So does this game ever get better?

So does this game ever get better?
having huge buyers remorse over this.
>Mea's never puts the effort to improve herself, rather do things like petty crimes and "Im a garbage fire guys haha ex dee!"
> having to slog from one end of town to another every day with little in between other than some bland world building with literal who background characters
>everything just feels like its dragging along to give the game artificial length
>"I know its a fascist helmit but its okay cause I put an anarchist symbol on it haha, topical political subtext guys!"
>Bea is an insufferable cunt, I cant stand her
>the only fun thing to really do is tripple jump from one ass end of town to the other to talk to your stuffy entitled friends, just has me wish I was playing wahoo man instead
Im on day 6 I think, Halloween, seriously does this ever get fucking better or am I going to be playing a young adult portland-kin drama simulator the whole time?

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>am I going to be playing a young adult portland-kin drama simulator the whole time?
really have to wonder why you were expecting anything different

>cucks&trannies like me enjoy this game.

its shit, glad I decided to read reviews and watch gameplay videos

Why didn't you just pirate first and only buy if you liked it?

The start was promising with the mysterious death of "grand dad" and the whole severed arm thing.
there are things that peak my interest with the small little dialogues about the paranormal happenings in town. I just hope that actually develops into something and im not just being pulled into finding out its all just a lot of hoopla

if you dont like it you wont like it
it was dissapointing but i enjoyed it
just play for an hour and if you don't like it refund dude

slight spoilers the whole ghost mystery thing ends kinda abruptly - i feel a lot of it was rushed/not fully developed

>buying the habits knockoff VN
why not just read the real thing?

I bought into super bunny hops shilling

thats a shame, I was looking forward to it being the central plot of the whole game
neat, didnt know about this, maybe ill save some time tonight

can't i like both

yeah they don't really fully explore both mae growing as an individual or the spooky horror mystery
they just kinda half-developed both and mash them together for a mediocre second half of the game

Nope.... it's more tumblr bullshit

to think I could have bought food or some new bedsheets

Fuck off you noodlebrained, furfag communist. This game is shit and boring. Anyone want an actual good puzzle platforming story gameget ready to play Pinstripe, much better with a better story and no furfaggotry.

just go persona 5 dude. your retardation can't be cured.

>character isn't an übermensch like I totally am so the story sucks
If I see this complaint about something one more fucking time...

I bet you didn't even like firewatch, did you faggot?

>So does this game ever get better?

are you saying it isn't pleb?

Of course user, if something doesn't conform to my personal litmus test of what makes a video game then it's Objectivelyâ„¢ not a game.

>Im on day 6 I think, Halloween, seriously does this ever get fucking better or am I going to be playing a young adult portland-kin drama simulator the whole time?
You're going to be playing a young adult portland-kin drama simulator the whole time. Ditch it while you can, before you make my mistake and play through the whole game waiting for the good shit to drop. There is a bit more development on the horror mystery shit to come a few hours after the halloween party, but it's not very good development, and then the game is over.

why do most of Sup Forumstards insist on ONLY having retarded shallow genre games and story plots?

I got that too, I have something called excess income

It aint muxh of s game you faggots. It's a shitty, go left simulator with a plot revolving around the losers of society, nobody gives a shit about your liberal faggot life stories. HollowKnight, Pinstripe and Typoman are closer games than this shit.

George's recommendation was an extremely tentative maybe

>nobody gives a shit about your liberal faggot life stories
but they do imbecile. All great literary characters are tragic figures, or "losers" as you idiot call them. And it todays game scene, walking talking simulators are the best response to shitty gameplay we have in most AAA games. I would rather have a game with no gamplay than yet another third person adventure game with light rpg elements and an "open world" game. I know that concept is hard for you to grasp, there are people who actually think about this medium in a more deeper way and have developed their taste through the years and refuse the play the same game for the rest of their lives.
hang yourself slavefag

george is way too fucking neutral and apathetic and unwilling to have any strong controversial opinions

>All great literary characters are tragic figures, or "losers" as you idiot call them
most great literary characters aren't completely insufferable neurotic spoilt faggots
and walking simulators aren't a 'response' to anything, they aren't even in the same catagory as games, they'd be better off if they dropped the pretense that they were and hamfisting little minigames into it and just became visual novels

So these walking simulators are "the best response to shitty gameplay we have in most AAA games." Is that an excuse to not have any gameplay yet have the audacity to charge 20 fucking dollarydoos to go left and read about worthless faggots and their sob stories? Nah fuck you furnigger commie.

weak bait

If you dont like the first 20 minutes of the game your not going to like the rest of it.

Think of it like Catcher in The Rye where the protagonist is an annoying piece of shit who you're stuck with and get second hand embarrassment from.

