If they put forth the effort to make Spector of Torment, why didn't they just go back and fix the problems of the main campaign and plague of shadows?
Why does Spector of Torment have barely any secret/side content?
If they put forth the effort to make Spector of Torment, why didn't they just go back and fix the problems of the main campaign and plague of shadows?
Why does Spector of Torment have barely any secret/side content?
>why didn't they just go back and fix the problems of the main campaign and plague of shadows?
But they didn't have any problems
>why didn't they just go back and fix the problems of the main campaign and plague of shadows?
No one would suck their dicks for it.
I'm curious why they aren't charging for these "full game" expansions? I want to make a game with the same engine 2-3 times. Unless I somehow make bank forever, I'm charging for each title.
They promised they wouldn't and going back on that would be catastrophic for them.
They did raise the price of the pack from $15 to $25 for any new buyers though.
They were kickstarter stretch goals
This makes sense. Good on them
>Spector of Torment
This But they also now sell the campaigns as stand-alone entities for people that don't want to get the whole package
Do you think the game will continue to rise in price with the release of new expansions?
Lack of 100% completion rewards
Not enough secrets
Because the jews haven't completely won.
the reward for 100% completion is the satisfaction of getting 100% completion
no it's $25 forever
it used to be $15 then they removed that version from stores and put up a new one called "Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove" which is $25 and all future content
What was the problem with Shovel Knight? His campaign is easily the best.
That's bullshit, retarded, and gay, especially considering many games prior come with better 100% rewards. Hell, even fucking mario does 100% rewards great by
>Giving you an entirely new level upon 100% to complete
>Rewarding you with a "star" on the save file to signify 100%.
Shovel Knight doesn't do shit.
Good thing I paid $10 for the game when it was on sale. Felt good especially now its patched with Spectre of Torment.
the game basically shits on completionists because once you get everything in the main game nothing happens at all
What do you want, a handjob? Just go for the achievements/platinum like every other autist looking for e-peen.
Shovel Knight is a game built on nostalgia of challenging NES era platformers, games back then did not have anything beyond new game + after 100% completion.
stop being an entitled fuck and enjoy the fucking game,
Who the fuck cares? What do you want? A "rape all enemies on the screen" button? What could they possibly give you?
That's not an excuse for two reasons:
1) because Shovel Knight sacrifices fidelity to the retro aesthetic because it didn't want to have the same flaws as older games.
2) because Plague of Shadows and Specter of Torment are completely subversive compared to classic NES games to further debunk retro fidelity.
Given this, there's no excuse to have 100% rewards.
By the way, Super Mario World has a secret world and that was SNES, shovel knight pays tribute to SNES era, so going without an 100% reward is inexcusable.
>Who the fuck cares?
Clearly not you because you don't 100% games you fucking casual.
>What could they possibly give you?
The bare minimum like in Mario World and Mario Galaxy 2.
Kinda funny to see Specter Knight, King Knight and body swap mode all come out in the same year. I think Yacht Club are getting restless and want to finish up Shovel Knight so they can start their next proper game.
this is a strange flavor of autism, Bubsy
>saying casual unironically
Oh you're just a shitposter, nobody gives a fuck about completionist retards anymore, nobody. Those days are gone, enjoy your trophies and 'cheevments and accept it.
It's obvious that they either are running out of ideas for the expansions or just want to get it all out so they can start working on something else.
>Specter's final boss is Reize
>everyone is calling out OP for being an entitled cunt
Shovel Knight is one of the few games you have to be a legitimate asshole to shit on.
>Criticizing a game for having flaws = autism
>Nobody gives a fuck about COMPLETING A FUCKING GAME
your opinions should be worthless but thanks to capitalism your awful philistine asses is worth as much as mine, what a terrible world we live in.
>shovel knight pays tribute to SNES era
no it doesnt Bubsy...
>lack of 100% completion rewards
>a flaw
only to you and your specific brand of autism
>there's no 100% rewards
Oh, so it was okay that I didn't get all those coins in Plague and all the Skulls in Specter?
I kinda felt bad for not wrapping those up but I'm okay with it if that's the case.
except a game not having a reward for 100% completion is not a flaw
When is specter knight update out for 3ds?
