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TellTale's The Walking Dead
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Lets get this over with :
That "forced" romance with gabe, trash.
hi Javi
Clementine should've died at the end of season one that way she could've at least stayed a pure loli instead of the disgusting cock slut we have now.
what does this mean?
>Punished Spic, a man denied his cunny
>Tripp yells at me for killing Conrad after he put so much trust in Javi
>Betrayed by Eleanor
>Shot in the neck when you try to save him from execution
rip in piece
Eleanor is a fucking cunt. Why does she get mad at Tripp dying when she was the one who LITERALLY caused it?
I haven't played this, yet. Is was this man saying about my daugtherfu true?
She flirts with Gabe three time this last ep. And because of pic related I say she will have his babies next season
Next season will have you play as Clem's love interest so she can remain pure to the player.
This. It didn't make any sense. I chose to save Ava but the bitched tricked me. Tripp yells something about Javi being back-stabber when he and Eleanor betrayed the entire group just moments ago.
The fuck?
I'd be okay with it.
It would have to be incredibly carefully done to get right but it's an interesting perspective we don't see often. Also Telltale are in an interesting position of being able to pretty much tell the entire life of a character.
>Granny Clem
Would be a hype moment years from now to see her meet with Old Man Carl. Maybe the series could end with some trading of stories
We all know what the kid would be called, right?
Better yet they should let the player decide, in case Javi dies it should be either his name, Kenny, or of course Lee
No way, Sweatpea
I could see that. How many seasons will Walking Dead have? If the next one is the last my guesses are:
Clem gets pregnant, has the baby and its implied things will be alright
Clem gets pregnant, dies during birth but kid survives and the final shot would be something like the dad holding the kid while having to break the news to the group she died
Clem gets pregnant, kid dies during birth, Clem goes postal, emphatizing that everyone has a breaking point
I'm be okay with the second one. It would be sad to see this character we've grown to love die but her story has to end at some point.
damn so is there ANY chance that Kate is still alive?
Also is there any real life model based off of her? She's like my ideal spainyaird waifu...amber eyes and freckles and dark eyebrows
by the looks of the reception i would say 4 would be their final go at the franchise
Is there even any chance she's dead? Any character that doesn't get killed in a graphically explicit way is 100% alive always.
>having the period
Old hag.
She'll be a third degree burn victim I bet. Conflict with David in ep 5 to keep her alive or not.
fug pls no
she was a light in the darqness
Hell this might be THE last season
what the fuck
I'd honestly be surprised if she survives.
so next episode might as well be the series finale
go brap out a period you fuckin dyke
Its been such a terrible season it would be a pinnacle in video game shame to end it on Ep 5. Funny they call it "New Frontier" but it feels like less of a journey than fucking season 1 or 2. I honestly feel TellTale should do a Negan season to end on a high note.
Kinda expected those numbers. I honestly believe Season 1 is a fucking masterpiece. Their choice of having us focus on a kid's survival and not our own was brilliant. Season 2 just kinda drags on not knowing what they want to focus on, having those stupid moments of "let's send the kid to do everything" which could've been slightly fixed by having Clem be the one suggesting it, trying to somehow live up to Lee's expectations.
Haven't played this new one. Does anything happen or is the highlight the maxipad?
at the end of ep 1 you get to watch a little girl get her brains blown out.
Was it a newly introduced character? Season 2 had those moments with "Here's a new character, now we won't even wait until episode five to kill them off, we'll do it five minutes from now."
Could've been the point of the season, Clem realizing how much more brutal she thought the world could be without Lee protecting her but it would've been difficult since Lee as the player already had to make hard choices so Clem as the player would also now this.
The girl was as endearing as season 1 Clem so yeah it kind of hit hard. Not worth playing though.
At least she was endearing. S2 had that chick with glasses that was mostly annoying, dying in the most contrived way possible for the sake of "feels"
I liked Sarah
I guess their intention was for her to be a counterpart to Clem's more fearless or active attitude but it comes off so forced, my only thought at the time was "At least I won't have to deal with her anymore"
>period happens at 12 to 14 years old
>time when hormones are fucking crazy
>100% chance of pregnancy as if creation itself has set women to be fertile and multiple at that age
>illegal to mate with women of such age in most modern western countries
This is why third world muslims are taking over the west
No 12 year old girl wants a greasy ass old dude. Why do you think they like Bieber so much?
The autism was cute. Would have been a big character during Sup Forums's Andromeda craze
your talking about western 12 year olds which act like fucking 8 year old kids, eastern or most third world 12 year old girls are mature as fuck knowing how to cook and clean and tend to want or like older mature men.
