Playing a games for the story

>playing a games for the story
>not playing for the gameplay

I read books for the gameplay.

I listen to music for the vinyl art.

Are people ever going to realise how retarded it sounds to talk about "playing a game for gameplay", or how "only the game play matters when playing games"? Because you all sound fucking retarded.

Are there any games where I can have 4 balls?

Better than
>you need to play this shit game for 20 hours cuz the ending of the story is so goooood!

I've heard plenty of people tell me to sit through a shit show for two seasons because it picks up in the third. Or to get through a book that only gets interesting after several hundred pages.

How is it retarded?

Yes, TV watchers and Harry Potter faggots tend to be retarded

Ever read a book for the bookread?

See how that question is almost totally meaningless. The idea of 'gameplay' is that it's distinct from the games graphics, but our whole experience of the game is transforming sensory forms with our inputs (why else would you play a game?) Not only is it two words stapled together stupidly, but it means something different from person to person.

If you want to talk about game mechanics, use the term 'game mechanic' like a good developer would. Its precise, and its not overloaded with idiotic shit (only da game play matters guys)

Story, visuals, mechanics and audio all make up the gameplay. You can't just isolate one part of the game and say that is all that matters. That's like saying Mario would still be Mario if it was still a platformer but instead it's about a Mouse with big ears and takes place on the planet Mars and has a death metal soundtrack.

Vinyl cover art is actually amazing

I cannot deny this.

A fair point, but please consider the possible dangerous paradigm shifts occuring in the industry right now, and how they're not all exactly good.

>"artsy" hipsters straight out of California consider gameplay to be problematic
>actively remove any semblance of gameplay from their game, as well as any game mechanics
>you just walk down a corridor while someone lectures you about being an evil white male
>20 dollars for this, plus 20 dollar DLC to unlock the true ending
>perpetual circlejerks in the industry that allow these games to flourish not because of fan appraisal, but because they can get their buddies on Kotaku to 10/10 review it
>active suppression of games that are "problematic" in their eyes, like GTA or Hatred, or the various games being censored or outright denied ESRB classification (I'm not talking things like removing bikini options or something, I mean them literally removing a game from wholesale because it has a white man in it, or it doesn't have diversity options, or etc)

All of this, every single problem, stems from people wanting games to not be games. They don't want interactivity, just an expensive virtual storybook that they can chop up and sell to you at maximum profit, without providing any quality within. It's gotta stop. Even if I can't do anything personally, I won't just sit idly by.

I CAN say that one element means more than anything else in the game. If you take out the music or the visuals or audio, then the game might be a bit weaker, but it'll still be a game. But take out the gameplay and mechanics? The game instantly becomes bad.

>be really into the story
>final boss deletes your save

>don't use this word use this other arbitrary word instead!

It becomes more of a visual novel at that point, but if your goal is to make a video game, yeah you're right.

all of the games that are considered classics have both good "story" and good "gameplay"

Nah people only care about good gameplay until recently. Who brings up the story when they talk about Super Mario 64

there are stories that can only be told through games

where else can I get a story where I can self-insert and marry a kawaii shoujo of my choosing

>i read jojo for the references

Bookread ain't not no word, nigger


Some games have shit gameplay, they shouldn't but they do. But they also have good stories that redeem themselves.

It doesn't become bad. It becomes something much less (a movie? Or maybe just a single frame).

Appearances (graphics, music, rumble) are pivotal to games, and talking about "gameplay" is basically impossible if there's no sensory feedback to articulate in the first place. 'Game mechanic' is just a way of describing how a games appearance is altered by the player. Yes, games have actual mathematical mechanics underpinning everything, but they're only significant when they articulate a stunning illusion (unless you are an autistic soul only interested in cs go and leaderboards). Take away everything but the game mechanics and you're left with nothing but silent circuits and the whir of the fan. Replace the stunning illusion with randomly generated graphics and you've got something potentially worse than any movie ever could be.