>tfw you fuck up so badly even your cult fanbase flips its shit
Tfw you fuck up so badly even your cult fanbase flips its shit
link to the article or pastebin it or something you lazy stupid shit
>As of January 2017 the game has brought in US$141 million from backers.
Source - Wikipedia/GameSpot
So like, this thing has raised nearly twice as much as Witcher 3's budget of 81 million.
They'd better deliver. I know the whole faith in Kickstarter/crowd-funding has no power nowadays but if something like this fucks people it will kill crowd-funding forever.
It can't crash and burn soon enough. Imagine being enough of a dumb faggot to pay thousands of dollars for a fictional ship.
People have said that about games in the past and yet we still have kickstarters for new games all the time
I don't understand how some guy whose only accomplishments are Wing Commander and a studio of nobodies managed to raise 140 million dollars.
Like, who the fuck did they sucker? That's a lot of fucking people to pull in not to mention their money.
>cult fanbase is just saudis
only people dumb enough to shell out $40K for this turd
They said "Freelancer" a lot, because they know how to prey on dreams.
Unrealistic promises, son.
dude space games lmao
remember Freelancer? I almost ruined it with feature blot but this time I will finally have monies to make it right
There's nothing wrong with Kickstarting if you do it responsibly and don't invest thousands of dollars into it.
Selling a Dream. They had a lot of really impressive looking material when they first were showing off the game, and asserted that it would all work within the systems they want to have in the future. Then after people had sunk hundreds of dollars into ships based on those promises, they become your loyal priests to spread the word, and combat heresy on all corners of the internet.
I think if they showed off what they have functioning right now, and said it represented 6 years of labor, far less people would buy into it, but it's when they were able to show their initial demos/proof of concepts and say they did it in 2 years that people were impressed.
After Mighty Number 9 and Tim Schafer only a complete retard would support crowdfunding.
Admittedly I backed Divinity Original Sin 2, but all the signs point to getting at the very least the same quality as D:OS1.
These other projects are just fucking promises with untested providers. All you're going to get is the idiot money, which is often enough, but you're never going to capture a loyal audience if you're going to just pander to the people who are shit with their money.
if they stopped working on it now and cancelled everything, it literally wouldn't effect crowd-funding in the least. People are retarded, watch the donations as someone mildly popular streams sometime.
If it's anything like its older referral programs, then literally nothing has changed because it's always favoured people who can get the link out to where people will click it in return for the guy referring getting rewards and has always invited people to play an unfinished game
What shitty clickbait
Where's the pastebin
>Star Citizen is actually older than MN9
Sounds like a Pyramid Scheme.
>only a complete retard would support crowdfunding
is a very different statement from
>it will kill crowdfunding forever
>$3000 for a virtual ship
my god, who the fuck would buy this shit
Yeah, the article is just this.
People weren't too happy they put a bunch of popular streamer referral codes in the actual video about the referral contest.
That and even the backers know the game is unfinished right now and the new player experience is obviously horrible, way too complicated without needing to ask about stuff.
99% of SC articles are clickbait, really.
>if it's anything
>I'll just call something I don't like clickbait because I'm unable to do any research
Sasuga Sup Forums.
>People are retarded, watch the donations as someone mildly popular streams sometime.
These cult of personalities are scary thing
>Star Citizen still a thing
Jesus fuck, just accept that you were retarded enough to throw 5k out the window and move on.
>5 years and 140 million dollars later and the game still isnt halfway finished
we already passed GTA IV's budget and dev time
where did it all go so wrong
>chosen undead and smough.jpg
>After Mighty Number 9 and Tim Schafer only a complete retard would support crowdfunding.
your problem is that you supported idiots and obvious hacks
It's still fucking baffling. I have difficulty imagining how you can instill such cult-like behavior in people off pretty pictures and sweet promises.
Yeah yeah, I get religion is a thing. But this is not religion. This is a product. Thousands of dollars for digital ships? Who the fuck does that for fucking e-peen? I understand people who drop hundreds of dollars on fucking Overwatch chests because I can respect at the very least that they understand Overwatch is going to be around long enough for them to have their little fashion show.
The thing is, I have not met a single person who backed this. And I get around. When you raised Mario or Witcher 3 levels of money, it's impossible to imagine I have not run into anybody who at the very least knows someone who backed this thing. So where the fuck are these people? Are they just building hype by donating to their own fucking Kickstarter to convince people that other people are convinced therefore it's a safe "investment"?
I just don't get it.
Kinda like the idiots who got rammed in the ass by scam shitizen, right?
