One single game

>One single game
>3,000,000 units sold in a month

Other urls found in this thread:

I came on my switch by accident once. It was really embarrassing.

>in a month

IN FUCKING MARCH and if they would have more supply it would have been sold even more.

Ugliest Nintendo console ever

It "stopped" getting games

haha good one sonybro! upvoted

That's still the virtual boy

No it's cool I still have one.


At least it has an actual game. The PS4 sold it's first year on no games.

Further anal devastation incoming

dude, seriously delete this

XD ebin

There are literally people arguing in another Switch thread that buying a console for future releases is just as acceptable as buying it for current ones. Meaning, your own group of consumer slaves thinks your own argument is retarded.

>buying a console for future releases
But that is retarded.

inb4 just a port meme

>zelda failed to outsell horizon

I keep seeing it readily in stock in stores near me... you sure momentum isn't slowing?

That's 22% of the Wii U's lifetime sales

in fucking March

>a game on a brand new console sold less than a game on a 40 million units console

I think there was an argument to be made for getting the No Games Horizon Dawnstation because it was going to get decent 3rd party support either way. Nintendo consoles have been spotty with their third party support. You either have situations like the Wii where people would literally shit out games for it as fast as they could to cash in on the hype, or the Wii-U and Gamecube where the games won't sell well enough on the console to justify porting, which leads to the console not selling well, which leads to a more severe lack of ports.

I just don't feel like this thing is going to get 3rd party support in a way that really, truly matters. I would love to be wrong, though.

>Wii U

No one owns a wii u

watch it double in another month or two due to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. inb4 'its already on wii u'. no one gave a shit about the wii u. to the general public, this is the first brand new Mario Kart game since 7 on the 3ds.

But that's wrong you fucking retard.

But it's true. Sorry but you can't deny that Horizon: Zero Dawn for PS4 sold more than Zelda: Breath of the Wild for Wii U and Nintendo Switch.

the first game I remember playing was the original Duke Nukem on PC. The second is Doom II. Earliest game I remember owning myself was Donkey Kong Country on SNES.

Oh, I see, you missed the news. Sorry Sonybro, Zelda sold 3.8 million units by March 31st. Feel free to neck yourself at any time.

BotW sold 3.84m across both systems in March.

I guess this will end the shitposting about HZD outselling it?

It's genius really, use a mainline game of a popular series to launch a new console then make ports of all the decent games your previous abortion of a console had because no one actually played them.

Some people just don't know the black hole like pull Zelda has to normie audiences. That game is the reason it's sold so much.

>I just don't feel like this thing is going to get 3rd party support in a way that really, truly matters
Never underestimate Nintendo!

Go on, post your source, I posted mine.

What the fuck am I even looking at on this graph? Label your axes

How can shitposters be this fucking lazy lmao

What does 98 even mean? Zelda botw only has a 97 and a 96

That's the problem though. It's just Zelda. Not Mario or Pokemon.

No Zelda game has EVER sold over 9 million copies. Games from the Mario and Pokemon series have both sold 30+ million copies easily. When the BOTW sales start to plateau at about 6/7 million, that's when the Switch will struggle. The REAL key to the success of the Switch will be Super Mario Odyssey. If it's good it well sell twice as much as BOTW and Nintendo will win this gen.

Clickbait reviews don't count, user. Sorry to tell you that fake news never wins.

>Xbox people laughing from beyond at the PS4 owners


No matter how much you cry, that score's still staying at 97.

The only person crying is Cuck Sterling because of his persecution complex.

Sony sold more than that in its first month while having zero games

And you because the score will always be at 97.

>When the BOTW sales start to plateau at about 6/7 million
You're fucking retarded, mate. BotW is at least a 10 million seller at this point. It's already sold close to 4 million and Nintendo's games have very long legs.

Why would I need typo cry when it's the greatest game ever released?

I'm a Nintendo hater, honestly, but I've never been hyperbolic about their downfall. HOWEVER, I honestly thought this things was going to be their end.

It has no games, is built poorly, and I thought normies would just see it as a shitty IPAD in the same way they look at Amazon tablets.

I don't fucking understand how they're selling so well. Why are people buying them? I don't get it.

Not even in the top 10 highest-rated games on metacritic, but keep living in your delusion world.

Because it's not shitty quality, the concept is good and it has mass appeal. Quit falling for crappy memes. The switch has less than a 1% failure rate.

It has the most perfect scores of all time, sorry to burst your safe space bubble.

>I don't fucking understand how they're selling so well. Why are people buying them? I don't get it.

The wiiu sold well in its first month too user.

These sales aren't from normies it's from the Nintendo diehards who will buy any system Nintendo puts out. The numbers will fall off a cliff once all of these faggots have their switch

>I don't fucking understand how they're selling so well.

It isn't, it's only a couple 100k above Xbone first month. PS4 first month was 4.2 million.

