Tfw Persona won

>tfw Persona won
How will we ever recover SMTbros?

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SMT V on the switch seems pretty nice user

Leave Persona to me.

are those legs made of spaghetti?


>Persona character infiltrates SMT-mainline to take it down from the inside

I have no idea what you're talking about Space Marine-kun

Does it matter? You can consume r34 from both games and since both franchises are rather meh in the gameplay department you can just fap to their porn and watch the rest on YT

I know this is b8 but Kys yourself

>SMT/Persona have good gameplay
I know you're are trollbaiting but kys gtfo the fuck yourself

It's okay, we have four numbered games, while Personabros have only three.


When personafags get tired of PS5 and try to hop into the SMT bandwagon to get their jrpg fix they are in for a nice surprise.

I don't like the new Jack Frost in-game model.

Why's that?

i cant wait for SMT to have a waifu just to see you cucks get upset

It had a waifus since the fucking novels nigga

The difficulty and the setting is a night and day difference compared to persona.

...I like both....

>Deep Strange Journey gets a top notch theater act
>Demon conversations are voiced and typecast correctly, Gentlemen lawful ala Henry IV while gentlemen demon straight out of Moliere. Each archetype+alignment gets it's own va
Just you wait purseowners.

Persona is the new SMT. Time to jump ship. I never liked SMT that much anyway.

Don't worry. We'll be comfy again when SMT Switch comes out.

What game is he playing ho?

I want them to add social simulator elements to SMT

It will be dead soon anyway considering the team is leaving Persona to make whatever the fuck RE:fantasy is going to be.

>implying any SMT after SJ is hard aside from broken shit like Minotaur

I want to fuck this demon

Calm down anthony

>the only one who never truly got over her shadow
>always wanted to have a white knight take her away
This is making too much sense for me

Seems even better on the PS4.

JRPGs don't work all that well as couch games tbhqhqhqh

remove persona posters!! REEEEEEEEEEE

I like it but I get what you mean. His animations are bad, he's too chunky and the fact that his teeth are at a different depth than his skin is really weird looking.

>my Goetia nigger Amon is finally coming to SMT
it's about fucking time

this, I'm liking P5 but portability is a huge factor in these games for me.

What's next? Gore dubbed by Samuel L. Jackson?

And Jemenez has a spicy latino accent

JRPGs originated as couch games, you underage b&s.

Also OP, maybe you should get the stick out of your ass and appreciate all the SMT aspects they put in P5.

All video games originated as shitty simple time-wasting crap, does that mean they should have stayed that way, you fucking retard? jRPGs "originating" as couch games has jack shit to do with them being more enjoyable portable.

i want to FUCK a hee ho!

>I know what good gameplay is

>SMTfags so desperate they need persona characters in their games
Hey, maybe someday you'll have games on an actual console.

I don't know about all that, but I sure hope they don't gimp SMT again by relegating it to portable consoles.
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of SMTIV is hand cramps from holding that POS device.

in terms of turn-based combat SMT is pretty great. There's a huge amount of depth and complexity in customizing your party and skillset but I'm sure you'll respond with some meme like
>>>>>turn-based combat
because anything that isn't DMC is bad.

>Traded Isabeau(Makoto) for Yukiko

>Isabeau gets traded and is instantly best girl


Mainline SMT is literally just Persona: Dark Souls now though.

>implying Nocturne wasn't Persona: Bloodborne

>you eventually fight the moon just like in Bloodborne

How can persona sluts compete?

>How can persona sluts compete
By having their own Isabeau

I give up smtbros

We lost to the PersonaChads, we just can't compete

>draw monkey
>call it a new girl
Atlus just can't stop reusing assets can they?

>Persona players
They're as far from Chad as it gets.

Persona is mainstream now

Persona protags
>well-liked by everyone
>tremendous power from the bond they made with others
>wise and charismatic leaders that can turn the tide of a fight

Mainline protag
>has shit grades
>probably post on /r9k/
>cucked by a demon

>persona protagonists can summon demons without outside help
>mainline protagonists need to carry a laptop or a strap a smart phone to their wrists just to do anything.

Persona being popular will only make SMT more popular as well


this boss is the biggest difficulty spike I've ever seen in a jrpg I was cruising along just fine and then this bullshit happened

Yeah but Persona protags can only summon one at a time.

But then they aren't weak to death when they have one that resists it unlike human protags.
Why was she so bullshit compared to even Gore

I just big banged and jihaded her to death with doom guy vending items out.
Granted it was new game+ but still

Can you faggots just not enjoy both. Or are you the equivalent of cod vs battlefield youtubers?

Post your favorite protag in your favorite aspect

I just got to her last night, I had zero problems with gore and Jimenez but she absolutely demolished me

P3 protag can summon 2.

You just posted it.

Hold on, SMT was still relevant after Persona 3 FES?

DeSu is too fucking hard I'm on Day 17 and suddenly everything is wrecking my shit

>SMT1 protag
>mum is literally eaten by a demon
>dog is gone
>world is nuked
>law hero dies for you
No persona protag had as hard a life as him

>Cheesed my way through all the other day 7 fights
>Belberith kills my entire party before I can even get up next to him

by stop taking sides and enjoying the highs of both series.

SMT faggots please go

>treated like trash by his friends
>eat worms to survive
>manipulated by everyone to be an errand boy
>occasionally spooked by skellies
>can't sleep
>pixie waifu is too small

Literally no on both fronts

>persona protagonists can summon personifications of aspects of the human psyche that happen to take forms that look like demons and can ONLY do this when in bizarre supernatural worlds or phenomena
>mainline protagonists can summon actual demons in real life whenever they want


By playing all megaten game and not caring for this petty made up competition.

What is the origin of this meme?

Raidou sounds like Ratio
That's about it.

I feel like this mostly happens because IV and IV:A were too light-hearted in their atmosphere compared to the weirdness of the older games

Doesn't help that IV:A has a Persona ending


What's the consensus on DeSu? I just started playing it.

Great story, good battle system, fun characters despite tje odd anime-esque designs, and probably one of the best choice of routes out of any other SMT. In other games I kinda felt forced to choice the neutral ending, this time every ending feels good. Being YHVH's little bitch has never been this fun.

The only thing I can say it's a little a bit lacking is the music but maybe that's just me.

I really enjoyed it, was upset when DeSu2 added shitty version of social links, but apart from that they're really good games, probably my favourite games on the DS.

>new games on the horizon
>new HD models to reuse for the next decade

I will recover from this by enjoying some new SMT games.

Shit meme lmoa

How was IV lighthearted? And even apocalypse had its moments like the ring of gaea mass suiciding to sheesha

You need to try harder

She has some pretty bullshit attacks, but I was lucky she didn't use any of them. It's funny how she was one of the easiest bosses in the game, just because I got lucky.

There are some low level demon codes with repel all if you want to just breeze through it.

>personafags cannot even summon their personas into the real world
>personafags can only summon one at a time
>only super speshul snowflakes even have more than one persona ever, anyone in SMT can summon demons
Face it, persona cucks can't even compete.

Cool game
Some tracks are pretty rad if you ask me

The one thing I can say that persona did good was bring more attention to the SMT games. Hopefully seeing the popularity of Persona, ATLUS might try something noctune-esque again.

can you get cringier than this

I'm sure SMT5 on the Switch will be more like Nocturne considering how many gorgeous models they have on hand now.

>Dead in 10s autobattle

What's really good at least is that almost any SMT release after P3FES has gotten an english translation (with P2:EP being the exception but that's psp piracy to blame).

I would buy SMT games if they were on consoles I own.