Resident Evil 5/6

>Resident Evil 5/6
>Resident Evil 7
What did you guys even fucking want?

Certainly not another VR fad cash-in that doubles as Twitch fodder.

if this game of had fixed camera angles you guys would love it


"Gratias tibi ago, domine. Haec credam a deo pio? A deo iusto, a deo scito? Cruciatus in crucem. Tuus in terra servus, nuntius fui. Officium perfeci. Cruciatus in crucem. Eas in crucem!"


Resident evil 4.5 desu

>if this game of had fixed camera angles, shit controls and gameplay you guys would love it


A good game.

sorry I don't speak italian

>What did you guys even fucking want?

3rd person perspective
Fixed camera angle
pre rendered backgrounds
continuation of Umbrella storyline (with new creatures, etc)
more of an aspect on survival horror and puzzle solving

A game like Resident Evil 4, the only good game in the franchise.

you mean RE5

RE4 becomes garbage after the village part
RE5 is good all the way through

>A game like Resident Evil 4, the only good game in the franchise.

>endless ammo to kill endless freaks
>qte shit
>garbage storyline
>protect the kid nonsense


>Sup Forums is one person

4 and 5 are the same game
uh, an re game

RE5 is fucking boring

>pre rendered backgrounds

I really enjoyed all 3.


RE4 with typical unnerving japanese shit, no scripted jumpscares like seven and other generic first person "horror" games, that shit sucks.

>>pre rendered backgrounds

It gives the game a distinct look. I'll take the graphics of RE 2/3 over 7 anyday.

The distinct look of shit?

So because I dislike both mindless action games and walking simulators I'm too picky? RE2 was neither of these things and excelled because of it.

RE1 with RE4's camera system.

>tfw enjoyed all RE games and love them

except 0, thats pure garbage

>The distinct look of shit?

"herr derr it's not crystal clear pefect 4k so it must be shit". A distinct look is a distinct look. Would you like the Mona Lisa to be replace with a perfectly clean cgi image with digital lines and coloring?

Why do you want to play the same game over and over again?

I'd like the Mona Lisa to not look like shit, unlike you.

3 nemesis was quite good too, pretty much pinnacle of Fixed camera angle RE

Thats a completely different game

>implying REmake looks like shit
What the fuck man

>It's old so it's good xD

He said RE2/3.

>same game

Continuation/expansion of the story
New characters
New villains
New weapons
New creatures

99% of open world games are the same shit, you're basically walking around with nothing to do most of the time. Sports games don't change that much. Mario Kart/Smash/3d Marios are all very similar.

If it works, it works.

I want a return to the golden age of the series. You want RE 5/6 repeated.

>asking this question on a website where roll+attack series for 10 years now is consideted innovative and epic and definitely not repetitive trash


>'d like the Mona Lisa to not look like shit, unlike you.

The original Mona Lisa doesn't look like shit. Neither does RE 2/3/CV.

You just want "muh 4k 60fps" bullshit.

People can't infer what you want based entirely on your whinging, you solipsistic titty.

If the game was actually a FUCKING RESIDENT EVIL GAME with anything from tank controls to fps we fans would love it.

Let's fucking I don't know remame any horror game to Resident Evil and call it a part of the franchise

Meme spouting retards on the internet have ruined Resi, 5 and 6 are unironically my favourite and we're likely to not see anything of the sort again. Literally fuck off with your "horror", a video game will never be scary, it doesn't work past the age of 12.

>tfw no 7 minutes

I took Latin ages ago. So pardon the rust.

Thanks, master. Should I believe these things from a pious god? From a just god, a knowing god? (I was) crucified onto the cross. I was your servant on earth, your messenger. I did my duty. (I was) crucified onto the cross. May you go onto the cross!

>>It's old so it's good xD

So any visual style from another time is "bad" because it's not completely up to date with "muh 4k"?

Old REs look like shit

>Resident Evil 4
>the only good game in the franchise
shit taste

RE1 looks like shit but 2/3/CV still look great.