Typical delusional Zelda fanboy. Metroid was always the superior series. At least we don't pretend that Metroid is part of some 'holy trinity' with Mario and Pokemon with only 1/3 of the sales like you Zeldafags do.

Zelda launch title.


Changing it to a different metric won't change the fact that Zeldary won the popular vote while Horizumpf won the election.

Still wrong because Zelda sold more and it's still selling more. Horizon has dropped out of the top 10. One again, sorry to burst your safe space bubble Sony cuck.

>Knack: 86


It's actually 54

Japan is absolutely beasting the West this year.

Give it time. Zelda has legs, it'll sell throughout the Switch's lifetime. Horizon is already forgotten.

Someone post the sonygga wojack I need it on this PC.

>No Zelda game has EVER sold over 9 million copies.
Twilight Princess sold 10 million, faggot.

and all they had to do was make it into a open world meme simulator.

in bargain bins

Mind if i post this one to reddit :3

>Keep crying about your near perfect score game, it was always shit.

...Is Sup Forums just BizarroWorld? Should I just start speaking in opposites and talking in third person?

>You either have situations like the Wii where people would literally shit out games for it as fast as they could to cash in on the hype
that's currently happening to switch and PS4

>ps4 sold 60 million units
>horizon, a completely new IP outsold zelda
>hideo kojima signed up with sony

3 reasons why sony is better.

Why do people keep calling it a console?

What are Horizons sales? Because Zelda has sold 3.84M

Switch SP when?

A very disappointing 2.6 million.


Sonyroaches on suicide watch

BotW is objectively better than any of the nostalgiameme Zeldas.

10s kids got the best nostalgic childhoods now.

90s kids: fucking demolished.

>>horizon, a completely new IP outsold zelda

>Horizon: ~2.4 shipped
>Zelda: 3.8m sold through


Really? That means the Switch version of Zelda alone sold more than Horizon

Just cause horizon is a actually better game doesnt mean zelda is pure shit i mean yes it still cant compete with alundra in terms of riddles, dungeons, dungeon amount, music, bosses and story.
But zelda is still a good ubisoft like open world game with a sad glaring lack of big dungeons.
Eh maybe next time.

go ahead, im sure your friends over there are waiting for you

That's how it goes. People buy PS4s to play Battlefield and Fifa, Sony exclusives always sell mediocre amounts. Horizon is actually the second best selling PS4 exclusive.

Not only that

>50 million install base
>2.4 million shipped, unknown sold

>2.74 million install base
>2.76 million sold on that console alone (3.8 if you count Wii U)

Well the 2.4 shipped is for 2 weeks, and zelda's number is also shipped.

But yes, zelda has undoubtedly already outsold horizon and the gap will probably keep growing. Not that horizon sold badly, but it can't really compete here.

>Sup Forums told it'll fail
>Sup Forums told it'll flop
>Sup Forums told it'll die

Apologize to Nintendo right now, son.

i also told you that it's shit.

They will refuse to apologize and deny deny and deny again until 1 year from now. If Nintendo reaches the 12 million + figure by next April, Sup Forums is over.

>zelda's number is also shipped.

Nope, it's sold. Check the actual earnings report

These financial reports use a somewhat confusing terminology. "Sold" from Nintendo's perspective means "sold to retailers," since that's what matters to Nintendo. (Except for digital sales, of course.)

When they talk about retail sales to customers they use the term "sold through," and cite a source like NPD or media create (since Nintendo themselves don't actually know).

eh with the exception of few solitary people almost no one on /v said it will die.. in fact most said nintendo could release a literal piece of shit call it zelda and it still would sell good.
But i get why nintenbros now use this wrong narrative lel
And it kinda looks this is what happened average ubisoft shit game in which everyone pretends its oh soooo detailed and special and new while in reality it doesnt even do anything new.
In fact it does sooo few things new in open world genre to the point reviewers have to pretend (in a timeline where gta and mgs5 exist) that zeldas details in the world are suddenly something new and really special lol Nothing in the game was worth losing good long zelda dungeons for it, nothing.

This literally means that no company sales are truly accurate figures

Well, they are what they are.

Generally there won't be a huge discrepancy between shipped and sold through.

It's scary how willing Sonybros are to revise history with a snap of the finger

You do realize that SOLD does mean sold to stores right? Shipped means it was shipped out to distributors which then sell it to stores making them SOLD

This is how it's always worked.

Right back to you mariobro

That's basically what I said, yeah.

Retail stores can't ship back to distributers you know.
That's why things go on clearance sales.

I know.

>not mario kart 8 a game that sold 8 million on wiiu and THIRTY SIX MILLION on the Wii

Except there's no revisionism from us so nice try

How is it confusing then?

So you acknowledge that the Switch and Zelda figures are NOT the shipped figures then?