How do we stop the marketeer menace?
How do we stop the marketeer menace?
You dont, Sup Forums is dead.
Shitpost harder and more nonsensically
I don't know, OP. Mods have been paid to ignore Atlus shilling.
Pedobear content in every thread
3/5 out of those threads are negative, nice job retard. It's not shilling, it is just children desperate for their thread to have 100's of replies.
>not using yotsuba B
are you a faggot or something?
Darker themes strain the eyes far less.
Games I like don't count.
Not like anything gets close to Cawadoody shilling.
I've said it a million times but again: WHY? Sup Forums is like 0.0000000001% of sales, assuming anyone here pays for games. Is it for visibility?
persona,nier,NMS,zelda and bloodborne called
3 of 5 are negative
1 asks for opinion
only 1 is positive (if you dont take if for what it is, ironic shit posting)
A agree it´s annoying, but the marketer crying is unwarranted most of the time.
now give me the "t. marketer" reply faggot
Sup Forums is the second or third most popular board on Sup Forums. That's a shitload of exposure for extraordinarily low marketing costs.
Stop responding. Hide the thread and move on.
Never in the history of the internet i have ever seen a shitposting let alone shilling thread get ignored
Its like shills attack in groups
Do what criplechan did. Allow porn.
the userbase is huge. This isnt early cheese pizza Sup Forums, this is phoneposting goobergate Sup Forums. Bunch of ledditards float around here and unlike on leddit you cannot see someone just made an account to shill
That would make some threads like persona threads just get bumped to hell with porn floods. Just embedding a naked loli on every page and banning phoneposters would work a lot better. No workfags, no underageb&, less shilling
>new game gets announced
>people are talking about it
>on the video games board
>call them shills
ok yeah ya'll are faggots
Add to this people take opinions they form on this site to shit up bigger ponds like reddit, twitter and fedbook.
>COD #5179305190385790
I bet there's a lot to talk about.
I bet theres so much shit to talk about that you need 10 threads at a time
0,005$ was deposited into your acount
bury it
It doesnt bother weebshits and nintenbros when threads about p5, waifu faggotry or nintendo are being spammed.
Conclusion : kill all weebshits
>kill all weebshits
>hundreds of BoTW and nintendo shill threads
>nobody complains
>few threads about some console garbage, especially ones where it gets good reviews
Whenever you talk about your favorite game, you are marketing.
t. shill
I love how you need to force the fact that everyone who complains about shills is a weaboo in order to have some sort of argument.
All shilling must go.
What's the point of having constant Cawadaddy threads?
What do you want to talk about?
The loot boxes?
The season pass?
The same 5 hour long campaign we'll get?
The same zombie mode?
The same unbalanced multiplayer mode it's going to get?
dunno, dont care
at last I find an opportunity to mention how annoying it is to see 5 persona threads at once
I mean okay, maybe one thread can be about their waifus and another about the storyline, but when we have:
>futabo is cute!
>ana is best girl!
>is this cat a girl (male) ?
>what did the last boss mean by this?
>is p5 this year's goty?
>[picture of the policewoman loli]
all in different threads, it becomes slightly annoying
I complained about nu nintendo and people just calls me sony nigger
Despite posting a DS
They claim that I am now a sony fanboy still
>ridiculously popular game (CoD,zelda,battlegrounds) has multiple threads
>very unpopular (as in no one plays it, nioh, gravity rush, persona etc) game has twenty trillion threads
>not shilling
And of course, Sup Forums is a place where only the most popular games are talked about, right?
CP posters were protecting us from normies. Truly unsung heroes.
Who are you quoting?
>anime threads, waifu threads, "i want to fuck the cat" threads, tranny link threads, muh animu thread and so and so
These are not videogame related. This is a videogame board. Delusional weebshits need to fuck off
Hey, i'm willing to get all Nioh, GR and Persona threads banned if that means getting rid of shilled to death games like COD.
It makes sense that popular games has threads, and unpopular ones have less. Unpopular games having trillions seems more like shilling then very popular games having a few.
>Call of Duty
>constant threads with the OP always saying ''Preorder it''
>game comes out
>instantly forgotten
That's how you detect shilled games, they have no lasting impact because only shills talk about them.
Like Lords of the Fallen or Forza Horizon 3.
Has anyone looked at the steam forums? They're normally the only forums I go to for gaming, andI decided to have a look for CoD WW2 because it's already number 3 on the top sellers list. I saw lots of people typing with > in front of all theirs words and they directed me here so I thought I'd come and introduce myself to you guys, I'm probably going to stick around for a bit. My name is Jack and I really like first person shooters! Who are you guys? I couldn't see an introduce yourself post
OP here, where did I say that Nioh, Gravity Rush or Persona are not shilling?
>Anyone excited to play forza horizon 3? I can't wait to make anime cars!
I'm ok with popular games having multiple threads, like
>What do you think of X's DLC
>What is your favourite bossfight in the main game of X
But not fine with
>3 waifu threads (includes "I want to fuck the cat")
>"this character is good/bad"
>screencap of the game with epic reference and no context
Open your friends list right now. CoD will be one of the most popular games on it. These games aren't instantly forgotten, just not shilled absolutely constantly on v.
if you're unironically posting this, I hope you got a thick skin because people are going to tell you to fuck off, but it's part of the ritual
This isn't even a fucking word.
