What's the best way to beat this cunt?
What's the best way to beat this cunt?
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Have you tried attacking him?
have you tried levelling up
Currently SL 95. Is that too low?
Don't lock on, stay in front of his face, try and not to have summons. If anything, limit yourself to one phantom.
Dodge, roll, hit, repeat X amount of times, have so called ""fun"" while doing so
>asking for help on Sup Forums
>pretends he's not casual
No, I did it first try at 100. Stay underneath his torso after you get to demon prince stage, 90% of his shit can't attack you and if you can keep up with the camera shitting it's ass you can do it without getting hurt much.
Its a repetitive and shit fight, but the general idea is to run from his attacks and quickly run in to hit him on the head every time he finishes his animation.
forget the demon prince bit, i was reading something else, the rest is fine
Hit him until he dies.
Don't get hit so you don't die.
Not sure how much simpler I can make this.
Try putting on some armor and leveling up your health
After consulting the internet elitist shitposting guide and skipping to page 69, the tip there told me to just tell you to git gud.
Change your stats to use this
No one reads my tips so just git gud
literally learn his patterns, avoid attacks, hit his head. Use a lightning weapon if you have one. most summons are absolutely retarded/die in one hit anyways so avoid summoning. His movements will always be directed at you if your by yourself and you wont have to worry about the hitbox of where he's attacking if a phantom has his attention. I got lucky when i summoned an actually good phantom with dragonslayer greataxe. Slow weapons can be hard mode because youll get greedy and he's too sporatic. dont listen to this user unless you literally 4 people doing this to him, it will actually take centuries
Gold pine resin twin blades with lloyds, grass crest, RoSP, chloranthy
>Compound adjective/noun Mcstupid name
videogames are for intelligent people only
This is the only boss I have left on this run. Cheesed the fuck out of Gael with the corvian staff poison cloud. Managed to get him to around 70%. Still need to upgrade my weapon a few times..
>Dodge under him
>Hit his belly like twice
>Dodge his melee
>He 90% of the time does fire AOE
>Get past him to the back hit his tail maybe once
>He will turn to face you
>Hit him twice in the fast
>Dodge under him
>Repeat until dead minus dodging the AOE dark blast and just going back under him
He rarely flew away for me.
He loves to rush away and then fly back breathing fire when I get behind his front legs.
aim exclusively for the head
>Front legs
Stay behind the lower half and he will almost always do the AOE flame breath.
Darksouls is high art, how dare you criticize it.
hit him until his health bar hits 0
don't get hit by his attacks (rolling helps with this)
Lightning or other faggot spells.
If you're a real man, you learn his attacks front to back and find those openings when you can run in and smack him in the face. Don't waste time attacking anything but the head. Second phase brings some new attacks to learn.
His health pool demands a certain level of gud, but you will feel like a god when you finally bring him down solo. Don't give up, that's what Midir wants.
How do you not have a fully upgraded weapon by the tine you're fighting Midir?
He really isn't that hard. Just stick to his head. At no point should you be underneath him in this fight unless he charges at you. Always stay in front of him.
What you want to do is wait for him to finish one of his animations then once he is done, he is left open for attacks to the head.
On his second phase, the only attack that you should be worried about is the laser one. If you actually stick to his head during the fight he rarely does this attack but if he does here's what you do:
He will back away from you twice which is a very obvious sign that he's going to do the attack. When he does this, run to the northwestern direction towards his hind legs. Wait for him to do the first laser beam of the attack which is normally at you and after he has done this, start running in the north eastern direction towards his hind legs until you are finally at his legs. If you do this correctly, you will never be hit. You shouldn't even need to roll in this process.
That's it really. Hitting his head will give you a visceral attack which pretty much finishes him off. Boss is actually really easy when you realise how telegraphed and slow his moves are.
the same reason someone would think using dark magic on a dark dragon was a good idea.
attack the head for massive damage
I tried it on my sorc for the memes, and it ended up taking like 8 minutes. Not too bad.
So here's this giant enemy dragon...
kek, Good eye.
Dodge the claws, go for the head, and know when not to be close.
your build is confusing