>Old REs look like shit

You sound like people who say "this Simpsons episode is from 1994, the animation doesn't look as good, I won't watch it!"

Old Simpsons episodes look fucking terrible. Still funny.

nope REmake and RE5 still looks great
the rest doesnt

>Old Simpsons episodes look fucking terrible.

They actually look better than the shit flash style animation of todays episodes.

It IS a re game.

What you talking about?

I want my games to not look like shit and RE2/3 have not aged well.


Don't even bother replying boyos.

>I want my games to not look like shit and RE2/3 have not aged well.

They've aged fine. You're just too under 18 to notice. You're everything wrong with gaming "as long as teh gamz look good that's all that matter"

4 and 7 are the only good RE games.


RE is in the exact same position as Yooka Laylee

if Capcom actually released a new game that played exactly like RE1 it would just get shit on by reviewers

>They've aged fine.
But that's wrong.

Blurry pre-rendered shit will age poorer than full 3D backgrounds. That's not an opinion, that is a fact.

>you are everything wrong with gaming because you can tell if a game looks actually shit and you dont like dated and shit controls and gameplay

im not even that user and you are a faggot
i bet you also think bloodborne and nier looks good

Where do you people come from? Kys

remember this board is you young to remember R 1-2 and maybe 3, Outlast is the clone to RE.

also RE producer said that his vision for 1 was always PoV. just that tech at that time could not allow it.

How do i deal with professional on RE5 solo? Sheva is stupid beyond words, i've been stuck on the gigante fight and after hours of trying i just can't break the boulders he throws after i waste all the explosive barrels, they just don't fucking break because sheboon doesn't aim properly, i'd just go online and play with someone from here but fuck paying for xbox live gold, i have no friends and my dad isn't fit to this kind of shit, he just kills pedestrians on GTA and laughs.

>Blurry pre-rendered shit will age poorer than full 3D backgrounds.

Some of those full 3d games of the era look real shitty.

You just want all games to look the same. That's why you can't even tell most of this shit apart nowadays. You want the sterile Marvel movie universe brought into gaming (well, it already is).

>xbox live
How do people play RE 5/6 on anything that's not PC?

>Where do you people come from? Kys

I come from an age of successful RE games. 5, 6, and 7 were pretty much shit.

>i bet you also think bloodborne and nier looks good
Okay there is no way that this isn't bait
Yeah, horribly performing 3D games age much better than things pre-rendered on a much more powerful machine.

>You just want all games to look the etc. etc.
No, I want games to not look like shit.
It's not really that hard to comprehend, user.

Game is so deeply scripted it's disgusting.

>No, I want games to not look like shit.

RE 2/3/CV still look bretty good. 20 years later. Give them a slight facelift, and they'll be fine. And if the game is good, who cares. "herr derr muh 4k graphics iz all that matters". Most games suck nowadays because it's all "muh graphics" and shit gameplay.

watch dogs 2 looks great
nier and bloodborne are ugly ps3 games struggling to run on currentgen hardware

of course you need to be not a weebshit japanlover to see this otherwise you eat any garbage just like you proved

>A slight facelift
2 and 3 need more than just a "slight facelift", user.

>he actually thinks bb and nier looks good


CV HD looks pretty fine. Better than the average modern title even.

>2 and 3 need more than just a "slight facelift", user.

Slight facelift, that's it.

The 2d Mario and Donkey Kong Country games don't look much different than the SNES ones, and they're fucking awesome. You just want every game to look the fucking same. You say "not like shit", but guess what "not like shit" to devs is just typical 3d shit.

you don't believe that, so why say it?

An actual sequel to RE4.

Seriously, RE4 is the perfect Resident Evil game

All these people complaining about graphics. Are you serious? You can't deny that Resident Evil 2 and Metal Gear Solid are still one of the greatest games ever made despite shit graphics. PS1 era was the best

Outlast 2 is a lone of this, I don't understand

I said 2 and 3, not CV.

>You just want every game to look the fucking same
No, I want games to not look like shit.
Why do you keep making a strawman out of this issue.

old Dragonball Z episodes look better than current Super episode
retarded comparison as expected from a retard

>you don't believe that, so why say it?

