathread and berated me, i'll never forget


None because I'm not a fascist that censors the press

I feel like Nick is who I would be if I wasn't completely unmotivated and depressed all the time

I need NeoFAG for my daily vidya minute-by-minute news since every website seems to be doing a shitty job.

I would like if they do stop their gay propaganda threads. The majority of the world has not and will accept your mental illness so please fuck off.

>Which do you choose?

Probably neoGAF. Easily

Polygon, because I actually visit NeoGAF

>dont go to Sup Forums
>dont like shitty gaming websites with no integrity that actively try to poison the industry just to make more money
>be called a Sup Forums poster

fuck off. this is how you people got retard trump elected. anyone that disagrees with you is a racist/bigot or from Sup Forums

Neogaf, that was easy

neogaf. No question.

t. neogaf oldfag who left years ago when the site started going completely insane

or altright. or a goobergater. you get my point.

Exploring the boundaries of our dimension via a car simulator?

how has neogaf taken the roach articles?

is there a body count


but some other similar site will just come up. This is dumb.

The key here is eradicating the types of people that support neogaf.

neogaf allows the shitters to organize and spread their vomit around. Also witchhunts originate on the site

From what I can tell, 99% of NeoGAF is no different from any other site, it's just a few bad users, power tripping admins, and their brown-nosers. They think they have more impact on vidya than they do because devs go there to have their egos stroked.

Polygon, on the other hand, is somehow still listed on review aggregators despite time and again having terrible opinions (see the Doom review fiasco)

If it erradicates users than neogaf since it'll kill more SJWs and cleans PS4 of Neofags. Even if if Polygon had all their shitty journalists erased there are plenty eager to take their place.

The problem isn't the place or the people it is the thinking process. Dump polygon and they'll just go elsewhere and talk about the same things, remove gaf and posters will come here and yell about misogyny. Culture wars and all that.

I had a dream about the blob last night

It was awful

Yet if you remove neogaf, twitter, etc it would be a huge blow to those who share that thinking process, because they're far less apt to be able to create such a service in the first place. They all basically appropriated and took over sites that were made by "nerds". Possible exception being tumblr, but there's a reason its code base is widely known to be a spaghetti monstrosity from hell.

Also: their thinking process is formed and encouraged by their constant social media contact. Take that away and perhaps they'll begin to see reality for what it truly is.

>posters will come here and yell about misogyny.
nah, they'd be triggered within seconds and have to leave

Sup Forums.

>terrible opinions



>Take that away and perhaps they'll begin to see reality for what it truly is.
That will only happen if they get to experience the consequences of their ideals (true for anyone), and that's not going to happen with a website shutdown. Birds of a feather will, one way or another, flock together. Besides you can't go down the line removing site after site that they take up, aside from bordering on things like book burning, it'd just be a endless game of cat and mouse. It's dumb. If you don't like someone's idea, you should talk to them and explain why they're bad, thoughtfully.

I choose Sup Forums

They are more cancerous than either of those SJW cesspools in your image.

Polygon is not a place to go for video game reviews, but for fun out-of-the-box video game media (i.e. McElroys, Robinson, de Rochefort)

None. Instead I choose for the cancer tainting this board to be forcibly removed back to their respective containment sites i.e neogaf, reddit, tumblr etc.


While both sites have a narrow black and white view of the world no one really listens to Poly and they put out some videos that intentionally or unintentionally are funny

SEO Play is so criminally underrated. It's entirely Polygon's fault for being ridiculous but it still sucks knowing that it could be doing so much better. I wish they'd just rebrand their YouTube stuff away from Polygon to save it.