Hello, I will never be translated

Hello, I will never be translated.

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Yeah, it's not like there is a PS1 version lol

>localize half a game
They can't keep getting away with this.

Who makes this artstyle? I kinda love it but I always forget the name of the artist behind it

Kazuma Kaneko

At least it got a translation the first time. Whereas this game will literally NEVER be translated.

The PS1's translation is actually pretty bad and the name changes were pretty fucking stupid.

Still mad.


Go on.

Why not just play the translated version that has been around for over a decade?

You will. One day.

It will be released on the same day as the SMT IF translation.

>Moving along nicely! Making solid progress with the remainder of the editing. I can’t say a 2017 release is a given, but it’s damn possible, at least based on the text progress.
It's Soejima, not Kaneko.

>It's Soejima, not Kaneko.

It's Kaneko, Soejima only did the main art for Stella Deus, Catherine, and Persona 3-5

I thought it was Doi

>It's Soejima, not Kaneko.

>Correcting people who are already correct and being wrong


He's listed as Character Portrait Designer. This is Kaneko. How can you not see the difference?

Doi did the ingame portraits

The artist of the artwork in OP is fucking SOEJIMA.

The originals are by Kaneko, but the specific designs in OP image were drawn by Soejima.

He just did the in-game portraits and Doi colored them

Forgot the image. Actually Doi is listed as for doing artwork for Eternal Punishment, not Soejima.

Why does she have hearts around her tits?

The art in the OP is the art used in the in game portraits

Because she loves having her nipples sucked

Those ones (in the OP) were actually drawn by Doi.

What an embarrassing thread for people who thought they were going to drop some knowledge proving how hardcore they are.

You're right but Kaneko's art doesn't always look like that, he also did this

Kaneko is a weird fucker. I'm happy he's no longer designing people or monsters.

If you look at that art you can definitely tell that that's still Kaneko, he just didn't use computers as much for his art back then.


You can clearly see Kaneko's distinctive eyes and lips.

Yasuda is the worst artist in any SMT game

Kaneko should only design demons. Soejima's much better at drawing people and Doi's right behind him.

Fuck off, Kaneko at least has a distinct and unique style, Soejima and Doi are just generic af anime style


>Talk about Kaneko's distinct style
>Posts Allen's eva art.
Are you okay user?

>at least has a distinct and unique style

who cares if it looks like trash?

His demon designs are GOAT though

>generic af anime style
that's yasuda

>Soejima and Doi are just generic af anime style

I think Kaneko's style works well for some games. His people look like weird demons, which fits something like Nocturne fine.

>fits something like Nocturne fine

That I can agree with.

yasuda might be good at animation, it looks shitty in stills because it lacks the movement..

How did they put in a Persona 5 reference on that girl's green jacket if this game came out before?

Human design:

Can we agree that they should never have multiple artists doing enemy designs like IV ever again? Have one person do character design (And important demons), and one do demon design (Most likely Kaneko because they will never have the ambition to have someone draw 150+ monsters again).

Or just one person do all of it. Clashing artstyles made IV look really ugly.

Yasuda's facial expressions are either :) or :(
I hope they won't hire him for DeSu3 if it ever happens.
Kaneko's style carries great into 3D.

Say what you will about Yasuda, but his art fits like a glove with the Digimon games

>tfw think Doi can do some good human art
>Jimenez and Gore in DSJ look wonky as fuck

kys idiot

I like Kaneko's humans.

What's wrong with the PS1 version aside from some "localized" name changes for the returning P1 cast?

Don't mind me, just being the best Persona opening of the series.

i hope everyone waiting on the PSP patch knows it's just a slightly edited and still very bad version of the atlus USA PS1 localization. the only pros over PS1 will be japanese voices and the new scenario.

it's a great opening for sure, but i don't see why people call it the best of the series.

Meanwhile they get their actual best artist to just sit around drawing lolis and shit for their streams

IS's opening is better
>That Lotus Juice

badadadada and blam pow

It's okay Innocent sin was better.

