Should Marie be killed off in DoA6?
Should Marie be killed off in DoA6?
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Sales would be killed off with her.
Marie and Honkers are DoA now.
Why does Japan have such shit taste?
> Should Marie be killed off in DoA6?
You can try but the moment you do that, the cashflow will stop. Only sjw would be stupid enough to pull shit like that. Nips aren't as dumb as sjw so they would never get rid of her.
What else would you expect from a nation of degenerates? It's the only country on the plant where child pornography is not just not illegal, it's a lucrative mainstream business.
Well, it would give my dick some much needed rest.
oh real 3d child pornography is indeed illegal in japan. But nobody gives a fuck about fake fantasy 2d shit besides autistic sjw like yourself.
It's just a waste of time and tax dollars to arrest neets that aren't harming anyone. These very neets believe that 2d > 3d. And for a very good reason so they aren't into real life children.
Meanwhile, in many countries in the middle east where muslim is mainstream religion, child pornography is legal there and they force their underage kids to marry really old people. But nobody ever bitches about that.
In fact, the UK just elected Saudi Arabia to UN women's rights commission when they have one of the worst women rights in the world. Funny how you idiots can be so focused on japan's 2d shit that don't harm nobody meanwhile real world shit like Saudi Arabia gets to beat their women and get elected as the women's rights commission.
>But nobody gives a fuck about fake fantasy 2d shit besides autistic sjw like yourself.
Fake fantasy 2D shit is illegal in most countries. And no, not just in uptight countries like Australia and Canada, it's illegal in the US as well.
I'm sorry, user, but the majority of people on this planet are not harboring a secret sexual attraction to children, they are disgusted and appalled by your like.
>Fake fantasy 2D shit is illegal in most countries.
Stop pulling shit from your arse.
> And no, not just in uptight countries like Australia and Canada
two countries isn't most of the world.
> it's illegal in the US as well.
Wrong there. US doesn't give a fuck about 2d shit. Stop pulling shit from your arse.
> I'm sorry, user, but the majority of people on this planet are not harboring a secret sexual attraction to children, they are disgusted and appalled by your like.
Marie is 18. Petite but not illegal. And I never said I was into pedo shit, you're just assuming.
>Wrong there. US doesn't give a fuck about 2d shit. Stop pulling shit from your arse.
>PROTECT Act of 2003
>Prohibits drawings, sculptures, and pictures of such drawings and sculptures depicting minors in actions or situations that meet the Miller test of being obscene, OR are engaged in sex acts that are deemed to meet the same obscene condition.
>Minimum sentence of 5 years for possession, 10 years for distribution.
>The first conviction of a person found to have violated the sections of the act relating to virtual child pornography was Dwight Whorley of Virginia, who used computers at the Virginia Employment Commission to download "Japanese anime style cartoons of children engaged in explicit sexual conduct with adults"[14] alleged to depict “children engaged in explicit sexual conduct with adults.” He was charged with 19 counts of “knowingly receiving” child pornography for printing out two cartoons and viewing others.[15] His conviction was upheld in a 2-1 panel decision of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in December 2008.
Who are you, the Japanese Internet Defense Force? Obviously the West's dealings with Saudia Arabia are hypocritical and retarded, but geez man get a grip. Whataboutism isn't a defense, and you would arrest producers first, not individual consumers.
So a baby faced 18 year old that looks closer to 15, and you can almost see her vulva, in a fetish game? And you think that should be on a worksafe board? You're fired.
That's meant for drawings, sculptures and pictures of real people.
You also left out the part where it says
> The law does not explicitly state that images of fictional beings who appear to be under 18 engaged in sexual acts that are not deemed to be obscene are rendered illegal in and of their own condition (illustration of sex of fictional minors).
The entire franchise should probably be killed off desu.
But her and Honkers are the best DOA girls.
srry tumblar not everyones a typical fat ass american either
marie rose is listed as 18. haters gonna hate.
I would release DOA6 without a wingle female character, to pander to fags like
Pretentious peoples would magically start to think the gameplay is great too.
>That's meant for drawings, sculptures and pictures of real people.
No, it isn't. The first conviction was for "Japanese anime style cartoons".
>You also left out the part where it says
And you seem to think
>are not deemed to be obscene
is not important.
The pictures in this thread would almost certainly be deemed obscene according to the standard of the law. The weeb pedos are just lucky the application of this law is very lax.
she should have a black boyfriend.
