Nintendo Financial Results 2016

2.74 Millions Shipped by March 31 2017
10 Millions Shipped by March 31 2018
5.46 Millions by March 31 2017

13.56 Millions Shipped by March 31 2017
No Forescast
98.85 Millions by March 2017

66.12 Millions Shipped by March 31 2017
6 Millions Shipped by March 31 2017
329 Millions By March 2017

>Breath of the Wild (between WiiU and Switch by March 31 2017)
3.84 Millions
>Pokemon Sun & Moon
15.44 Millions
>Super Mario Maker 3DS
2.34 Millions
>Kirby: Planet Robobot
1.36 million units

9.1 Millions
9.3 Millions

Other urls found in this thread:

Iwata would be proud.

Damn the swtich is doing nicely, it'll be interesting to see how it turns out in the future. A lot of normies I know don't even know the thing exists

>66.12 Millions Shipped by March 31 2017
>65.30 Millions Shipped by December 31 2016

they only shipped ~820K in 3 months?

>2.74 mil switch
>2.76 mil Zelda switch

What the fuck

Some people might have bought a few with the intention of scalping and/or some people might have bought a copy for play and a copy for display is my guess

People who can't get a switch due to low supply buy the game in preparation, or bought a switch off ebay.

3.2M a year isn't bad for a six year old console.

>2.74m Switch
>2.76m BotW
Has any game ever had a better attach rate than this?

Speculated to be LE for collecting and regular for playing

Forecast is too optimistic

They're expecting 6 million by next march tho

>3. Mid to Long-Term Corporate Business Strategy and Issues to Address
>For our dedicated video game business, our unique hardware-software integrated business
with focus on software will continue to constitute the core business for Nintendo and we will actively seek to invest resources in our
Nintendo-specific platform business
>In order to expand the scope of our business, we will seek to strengthen our business foundation,
generate synergy with our dedicated video game business and maximize business for Nintendo as a whole by building our smart-device
business into one of our major pillars of profit.
>In addition to our gaming business, we are also making active use of Nintendo IP by providing theme park attractions using our characters, showing off our characters through video content and merchandising, and in collaborations with our partner companies.

>We will continue to flexibly transform ourselves by adapting to changing times while constantly valuing the spirit of originality based
on the belief that the "true value of entertainment lies in its uniqueness" - and will endeavor to continue providing products and services
that people will be surprised and delighted by.

>3.2M a year
3DS sold 7+ Millions in 2016

how is 10M too optimistic??

Price cuts.

If there's a price drop or new model before or during holiday season i could see it going up to 15mil at this rate

Seems fair, Zelda managed to sell 3 million units and by next year bigger hitters like Mario Kart, Splatoon and 3D Mario would have launched as well.

>3DS sold 7+ Millions in 2016
He was just doing the math since 3DS shipped 820K in its first 3 months he assumed that if it were tell sell similarly throughout the year it would sell 3.2M


>New model before the holiday
>Pricecut before the holiday

I don't know why people think this is a possibility. Nintendo always waits about 2 years before introducing any kind of revisions or any price cuts. And with how it's selling now, there's not a snowballs chance in hell that it'll drop in price.

I dont think there will be a drop price, but I do expect a bundle (maybe free game bundle) by holidays if sales slow down

Didn't 3ds get a really big boost in early 2016 because of pirating? Or am I mis-remembering things here?

>Nintendo always waits about 2 years before introducing any kind of revisions or any price cuts
Well that's not even remotely true, they're always less that 2 years on revisions and they price cut the 3ds after 3 months
I think they might consider pushing a revision ahead to address connectivity issues and various minor flaws popping up with the switch, but that's on the maybe table.
A price cut is quite likely though.

The only reason they did a price cut on the 3DS was because its sales were complete garbage. The Switch isn't having this issue.

I bought one because of the pirating though that was in like December of 2015 IIRC. I then bought another one like a year later my GF. MFW they are both fucking red because when I went to buy another one they didn't have any black ones.

