playing campaign or multiplayer first?
Im too poor for video games
Campaign, hopefully as da boyz.
And to see if the Necrons are a secret faction
Campaign to get free skulls.
post your main multiplayer race
Orkz all day every day.
Until Necrons come.
I lost one of the heads and had to use a scarab
Dont add the arms until after you painted the body and head
one more thing, you excited about new gorillaz album or what?
For the emperor!
4 more hours
my body is ready
>tfw schoolstuff and sports today, exam and moving to a new apartment tommorrow
I'll try out some campaign missions then dive into 1v1.
Campaign, i already played MP for like 20 hours.
Can't wait to hear Diomedes giving sermons
Protip: Don't attach the green bits until after you have painted (or at least base coated) the model.
Is this an unspoken rule because I have never heard of this and all the paint guides I have seen have completed models.
Also yes. I've listened to them All moi loife
After fucking your GF right? Cuz us gamers haha. Fuck of marketeers jesus christ get your websites correct
Eldar here. Gonna be fun, didnt really get to play 1v1's against orks.
Slaanesh says hi.
>Is this an unspoken rule
No its pretty basic once you get some experience, you'll get it when you try to paint your guys chest area and the arms will be complicating everything.
you seem bitter user
>Campaign, hopefully as da boyz.
That's not how the campaign works. Every mission you play a different faction. It's story based.
AKA shit
Now that I am thinking about it, yeah, it's going to be complicated. I was mostly going off what the paint guides have and they usually have completed models.
I've got three more warriors to build. I'll try putting the arms on later.
Bring back 80's Eldar
enjoyed playing zerg in SC2, any race with similiar macro heavy mechanics?
Please let me meditate in peace. But anyway, you really have to wonder at the amount of filthy decadence going on when you manage to fuck a god into existence.
you can do a lot of cool shit with their mechanics + large numbers
Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me
Waifu material on the left.
>playing the baby race
how much of a fagget are you?
Can't wait to see how disappointed y'all are once you actually play it.
stop shitposting.
>playing the baby race
the what now?
I've already played it?
It just isnt a DOW thread without this piece of shit.
Everyone already played it on betas. And it was great.
I will never understand this kind of shitposting. Every day.
y'all is not a real world dumb clapper
also I played it in beta, and I was dissapointed
but rts is fucking dead, and it wasn't as awful as I thought.
>tfw no sequel
That is an Elf not Eldar. Mon-keigh fool
already played it and its great
get fucked newfriends
>tfw no cute chubby sister of battle GF
With DoW III being actually released, can Dawn of War.jpg just please fuck off already?
Can we please be free from DC vs SS, DoW vs DoW 2 and DoW 3 shitstorms please?
Thread now belongs to Kay-ohss
Hmmm, no.
Lucky for us. Cultist-chan is unblammable she just keeps coming back.
left or right... so hard to choose...
ZERG (a race of insectoids obsessed with assimilating other races in pursuit of genetic perfection from the hit blizzard game starcraft and starcraft2)
IS present tense third-person singular of be;
dialectal present tense first-person and third-person singular of be; dialectal present tense plural of be
A used as a function word before singular nouns when the referent is unspecified
BABY an extremely young child; an extremely young animal
RACE an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species; also : a taxonomic category (such as a subspecies) representing such a group
There is only one option that is not heresy
My boner says Eldar
But my hated of elves in any media says Sister of Battle.
Unless if I get to hatefuck.
Left because redhair is my fetish
Get them both to hatefuck each other
>that feel when i have like 100 million warhammer images from the /tg/ glory days like 7 years back
To bad i wont be playing this game, some times you cant recapture an old flame i guess
>tfw no IG game
>No IG game where a group accidentally walks into a Necron tomb and have to survive, sometimes only seeing the green glow of the gauss weaponry where it ends with A commissar shooting them all for abandoning a battle
Chaos and Nids are over done with IG.
>tfw no Emprah's Champion Elite
>3 hours
fuck me this one slow day at the office
Have faith, brother! Anything may happen in an expansion or 2.
>/tg/ get's triggered by it's creations and cries
>Sup Forums is funposting with them
i dont get it
he is saying zerg is for babbies.
>3 factions at launch
Fuck, Im still at office.
I hope the preload wont take long. Rts are the perfect games to blow off some steam and relax.
I loling my arse off at those "eldar" fags who gets triggered at pic related.
DEldarfag, if you are here, go fuck yourself with a chainsword!
Love can bloom was olev. Even better when it's semi canon since it was referenced in the Dark Heresy RPG books (a fair bit of /tg stuff got in those books)
spotted the newfriend
try telling /tg/ that.
There's literal people cheering that the board is now a bunch of generals.
What the hell. Who is that red dude? It's like a combination of Eldar and Mars tech.
>tfw all these ork babbies and spess muhreens everywhere
>tfw they get sniped so hard they ragequit 15 minutes in
>tfw still no slaanesh so please kill me now desu senpai
one of the best things to come out of Sup Forums.
i wish i wasn't a poorfag because i had a blast in open beta.
i'm not playing this piece of shit
Funny enough rangers get shut down by land speeders.
Belisarius Cawl
>watched a ton of gameplay
>all the reviews are out
>played the fucking beta
>still don't know if I should buy this game
kawaii desu ne
To think that Love and Krieg 2.0 was born because someone went:
>REEEEEEEEEE, krieger waifus are not canon.
And someone else said:
>Then let's make something closer to the fluff.
>play RTS 1v1
>get anxious
only happens with RTS, literally any other game is fine
Spotted the moba shill
Your intelligence, dignity and pride are on the line.
He's talking about the other one I think.
The Visarch
Nobody else to blame but yourself. Also multitasking.
look into her eyes and find the answer
Because you could've miscalculated something and the enemy has twice as many troops as you thought and he's T3 already and basically you're fucking dead and you don't know it yet.
Or you're fine and you'll have crushed him in the next 5 minutes, who knows. Fog of war is a bitch.
>If you don't want to play a dumbed down version of their previous RTS games with much more leaning towards moba mechanics you're a newfag
Sure senpai.
RTS games are hard. You have your economy to manage, your build orders, you gotta make sure you get map control, micro your units well, etc. And it only gets more intense as the match goes on. There's so much to fucking do.
So when you go up against someone else, if you lose, it means you fucked up and you're shit.