A very short one.
Basically the same thing, really.
there is such a thing as flat chested you try hard faggit
Butthurt kasumifags upset that their ultra generic titty monster isn't the undeserved queen of the franchise anymore.
Ayane has been the most prominently featured.
yes, and hitomi should be the main character!
>make a series about titty monsters
>most popular girl is a small flat white girl
how did things go so wrong?
Japan is full of pedos
She should be. But a much younger and flatter version of Marie should appear
name of gaem
lurk more faggert
haniho serekuto
could be honey select
now to get back at me for spoonfeeding dont post nsfw rose ITT, it triggers me
That's been ruled unconstitutional, you fucking retard. Any 2d stuff falls under the freedom of expression thing and will never be prohibited.
>murricans in charge of knowing their own constitution
Honey Select
Japan is more right wing and conservative than most of Europe and the US.
This is a Christian image board
This fucker posting Marie Rose stop I don't want to fap right now.
No... stop what the hell man don't go lewder
Good taste Japan. SJWs btfo.
Could be worse, could be Nyo.
Helena is best DOA girl
Prove me wrong
Is that a honey select bikini? Care to share?
Every single person in the US that was initially charged or investigated for 2D loli and was eventually convicted, was convicted for actual CP, not loli.
Burden of proof is on you.
You should post more evidence to support your claim.
I want to commit a crime!
Why you gotta love only one type of breasts? I like Marie as much as I like Tina, Ayane or Nyotengu. To be fair, the only DoAs I don't like are Lisa and Rachel.
because reddit will call you pedo if you like anything smaller than DD
Big breasts are gay.
Holy shiiit why is nudity so much better after adding socks and shoes
Footfags should just be stepped on like a vat of grapes and die.
Footies can be cute too, faggot
She saved the DoA franchise though. Why would they kill her off?
VR beach volleyball with Marie when?
I feel the same way, but because the tit physics are so stiff, a small bust can disguise that fact better which to me makes it more desirable.
But it's not all about tits, I like Honkers for her big fat thighs, for example.
I feel you my man
>but because the tit physics are so stiff, a small bust can disguise that fact better
This user speaks the truth
I can't.
She won't be, too popular. Somehow honoka is too.
I hope they add a fierce girl with a cat sort of thing going on and a girl that's taller and more imposing than all the rest with sort of small titties who's really shy.
Not Momiji
Marie's petite frame also emphasizes how nice her butt and midriff are.
Yes, it's a way to pander to pedophiles, it's simply disgusting.
If they're trying to make a girl with a different body type (since 95% of DOA girls are the same shit), a fuller-figured woman would be a much better choice, at least you would be pandering to high test males instead of pedophiles.
I want to push weird things into her butt.
okay m8
keep pretending this body type isn't 100x better than a 10 y.o. boy body (aka Marie Rose's)
Why is she so tubby?
shit user that's just fucking horrible
i like ass as much as the next guy, but bigger doesn't always equal better
proportions are important dude
that of course goes both ways
t. white or asian dude
now are you going to say pic related is too much as well?
Its okay that you like fatties, but that doesn't mean everyone has to like the same as you
Ayane has the best butt and has had it since she was underage.
>tfw it's infinitely more likely that Momiji will be brutally killed in NG and erased from the DOA roster afterwards, than Marie killed ever
Having a big ass is not the same as being a fat slut, she has a nice face but that's all
She even got rekt by a shit tier bimbo
Rachel's butt should be considered a wonder of the world.
I want Helena to please me with her butt.
Sjws and lefties in general are scared shitless of muslims (not necessarily without good reason, given their tendency to self-detonate). They won't utter one word of complaint when the mohammedans violate any of their sacred cows, and in fact will often attack those who do as bigots/islamophobes/racists.
Now, if all muslims were white (some are, but sjw worldview is whites=chrisitians and brown/black=noble oppressed savages), they might find the time to actually protest their actions.
I remember when DOA threads were about the girls. Now they are all about "Marie yes/no" and Sup Forumsshit.
You might as well not have the game if there's no Marie Rose.
u guys ever play the game?
She should be given more free clothes RIGHT FUCKING NOW. The other shit characters have over 10 unlockable clothes but their pin girl only 4 in total which look all the Fucking same. Fuck yoe team ninja
Is this true? But in animes they always want to call the police if the mc tries to be a roricon
wrong, hitomi has the best butt