>Or am I mis-remembering things here?
Nintendo claims there was a boost in hardware and pokemon sales after GO!.

That was in july of 2016.

Yeah and i'm not expecting it to receive a cut by July.
Also they're already selling less in japan and the US so it's not like they couldn't stand to sell it for a little less come winter.


piracy is still relatively small despite it being completely free and only requiring 1-2 hours to follow a guide .It never went completely public like R4 cards did because it lacks the ease of use.

It wasnt until late spring/summer that the 3DS really blew up due to Pokemon GO which lead to people buying 3DS's becuase Sun and Moon were announced.


It was because of Mario and Luigi>Fates> Kirby> localizations>Pokemon GO effect>Pokemon Sun and Moon

literally in that order

>"My title is Creative Fellow, I should be sketching Pikmin 4 areas and stuff."
>"Why do I need to attend these boring business meetings?"
>"My feet hurt even though I'm sitting."

>Also they're already selling less in japan
Its actually up week on week from the initial sales drop. Up from 45k to 48k this week, which was up from 40k, which was up from 37

Yeah sorry that was a typo.
I meant to say "They're selling it for less" since they've been selling it for $265-$275USD domestically depending on the value of the yen over the last couple months.

I already knew it was a neogaffer thread when I read the words.


despite this being a sony tactic.

I'm crashing this plane, with no survivors!

Fiscal year vs Profits updated chart

What the fuck was that surge in 1998? It's not even Pokémon, that was 1996. Did they sell nuclear warheads to North Korea without telling anyone?

What the hell happened in 1998 that made them as much as the entire Wii/DS gen?

How the fuck that happened?

Ocarina of time you fags

Game Boy Color.

gameboy color plus pokemon was a deadly combo. I still miss playing pokemon blue in the complete blue tone the game had.

Pokemon anime in 1997. That's too big for any one company to handle so they created TPCi a year later.

Yes, Ocarina of Time made them more money in one month than the entirety of the Wii and the DS.

Game Boy Color only had 40 million sales, I can't imagine that was it.

yes, its pokemon, it released in Japan in 96, but was not till like or 2 years later when it went global that pokemon became POKEMON

Pokemon hit america.

That was the time Pokemon was at its peak. Not everyone was playing it in 1996.

You're right, this is probably it.

And now the TPC fucks them over

>Game Boy Color only had 40 million sales, I can't imagine that was it.
Nintendo had a monopoly on handhelds, meaning all sales go to Nintendo. You forget how much money they make with games as well.
>Some were surprised that Nintendo released such an apparently underpowered system, as the Game Boy Color was not even as powerful as the Game Gear, which was released way back in 1990. However, the Color, as with its predecessors, was notably more portable, more affordable and had a greater library of games than any of its competitors, as well as many years of carefully-built brand recognition behind it. As such it dominated the market, and destroyed all competition.

>tpc fucks them over

with what exactly? creating 2 Billion revenue/profit without releasing a single game?

>Japan - 600,000
>The Americas - 1,200,000
>Other - 940,000
Is this the first time Europe and Oceania overtook Japan in Nintendo sales?

Actually, I take that back. Even with TPC as a legally separate company the profits would still come back to them as they own them, unless that isn't included in the chart.

How exactly? Nintendo themselves just said Pokémon GO drove sales of the 3DS and Pokémon SM this year.

And it's absolutely true, look at it. SM has outperformed XY despite being the second gen on the same system. Last time that happened, BW did considerably worse than DP.

By being cunts and not letting nintendo use pokemon sound effects in mario maker, not letting the pokemon amiibo do anything outside smash and more

for those interested, Nintendo War Chest (cold hard cash) went from 5.7 Billions USD to 6.62 USD

HOLY SHIT. How did they lose billions to 6 dollars?


TPC are just ridiculously overprotective of the brand and refuse to even open Pokémon Centers in the West even though they'd be massively successful. But ultimately Nintendo still gets what matters the most from them, and that is the main Pokémon games.

