Tfw don't care about story

>tfw don't care about story
>don't care about easy games
>hate grinding and drudgery
>only care about challenge and game mechanics, and to a lesser extent OST and art direction
>99% of the 'masterpieces' Sup Forums raves about I drop because I cannot STAND unchallenging games
>basically only play the same shoot em ups, arena fps, and fighting games as a result

Honestly is there anything left for people like me? Every game is a casual, simple piece of shit. I'm getting a bit bored of playing quake and street fighter (not V as it's an abortion) with the same people. I just need a break from it. I wish there was something new and innovative. But there isn't. Touhou challenge runs are getting boring at this point, so is racking up arcade 1ccs. I blow people out of the water in videogames. I want something new, fresh, challenging, but it doesn't exist. Everything is diluted and simplified for nu-gamers.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I only play challenging games for a challenged gamer, such as myself

I know it's hard to grasp for a mentally stunted prole like yourself, yes.

Try Nuclear Throne. I bought it recently and I'm wondering why it took me so long. Sup Forums-approved and hard as nails

We're not the target demographic anymore, the masses of mouth breathers are, see

OP knows my feel.

The last game I truly got a rush from was Hotline Miami, because it was pure "dont get hit", no stats bullshit, no grinding, just get fucking going.

Super Hot would've been cool too but it needs more content

Play Nioh

Nioh has one helluva grind but it might tickle a bit of OPs fancy. I love the game but I hate the stats bullshit, its inventory is "why did you do this?" tier too

I'm going to get a ps4 for GGrev2 so I'll probably pick up that an BB but I already beat the ninja gaidens on master ninja, does nioh have a good amount of challenge (since there are no difficulty levels)? Seems like a slower NG.

I'm trying to find a rouge-like game where you also build a town. I remember some anons talking about it earlier.

If you want challenging go and learn an actual skill with a steep learning curve and high difficulty ceiling, like playing the violin, you tremendous faggot. No one here cares about your
>muh challenging games
pseudo bragging.

sounds like Dwarf Fortress

Play for score and go for 2 alls nerd, 1 alls are baby shit

>complains about everything beinng dumbed down
>saves the same image twice

I 2-all'd dodonpachi though, the ketsui ura requirements are just fucking dumb

might do DOJ next


Wasn't that.

I seldom save images- I copy and paste image addresses into the image location bar and windows automatically saves the filenames in some OS folder with filenames like that

Just go for omote until youre consistent enough to do ura, thats what im doing. And hope that shit rng doesnt screw you over i guess

Time to learn something challenging other than vidya games. The fact that you didn't try doing that instead of blogposting speaks volumes of what your actual intent is here.

I don't think I'll ever be consistent enough to do ura consistently, I can 1all the game but doing it perfectly is just an absurd requirement. There is no reason for the omote loop to exist.

I probably will eventually though.

Omote is for the higher functioning autists, cave resource check tlbs suck anyway

There's your problem mate.
Come back to me when you beat The General.

Then stop playing video games. If you don't like the trend of a medium, move away from it and develop an interest in alternative interests that are more fulfilling. Don't be silly by treating gaming as a hampered family member you feel obliged overseeing. If you want something new, fresh, and challenging, then move on as a person, not as a gamer.

This OP you're a giant faggot again.
Just do something else with your life.
Western games go for cinematic experiences while eastern games go for shitty waifubait for lonely weebs, neither of them seem to be your thing.

Clearly OP is a smelly neet from /jp/. Video games is all he has.

Why do you stick around? Find a new hobby

Not giving up my hobby to a bunch of dumb weebs and hipsters.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums and tumblr

Games were never very challenging. Most challenging games were that way because of tech limitations, not by design.

Truly challenging games are about as common as they ever were. Not the medium's fault you only pay attention to the mainstream releases and complain you can't find a challenge/are a cocksucking faggot

>Fuck off back to Sup Forums and tumblr


>Video games don't challenge me anymore
>Why not get a new hobby to challenge yourself?
>Fuck you
At least you seem to be mentally challenged

This, right here. I know this site usually deenounces normalfags, but even they have better tendencies than you. Believe it or not, plenty of people stopped watching/playing sports, using cable services, watching television, or going to movie theaters because they didn't like them or thought they became more of an inconvenience than a pleasure.

Stop attaching your self-worth to virtual toys.

Play rainworld, its a game that you kind of people need.

>Sup Forumsssuming
Increase your IQ

try being less autistic

I like myself a challenge but I like to mix it up with easier games.

There are plenty of games still that OP qualifies for, caring about what the majority trends towards in any industry is fucking retarded.

crypt of the necrodancer
>irrelevant story
>not easy
>no grinding
>great gameplay
>great ost

if you really want to get good you have to sink hundreds of hours ino this game

start playing melee competitively
play spacies or falcon
that should be a good enough challenge

Most competitive games at a high level are pretty much as hard as your opponents are good and never allow you to reach the skill ceiling. There are loads of those around, so I don't think it's only difficulty you're interested in.

In the first place, it's odd to act as if difficulty is the only thing that matters. Video games don't exist to help you prop up your low sense of self-worth by providing you with "challenging" accomplishments.

This is me but I'm not a vapid pleb so I also value the story and I don't play point and click simulators aka shooters.

Try an actual good challenging game any time, like iwbtg or self-imposed challenges on games that are good but too easy, like Nintendo games. Or play the DMC/Platinum Games titles you haven't played yet.

Or if you want to focus on multiplayer, try playing one that actually demands thinking and strategy and not just reaction times, like Starcraft.


Deep and complex.

It's not everyone's cup of tea but it absolutely hits the spot for some.