Why has there been ZERO fun PC games in what seems like forever?

Why has there been ZERO fun PC games in what seems like forever?

I know there's usually a game drought in the first half of the year but it feels even worse this year. I'm so bored. I just want something comfy to play.

Other urls found in this thread:


All the good games are on consoles.

Sounds like a "you" problem not a "pc gaming" problem.

Why not play your playstation toy and stop shitposting?

>"I and only ME i hate all pc games of the past decade"
>"they must be shit"

pic source?

Name a good recent game to come out on pc.

Why do you own a gaming PC if you don't like PC games?

Don't have it but I have another.

sony ate them.

Brazilian chan's Yotsuba.

whatever we say you faggot are going to sperg like an autist. Not falling for that bait If you hate video games stop posting on Sup Forums


>not playing and enjoying ASSFAGGOTS
What's wrong with you?

Because you only pay attention to AAA and have a different excuse for why you hate each indie game suggested to you. You simply don't want to find any games

>all indie or vr garbage

Don't you have playstation games to play? Or are there so few?

Natasha Khan (Bat for Lashes)

>OP hints at no good PC games
>instead of presenting them, PCfags point at sony

hmm.. makes me ponder about this

If you dismiss all indie games, all that is left is AAA games. What the fuck do you even want. What are the requirements for you to want to play a game. Clearly you think they need a publisher, but how large of a budget do they need before you would play it?


I just don't want (((early access))) (((pixelart))) shit.
I want a high quality, preferably single player game.
Those are my criteria.

OP is baiting hard and he will shit on anything mentioned but since you're wondering...

Imagine every game there is but on playable framerate and with mouse controls over a shitty gamepad for shooters. If thats not enough then nothing is and you are just another retard.

thanks user

Its also pretty ironic how no one mentions that sony is selling indieshit on their online store but its not ok when steam does it

How bout you stop sperging like an insecure faggot and give some games to play you Brazillian dog

>suffering from depression
>everything is not fun

f..f..fun is not fun right guys?


Now tell us why none of these count

You're not here for game suggestions ,you are here to start a platform war. Just sell your pc and stick to your console if you're so dissatisfied with pc.

>playable framerate
you're doing just what you accused OP of dismissing any 30fps game
>mouse controls
irrelevant for turn based games and 3D action games, only goos for shooters and RTS

You're the one shitting on stuff on purpose and for the sake of it

I know you are baiting and will dismiss this list, but whatever. Nier, Hollow Knight and Night in the Woods, DoW 3 today, Bayo 1, Alien Swarm. Probably morr, but I am at work.

Cute brown girl thread?

see OP isnt here to get his opinion changed. Hes here to start a shitfest. You are free to choose whatever the fuck platform you want but dont come attacking people for their choices. If op bought a pc without first checking if it has any games he likes then hes a fucking retard

might as well stop here, none are cuter than her


>Hollow Knight
Indie, side scrolling garbage.
>Night in the Woods
Indie, side scrolling garbage.
>DoW 3
Not a fan of RTS.
>Bayo 1
Port of an old game I played years ago.
>Alien Swarm
Looks dumb.




what if

hang on here


what if

we talked about


on Sup Forums


We could try.


There is just a general drought of decent video games in general. The 'loads of amazing games' PS4 has are inevitably 90% multiplats. Most of which whilst superior on PC aren't very good. Even exclusives aren't worthwhile. HZD was crap, Uncharted ok but short and overrated. Hopefully this E3 we'll see some more decent games.

Way to prove me right faggot. Setting up criteria and then dismissing it entirely. Just buy Bloodborne machine and fuck off.

>3 years old
>indie shit
>Epic Games
>point and click/indie
>no audience reviews

>literally no good games until Nier

And basically anything at the low end of 80 and below is absolute trash with the way game reviewing works

I'm currently plaiyng with the thought of getting a PC once I'm done with Uni and apart from obvious classics I'd really like to know some non indie, recent PC exclusives that warrant a high end gaming PC
I've been using my toaster for DF, Underrail and AoE2/AoM lately btw.
I have a ps4 and switch

>high quality single player
Okay. Take the 60 bucks you pay for ps4 internet, go buy the witcher 3, and immerse yourself in technoslav magic.
>i'm ps4 babby who dun like slav magic
Okay, then grab yourself some sweet sweet pstv or psnow access and play those ps4 games on the more powerful system
>but i want a pc exclusive that isn't indie or slav magic, and am a whiny complanitive cunt
Go pick up technomancer(2015) or dood sex machinima, or some other underrated game.
The problem isnt the platform, its you. Its always the person who PLAYS the system that decides if they are going to enjoy it. So either enjoy it, or send your pc to me and go back to peasantry.

>There is just a general drought of decent video games in general.
This is pretty much just my thinking. It sucks.

she's not cuter, just more whoreish

Im not even OP, dog. Post a fucking game

>The problem isnt the platform, its you. Its always the person who PLAYS the system that decides if they are going to enjoy it.

The game never sucks, even if it is a piece of shit. It's the player. This guy might be a bitch, but this is a bullshit thing to say.

Already played witcher 3.

I don't know why everyone here keeps making this about playstation. I didn't mention playstation once? I just want a fun game I haven't already played...

