Left 4 Dead 3

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Left 4 Dead 3 will be announced soon.
Can't get too specific about gameplay but expect it to be faithful to the style of the two previous games, albeit more modern.

The game's campaign takes place all over Southern California, starting in LA County to Orange County, San Diego, and Imperial counties.

The game yet again features 4 protags:
>Bradly Rex, a former child-star turned alcoholic-struggling-adult-actor living in Hollywood. Voiced and loosely based on actor Simon Rex.
>Rashida Tyler, a slightly overweight just turned 40 African-American USPS(implied) mail carrier.
>Britney Carter, a twenty-something blonde convenience store clerk who just obtained her GED prior to the outbreak.
>Wallace Black, a white forty-something former middle school geometry teacher who was recently fired before the outbreak due to a "violent" outburst at work. His look seems to be a reference to Walter White from Breaking Bad.

The campaign is very character / story driven this time around, and each character's background is looked into as well as them being a "team" during the events just following the outbreak.

That's all I know for now.

half li- nevermind it's not even worth it now

I believed it until rashida tyler

>Left 4 Dead 3 will be announced soon.
If i had a nickle for every time this was rumored.

Valve are done making games until DotA 2 and CS stop being cash cows


Let it go. Valve are dead. At least for the foreseeable future.

>two females
>two old guys
>california but no mexican character


just post your fake sauce for more giggles pls

Half Life has a better chance. Literally nobody employed at Valve right now worked on L4D 1 or 2

>expect it to be faithful to the style of the two previous games, albeit more modern.
No need to play this one then.

>le california needs a hispanic meme

when will this cliche die

seems to fit pretty well when you consider the previous characters


In 2014, Latinos will surpass whites as largest racial/ethnic group in California. ... In 2000, California's 33.9 million residents were 46.6% white non-Hispanic, 32.3% Latino

It would be akin to making a game set in Mexico with all white people, dipshit.

Isn't it that one black gamer womans name?

Rex sounds pretty alien to me


>two old guys

where did you read that?

but they know no one likes mexicans

I want to believe this just because I want L4D3

I'm sorry what year is it right now

Why should we believe you?

It's the current year you mungo

>L4D protags
>Having last names

I challenge you to tell me the other 8 protags' surnames

Fuck you

We want Half Life 3 first

Why do you even put the effort to lie?

You lie, my dad works at Turtle Rock and he told me what the new party composition will be.

>Allotta Sparkles, a blatantly forced diversity character who is trans and communicates entirely through saying campy 1-liners. Nothing else is known about zheer.
>Air-Wreka McBride, a sassy large black woman who don't take shit from NO raciss ass zombies.
>Steve Gaylord, a terrified beta numale hipster with pink hair. He'll be best known for the high-pitched scream, "TOXIC ENVIRONMENT/THIS IS VERY PROBLEMATIC" whenever he sees a Spitter/sees Spitter goo.
>Paco Chavez, a 30-something unshaven latino man who doesn't speak a lick of english. The joke will be that if you understand Spanish he's always saying something incredibly racist and derogatory about these fucking gringos and the first Ford truck he sees he's jacking and getting the fuck away from them.

well, my dad and uncle both work at turtle beach -- the best headsets/headphones you can buy today


Did they get Air-Wreka's permission to be in the game?



Are you trying to call out samefagging?

This is not true. My uncle works for Gearbox, and told me that they have been contracted to work on the game. Here is the true list:

>Penn Jillette, a local garbage man who is here to take out the trash.
>claptrap lol
>a trollface

>Penn and Teller doing mocap for Borderlands


Wrong. L4d1 was made by turtle rock but 2 was made entirely by valve. Chet faliszek wrote the game for instance, and he's still at valve

Just do something Valve, overhaul TF2 or give us a third of any of your games. What are they fucking doing in that huge office all day every day of the year?