>Point out a game has flaws
>use every egotistical, irrational, and fallacious argument you can to preserve said games purity
>implying you aren't just lying to yourself for nobody's benefit whatsoever.
See? Without an 100% reward, what's the point of doing these things?
That being said I don't recall there being any rewards for getting all the coins but the reward for getting all the skulls is armor that let's you play as human specter knight.
>Not giving you a star/special cutscene/extra world after 100%
Fuck off Bubsy
>>Nobody gives a fuck about COMPLETING A FUCKING GAME
Nope. Games these days have too much shit to do in them anyway, people don't have the time or patience to go around collecting 300 feathers in every city in a game or some stupid shit. Or rather only people with no lives or job or friends whatsoever do.
Already out
>what's the point of doing these things?
To have fun
>Game not rewarding you for playing it in its entirety
>Not a major flaw
What would be the point of 100%ing the game if there's no actual acknowledgement or reward of it? You might as well just play the next game. With a game like shovel knight--something that's purely gameplay focused--and 100% reward should be both expected and necessary to make playing it to its fullest extent enjoyable. To say it's not a flaw makes no sense.
>See? Without an 100% reward, what's the point of doing these things?
to challenge yourself and see if you can do it, and after doing it having pride in yourself as a gamer
this is a weird thread
>What would be the point of 100%ing the game if there's no actual acknowledgement or reward of it
>What would be the point of 100%ing the game if there's no actual acknowledgement or reward of it?
you know you are right, but lets go one set farther, whats the point in playing any game for any reason? huh Bubsy?
Well fuck, guess I gotta get the skulls now.
These are honestly some of the most minor complaints I've ever read.
>Having pride
>Let alone having pride for videogames
You're telling me that the tedious tasks of getting the last 5% in a game, which is by no means fun whatsoever and often requires tedious grinding, is "FUN?" The point of doing that last stretch is to get a SATISFYING REWARD that allows for MORE FUN as a result of your challenges.
Finding the last hidden coins in Plague of Shadows is not fun. I would do it and have fun if I was given a bonus level or something for 100%ing it, but I don't because there's no reason to do something so tedious.
There's a lot of reasons people play games, it all depends on the person.
If they're such minor complaints then why didn't the developers get off their lazy asses and fix such easy flaws?
Why is SoT basically a new game when PoS was virtually identical to the base game?
>There's a lot of reasons people play games, it all depends on the person.
but why though? whats the point?
probably because they're not as autistic as you and didn't see them as flaws
>If they're such minor complaints then why didn't...
Because they're minor complaints.
Because playing entirely new characters is a lot more interesting than some new secrets and some fan service for people who wasted their time to 100% the game.
I dunno about you but when I 100% a game I feel lots of satisfaction
It depends on both the person and the game. There's no further answer to that question.
Probably the fact that they're too busy designing whole new campaigns and modes and other shit and then not charging for any of it other than for the base game.
but why?
>The point of doing that last stretch is to get a SATISFYING REWARD
The satisfying reward is finishing, the 100% rewards tend to be extras
They had to rework the maps a lot more for Spectre Knight's gameplay than Plague Knight's
Bubsy what was it like becoming a tranny?
If you haven't 100%ed shovel knight then you have absolutely no right to talk about the lack of an 100% reward not being a flaw.
I have 100%ed Shovel and Plague Knight's campaigns
I'm still playing through Specter's
but its not a flaw
If there's nothing left to do, what do you need?
Nobody cares about 100% rewards anymore, kid.
Pretty plain movement with a pogo stick for bounce2win
Double-jump with a midair boost and some other tricks, but the levels weren't changed enough to take full advantage of the potential
Position-dependent air-dashes, rail-riding and limited wall running
Honestly, what can they do with King Knight to make him interesting? I remember seeing some footage and it just looked like he bounces too, but with a fancy spin.
It's only a flaw if you have autism.
i 100% Crash Bandicoot 1, and you dont get any rewards, its not a fucking flaw
I have 100% everything except for Specter so far.
I can assure you that my reward was a sense of completeness and fun.
Here's your (You), Bubsy. Go blog about how Sup Forums bullied you again for your wrong opinion.
You beat all the challenges and got all the feats?
A bonus level that, upon completion rewards you with a type of mark on the file select screen. That's the bare minimum and even Nintendo, one of the worst game corporations, does that to this day.