>Gabe in episode 2
>"Shoot Conrad!"
>Gabe in episode 4
>"Why'd you kill Conrad, you asshole?!"
Bill, it's time for you to die; you're an abortion of science.
Crashing this thread... with no survivors!
You're too slow!
Cum on, step it up!
I fucking HATE that fag. Told him to go after his dad when he went to kill Joan, just so I hope he gets killed.
>I did it to keep you alive
>Season 2 just kinda drags on not knowing what they want to focus on, having those stupid moments of "let's send the kid to do everything"
It truly is hilarious how an eleven-year-old girl is more competent than a team full of grown men.
Its called Mary Sue
>that out of fucking nowhere Eleanor betrayal
I didn't realize how funny this line would look out of context until seeing it here
This season had so much potential to be good but jesus christ episode 4 was real bad
anyone else just feel so lost in the pacing?
I did want to see this franchise do good because of the first game, but I think it's just on fumes at this point. It's a shame
>The Walking Dead game season 8
>Clem is in her mid 30's
>user wants to fuck the Clem after having raised her since season 1 as Lee
>Clem has a daughter
>Play as that daughter at season 9
>user wants to fuck the daughter several seasons after like the pedophile scum they is
No end to this cycle.
>several seasons after
It's like you haven't seen the sfms.
Which reminds me, how is this new season's model doing in regards to questionable content?
Lol 3rd worlder here. No they are not. Also, fuck off pedo.
Tripp didn't betray you, just Eleanor. Tripp has been loyal to you the whole time, and you did betray him
How do you know that? Tripp said that he might join Joan. They probably both went to see Joan, betrayed the group and got cucked by Joan themselves.
That's a dumb assumption to make, considering he is in "custody" with Ava and Elanor is in the crowd, not protesting on Tripp's behalf. Plus, he wanted to foght, unlike Eleanor. And he was loyal to you for the entirety of the rest of the game(though that doesn't matter, considering Eleanor's poorly written betrayal)
>that vocaroo
every fucking time
He might have been the one that went to see Joan. Eleanor probably didn't know that Tripp got played by Joan until he was dragged out in front of everyone to be executed.
I guess we'll find out in episode 5 since both of them are still alive in my play-through.
I uninstalled it right as I saw that scene. Didn't even bother finishing the episode. Clementine isn't a compelling character and Javier is "Who gives a fuck?" tier.
>no SFM porn of teen Clem
what the fuck is the internet doing?
I was okay with Gabe, and was kinda okay with him having a crush on Clem, since I figured she was going to outlive him anyways, but after he fucking spilled the beans about Conrad (which I did to save Clem and HIM), he's dead to me.
Also, I hope the period thing was only to show that Clem's getting older, and not foreshadowing that She'll get pregnant in one scene
I still think that is a stupid assumption to make, but the writing sucks, so who knows. Tripp betraying you to be loyal to Eleanor would be the best writing, imo, but then they shouldve done a better job of hinting at that. As it was, it's either a very poorly conveyed betrayal or a stupidly easy choice for most people. This season has been really disappointing after a nice start. Killing Mariana was fine, though a bit of a cheap play that early. Killing Kate in such a stupid way right after the happy moment is just bad. It's really just a "say goodbye to any positive relationships" bullshit play, and none of it feels earned. You could hear her plane as day over the walkie, but she couldn't hear you? A fuckin molotov takes her out when she crashes like an idiot? Not to mention how isiotic that shootout was anyway. You dodge two gunmen who just shoot civilians without a care, and then they simply disappear? Plus, Joan's public execution was so over the top and too focused on the player character for no reason. And you being able to casually headshot her is hilarious. That last episode was just a fuckin mess
Also, I don't know if I have a traitor sense when it comes to video games, but as pretty as she is, I had bad vibes about Elenor from the start.
I did kinda like that betrayal twist though.
I meant the choice, not Elenor for the 2nd thing
I said put some fucking armor on-
Is it just me or is anyone else dissapointed with this season? To be honest senpai I havent given 2 shits about Javi and his retarded family and have only wanted to play and define Clementine. I dont know about you guys but with every subsequent episode I hate everyone more and dislike the story more except for the Clementine elements. I honestly think Telltale dropped the ball hard this time around. Man I hope they go back to a Clem player perspective if they do make another season.
Season 2 wasn't what I hoped it was going to be
then Game of Thrones was a load of shit
haven't played the 3rd season at all, but I've heard bad things, which makes me think I was right in dropping Telltale
Did you really rhink GoT was that bad? I found the Forrester story more interesting than the Starks and I felt like it had way less asspull than the tv show? I dont know has Telltale changed their writing team in the past few years since season 1 because feel like everything was there to nake this seasons story ok but they fucked up the storyboards narrative and pacing.
