Do you think in the future we'll grow to hate this game for some kind of currently unforseen snowball effect...

Do you think in the future we'll grow to hate this game for some kind of currently unforseen snowball effect? Like how NSMB seemed like the coolest shit when we finally got a new 2D Mario?

Holy fuck I love this artwork

The reuse of zones is already loathsome. For that, I hate Sonic Generations.

I doubt it, a couple issues with NSMB is that each game didn't bring so much new to the table or improve that much. Like they still have good level design and NSMBU (the last game in the series) actually did a good amount new (not that anyone noticed) but from things like aesthetics/areas and abilities the closest we got new (from what I remember) was that one Boo paint-esque level from NSMBU and the little twirl move with Mario & co. got from Wii. I guess there are also power-ups but the big focus with them were the Propeller Suit or Acorn and those are just different versions of the Cape/Raccoon suit in a way (the Ice Flower & Baby Yoshis were neat though). The first NSMB had some neat shit at least, the Mega Mushroom, the Mini-Shroom and Blue Shell (That needs to come back so bad) but those were taken out in the sequels or barely given use.

Basically if Mania gets a sequel (and it fucking better, it looks so good) it just needs to keep bringing new interesting stuff to the table or else it will be treated like NSMB (take Green Hill for example, people are treating that zone similar already).



I don't hate NSMB, it's just kind of stale. I can play them and still enjoy them if I haven't played any others in like a year.


now send it to chris chan

Oh, that's jarring. I realize that Tails and Knuckles have their respective arm colors, but something about Sonic's design says the tan is better.

Makes him more cartoony and juvenile than heavy-handed.

How did Chris-chan even react to Mania and Forces initially? Is there a video of it?

i want knuckles to get his hat back :(

This is the best fix you're getting out of me.

It's already hated by most of modern Sonic fanbase.

No one really hates NSMB DS or Wii right? I thought it was just the 3DS and WiiU one which got deserved shit.

The Wii U one doesn't deserve it actually dude, I'd argue it's better than Wii. NSMB2 though definitely deserves it though.

he didn't

It probably is better, I haven't played much of it, but the art style REALLY needs to change. It's so sterile and bland, the fact it's seen as the Mario standard now is cancerous too. If they did a 2D Mario with hand drawn animation with the same art style as pic related that'd be sick.

Ds was ok
Wii was good
3ds was bad, and alienated the fans that started shitting on NSMB as a whole
U was good, but it was too late

I agree entirely, I can't stand how it looks. Hand drawn animation would be dope or at least some super high detailed & fluent normal sprites. Here's to hoping pic related means some shit will change for the better.

I couldn't have been the only one to really enjoy NSMB. It is a great game, sure a little bit easy but I am a casual piece of shit and really enjoyed the whole thing. It is one of the few games I have beaten in a decade is how much i enjoyed it. Sure it wasn't perfect and I didn't even try for 100 percent but it was a great game and so long as Sonic Mania does good enough it will also be a great game

Not really.

The only reason would be a resurrection of the adventure series, which seems unlikely, since sonic team is full of shit.

Also I hope it gets disbanded after Mania humiliates Forces.

i've seen people bash them all just because of nsmb2's existence
op's imaginary scenario doesn't seem all that farfetched