
>A rank Instinct
>can move at sonic speeds
>got whooped by a human nigga on sterioids

Kek have Saberfags recovered yet?

reminder that accelerator can kill any servants and shiki and you can't refute it.

Reminder that in the Nasuverse anyone can kill anyone under the right circumstances.

Because they group totally expected the teacher of all people to be able to go toe to toe with a servant...

She got caught off guard, it happens, it's not like it happened repeatedly.

what gayme

>getting caught off guard when you're supposed to have GOD-LIKE reflexes

How new can one person be?

He's not really got an answer to Gil whipping out EA.

He'd probably have a bad time against Heracles as well, considering Herc has regeneration out the ass and has to be killed twelve times in twelve different ways and only A rank or higher attacks can actually hurt him.
Herc would win a fight of endurance.

He admits in the novel that it was a one time thing. She got caught with an unfamiliar attack and her instincts actually saved her from a much more serious injury if I recall.

Its especially bullshit when Nasu said at one point that much stronger characters like Ciel or Ryougi could only fight Servants defensively.

>A rank instinct
>"""close to precognition"""
>gets caught off guard by Deermud
>gets caught off guard by Cinderella Producer
>gets caught off guard by TA & shadow

Best girl


I've recovered a better, browner waifu.

Saber gets also sniped by Archer in Ataraxia. For being such a high rank servant, Saber sure does get the worf effect alot just to justify muh drama and bad endings.

They're not much stronger, they're weaker.

I don't remember, I thought she rekt his shit. Was it a bad ending?

Weaker than Kuzuki? Surely you jest.



I fapped to saber getting choked in the anime

Ufo went all out on that shit

Wow it's almost like she's a shit king or something

>story where literal children can go toe-to-toe with immortal, legendary warriors of history
w h o c a r e s

>chosen from amongst the most godly spellcasters and wields magic beyond the scope of modern magi
>has no protection against the modern-day muscle wizards who cast fist
>never even crossed her mind that magi could lower themselves to such a state that they'd throw a punch in a magic fight


Dude got his ass destroyed by a random scientist just because he pulled out his punches at the last second, never every say Accel can kill anybody competent


Men of taste.

Is she pure, bros?

To be honest, a lot of servants are fucking dumb. I think spending time at the throne of heroes has robbed them of their common sense. Gil for example has made mistakes no sane person would have had.

That or Nasu is just a fucking hack when it comes to powerlevel consistency.

Stop posting your shitty waifu's and serve purpose to the thread shitting on Saber for being a jobber

I thought you were talking about Servants. Kuzuki can't fight Saber offensively either, or even defensively, he's a meme one pump chump who can only amount to anything with the element of surprise. Kinda like T. Shiki, but even memier.

Gil could have won either holy grail war in a single night if he wanted to.
The only reason he loses to anyone is because his ego is so inflated he truly believes he doesn't need to take anything seriously and that his minimum output will be sufficient. He's right in most cases.

His 'mistake' is his personality really.

So, now that the dust has settled, can we agree that AKASHA Shiki is the bestest and strongest?

That involved command seal shit.

When emiya decides not to fuck around shit gets real.

>now that the dust has settled, can we agree that water is wet?

>Terry Gilliam will never adapt the other 2 routes of Monty Python and the Holy Grail War
I just wanted Dennis and the Green Knight to get the chance to show off their NPs, it's not fair.

>All the servants have stats and skills
>It isn't even used for anything it's just there for the sake of being there


He would make Heracles no longer exist.

Kara no Kyoukai part 5 will always be one of my favorite anime movies. The amount of mind fuck in that movie will never be surpassed in any of the Fate adaptations.

You'd do well to just say fuck it to the vast majority of muh skills/talents/w/e because its more or less fluff about the Servants in a vacuum. Besides extreme outliers like Gilga, Karna, whoever the fuck else. Gilg is apparently old news in power level discussions so I don't bother keeping up with it.

It was more that Saber had to defend the dead weight shirou. Under normal circumstances, Saber would have no trouble engaging Archer at that range.

Is it true that Primate Murder got btfod by some kid?

Well at least there's still ORT. And if failing that, Ado Edem.

They knew what he would do beforehand, if it was a first time rondo it's not doable, Saber even says she doesn't have the energy to do it. Saber needs to put her all into defending even herself. And if he figured out their plan he'd have adjusted. It worked because they had hax.

