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>source: my ass that has taken the shape of Nintendo's flaccid dick
You people told me it was going to fail.
>I'm too lazy to look up 3 fucking words on Google
Here, let me help you: google it fuccboi
Google says 2.74 million shipment.
>makes up numbers
>call other people fanboys
It SHIPPED 2.7 millions (less than the WiiU in the same time frame, for reference)
2.7mil is pretty low, isn't it?
Still selling less than NDS and 3DS despite being handheld and console baked in one. A dud.
It specifically states sold in the report you massive cuck
>first they said it wouldn't break 1 million
>then 2
>now 3 million is low
Sold to retailers you massive imbecile
2.7mil is trash. Try harder.
Too bad every single console release figures is from sold to retailers faggot, nice job parroting opinions from the other thread
This is now a month old information. It's much over 3M now.
>FFXV fanboys said it shipped 10M units
>haha that just mean they shipped then the game was a blunder
>Nintendo says the Switch it shipped 2.7M units
come on really?
I'm not part of that meme jihad. From my point of view 2.7mil is pretty good for a defective console.
Why do toddlers ignore this fact? It's a handheld and it's doing really poorly for a Nintendo handheld. Hell it should be doing way better than 3DS since it is geared for handheld PLUS console audience. And they're still losing casuals to mobile and hardcores to Playstation.
>source: my gaping ass
Well thats nice and all but I'm not buying another Nintendo system after the Wii U scam
>not part of them
>spouts the defective meme
The switch could never replace my 3DS, it is basically life for me. Switch might have better graphics, but it still isn't as portable.
>Horizon Zero Flaws fans say their game shipped 2.74 copies while Zelda numbers were still in the 300k
Oh yeah, it literally doesn't count when Nintendo does it
I never said that, I'm just saying you just can't change the rules whenever it's convenient for you but keep the victim complex since that's all you know
>console literally crumbles in your hands
>not defective
To be fair, the console can bend over time, the charger dock can scratch your screen, there were a lot of blue/orange screen errors and other problems associated with launch consoles.
>literally never happened not even as a meme
What did he mean by this
>a lot
>other nonsense
To be fair, you're a stupid faggot.
Don't forget the poor wireless range.
Literally fake news
I'll get it when Mario's out. Hopefully there's a less shitty iteration of the hardware out by then
>console can bend
No, it can't. The one single picture was of a unit the faggot redditor admitted he SAT ON. Not only that, but it was proven that not even the weakest plastics would become bent by the level of heat outputed by the Switch, not including the fact that the Switch has a literal metal chassis underneath the plastic back. And no, the outer plastic shell becoming slightly bloated is not fucking bending.
>Dock can scratch your screen
Only if you're literally retarded. Even for bent docks, those occur in less than 1% of production units, less than 1 out of 100 units produced and they can be RMA'd within a week.
>Blue/orange screen errors
Even less than 1% chance, they occur maybe 1 in a 1000 at most.
Face it, Sup Forums has fallen for the bullshit memes hook line and sinker. If these issues were truly widespread and problematic, shit would be blowing up instead of disappearing after less than a goddamn week in the news.
>Spliced video of 1 single person as 5 different clips done 3 times = widespread problem affecting more than a couple dozen people at most
I'm sure the PS4 or XBone didn't have these kinds of problems, right? And they totally weren't more widespread either?
alternative facts :^)
Oh and (Works for me)
I am sorry Nintendo. I doubted you. I doubted your magnanimity, I called your fans fools and cretins, I have committed a grave sin against humanity. For this, I offer my humblest, most sincere apology. I am sorry.
my favorite part is when switch starts to autistically screech like a sonybro.
Come on man, anyone that watches that will know you're lying.
The only faggot here is you, rabid fanboy. Saying there are no defective consoles when CLEARLY there are is delusional. It's a launch console, it's to be expected.
Great now let's hope it has more than 3 good games that are not remasters or ports.
That's more than Wii U though
Wii U only moved 2.5 million at launch. and that's over the entire holiday season or 6+ weeks.
Dunno where this Wii U did just as good at launch meme has come from.
>source of the number is literally Nintendo
>nintendrumpfs think the numbers are real
>this much delusion
>world's most durable tablet
>hurr defective
>Nintendo report
Yeah, call me when a credible unbiased source gives us the REAL numbers and not those cooked up by Nintendo's accounting to not look like their shit console is a failure
>Shitposter thinks a company can release fake financial reports without legal repercussions
Is there anything you wouldn't dismiss as fake news? When Gamestop reported about the Switch's sales they were called either shills or just desperate to attract more customers
switch is indestructible on the outside but completely broken on the inside.
