Hey Sup Forums I got kinda bored and I thought it would cool if I could started a collection thread so in which case...

Hey Sup Forums I got kinda bored and I thought it would cool if I could started a collection thread so in which case here's my PS4 collection as of recently, so tell me, what do guys think

Other urls found in this thread:


Also I forgot to mention that I have some other games on digital but I'm not sure how to upload screenshots from the PS4 to here, so I'll just list them here

>Assassin's Creed Unity
>Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA Future Tone
>Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
>Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands
>Good ol', essentially required at this point if you have a console, Grand Theft Auto 5
>Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
And at last
>The Last of Us


What is it user, tell me the problem

get Bloodborne

Planning on it

The only ones I can understand are bf4 nier and mgs but why the fuck would you own all of that other shit

Dumb frogposter.

There's a weeb game in your collection, Chad

Dumb dumb frogposter poster

>pre-owned $56
Why not just buy a new copy

Get the DLC version or don't bother

>he bought madden for 50 dollars

Lmao. Where you high on drugs?

Bf1, Fallout 4, Uncharted 4 I overhyped and kinda bought on release, theyre not that bad though in my opinion

The division, Wildlands, Unity and watch dogs 2 were all on sale and seemed like comfy games to play with friends, which they are to me

Saints row cause I never play a saints row game before and it was on sale for like 10 dollars

Hatsune Miku cause I like that shit

GTA 5, Rainbow Six and The last were cheap but kinda overdone for me but why not

Madden cause it was a birthday gift from my uncle

>no hand in picture

could be Canadian where a new game is like 80-90

As I said last, it was a gift from my uncle, it was ok but I got boring real quick

Waiting on WoFF

Really Wanted to get but at the time was strapped on cash, was worth it

I actually have madden and 2k. I was getting bored with my games and felt like playing some sports games since I haven't played one in years.

That being said I picked them both up for like $15 a piece

Can't take a picture right now but physical PS4 games I own are:
>Alien Isolation
>Assassin's Creed Syndicate
>Assassin's Creed Unity
>Batman: Arkham Knight
>Dishonored 2
>Evil Within
>Fallout 4
>Far Cry 4
>Final Fantasy XV
>Guitar Hero Live
>Grand Theft Auto V
>inFAMOUS Second Son
>Last Guardian
>Mad Max
>Metal Gear Solid V
>Metro Redux
>Nier Automata
>Rock Band 4
>Shadow of Mordor
>Star Wars Battlefront
>Transformers Devastation
>Uncharted 4
>Until Dawn
>Watch_Dogs 2
>Wolfenstein: The New Order

Never start a thread again with this abysmal collection. Let someone like start it with an actual collection. Your's is laughable and I love how you threw in NieR to give yourself the slightest semblance of credibility and taste.

In short, kys.

Here's my handheld games

if you genuinely like the nfl or nba these games are pretty great desu. its less about the gameplay and more about the immersion as gay as that sounds

Well im sorry for being poor user, no need be like that

Hey gamers, I need a new shelf.


>tfw netflixbox

Where is DeSu2 record breaker user?

I actually sold that one. Couldn't get into it.

>Let someone like (You) start it with an actual collection.
Wow, that's like the first time I wasn't bashed my abysmal taste. Unless you're extremely sarcastic about it in which case I'm sorry.
Thanks user!

Good taste. I still need to buy Battlefield 4.

>Only 4 Battleborns

Well, yours is an actual collection and it's pretty diverse all around. It's hard to judge your taste based on this picture because it seems like you enjoy everything for the most part.

1/until I get bored

>4 copies of Battleborn

Randy is that you?

Truth be told I really am jealous about your collection although a little pissy about it because I know I could never afford that much of a collection let alone own really any eastern "weeb" game on there, mainly because I fear that my older "army dudebro operator" brother will learn about the fact I like this stuff, and i worried he'll be disappointed with me because of it, I got away with NieR because I just told him it was basically god of war style game play but with robots and I got away with the hatsune miku game because i said I was bored and it was a free to play game


my shmup games

Man dont let that shit stop you from doing shit you like. Just dont act like some weeb faggot IRL and you're fine.


Whats up with that Tomb Raider case

Not my full collection but this more or less represents my overall taste.

I sold MGSV to get Bloodborne, no regrets

I mean overall I do what I can but hell, I can barely afford games over $25 but I make some exceptions when it comes to things I am hyped for, fucking hell the only games I bought brand new was NieR, MGS V and Fallout 4 everything else physical I got on sale at Best buy, gamestop or as a gift from a family member, THE DIGITAL GAME I BOUGHT WAS SAINTA ROW AND IT WAS ON SALE FOR $10, I CAN BARELY EVEN AFFORD ADDING PS PLUS TO MY SPENDING MONEY, I BORROW IT FROM MY BROTHER GODDAMNIT

It's just that good. So good, that it's $2.38 at backwater Target stores that still have it in stock.

Why would you get all those multiplat shooters on a console? Don't you have a gaming PC?