>tfw only game I ever crowdfunded was Darkest Dungeon
Your backers are all late 30s dads
They hit the jackpot in terms of audience
Some games aim to part weebs with their autismbucks, some want Timmy's allowance, etc. Star Citizen managed to find the right combination of buzzwords and fancy concept art to attract 30-45 year olds with decent careers but boring, unfulfilling lives that might have fond memories of playing Freelancer in college.
If you're that loser in highschool who spends all his money on games, its at most a couple grant on a steam account or shelf instead of a mountain bike or skis or something.
When a 40 year old loser gives up on real life and decides to pursue satisfaction through games, he's not spending a few months of minumum wage part time pay and some christmas money. What his co-workers are spending on boats or cars or vacations, he throws at SC in return for more promises that eventually his life will have meaning.
>It's still fucking baffling. I have difficulty imagining how you can instill such cult-like behavior in people off pretty pictures and sweet promises.
the same way people can worship a console and buy all games for that particular console and rant and yell against its competitors. its basic psychology - BIAS
the same way Peter Molyneux got people hyped for his games even tough was the only completed one he made
>I have not met a single person who backed this
Who would admit it at this point.
You shoulda seen the 40k fans gushing over the piece of shit eternal crusade. People thought it was going to be the most amazing game of all time.
>its easy to make a first person space mmo in a new engine in only a few years
this entire thread reeks of people who haven't been following the game's development. you guys just point and laugh every time the games gets brought up because you've been conditioned to hate successful kickstarter campaigns.
>subscribing and thus paying for the development cycle of a game with no signs of it ever being released
How do people fall for this shit? It's a fucking scheme.
Except Molyneux had made much better games than this fat fuck. He also didn't sell jpegs of ships for $3000.
The shekel citizens pretty much complain that newfags get some arbitrary rewards and people who dumped their lifesavings into a scam don't.
It's just pathetic.
>at the very least that they understand Overwatch is going to be around long enough for them to have their little fashion show.
it's going to go the way of HOTS, SC2, and D3
t. scientologist
He's not wrong though. He's on the right side
What the fuck? This is insane. Pay a monthly subscription to fund their development? My God, they will never release this game. They'll just keep asking people for more money.
It's literally a fucking ponzi scheme
also i backed with 65 bucks back in 2012, I want my fucking squadron 42 I don't care about arma in space or EVE 2.0.
people who played wing commander when it was popular are now grown up and making alot of money, the space sim in an unfulfilled niche and you can keep on paying more and more money for more bullshit backer rewards
>only a few years
Six years is enough time to make any fucking game if you have a hundred million dollars and a proper team. It's not a goddamn new surgery technique you're making, it's a VIDEO GAME.
>Peter Molyneux
>Wonder what that useless fuck is doing
>Starts studio, crowdfunds for games, nothing leaves early access, goes media silent for a year
>Now he's got a new scam on the burner
I'm convinced that all this shit is just a tax break or some elaborate money laundering system that hasn't shown up on any government's radar.
I've been very picky about what I crowdfund, so far I've only backed the Wakfu Blu-Rays (which I have right now), and STRAFE, which comes out in 2 weeks
I really don't get how some people can be so dumb and gullible though, there has only been a couple of cases where I've been genuinely surprised that a kickstarter was a scam, but there are some people who back the most obvious fake projects ever and then act surprised when it turns out to be bullshit
like that dumb rebreather that got hundreds of thousands of dollars over both kickstarter AND indiegogo, but was scientifically IMPOSSIBLE
>own virtual rewards for tricking your friends into dumping their shekels into this too
Now this is some next level jewry
>The thing is, I have not met a single person who backed this. And I get around.
I know five people in real life plus myself. None of us are really following the game any more though and the general sentiment is something like "meh we'll see what happens".
what is a pastebin?
>you can go to /vg/ right now and find people who will defend this game and STILL (April-27-2017) will not believe it was a scam
Some of the biggest spenders are these clans with a few people squandering their inheritance, or spending more than they can really afford from their cushy IT gig, who buy a ton of ship packages in the hopes of reselling them to clan members one day when the game is complete and popular. That's what they tell themselves anyway. It's really just a lot of sunk cost fallacy like people in pyramid schemes experience. Just gotta buy a few more shipments of vitamins and meal shakes to make me seem successful until I can get enough people to sign up under me and relieve me.
>It's not a goddamn new surgery technique you're making, it's a VIDEO GAME.
to be fair it IS sort of a new thing. you're pretty much making an MMO-sized game that has giant moving buildings populated with up to hundreds of players shooting and interacting with eachother, as well as landing on planets and fucking with asteroids and other crap.
the biggest reason for this game's delay is the engine choice. roberts picked cryengine simply because it was pretty and a large portion of their development time was spent trying to make cryengine not horrible.