It wouldve sold more if they could meet demand.
Much like it's consumers.
How moronic are you to think a publicly traded company like Nintendo just releases some fake numbers in their fiscal year's sales report?
>c-companies never lie about their figures!
I love watching the back pedaling, goal post moving and conspiracy theories of anti-Nintendo fags as it becomes more and more evident the Seitch will be a huge success. It's great
How naive do you have to be to think that they literally don't
I'll love seeing Nintendon't getting BTFO for the fifth time in a row
We aren't discussing the Seitch, we are discussing the Switch.
Yeah, they'll just dismiss any source as "i-it's just made up and fake" at this point.
Don't bother, just ignore them.
>T-theres no way the Switch is selling, all reports from whatever party must be fake and i should assume the worst!
Go on and report Nintendo's lies to their investors, user, they must ve stopped!
>nintenfags btfo
Whatever you say~
>implying PS1 didn't BTFO N64
>implying PS2 didn't BTFO NGC
>implying PS3 didn't BTFO Wii
>implying PS4 didn't BTFO Wii-U
>implying PS4Pro isn't BTFOing Switch
Don't get carried away, we all know that shit's flopped as hard as the Switcharoo.
The only thing the PS3 destroyed was Sony's profits from the 2 previous generations.
It SHIPPED 2.7 million
Just like Horizon SHIPPED 2.6 million
Console plebs are fucking stupid lol.
>3+ million suckers
I'm sorry.
*Sony Gaming Division's profits
Nintendo won every single generation except the current one.
>m-muh profits
Enjoy your profits, I'll be enjoying my exclusives that aren't wagglan shit or endless rehashes
The Scorpio is going to be better than PS4Pro, so it's scorpio that BTFO's the switch
Even Sup Forums knows the Switch is great
From a poll thread 2 days ago
>endless rehashes
But the only thing PS4 has on the horizon is more sequels
>258 votes
>probably taken from some Nintenshill thread
Really enlightened my bojangles
Sorry to disappoint wojak, it's not from some shilling thread
So it's from an entire shilling board?!
>thread has less than 50 unique IPs
>poll has 250+ votes
Woah... so this is the power... of Nintendrumpfs...
It's almost as if most people don't bother replying but only vote and move on, hence why people keep bumping poll threads
Not everyone posts in threads, user.
It's almost like you or some other nintendrumpf set this up with his Discord nintendrumpf friends
Yeah, because their shit console doesn't even have a browser
Could you be any more of a sore loser?
Now this is delusion.
>toddlers are pretending they never bought a Wii U so they can justify owning a Switch
>Switch doesn't need a browser, you've got your phone.
>Switch doesn't need online chat support, you've got your phone.
>Switch doesn't need games, you can play all the good Nintendo games on your phone.
Nintendrumpfs status: REKT
>Yeah, because their shit console doesn't even have a browser
I'm not sure if Nintendo patched it but you can exploit the web applet to go on websites.
>pretending anyone ever uses any browser on any console or handheld to do anything other than hack it
Nah, we told you it's shit.
Turns out it isn't and it's actually pretty great, damn...
>y-you are delusional
Nice comeback, see you in six months when Nintendo goes under
Shill alert
Stay on Sup Forums please, you'll fit in better there with your IQ
>le Sup Forums boogieman
Nintendrumpf are really running out of ammo, just like their company is running out of money
From a scale of 1-10, how serious are you being here?
Its sold almost 3mil consoles with a mediocre multiplat Zelda, and the next game is an updated version of an old Mario Kart, and it's getting nothing but good press. This thing is doing stupidly well for how little it has going for it. If this was post-E3 and Nintendo blew their load I'd agree with you, but we're not even there yet.
It's your average retard from Sup Forums, they are beyond help user. You can't bring them back into the real world, they're like broken records.
pretty great at being shit.
>Its sold almost 3mil consoles
[citation from an unbiased source needed]
>it's getting nothing but good press
Paid reviews, astroturfing and legit Nintendrumpfs like those ITT that do it for free
>This thing is doing stupidly well for how little it has going for it
That's true, they sold more than one unit of their joke console
lol are you serious?
Look man if official sales records don't please you then you need to fuck off back to Sup Forums or /x/ or wherever you deluded kids come from. As soon as they announce a Pokemon or MH game for the Switch it's all over.
Don't bring /x/ into this or they'll do some voodoo curse on you and you'll be even more retarded.
>y-you're upset and mad!
you even rehash your arguments.
Hey good for you! Only 57 million more to go