Fire Emblem Heroes

People actually thought she was the best character in the game at one point.

A moment of silence

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Wo Dao+ Moonbow +Heavy Blade on Lucina. Viable?

>Tfw what used to be Lyn vs Lucina is now Roy vs Ike

Good times.

It's gimmicky as hell and makes you next to worthless against blue dragons (Ninian and Nowi). But if you're willing to give that up for a couple of extra points of damage, assuming Lucina lives that long, go for it.

And once again it isn't even a contest

>+10 damage and negates 30% def/res
>every other action

Give her Ardent Sacrifice and Desperation and she'll be a one-woman apocalypse.

Meh...all I care is my Zephiel.

Im running him with a Spring Chrom and Xander and Ninian. I'm putting all my eggs in one basket.

Although I would like Reprocidical Aid but idk how to fit that as Chrom and Xander have Shove and Swap to help move Zephiel around.

>the less popular characters won't come out for another year

Which unit is it?

I have no hope for Garcia


Nice another bartre to summon.

I'm training Zephiel right now, 4*, and he is almost fucking unkillable. All I need is to roll a Hector or a Taco for the counter, and he'll be set for life

Now that we got the Radiance world, when are we getting a Jugdral banner? I want to burn some cunts up with Alvis

Shes the best to me and to others and that's all that matters.

Oh you mean the game, she's still viable so we good

>Sixth turn on no-death 10-3 Lunatic
>Titania blocked me in with my red unit too far away
>Ninian moves up front and survives with 1 HP
I love my beefy dragon dancer.

Has anyone managed 10-4 with all four units alive? What kind of team did you use?

Its any useful triangle adept? i have a roy to spare so any suggestion?.

I used a team of light blessings

She's cute though.

Literally no one thought this. Everyone was fawning over Camilla, and she turned out to be just "okay"

Literally no one think this either, it's just one tripcbro

The absolute madman does it again.

>tfw never played Ike's games and assumed Soren was a girl for 6 years until today

Tanky sword user, Tri-adept gronnraven green mage, blue mage, and Azura.

One-shot the archer up top, danced green mage and let her counter-kill blue horse mage. Then I just moved everyone to the upper left corner

Mages, I've heard MRobin benefits from it greatly.

What? Since when was she ever thought of as being the best unit in the game? I call bullshit.

I used Lucina, MRobin, Nino, and a rehabilitate healer.
Have Nino and Robin taking out all the enemies from behind the walls while keeping them healed up, while Lucina cleared a path into the top left corner.
Then have everyone run into it and Robin walled Ike.

Any mage with a -Raven tome, pretty much.

>implying they'll ever add anything to the 3* pool

Wouldn't Alvis be a GHB?

Just did it with this team

Not necessarily less popular but I don't expect them to add in any 2nd gens any time soon since Awakening/Fates already have like most of their cast in the game and there's so many other games that need their characters added.


He got mutton'd by ISIS.


Sety when

He probably would be a GHB, I just hope he gets in before his son

I didn't think this when I got her as my first 5* but I still use her even though she's outclassed by Lucina.

>Ced shows up
>Turns out to be the strongest Green Tome user
I wouldn't even need Lewyn to make an appearance as long as Ced gets in.
>Anyone dumb enough to attack Ced deserves to die


20 orb log in? what's the occasion?

Bait award

I hate you

When are we going to get more S-Seals?

At least she didn't get it as bad as Camilla, who was also thought of as one of the best characters before becoming considered about the worst in the game.

>worst in the game
don't exaggerate, cuck

>double bridge ruins another arena strike
I hope whoever came up with that map gets shot

Camilla isn't the worst in the game, but she'll never be higher than mediocre at absolute best. Caeda is worse than Camilla, for example, and I don't think she's even the worst unit in the game.

>just use reinhaerdt, bro

>I pulled a +SPD -RES Ike, Mist and Sanaki with less than 100 orbs
Now i hope Soren and Titania don't play hard to get

I just had the same with a Linde+Azura one pace behind Takumi on that bridge. I'll just settle with 4.6k this week.