Have you 100%ed shovel knight? Hmm? No? Then why does your opinion matter?
Provide proof that you indeed 100%ed the game.
Why does every game that has a blue main character always attract the worst kind of autists?
>100% the previous stories when they were new
>100% Specter today
I'm the authority here. Not a flaw.
You're not wrong.
>Provide proof that you indeed 100%ed the game.
it doesnt matter whether i 100%ed it or not, its still not a flaw
Case in point
Specter of Torment has the same problems the other modes have, so they didn't fix anything.
Look at kingnights new moveset and shit in his Spectre night boss battle, I am willing to bet my Left nut that those were actually a tease of the type of shit he will do/have in his campaign
This is the worst Sup Forums meme, above all else.
Being critical and pointing out legitimate flaws or being able to articulate why you like/dislike something = autism.
Even though human beings have been doing it for centuries in all cultures, from sports to art, it is today that it is considered autism.
I know SJW's have left people who like videogames bitter but you don't fight anti-intellectualism with anti-intellectualism.
the 100% reward is for all of us watching you flip out over nothing lol
>Have you 100%ed shovel knight? Hmm? No? Then why does your opinion matter?
Because nobody cares about the opinion of an annoying autist. :^)
If King Knight doesn't ride a griffon at least once in his campaign I'm going to refund
>Being critical and pointing out legitimate flaws
but they arent legitimate flaws
>OP likes a game enough to 100% it
>Wants to be rewarded for 100% completion because an otherwise perfect game lacks it when it's been a feature since the 1990's.
>Sup Forums doesn't want 100% completion rewards because they don't like a game enough to 100% it.
>Sup Forums also doesn't want an otherwise perfect game to actually be perfect.
Reddit 2.0.
the worst Sup Forums meme is autists thinking they have a legitimate argument because of their personal opinions about what video games should be despite all evidence to the contrary.
ok, OP
He's acting like it's some huge glaring flaw when it isn't.
or people are happy with just 100%ing a game and dont need anything else beyond it
Nobody has pointed any evidence towards a lack of 100% completion rewards in the context of shovel knight NOT being a flaw. It's all just been "lol autism" and "autism" this and "autism" that, it's basically Sup Forums's version of cuck. Even though the truth is that everyone on Sup Forums is a socially reclusive neckbeard degenerate who does nothing to benefit society (and in many ways, damages society), they just want to call others autistic over their own opinions.
>Or people have low standards
What an excellent rebuttal and a reasonable conclusion. Surely, a game that's so perfect would raise the standards of many, but the truth is that people don't actually want higher standards, they want lowered ones. Amazing. Just kidding, Sup Forums is just filled with contrarian social outcasts with no lives, so it's no wonder they want to act like hipsters and partake in anti-intellectualism.
>Nobody has pointed any evidence towards a lack of 100% completion rewards in the context of shovel knight NOT being a flaw.
because you are the one making a claim, and YOU have not provided any evidence as to why the lack of 100% rewards is a flaw
we are just rejecting your claim. the burden of proof is on you
you can't prove a negative
The Feats are just nothing but acheivements but built intot he Game
The game actually has 100 percent rewards in the form of the unique outfit you get in plague nights and Spectre nights campaign when you collect all the Green coins/Red skulls
Plague night get that wack ass robe that has a random bomb type combo every like 10 seconds
And Spectre gets his flashback outfit from when he was alive and not dead
Actually OP, the bigger question is...
What the hell is this skeleton you find hidden in the wall inside Plague Knight's room?
holy shit OP BTFO
Yes, I have, the proof is that:
>100% rewards have been a standard since the SNES days and to this day, malevolent mega corporations like Nintendo still incorporate them into their games, therefore a game as perfect as Shovel Knight should also meet that standard to be truly perfect.
>Shovel Knight has sacrificed its faithfulness to the NES aesthetic to meet the standards of today, so in addition to meeting those standards, it should have an 100% reward.
>It is ethically and morally sound to reward those who like your game enough to 100% it.
These are all solid arguments that have yet to be debunked, unless you think "autism" is a valid counterargument, in which case I say you're autistic, and we both lose.
>>It is ethically and morally sound to reward those who like your game enough to 100% it.