Excalibur would cause too much collateral and shirou suspects archer has a defence against excaliblasts

Explain further I have never read Index and am only vaguely aware of what Accelerator can do

>Is it true that Primate Murder got btfod by some kid?

Merlin. And it was more that he stopped it becoming the opposition force to humanity.

>eye of the mind (true)
>eye of the mind (false)
>supposed to be different tiers
>do the same thing at the same levels
Nasu is a hack

>herc has to be killed by different things
>develops an immunity to whatever killed him
>Excalibur took off 7 lives

Accelerator has literally bullshit powers that everytime the author wants to up the ante. First it was something as simple controlling vectors around him, now it includes messing up with laws of physics.

I lean toward the latter

She's voiced by Mamiko Noto, of course she's as pure as the driven snow.

Is Karma still Nasu's husbando or did he make a new one?

Im just glad shes still getting roles in this day and age.

>Gil for example has made mistakes no sane person would have had.

Maybe if you hold them to our current beliefs and morals. The heroes of the past were crazy as fuck and someone like Gil is prone to making dumb mistakes like that because of who and what he is. There is no way the King of Kings could make a mistake in his mind.

FSN was a mistake

I think you mean Fate Zero. It was where the franchise drew in all the normies. Before then Type Moon had varied projects, like Kara no Kyoukai movies, Melty blood, Tsukihime, and Fate side material. The only good thing out of Type Moon post F/Zero was Carnival Phantasm and that was because it gave us animated Hisui


Zero is the best part of the Type-Moon universe. It's not its fault that its (fantastic) anime adaption drew in plebs.

wew, this is hot


>inb4 walking in circles for 10 mins

F/SN does literally nothing better than Zero. Zero is high art in comparison.


fate is poorly thought out garbage and marked the moment a promising pair of indie devs became sellout hacks

the only worthwhile things type-moon has ever put out are tsukihime or KNK related

Keep posting your dank brown arrow man pictures, dude. Great argument.

It keeps the thread from dying.

Accelerator can control vectors through skin contact.
What this means to the author is that he can redirect and multiply the force that touches him wherever he wants regardless of how fast it's going. He can be easily killed by anybody with a teleport ability but if any force comes from the outside in, he'll just redirect it.

Accel can block teleport attacks and has done so before.

So is this a porn game or what the fuck?

That's weird.
He even specifies skin-contact so unless the teleporters in his universe literally phase through pores I don't see how that could work.

So pretty much bull-shit yeah

Dude was raised as a Nanaya/Kishima style assassin backed by the best non-True magic you can get. Once he figured out how she operates he moved in a way the betrayed her intuition. He's a total one-trick pony that relies on catching people off guard with his weird style; he'd have a 0% percent chance in a rematch, which is why he cowers out after that.

Only when bogged down protecting Shirou. If it was 1v1 it should be easy to close in and run up the same building she fought Rider on.

>gets caught off guard by Deermud
>gets caught off guard by TA & shadow

These two really don't have a reason. The former made her really dumb to obvious ploys for the sake of the plot strong-arming the no-Excalibast cut, the latter for ringing her out of the story, though at least that had the shadow as a complete unknown entity/factor.

Isn't Saber the one that gets you killed all the time? Like if you follow her advice it's usually gonna end up in a bad end.

It's a plot-"game" with 2-3 porn scenes that can be skipped if you play the rewritten non-porn version

The author just wrote it that way because he wanted Accel to look unbeatable so that spiky hair could come up and beat him literally beating all odds. Ironically enough, Nasu did the same in UBW with Shirou defeating Gil.

It was fucking stupid. Don't even get me started on Shirou beating fucking Gilgamesh. What the fuck

A lot of things end up in a bad end, logical choices included.

Lets just agree at this point that Saber is fucking dumb. Its the whole reason her country even fell. Shes a bad king.

>Gil use OC swords against Shirou because muh faker
>Shirou use Rin's entire manapool and hard counter Gil

Here you go

t. tamamofag, nerofag

It fell cause it was destined to fall and everyone in camelot was a dysfunctional idiot.

Nasu paid a lot of attention to the thematic details of Gil and Shirou, and thematics > "muh powerlevels" any day of the week.