Everything you said in that post I agree with.
However, personally S3 could've been just slightly less shit for me if they just kept the original, more cartoony graphics of S1 and S2. Did this game really needed >muh realizm? It just looks like fuckin shit that's trying to take itself too seriously. They could still convey deep feelings with the previous graphics so why was it needed?
Everything felt too forced and predictable, as if they wrote the script and decisions based on drama rather than logic
there were times when I felt that the game was pigeonholing me into a bad situation that there was an easy solution out of (but wasn't a choice I was given, because it would have been less impactful)
then it ended at what I would have considered the middle of the story in a really half-assed way
TWD S1 writers all left before S2 started.
>Comparing a game out from almost 5 years older and another which is 3 years old that have gone on sale multiple times to a new one that isn't even done yet
hmmm...really fires up...the neurons
A lot of people are talltaled out. You can only handle a david cage game with slightly better writing so many times.
Not denying that.
TWD popularity however was at his highest when Telltale's game season 1 released and has gone for sale multiple times along with season 2. There's no deying that.
I agree with this user. I did enjoy Asher's adventures in the sandnigger lands, but fucking MIRA SEGMENTS REEEE MAKE IT STOP
>playing Telltale's TWD after Season 1
a lot of us played it on release because we weren't expecting it to be a big pile of shit after season 1
I did play s2 myself for a bit before dropping it because it felt like Clem is the only reasonable human alive and she's a fucking kid. That was too retarded for me to continue, I dropped it when she started sewing her wound.
Wow, those are some cut abs for someone who has been living in disaster area conditions eating almost exclusively high preservative food that are likely passed the expiration date.
How much time has passed in the series, anyhow? In the comics it's like five years, isn't it? At some point a zombie apocalypse has to blow over.
oh man, it got so much worse
imagine a group of 25-50 year old adults who constantly ask the 12 year old girl to do everything for them, and then blame her when she doesn't do it in a satisfactory way
also remember that part in season 1 where kenny just killed larry because he stopped breathing for a second and then acted justified in doing thi? yeah kenny has a mental breakdown and hates you when you kill his girlfriend because she got bitten
I don't understand why people like that dumb hypocrite so much
6/10 at best. Many choices felt too forced just for the sake of drama.
Agree with everything here. To be honest, I just enjoy it for what it is now. I don't expect it to be anywhere as good as S1 or S2 for that matter.
It seems that I only play in hopes I get to relive that magic I felt with S1. I guess you could say I only play for Clem just to see how her story arc ends but I don't wanna sound like pedos around here.
>kenny has a mental breakdown and hates you when you kill his girlfriend because she got bitten
This makes sense though. Kenny isn't able to think rationally when it comes to "family."
teen clem sfm when?
>right after the happy moment
Yeah, I enjoyed shutting that stoner slut down too.
>Kenny isn't able to think rationally
you could have ended the sentence there
Also I just wanted to say the whole Arvo thing was the absolute worst and made me hate season 2 with a passion
you choose not to rob him (due to him lying about having a sick sister)
he decides to rob you instead (with his 'sick' sister being one of the people holding you at gunpoint, perfectly healthy)
causes the deaths of his entire crew, and a number of yours
your crew decides to keep him around for some reason, and start taking pity on him (FUCKING WHY?!)
your crew decides they would rather join the lying, robbing, russian cunt than you (FUCKING WHY?!), then they shoot you and drive away
seriously, someone explain to me what the fuck was going through the writer's heads throughout this whole scenario, because it makes zero fucking sense to me
TWAU and TFTB when?
why do they release capeshit instead of what the people want?
>your crew decides they would rather join the lying, robbing, russian cunt than you (FUCKING WHY?!), then they shoot you and drive away
I think the idea is that they're just cunts. Which works for Bonnie since she's a cunt throughout the game, but doesn't work as well for Mike.
And none of those "choices" mattered.
isn't telltale dead already?
Many didn't, yes. Also for some reason in a short video before a new chapter being started where it shows what happened before I often had different actions than I did.
For example when that one cunt attacks Gared at the top of the wall - I cut him in his hand. Video in the next shows Gared stabbing him right in the chest, which I didn't do.
And Mira chapters were so fucking boring for me I just wanted to be done with it. Also the season ends with a cliffhanger of some sort at least in my ending but I suppose none of that matters anyway
>That's cut for someone doing tons of physical activity and getting a low caloric intake