>b-b-but soneeeeeeee

>Witcher 3
Now that explains a lot

Then look for games you like by yourself, don't ask the retards on Sup Forums

Personally id buy a better computer for ME:Andromeda and Mankind Divided which games i can't run at the moment. And i don't care if they are on consoles too. I'd rather have a better computer.

If you are thinking of buying a gaming PC and you are a console gamer then don't. The RTS genre is dead and not coming back any time soon and you're probably fine with the cons of consoles. You should spend your 800$ elsewhere

go fuck yourself. I don't like your tone ,cunt

Because theyre insecure cucks with no decent answer. If they did, there would be AT LEAST 5 different threads up praising it. It is how pathetic fanboys work. From ALL platforms

Try Legend of Grimrock 2

Hopefully not, brown women are indeed vastly superior to western white wimmen, but this isn't Sup Forums.

>Refusing to play indie games

lmao what a faggot you are

Do you only watch mass market blockbuster movies too? Capeshit fan?

Haha grow some taste, moron

Is this list meant to prove PC got good games recently? It looks like the exact opposite.
>Highest rated game is a console port from last decade

You dont get an opinion if ME:A looks interesting to you, dog

I'm honestly curious too
I'm mostly a PC gamer and recently I've ignored PC gaming more than usual because there's no good games anymore

I just want bannerloes to release already

Post some worthwhile indies. Recent ones would be nice

So you're basically admitting OP has a point
No one refuses to play them they alone just don't just justify a high end gaming PC because they run on every toaster and are coming to Ps4 more and more

>refuses to name one PC game
Holy shit are you a politician?

>it's another false flag consoleshitter episode

Hollow Knight is fantastic in every way.

But I'm sure you'll find some vapid reason to disagree.

Ill take the bait.

Where do i exactly said i dont like indie games you dumb cunt ? Also most worthy of mention indies are multiplat nowadays. Now go die in a ditch asshole

Nice try, consolefag. We just got the best version of Bayo 1. PC master race keeps winning!

Wow, rude.

Everyone in this thread, time to take a look in the mirror.

im basically admitting that you are all fucking retards.Out of 29 posters here only maybe 3 are alright in their heads. Im out of here.

You want some good games?
>PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
>H1Z1 King of the Hill
>Day Z standalone
>The Culling
>Conan Exiles
>Counter Strike Nexon Zombies

Now gtfo, noob

Not gonna lie. Doesnt justify a decent PC. What makes this stand out? Sell it to me. Asthetic looks nice but what else does it have?

This is bait right?

How old are you?

Yeah that's right, go and play your mass market 50 million dollar designed by committee generic action game with extensive tutorials and no thinking required, like the good drone that you are.

>but what else does it have?

An upcoming Switch port.

Ok so to recap for other anons to laugh at you:
>PCfags don't name a good recent PC exclusive game that warrants a high end PC
>instead point at sony for some reason
>ok then name a game
>well we have that multiplat that everyone shits on, mankind devided and the RTS genre is pretty much dead
>so OP has a point?

Are you dumb? Or just Brazillian? You missed his entire question

>Doesnt justify a decent PC
I didn't say it does and you didn't ask for a game that does, so fuck off. Go read some reviews. I'm sure it's getting a console port anyway.

bloodborne boi!

Reaaaally not selling it boy. Hope you dont get paid to do this

Probably a huehue cuck who can't afford a good pc or console

Because you're a normie with normie taste.

>You missed his entire question
No I ignored it

Cities Skylines is the most fun I've had playing vidya in years. But then again I'm a big fat autist.

Define recent.
Underrail and Rabi-Ribi came out late 2015 and early 2016 respectively and are both good games.
Though if nothing new holds your interest then you got several decades of games some of which you most likely have no even heard. So why not search a it?

Yea but this IS what the threads for?
Im not wasting my time researching this game. You were ment to give me the quick selling point of it.

Which makes you look even more pathetic cause you obviously cant answer .

I bought it the other day on Xbone

>Im not wasting my time researching this game.

But you expect me to waste my time spoonfeeding you just so you can enjoy a good game? FUCK OFF

Its new age Castlevania. There.

As in, PC exclusives? The new Stellaris Expansion is pretty comfy.

I didnt say there weren't shit games. I said the platform man. Pc's or ps4's aren't to blame for shitty games, or your inability to enjoy decent games. You are.
Shit games happen everywhere and i won't ever deny it. Just look at For Honor.

No, i expect you to talk like a human being and give me a quick one or two sentence sell on it, since that's what I asked for AND you replied. Jesus, grow up

And console games coming on PC more and more. Exclusives are made just to sell a platform, so fuck them. Speaking of indies, Hollow knight is a very good game, even if you don't like metroidvanias with all that backtracking.

Thank you.
It really wasnt hard


What's in it for me?

Dyslexia or bait?

I realized, a little too late, that 90% of pc exclusives are either strategy games, f2p survival games and and 2d indie shit that you can play on any laptop.
I fell for the pc gaming meme last September and my pc has been mainly a DS3 machine. If Nier hadn't come out on pc I would still have nothing new to play.

Lately I've been desperate for some games that take advantage of my rig, so I stooped low enough to pirate Ubishit and Squareenix games.
I did buy Hitman when it was half off, it's a nice enough game. Stopped playing it because I hate the one try timed shit.

What about the best Total War game so far?

You look like less of an autistic sperg? Seriously though, you need a reward for writing a 2 sentence synopsis?

>Sup Forums
Why not both while being ignorant on the topic?