How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

I wish I had the money to buy the things that make me happy like this fellow

>implying he's happy

It makes me feel not as bad about my gunpla addiction.
>Buying Disney Infinity four (4) times.
>Buying Skylanders six (6) times.

Do you paint your collection?

Is it worth it to get a Wii U?


>because I'm not happy, no one can be

To be fair, each of those Skylanders is a different game. They aren't good games, but it's not like they bought the same identical thing over and over.

in a few years when its at like 50 bucks

Do you really wanna play Bayonetta 2, Dong Freeze, Xenoblade X, Pikmin 3, and HD Wind Waker/Twilight Princess immediately, or are you cool waiting (potentially) years until they're ported to the Switch?

These and collection threads in general make me jealous, honestly. I've never been one to take risks buying games I might not enjoy because I'm afraid of buyers remorse, and I no longer own most of the consoles of my childhood for various reasons. Seeing collections makes me wish I had several things.
1. The disposal income to afford all of my games physically
2. The space to store said games physically.
3. Be able to read enough jap to play Taiko because localization fucking never.
4. Had saved every physical copy of games I ever owned instead of lending/selling/trading them for more games or extra cash.

>HD Wind Waker/Twilight Princess
No one would absolutely port remakes to a next gen console

>expecting me to not immediately recognize finngamer's collection

Makes me feel happy that he can still afford all those games after the divorce

I just see a person that is so devoid of identity that the amount of mass-produced media he purchased he somehow considered a skill brag-worthy.

I will. My problem is I have dreams of grandeur for almost every kit I own, so I have about some 30 kits that will not be touched until I get good with painting and shit. I've snapped about 4 HGs, 1 RG, and working on the Force Impulse MG when I have time, but it's an incredibly slow rate. I've told myself no more until I get some shit done. Part of the problem is that the weather has been shit where I live and if I read correctly, isn't friendly to priming/airbrushing.

I'd be stoked for a collection on the switch with the remakes of OoT, MM, WW, and TP

Jak games are being ported to PS4

>ports of ports

I'm jealous of all those (you)s

Like you have shit taste

Just one of my vidya shelves

dammit..I wanna hate you cuz you're a leaf, but front facing slayers and messiah means you're probably an okay person.

I'm seeing duplicates already. No need to further look at your 'collection'

Why do you keep a 2005 chinese calendar nowadays?

The best games are and will be getting enhanced ports on Switch, so no.

Even if you bought the DLC for WiiU version's, you still wouldn't have the updated experience and you would be spending much more.

>ports are inherently a bad thing

>a leaf
But I'm a frog

For the art obviously, I already have a PC telling me the date

They still make guitar hero games?

Props for Slayers and the Tintin comics, even if they're not vidya related.
Never thought I'd see the FF on PC physically tho,n even back in the days I never found them.

>People who buy shit games to make their collections look impressive

A waste of money

>The best games are and will be getting enhanced ports on Switch, so no.
No they aren't fuck off with this meme

Indifferent. Let the guy spend his money the way he wants.

I kind of pity him since he had to desperately try to justify his Wii U purchase by buying as many games for it as he could.


It also killed Mad catz