Take those damn stickers off, holy shit. It's like you don't even respect your favorite games.

Grow a sense of taste.

20 year celebration edition or some shit bought it used awhile ago

Good shit m8. You're missing Demon's/Dark souls though

No, cute little anime girl with a gun, I can't afford a PC, hell, the PS4 was a Christmas gift from My brother and goddamnit am I grateful

Should've sold it while it was valuable and put that money towards a PC, you're getting a crippled experience if you only play at 30fps with thumbsticks

Take a good look at Digital Devil Saga, thats what happens when you try to take them off unless there's some way I dont know about.

I got Demons in digital, Dark Souls is around here somewhere.



We obviously have very different taste.

I'm generally a PC fan and stick to RTS/TBS with the rare occasional FPS. I bought a PS4 Slim and all this shit back on Black Friday, but haven't had time to play even a 1/4th of it.

But mine come off so easily? I literally have no stickers on any of my pre-owned games, and I have quite a bit.

One tip: Replace the cases with ones from other games, if you have any.

Get some alcohol, Goo gone, or any other solvent and use it to remove the adhesive.

I could've done But I Love my brother too much to ever do anything insult, besides, I had been wanting since my old PS3 broke like a year beforehand and I figured it was time to upgrade I guess

That's cool user, besides which games have you played, I'm curious

Previous version of the xbone collection, close up.

>all these pathetic """"""""""collections""""""""""
behold, peasants
A REAL videogame collection

Half of those are 99 cent RPG maker games aren't they.

better to have a few good games than a mountain of shovelware

Nobunaga's, Bladestorm, Digimon, Titanfall, EDF.

EDF is by far my favorite, especially with splitscreen multiplayer, which is actually an advantage compared to the PC version.

Pic unrelated.

Starting to collect more for my og Xbox. Very cheap to collect for this thing and plenty of great games.

Holy shit I never knew someone cools be so obliviously pleb

Xbox one has no ga-

>Collect all of Sup Forums's meme games
>Get called a pleb
Just can't win.



Still me What's your excuse for being a total pleb ?


I value my 200+ items in PS3 / PS4 / X360 / PSP / Vita / DS / 3DS collection more than that mountain of shovelware, indieshit and multiplats on Steam. I haven't played anything good on PC in months.

>limiting yourself to just one platform
>cucking yourself out of playing some games

I guess but he once just walked into my room one day while I was watching onepunch man and he just stared at me with a face I couldn't just bear to look back at, I knew he had a bad experience with actual Anime Faggots a few times he went out to the mall, hell I witnessed one such time when we were at a movie theater and this stereotypical Greasy Fat basement Nerd came up behind us and he had this awful stench, I looked at my brother's face and I only saw disgust and pity, hell on the ride back he even mentioned the guy and we talked about why someone would become something like that, he said that's the kind of thing that would happen with an extremely unhealthy obsession, he mentioned a few number of reasons that could happen but the one that really stood was anime, mainly because Its what I normally watch sometimes, Christ I'm sorry this post took forever but I had to take a breather

Take the cover from the case and heat up the case at a normal heater for a few minutes until the plastic is warm, then peel it off.

is earth defense force fun?

That's what you get for listening to autists on some chinese basket weaving forums.

>the shelves are starting to bend


>tfw this was literally me for some period of time

stop storing your fucking games like that you newfag
the cases get all fucked up and scratched, store them upright on a shelf

Hearty chuckle user, I really needed to relax after my damn rant

should update that pic, nioh and nier came out

How do you know which game is which, with everything turned sideways?

Nigga, literally who cares about your brother and what he thinks? You're obviously not of the same mindset as him, so why pretend? I would continue to enjoy the things I like, just to spite him.


thats because onepunch man is shonenshit and you might as well watch fucking naruto, your brother is trying to tell you to get some better taste you insuferable normal-weeb, i bet you think attack on titan is the tightest shit
Also stop caring about what your brother thinks so much, yeah its good to not be a full blown faggot but you cant still enjoy weebshit if you arent a creep about it, just be cool.
I bet your brother is into some weird ass porn

>meme games
There's your mistake

i dont play videogames so it doesnt bother me


I care, I deeply care, mainly since has always been there for, I mean always, he always helped me out as I did him, hell if it wasn't for him hell one of us might be dead, either him from a jihadist or me from a goddamn nignog

That's the thing, it was my first time watching one punch man, if anything it's better he saw me watching some shonenshit like onepunch man rather than being caught watching anything like nyan nyan biyori, yuru yuri, or whatever the chuunibyo shit was called like I always fucking do

just make him watch jojo and all your problems will fade away

I take each pile out when I'm looking for'something specific. Also, i have piles of games on another shelf, the ones I'm currently playing.

Not me.

How would I, I mean If only man, hell he's convinced all anime is either girly shit or pervy shit, granted he's got a basic generalization for something, oh well, I mean so far we've been on good terms about this weebshit although I'm not sure he knows how far this rabbithole goes, either way after all, in the end I know he's there for me and I'll be there for him, overall we've got each other's backs