I think he means more the 5 star poster characters

More money than you know what to do with, huh?

What did you major in?

I wasn't. I was referring to what I saw from the fanbase, where there was a point that people spammed that she was the worst in the game along with the 0x2 damage thing, which is a meme now. Lyn dropped pretty hard but I don't remember her ever getting shitposted that much.

She's average tier. Regardless of what you think, she still functions as a good anti-mage unit. Either remove the brave axe or replace Darting Blow with Death Blow and maybe give her Lance or Axe breaker and she's decent. Unless she's -atk, then she is mediocre.

Fuck you.

>she still functions as a good anti-mage unit
She's only decent at it, even with inheritance in the mix, and there are a fair number of other units better at her job than she is out there.
>mediocre isn't the same as average
You might want to check your definitions m8.

>She's only decent at it, even with inheritance in the mix, and there are a fair number of other units better at her job than she is out there.
Even being "decent" makes her better than "shit" that people like to claim. Just because there are some who do it better doesn't make her worthless, especially if they are different colors.

>You might want to check your definitions m8.
Ok then, if you want to be that guy and nitpick, she's above average. Better?

>pull red first
>fucking raigh
>get mad roll a blue next
>realize at the same moment there isn't even a blue focus
>mfw I see pull
>mfw I pull green afterwards

Haven't checked IVs yet, there are probably trash. Most of my non mages are

Savage Blow or Threaten SPD for my Nino?

I haven't spend a single dollar on the game, i'm a poor NEET
By the way i just got Titania after some good 50 orbs but Soren proved too much hard to get, i'll let him pass and get him later once his chance are higher

Since i haven't pulled like this before and i'm not used to having so much units, what's the COA?
-Sell them for feathers
-Train them and give their abilities to better units
-Merge them all into one for +1s and SP

>Even being "decent" makes her better than "shit" that people like to claim.
In the grand scheme of things though, she is pretty shit since she lacks a specific niche she truly excels in. She's still only really good at removing Blue Mages, and even that can be iffy depending on both units and their setups. Her base Speed (32) isn't good enough on its own to really deal with a lot of the enemy Mages she'd target in the first place, a fact compounded by her painfully average base Attack (30), which means she's generally not OHKOing or ORKOing a lot of shit unless she's got Hone Fliers on her ass and a -Breaker skill at the ready.
>Just because there are some who do it better doesn't make her worthless, especially if they are different colors.
The issue here isn't that there are just some units who do her job better than her, it's that they generally both do her job better than her AND have additional utility on top of it, thereby making her an objectively inferior choice. Not to mention that she's nearly always shut down by the presence of an Archer on the opposing team, though they're generally absent in higher level Arena, so that's something. Although the same is generally true of Camilla as well.
>Ok then, if you want to be that guy and nitpick, she's above average. Better?
Yeah, it's better since now I have a clearer understanding of how you view her. Unfortunately, it's a view I highly disagree with, but it's not like she's literally unusable, so whatever.

>-def +res Ephraim
Quite shit but eh usuable
>-Atk +Res Titania
RIP red christmas cake, ain't joining meme cavalry team after all.

Seriously, all my mages get +atk/ +spd boons out of their ass, meanwhile 90% of my phys units are -Atk or -speed (when they need it)

You don't need to train them unless their rank is too low, personally I always inherit since you never know with skills and missions that come up.

I used to shill Savage Blow, but honestly you're just better off slapping Hone/Spur Attack/Speed on everything and calling it a day. With SI, Savage Blow could potentially put someone into Vantage/Desperation, and you seriously don't want that to happen.

Hector, Tharja, Olivia (for the Sword user quest), and Serra (my only healer). Needless to say I avoided Ike like the plague because no Blue.

Sounds like my exact luck. The only good IVs I have on a physical unit were from one I promoted. My Hinoka is -atk, Effie is +spd, Ike is -spd. Meanwhile I have +atk Mrobin, +atk Ninian, +spd BunnyLucina, +atk Lilina.