>muh cute metroidvania game
my point exactly

I fucking hate you faggots that think that the only way to elevate a game to something interesting is to use it as a vehicle for a story that you consider 'deep' enough to be worthy

They're video games you dumb cunt, if you want a nice story to read then read a book

Unfortunately if you're not digging it already, chances are you're not going to like it in the future.

The easiest way to describe the game that comes to mind is its like the first half of a Stephen King novel. Theres some promise and some mild hints of the supernatural, but the lion share is just world and character building. The unfortunate bit however is the game never does anything really with any of the elements it sets up. Everything kind of just.. ends abruptly like they had to rush it out the door when they were only just starting.

then why don't you attack the 99% of AAA games who shove formulaic shit stories and spend most of their budget on presentation and marketing? why are you picking on indie devs and small teams you pussy?

Anyone have the trash mammal webm?

>supporting sjws
should have pirated

Not that guy, but isn't it a bit small minded to think that games can't do both well? I mean this is like saying movies or series can't present a good story and should just be entirely about spectacle.

I enjoyed it for what it was. It's not amazing, but it's a quaint, quirky little "slice of life" experience, with some real heart to it.

this is way more obnoxious than anything any AAA studio has shat out

Shouldn't even be played tbqh, nothing but leftist, furnigger commie propaganda.

oh shut up you cancerous loudmouth fag. See, that is exactly why we need games like this one. To get as far away from idiots like you. You have no dignity and character whatsoever.

>Mea's never puts the effort to improve herself
That's the special snowflake way. You need to realise that everyone is formidable (except fascist), so no need to go through any form of pain to make yourself a better person.
Nice ideology. I'm sure nothing will happen if one or more generation ends up following that crap.

> having to slog from one end of town to another every day with little in between other than some bland world building with literal who background characters
Pretty annoying, yes. I was expecting some exploration, with things to discover, things to grab that would give some world exposition, something like Nightvale (in a less silly way hopefully).
Nothing. Nada. The whole city is completely empty of any interest. Some side characters shows potential, but nothing ever comes out of it.

>Bea is an insufferable cunt, I cant stand her

Ah, i was rather interested in her, wanting to know what her deal was. Better than the fox retard at least."I got cup on my ears!"
And of course Tumblr and Twitter ate it all up.

>the only fun thing to really do is tripple jump from one ass end of town to the other to talk to your stuffy entitled friends
Indeed, was hoping to discover shit while jumping around but there are too few "hidden" place alas.

I was pretty bummed out about it. I backed it a fewx years ago, when i thought the artstyle was pretty original and cool.
Now after seeing a litteral army of bland badly done fan art i literally can't stand it anymore.

Got myself Hollow Knight, that was out around the same time, this one was a good game.

At least the ost by Alec Holowka is pretty good, i guess?

>>Bea is an insufferable cunt, I cant stand her
Agree. She is interesting character but she should tell her father to go fuck himself and leave. She behaves like she has somekind huge burden on her back and whine about all the time how terrible her life is but she does jack shit about it.

>walking talking simulators are the best response to shitty gameplay we have in most AAA games
what the fuck


Nah, Night in Furry Portland is exactly what it looks like in the first five minutes, all the way through.

There's a moment where it looks like it might have some cool occult murder mystery subplot but that gets sorted in like five seconds through deus ex machina. The ending is a giant letdown and MC learns nothing.

Night in the Woods is kind of like the Neptunia games, in that it appeals only to a very specific subset of people, you know if you're in that subset and if you're not, it has nothing to offer.

I enjoyed the game, but there is zero way in hell I'd pay 20 dollars for it.

10 dollars, MAX, with 5 being more ideal.

Don't forget.

>Cthulu worshiping cults are literally republicans.


but hollowknight is an actul game though

so is NITW retard

Yeah, that was cringe-inducing as fuck. Writer having the political maturity of a twelve-year-old.

Night in the Woods is not a game. Hollow Knight is a game.

Night in the Woods is what we call "walking sims", pseudo-games that have no actual gameplay. Do not be mistaken by its sideways perspective and the fact that it has a jump button: it ain't a fucking game. It has no platforming challenges. The closest thing it has to gameplay is the extremely simple roguelike minigame you can play on your computer, and that one has no bearing on anything, it's strictly a bonus. Oh, and there's like three ultra simple Guitar Hero segments. That's it.

>It aint muxh of s game you faggots.
You are saying:
>It's a shitty, go left simulator
I have to move character and interact with shit around the world of the game
>with a plot revolving around the losers of society
It has plot then.
Sounds like video game to me, shitty video game but still video game, also it should cost something around 10$ or less though.

>extremely simple roguelike minigame
>extremely simple
also >>>

Yes, extremely simple. If you think it's not, you know nothing of roguelikes.

And is a complete retard posting a comically obvious false dichotomy and acting like it's an argument. You don't have to choose between non-games and bad games, good games exist and come out steadily. NITW is a non-game.