Its still fucking stupid because no human should have been able to fight against servants effectively. Shiro slicing Gils arm off is already supposed to be impossible.

Lancelot was an innocent boy. Do not talk bad about him.
Gawain was also the most pure creature to ever exist.

Not quite. He can do it with any part of his body including his skin. And can manipulate dark matter indirectly by manipulating the matter around it. He gets up to some really silly shit in the novels, like shoving himself into a fight between two angels. He doesn't win, but he fights two angels simultaneously and lives.But that's after he gets himself fucked up by getting shot while performing brain surgery. Non-gimped accelerator is pretty damn strong when he has reason to be serious.

That's the one fight that beat into your head the logistics of it. UBW is just enough to negate GoB by crashing copies into each gate, then press Gil's pride and lack of personal fighting skills as hard as possible. The anime compromised that by having redboy fall back and surf in the air and slice his arm off from a 100 foot jump strike.

>Gawain was also the most pure creature to ever exist.
"I've never heard of Galahad."

Saber is literally God.

Reminder that power level is for retarded people.

>not Extra
yeah really tamamo and nero were REALLY great additions to the franchise
it's because of your fags they will never do anything except fate
go suck Nasu's hackish cock

It's a human with a hardcounterskill leeching power from an heroic spirit fighting against a servant who intentionally gimped hmself by not using his strongest weapons or even wearing armor

The first part is a VN with one or two mediocre sex scenes in each of the three routes.
Then there's the LN, the RPGs on the PSP and PS4, a mobile gatcha game, and a few more LNs.

Wizards have a battle royale by summoning heroes of myth and legend.
The first one was a ritual that ended in failure due to lack of participation.
The second was the one where everyone decided to backstab each other.
The third one ended with everyone dead.
The fourth one was the most straightforward, but the prize was fucked up from the last try.
the fifth one was pretty much a dating service.

>Shiro slicing Gils arm off is already supposed to be impossible.

Why would NPs not work on a Servant? Fragarach shouldn't work either, then.

Yeah but back then Extra was a small side project that nobody gave a shit about. It was during Zero that TM made serious doosh and whored out themselves and gor FGO funded. I mean did anyone even remember FGO was supposed to be a monthly novel called Fate Apocrypha?

>no humans should be able to fight servant
Rin punches Caster and Saber job to Kuzuki in the same route

Fuck I meant Galahad. Now I look like a retard.

Exactly. Fuck you Nasu.

At least the bullshit in Tsukihime was still somehow believable.

If Zero is as great as people claim, why did it never gain traction in the fanbase until the anime aired. This goes for Japan too

the anime compromised everything because it was fucking awful. fsn should be one of the easiest things to adapt yet they somehow managed to fuck everything up down to archer using UBW (which uses a large amount of mana) in a fight he loses because it's a manaless, dying off servant versus a hardheaded moron. let's not forget archer beating up rin for no reason, removing a ton of internal monologues that make sense of shirou's character, making ilya capable of fighting toe to toe with rin while weighed down by her contract with berserker on her own because muh zero references, wasting an entire half of an episode on a single paragraph or two of the VN that has no lasting significance (hell actually everything related to caster was drawn out for no real reason), ruining shirou's fight with kuzuki, and a million other stupid changes that are all for the sake of trying to play up action-y aspects to please retarded TV viewers.

oh yeah, grand order exists because of the UBW adaptation too. right, everyone's favorite.

Fucking everything has arbitrary stats and ranks in these kinds of things.

>fsn should be the easiest thing to adapt
Not with that amount of characterization monologue

Without all of that Shirou comes off as a generic Shounen protag, not the sociopathic madman in UBW and HF (the routes that matter)

Because it was a LN, untranslated in the west, and Urobutchi had done like, two, three things before?

>Kuzuki's fighting style makes him a trick pony that would have lost to Saber instantly if he had fought her again afterwards
>Rin gets Caster to believe she's going for a magical battle that Caster will obviously win, so she instead plays on Caster's weaknesses with her martial arts training
>Shirou beats Gil because he plays at Gil's unwillingness to take a mongrel like him seriously, while simultaneously having the perfect GoB counter
All bullshit, totally.

>fsn should be one of the easiest things to adapt
A first person VN with loads of internal monologue and a nonlinear narrative is really hard to adapt to anime. Most VN adaptation are poor compared to the source cause so many have this format.