That's what i thought, i'll give Titania the cavalry boosts to put her in a team with Eliwood and i'll roid Ike with some attack
How viable would it be to try and turn Mist into an attacker?

>How viable would it be to try and turn Mist into an attacker?
110% not viable, Healers have a hidden half damage penalty to all attacks they make. Best you can do is slap Pain on her.


>Mist into an attacker
Bad idea as long as healers get attack penalty


That's not how you clean a penis.

that is some lousy looking cum



>that cum
It looks more like someone drenched her in cottage cheese.


>is going to go full-out and post CP
>posts the shittiest quality available

Well done, son.

That's why it matters if you keep or remove Brave Axe. Fact of the matter is that, say, if she has +atk, Death Blow can bring her attack up to 47 on initiating, which while not Cherche levels is still pretty good. Even if doubled she can still easily tank Linde, the strongest mage in the game, as well as Reinhardt and, while he's lost some prominence, M. Robin still does nothing to her. She can also eat a hit from Julia if that matters. She's also pretty much guaranteed to ORKO any non-red mage.

And, despite what seems popular opinion, she doesn't actually fair that badly against most Lance users. Effie isn't the only one in the game. Now if you bring setups and stuff into all of this then that works both ways and factors in a lot of stuff.

And you say that, but really, who are you referring to? Cherche is never gonna survive a hit from a mage, and Michalis doesn't fair better against them than Camilla does. Only Minerva is debatable. Or do you want to argue that Beruka and Narcian are better? Archers also shut down all of those but Michalis as well.

And I was never saying she was a great unit. I was just saying she can be decent and not nigh-unusable garbage that many like to make her out as. I could just as well say that I now have a clearer understanding of how you view her as well, so whatever.



>rage pulls
Could this be the secret to winning?


Ishtar ranked high for a Judgral character, so I think we'll see her in a GHB or in a thing with Julius

Wgh goh troghble!

Fuck you, I laughed.

>"Oh boy, 4 reds and a Green in this pool!"

They need to get rid of that shit, make it 25%
Last question: is there any difference between training a unit manually (experience) and using shards/crystals?

You miss out on the SP you get from combat.

>My goddess of Lightning
I can't fucking wait for the Jugdral banner. Think Ishtar would be a GHB?

You lose out on the 3 SP/kill you'd normally get. It doesn't seem like much, but it really does add up in the long run, especially with Inheritance making shit cost 1.5x as much. It's probably best used for skill fodder, or to tip someone over to the next level if they're close.

>uses 40 orbs
>fail to get any banner units
>get +SPD-DEF Tharja
>get +SPD-DEF Nino

ain't gonna complain. been after those two since launch

It will be a pain to train those units while also trying to clear the quests and paralogues but it's for the best. Thanks bros good luck to you as well

It's generally best to cap your castle first once you have a team worth using, as it gives double EXP for literally forever. Second thing to do is wait to train your units up until you have all the training strata unlocked (10 is max currently) and then work them up one at a time from there.

azura nino azura priscilla

I know that of course, leveling up the castle was the first thing i did

Lucina, Spring Lucina, Hector, Lukas

You never actually know sometimes. Eldigan and Reinhardt are in the gacha after all when you'd think they'd be GHB units.

There's really no way to predict the GHB based on character alignment. On one hand, we have the upcoming Xander, and Female Robin, both of which are playable characters. On the other hand, we have Zephiel and Michalis.

>tfw immediately thought soren was waifu material because i love kuuderes and then found out he was a guy like 6 chapters in

What's a good special for Ryoma? Was thinking Draconic Aura to go with his Defiant Attack/Vantage combo.

Well I'm sure it's a safe assumption that end game villains will be GHB at the very least. They're sure not gonna put Ashnard or Nergal in the gacha after all.


It took me more than 100 just to get Ike, +ATK -SPD