What level are you Sup Forums?
Do you buy steam trading cards?
What level are you Sup Forums?
Do you buy steam trading cards?
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3. No. Steam fucking sucks these days.
Im always on the level.
I don't care about autistic levels and I see steam as a means to an end
12, spent maybe $2 on cards, and that money was collected from selling cards.
19, I wanted a text box to say
Not really. I did want a risk of rain background though so that was an exception.
Sometimes if I'm close to a badge or sold something decent on the marketplace
If I have left over sub dollar cents after buying some games I'll grab a few. Money going unused is a waste.
I only ever use leftover money from my purchases or money made from selling unwanted steam cards to level up
I just want my profile to look nice. It's worth thousands of dollars, may as well add some sense of ownership to it
No, i just sell cards of shit i'm not interested in and use the money to complete other sets, never actually spent anything.
It really is the best strategy.
23 or something.
Not sure why i'm leveling up the profile anyway. Maybe because my steam wallet have a few shekles here and there before i reload, i tend to spend the remain on cheap cards.
Just hit 100 last week.
I buy a fuckton of trading cards
Only if you are willing to spend time on every indie garbage you have in your library, which is a lot, i currently have 14 bucks on steam just by doing that.
25, I wish I just sold my cards instead
you don't actually have to play or even install games to get cards from them
23 I think. I can't be bothered with steam's shitty marketplace so i'd rather craft the badges of the games i really liked for the same reason i put video games and hardware parts on the selves in my room. Its for me,not for showoff.
>vac bans
i was at 10 vac bans until valve had to ruin everything.
How did you manage to get 10 without Valve just deleting your fucking account
very carefully
Fite me bois
God tier: Grey level
Excellent tier: Red level
Good tier: Orange level
Shit: Yellow and beyond
im so glad that those delusional losers actually want to buy card so i can make quick bucks
Do i win something for giving less of a fuck than you?
Gambling through badge crafting and making mad dosh by selling anime girl backgrounds on the market is my favorite game on Steam.
I dunno what Steam level really is and what trading cards are nor do I care.
>Level 21 XP 3,539
Nope. Literally couldn't care less. It does literally nothing worthwhile so I see no point to it.
Cards though I like. I normally sell enough to get a free game or two a year.
Most people with a steam level higher than 20 tend to be autistic as fuck.
I can confirm this.
>Falling for the Steam meme
Soon they're going to require you to provide verified personal information under the guise of fighting scammers and cheaters or get locked out of your account. They're already pushing for phone numbers.
>valkyria chronicles release
>buy it for 15 bucks
>play for 10 minutes
>edelweiss foil card drops
>sell for 10 bucks (average price) immediately
>one day later it's worthless
I love steam trading cards.
I don't waste money on stupid cards. Worst feature they added.
I feel like a dumb goy desu
hon hon hon
Serious question; what on earth compels you people to buy this stuff? I'm amazed I can get real money for completely useless digital trading cards. Thank you for subsidizing my video game hobby.
I sell cards and buy other ones.
back it was just novelty to me, stuck to it for a moment, just to wonder if you can get legit money by crafting.
by the time i reached lvl50 i concluded it's not much of the case unless you really play any game at release to grab the cards.
i stopped crafting cards a year ago or so mostly because i had gotten a job, steam level became pointless with a salary.
I'm surprised these badges aren't more popular.
Which game?
Some chinese VN about abused lolis or something.
Yeah, I am kinda addicted but mostly during big sales.
I have my inventary full of cards and I'm still questioning why I am doing this.
I guess I find badges cute.
>$2 per badge when most are 50 cents max
Who spraypaints their cat? Fucking animal cruelty
All weeb games' badges are extremely expensive.
Level 69 is objectively the best level. Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't
I just wanna get to 69 then stop.
>No 34
>No 420
>No 666
I am level 10
I have given away my cards zero fucks given
What's the point of cards
It is the equivalent of points from achievements of xbox live.
Normal person:
Sells them to get few cents more to buy games during sales.
Autistic person:
Collect them to craft badges which allow your Steam Level to grow up. Having a high level allows you to personalize better your profile page and you also get a higher chance to obtain a random card pack.
Got to level 2 four years ago, havent gone up
It's a reflection from the window. It's even on the floor next to the cat.
im lvl 50. i wish i hadnt bought cards or done any gay steam shit. im just an autistic fuck. i might start a new account. steam should be for playing games not breeding autism
and i wish i never bought so many games that i couldve just pirated. waiting for all this early access shit to be released so i can refund (hi dayZ!)
Level 50.
Waiting for summer sale to jump to ~125
What is the benefit of the summer sale?
you get more summer cards when you complete a badge instead of a coupon for some random game
If any of you fags have cs keys or want to boost level for some reason here it is.
Gives yoy 16 sets of cards for 1 key
For every badge that you craft duringcsummer sale, you get 1 card towards the summer sale badge.
You need 9 cards to craft a summer sale badge.
Makes crafting badges more efficient
anyone who doesen't have a 13 year badge is automatically pleb
36. I leveled up a bit because you get better booster pack drop rates. I sell most my cards though. I've probably made more than €50 in total on selling shit (I have over 1000 games).
Thanks. Is there any way to improve how much you make? Or do you just sell everything when you get it?
this is the only true answer.
everything else is pleb/nolife as fuck.
XP from years + games and thats it
You can choose the price of every single card.
Of course, some cards are less rare than others, so you must carefully choose the price.
You can decide to sell it at a lower price compared to the actual average price, so you'll get less money but faster.
Or you can sell it at a bigger price but you have to keep in mind it will take much longer.
Ok, so a normal market. Doesn't sound like it's worth the effort, I'll just list at the average price.
I was wondering if there was any advice like "wait for a full set and sell it altogether".
Thanks anyway.
only made the doom badge because I liked the backgrounds, sell all the cards I get.
Only because there was a loophole during some old winter or summer sale, through which you could buy cards from the market, craft them into badges and actually get more money then you spent buying the cards.
Stopped leveling, been at 73 for like a year now. Just wanted the pink circle.
Someone already posted the badge but w/e, used it for a long time now
Do you want to be my steam girlfriend?
sure, post id.
just hit 70 a few weeks ago
12, and no because I don't give a fuck about badges or levels. I've sold every steam card I have received from playing games. Only badges I got were from shit like the 2011 Steam sale shit
>is above lvl 30
>account is 5+ years old max
I'm sure there are exceptions but it seems like most users who have been with Steam since the beginning don't give a fuck about the microtransaction social networking bullshit.
Only for this.
This. You're a faggot if you do otherwise.
>Played HL2 DM beta back in the day
>Current account is 7 years old, which is almost newfag tier
I probably should've reclaimed my old account, instead of making a new one.
>Friend has steam account with a 13 years of service badge
>Level 1, only one game in the inventory, never actually logins
What a waste of potential.
Level 33
But I can't level up anymore because no smartphone, thanks Steam
dont be mad anoons
I have over 750 games and not a single badge from any of them, i sell the cards to buy more games
If I have the cards I will combine them but going out of my way to buy them is dumb.
Lvl 15 with some 200 games, 8 years of service and a few badges for events such as the treasure hunt or the Sup Forums vs reddit idle clicker wars.
this guy is underrated
add me up losers