How to we get kanekodicksuckers to realize he isn't as good as they make him seem?

His demons are great though. But I will admit his human characters have a bad case of same face.

Digimon games, yes.

Soejima has a problem with drawing espressive faces that translate well into color imo. It's either that or the head size is horribly disfigured.

This version has more story content, if I'm not mistaken.

He's fantastic overall, the problem is that his fanboys are icredibly obnoxious, nitpicking every little detail they dont like about the other artists whole ignoring any criticism directed at Kaneko.

I mind clashing artstyles less than I mind half the bosses looking like shit out of kamen rider. Almost all my problems with IV's art are because of that guy. It just looks fucking stupid.

who made the designs in 4? cause the art was one of the reasons I stopped play it. Whoever redesigned lilith should hang themselves.

Kaneko's art on characters like demi fiend and raidou are iconic and irreplaceable.

I don't think he is that amazing or anything I just appreciate how his style makes him stand out compared to most artists. Its like Akira Toriyama; his art is kind of ugly honestly but that's sort of his signature. There is no mistaking it for someone else's.

The last game Kaneko did new art for was Strange Journey

The new designs in IV were done by like 5 different people who Atlus hired to get some famous names on it but it ended up looking like trash.

Kaneko's people look like fucking shit desu.
Glad that Soejima and Doi do the people now.

Does P5 use the demon art from SMTIV?

Because that's gonna be real disappointing if it does.

Also Raidou 3 when?

>Does P5 use the demon art from SMTIV?

Thank god.

By making Atlus hire a better artist than him?

People who can't appreciate Kaneko do not understand art. It doesn't matter if you personally like his designs or not; he is incredibly talented and his style is otherworldly unique. Doi and Soejima are dime a dozen mangaka assistant level

No but the next hd smt will have doi odin which was pretty cool.
Most of the new designs fron 4 weren't good, but I am sad that they will probably never use koga saburo, and minotaur again eventhough they were one of the few good designs.

O.M.G. how did they get away with plagiarizing P5?

Soejima got so much better at drawing faces after P4 fist came out it's not even funny

Who did actually do all the P5 redesigns?
It wasn't actually Soejima, was it?


Hold up is adult Nanjo a party member in EP?
He's the only guy to ever appear as a party member in more than one numbered title

>Tamotsu Shinohara
Koga Saburo
Ancient of Days

>Yasushi Nirasawa

>Kyouma Aki
Yamato Takeru
King Kenji

>Yoshihiro Nishimura
Yaso Migatsuhi

>Keita Amemiya

Bonus quote from the art book
>When Amemiya got the job offer, he was worried about his style clashing with the series.

Yukino and Elly also.

>Who did actually do all the P5 redesigns

There were no redesigns in P5, those are all still Kaneko designs

I didn't know someone could be this wrong about everything.
Any time another artist redesigns a Kaneko drawing it only gets worse.

The original P2 art was stylized and gave everyone that creepy doll look that fits the tone.
Soejima and Doi just try to turn everybody into attractive anime characters.

Christ, just look at Deep Strange Journey's redesigns, they're awful.

Soejima, Doi, and Kaneko are all good. You don't need to pretend any of them are terrible to praise the others.

Yasuda wasn't great but his digimon art is fine so maybe he's improving.


When is it coming?

I usually find Kaneko to be really bad at hair ever since he changed his artstyle starting at the SMT1 PS1 remake, but in his newest art, the hair isn't too bad.

more like when is Udon going to pick up the rights to publish the other three in NA.



>when you love tits so much you can't help but draw hearts over them

My nigga


it's pretty disappointing Soul Hackers got a remaster before this one
i don't see them going back

She's fashion clueless. She said a friend got it for her. Most likely Ulala to boost her chances to get a man.

thats the original devil summoner, dumb faggot

Kaneko should be only reserved for mainline SMT
his porcelain style really meshes well with the cyberpunk meets dark fantasy aesthetic the games have

I love this game.

I know, Soul Hackers is the sequel
but them remastering the sequel before the original does not really imply they're gonna remaster the one before it anytime soon