>go to Steam charts
>Infinite Warfare
>daily peak of 1900 players
>most played COD is Black Ops 3
>less than 5000 players
Why do you insist that Sup Forums represents the entire industry?
Nah what I'm saying is that it's not surprising at all that a popular game has a lot of threads, just because it's popular and everyone will be talking about it.
Very unlikely to be shills when so many people talk about it in real life.
I assumed you had a xbox/ps4. Equivalent thing on PC is calling battlegrounds/DOTA/anything else incredibly popular shilled when people will obviously be talking abouit it because its popular.
But not fine with
>3 waifu threads (includes "I want to fuck the cat")
>Sup Forums
>one of the most elitist vidya talk places
>giving a single fuck about the franchise that embodies everything wrong with modern videogames
Why is it so hard to believe a very popular game in rel life doesn't have at least a few fans here?
How come there's barely any DOTA 2 or CS:GO, or GTA Online threads then?
Oh yeah, because Sup Forums in no way represents the entire vidya community.
This is the place that said that Overwatch would flop.
More like edgy contrarian underage weebshits
You don't see it on Reddit either, because they literally pay to market and have legit-looking accounts made for them by admins
They pay to market here too but difference is they don't need to make accounts to do it, Sup Forums is basically a marketer's wet dream
I'm always down for banter mate, people on the steam forums aren't exactly the nicest people :P No one can make me fuck off, it's why I love the internet!
Why do those fans always make threads with the same pic, same filename, same ''Are you preordering it?'' or ''Thoughts?'' catchphrases?
Why do they disappear once the game comes out?
Why are those threads always having the same dude saying
Which has happpened during the Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare shilling campaigns?
>what's a controversial issue
Exactly, that's what Sup Forums is, which means all these forced COD threads are made by shills.
What controversy?
It will be the first result on google images. Also OPs pic only the 2nd one sounds like shilling at all.
Literally every single Infinite Warfare thread had someone saying
People are meant to post on vg, and most of those games are.
That's another thing.
There's a constant spam of COD threads, but there's never been a COD general in /vg/
Maybe because there's no legitimate discussion?
>if you're unironically posting this
Fuck off
Where do all these retards come from
Don't worry user, it's just part of the ritual
Wow people are talking about a newly revealed game, something is amiss
It's sad because people don't believe in marketeers when their existence and influence on Sup Forums (and leddit and Youtube) is a fact
>thread about games, especially upcoming game that's been popular forever
>muh shill muh advertisement muh spam
>off topic thread about what Xenomorphs eat to live and grown
>serious conversation, few insults and 400 posts
this isn't a board for video games. It's a board for people who play video games
You've probably already stopped playing video games. Just take it one step farther than I seem to be able to and stop coming here on top of it. If everyone did that this place would die peacefully as it falls into a shitty echo chamber no one really wants to be a part of but have just wound up trapped in, like neoGAF.
Why do people want to talk about Cawadoody?
>all in different threads, it becomes slightly annoying
Not slightly, it's infuriating. If there's by chance one good thread talking about either persona or smt or both, some fucking waifufag will come and derail the whole thread.
DUDES, one of the head mods is literally a marketer. Get ready to have your eyes blown wide open.
You're all being farmed for trending data. I'm not making this shit up
Those games are on /vg/
for some reason weebs refuse to use /vg/. even their fucking phone game general is spilling over
Nier has a general.
what good would "muh best waifu" info do for them?
that's great! I wish persona would get one
You needing to ask that is why they're making money off that info and you aren't
Nintendo fucking needs a containment board,them and also Blizzard,I have all that crap filtered since years and every fucking day I count 10+ hidden related threads
guys, say something nice about persona waifu
mods need to allow self-moderation so I can spam GETs
>You're all being farmed for trending data. I'm not making this shit up
Of course you aren't. Hiro did the same fucking thing to 2chan.
>COD shills trying to convince everone that it's just weaboos
Fuck weaboos too, all you shills need to fuck off.
Didn't some guy from activistion try to shill a CoD game here and then a bunch of anons trolled him by telling him to put Dinosaurs in the net game, and then when the reveal trailer for Battlefield 3 came out the very first thing you saw was a dinosuar?
you can't
even if you stop actual marketeers, people will still make threads while pretending to be marketeers.
I had great success so far by derailing every thread with blatant Sup Forums bait tbfh
I don't know what he's trying to advertising cause like annoying ads everything that pops for three days in a row with same images and words goes straight to the filters.I guess I've probably derailed a couple of his shilling threads as I got my IP banned different times and the reason was "to instigate OT and console wars" in a a bunch of topics which were already OT,already posted and most important there were no console wars in sight
Not as bad as Horizon 0/10 Dawn. This new cod actually looks decent.
No it doesn't, it looks like the same garbage it's been for the past 10 years but in a setting that was burned into the ground long ago.