That puts the Wii U's attach rate at 7.3, 3DS at 5.

Do those software numbers include digital? That could complicate comparisons to attach rates for previous systems.

Black and white only did slightly worse.

Piracy has a much smaller impact than Sup Forums would want you to believe

yes. it includes digital and Bundles



can I get a source on that user

Haven't read data in quite a while, I though they did like 20% worse? Yeah, that's not a failure or anything, but it's still worse. SM on the other hand is less than a million away from selling in six months what XY sold in three years and a half.

It's possible that if retailers already have plenty of stock, shipments will be lower.

In that case the Wii U's attach rate is rather weak compared to Nintendo's past systems. Possibly a result of the system's shorter-than-average lifespan, or a lack of 3rd party support.

break a leg user

What happened in 2007? Wasn't that when the Wii was becoming big?

Its as if the entire world had an economic crisis or something

Wii Launch was in fiscal year 08.
It's only 12% less. I wouldn't call that "considerably" but I guess that's just up to how we use words.

Probably not included in the chart.
And Nintendo only has about 33% ownership there plus an unspecified percentage of Creatures.
They must be keeping the Pokemon revenue in TPCi after getting that spike in 98.

Jesus fucking Christ they need to start making new IPs and games stat

Nah, you're right, I remembered it worse than it was.

well. fuck me with a stick. I double check numbers... I missed a 0 on 2007


and just in case, Source

Look at the chart Over the span of 36 years they've only been in the red twice.

Doing good work user

Dont worry i also remember it being somewhere around 13 mil until at least 2015. I guess it got updated

Japan companies become too americanized. put prophet over Honor. Very shamefur. Must commit Sudoku

Over the course of 128 years actually.

It might be. I wonder how much of that is Europe/Aus and how much is from other Asian countries and South America.

Iwata was the prophet and we killed him

But Iwata already died for their sins.

>Nintendo War Chest (cold hard cash) went from 5.7 Billions USD to 6.62 USD

Year over Year

3DS sales slowed in Japan by and small margin, but had a boost in USA.

software wise, 1st party software YoY almost triplicated in both USA and Japan

apple has billions of dollars too. big whoop. these companies don't do anything with the money that helps humanity.

They said they are doubling on mobile so it becomes a pillar
Its over

Why would they have large amounts of company money just sitting around deflating in value?
At least cycle that shit through short term low risk investments.

Y o Y 3DS sales in Europe had an small boost and 1st party software Doubled

in Europe Yokai Watch is trending to be more popular in Europe than what it was in Japan in the same time frame

What are savings user??

That's just what Nintendo does for financial security, I guess. They also have exactly zero debt whenever possible.

They should invest in gold. fiat currency is going in the toilet.

Also, liquidity.
Insurance for unexpected events.

>What are savings user??
Something that you do with household budgets where you only lose a couple hundred a year from not investing it.
With billions of dollars you will lose tens of millions each year purely through inflation and much more in taxes

Nintendo have that cash for 3 reason

1) whenever they have to make an investment big, they can pay it off. this is one of the reason, that despite their size, as a company they have 0 debt (look at SONY debt in financial reports)

2) savings cause shit happens

3) its a life line/ deterrent in case someone tries to pull a hostile take over via Stocks (Ubisoft wish they had that cash)

Gold is a meme investment and one of the worst investments you can make.

2DS sales increased 10-15% in all regions

Stop acting like a financial analyst you moron.
If they invested all that cash in stocks or bonds or other businesses then they would lose their liquidity.
That means if they need money right away, they won't be able to get it right away.

>At least cycle that shit through short term low risk investments.
They actually have investments in tons of other stuff. From sports team to home appliance manufacturers. All kinds of things not related to either electronics nor entertainment.

>implying they don't have him hooked up to some minority report machine

WiiU globally had a massive drop in hardware sale and and slighting drop in software sales

>tfw you bought botw but can't find a switch.