"true believers" are always fucking retarded no matter if they're religious, political or the victims of a messianic video game scam
>I have difficulty imagining how you can instill such cult-like behavior in people off pretty pictures and sweet promises.
really unthinkable right?
>the general sentiment is something like "meh we'll see what happens"
Are you seriously saying you and your friends feel nothing about having been burnt?
Because fuck that. That sort of thinking is why the world is going to shit - people just not doing any amount of thinking before or after anything happens. You think you're not doing any harm because you fucked up but it just means you spent your money enabling people to fuck up again or fuck with other people.
it all sounded great on paper.....
biggest problem with that game is optimization and balance though; runs like a piece of shit on a pretty good rig (i7-6700k, 16GB DDR4RAM, nvidia 1070), and the devs play eldar and orks.....guess which races have the most cosmetic and the most powerful weapons? yeah
Paste of the article:
Obligatory: youtube.com
>the devs play eldar
Deja vu
No, but you see it's taking longer because they keep changing the game's engine.
>why do they keep changing the engine
I mean, Hitler did kinda follow through, tho. Bad example.
Wait, did they change the engine again?
It's a dead genre that many people loved, there is pretty much no competition
Oh boy you haven't kept up with the latest news about the game at all.
>Switching engine 6 years into development
>people now realizing they got scammed
It worked for Duke Nukem Forever!
Amazon game engine is literally a modernized CryEngine, so it's not like they'll have to remake assets or anything.
Holy shit what
>keeps making game
>keeps making game
Must get annoying being wrong so much.
You realise the scope of the witcher 3 and the scope of this game are leagues different.
>didn't kill all the jews
>no new living space for the germans
>milions dead, milions raped
>ruined, bombed and divided country
Hitler was a fucking failure.
All this proves to me that there is a fuck huge audience for space games. Does Microsoft studios still exist? Why don't they just make freelancer 2 a reality? I swear to God it's a license to print money at this point. I'd even upgrade to Windows 10 for this shit
Personally I filed it under "oh it's getting delayed I'm just gonna ignore it until it's released" about 3 years ago. Might need a couple more years until I start impotently raging, we'll see.
You are retarded, lumberyard is literally just a forked cryengine.
Eh, it's not that big of a deal, the lumberyard is still mostly entirely cryengine.
I still don't believe cryengine/lumberyard will work for a MMO. No matter how much magic the backers of this game think can be done on "engine reworks" by "former crytek engine wizards"
The engine is basically the same, Amazon renamed it but it's almost the same engine.
Still, porting over such a huge project will have issues, so this only means they wasted time and money on moving it to an engine that is basically the same.
Oh boy we've got a live one boys! Everyone point and laugh at this fucking retarded pile of shit trying to do damage control for scam shitizen!
>I mean, Hitler did kinda follow through
Are you speaking German right now? Even in his lifetime Hitler failed miserably on several fronts of the war with several dumb decisions so I wouldn't say he followed through in any capacity.
How much money did you get scammed for, goy?
>Friend fucking loves this game
>So obsessed he made a god damn custom flight jacket
>Gets mad if you point out its not gonne be as great as he thinks
Oh i'm gonna love this.
Lumberjack is literally Cry Engine with Amazon web services embedded into it.
Subscribers don't even fund development, but the community content they put out.
They put out a lot of it though, wouldn't be surprised it's nearing a 1000 hours of behind the scenes footage.
>After Mighty Number 9
>backing a known westacuck conman who ruined Capcom IPs.
>and Tim Schafer
>backing Anita's personal creampie cleaner
It's still additional development time to deal with the transfer even if it's not much which could have gone into finishing the damn game. It is a bit alarming that changes like this are being made 6 years into development along with no other signs of the game ever being finished.
>$3000 for a virtual ship
Or, you know, just get the $50 game pack. Or if you're me you bought the game and a ship when it was $30. I've already gotten my $30 out of it from 2.5 and 2.6.
The rest of my ships I'm just going to obtain in game.
>That sort of thinking is why the world is going to shit
Yes, it's user taking it on the chin and not throwing good effort after bad who is ruining the world. Not tinpot dictators who believe that only their way has any merit and everyone else should confirm or be labelled an enemy of the entire fucking planet.
Fuck you, fuck off. You're more annoying than Star Citizen preachers already.
Why do I get the feeling that the same people who are a part of the SC community are the same types of people who join cults?
I can't wait for this to fail worse than no man's sky
>this game
>its going to be
>going to change the world
Yeah, took one or two engineers a WHOLE DAY to migrate from the CryEngine to the Lumberyard repository.
The transfer took half a day.
Kill yourself.
Every. Fucking. Thread. Scammed Shitizens are so fucking retarded it cracks me up every fucking time