Go to Sup Forums, there's threads about this all the time. The new animation is ugly trash with digital line and digital coloring. The old animation had so much much personality and just looked better. Only a 12 year old would think otherwise.

2D Mario is some bland 3D crap and DKC is pretty different from that 90s gritty pre-rendered style.

>No, I want games to not look like shit.

"not looking like shit" to devs = same old 3d shit.

RE 2/3/CV had a great, distinct look. A little polish and it'll fit right in with the modern era.

Of course retards like you want everthing to look like whatever the newest Assassins Creed shit is.

Fuck, they release it all the time so you would think they would figure out why people loved it.
>Waaaaahhh the baby sitter simulator
God, you must be shit if you thought that was hard. They give you a dumpster to stuff her in all the time where no one can find her. I mostly forget about her except during the castle.

This was a great game. Get rid of the ashely part and it is the formula they should follow.

have you never played the original games? how fucking hard is it to understand what the fans wanted when theyve fucking done it before

>2D Mario is some bland 3D crap and DKC is pretty different from that 90s gritty pre-rendered style.

They look similar enough. They didn't complete "muh 3d 4k!" retard shit that you want for EVERY game.

Fucking hell, I know this feel. Unfortunately I have no advice you don't already know, I only managed to beat him by co-oping with a friend. The scaling of that mission to professional is fucking ridiculous. Would help you out but I play on PS4.

Enemies that aren't so trivial to run past, and don't despawn as easily.
Less ammo.
An actual final boss.
Not having the best features held back until madhouse.
Unlocks beyond just extra items.

Solid 7/10 though. Keen to learn more about Ethan's umbrella connection and what's the deal with """""Redfield""""".

RE 2 and 3 need major graphical overhauls and that's not "a little polish".

Seriously, what is up with you. I just said that I wanted games to not look like shit, and here you are blowing everything out of proportion to fit your narrative of "old graphics are always, ALWAYS better."

lmao, it's over. You blew your cover.

Not really, no. 2D Mario used to be heavily stylized 2D, DKC had a very gritty setting which reflected even on the characters themselves, as opposed to the often too bland tropical jungle style of Returns.

Not the guy you were talking to, by the way.

>RE 2 and 3 need major graphical overhauls and that's not "a little polish".

No, a little polish is fine. You want to take a 1969 muscle car and turn it into a modern fuel efficient piece of shit.

> I just said that I wanted games to not look like shit, and here you are blowing everything out of proportion to fit your narrative of "old graphics are always, ALWAYS better."
You're the moron who can't take RE 2 (arguably one of the greatest games ever), update it's graphics a little, and be happy with it. You want to go full 3d retard 4k like EVERY OTHER game on the market. Let me guess, you watch people play video games on youtube, right?

A game that's actually like the originals and doesn't cater to the Lets Play crowd or mimic other horror games. And no, tacking on an item box doesn't make it a "return to the franchise's roots". We wanted a classic isometric game, something that today's market is lacking in. The fact that they completely missed the mark just after they rereleased the REmake and Zero makes it even more annoying.

Don't knock it till you try it

>You're the moron who can't take RE 2 (arguably one of the greatest games ever), update it's graphics a little, and be happy with it.
You want me to be happy that I'm being presented with shit with sprinkles on it?

Jesus man, have some self-respect.

>doesn't mimic other horror games
RE1 is a clone of alone in the dark, but nobody complains about that.

>You want me to be happy that I'm being presented with shit with sprinkles on it?

I'm sorry, bro, you're just too young. If everything isn't perfect 3d 4k 60fps, it's not good enough for you. I feel sorry for you.

Just remember, RE 2 is considered the best RE game.

>he wants a in 2017

And how many games like Alone in the Dark get released nowadays?

But I actually like REmake. Tank controls are fucking dead and that's a damn fine shame. Even had them as the default on SH2/3.

But where did I say 4k 60fps? All I said was games shouldn't look like shit.