McDonald’s Happy Meals Will Come With Mario Toys For a Limited Time

>McDonald’s has wisely partnered with the world’s most famous game company to include Mario Toys inside of Happy Meals. Happy Meals purchased from now until May 22 will come with one of eight different Mario toys.

>These Mario toys look a lot like Amiibos. Though the toys do not have the same functionality of Amiibos, they do have “special functions.” For example, the transparent Mario can light up with different colors.

>Nintendo Switch consoles are still hard to find. Thankfully, McDonald’s is giving folks a chance to win the coveted Nintendo system along with a copy of the upcoming Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. To qualify, you have to buy something at a McDonald’s restaurant and then register that purchase with the company’s mobile app. This will provide customers with one entry in the sweepstakes. Happy Meal purchases will get folks two entries.

>Happy Meals are technically supposed to be for children but don’t be surprised if there is a sudden uptick in the number of adult purchasers. I’m not the biggest Nintendo fan out there, but even I kind of want some of these toys. I don’t see the harm in buying them even if you are an adult. Although if you can, bring your little cousin or a friend’s kid with you to the register, so you don’t have to suffer too much embarrassment.

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They know their audience so well

Thank you mister shill, I can't wait to eat a Happy Meal™ as an adult to get a toy made in a chinese factory made by kids.

I remember when they gave out bionicle trading cards and collectible mini-comics as happy meal toys. Probably the only time I was ever excited for the toy in a happy meal.

Port-re and hide

Can't wait for the videos of people unboxing the toys like they did with mlp

What the hell is Bowser doing? Can he now stick his tongue out like Yoshi?

Looks like terrible toys as Happy Meal toys almost always are, the best ones they made were the wind up cars. Hot Wheels are also cool.

A Chinese factory made by kids?

made for kids, by kids!

You can buy that shit separately for a dollar. But probably won't work for most people here seeing as they're insecure and will look that part. or are just fat and crave for three happy meals

>h-hi im h-here for a m-mario p-please BING
>i-im sorrBING
>i-i n-no thanks no recWAHOO

This is over though right? I've seen Luigi from maybe a month ago, my little cousin showed me

Nope, still going

t. works at McDonalds

>Be a little kid
>Love Mario
>Want one of the characters
>Get a Mushroom, Shell, or Peach

Why do they even make the super lame toys?

so you go back next week to try again

>Love the McNuggets
>Feel ashamed because they're the default kids happy meal item even though you can buy them on their own (obviously)

>don't have amiibo functionality
I feel like someone shat the bed here. If you gave it some retarded cutesy switch functionality you'd guarantee every switch toting manchild would be eating at mcdonalds for a month trying to get them all asap

How expensive is it to jam a shitty chip into a cheap mass produced hunk of plastic?

wow can't wait to get more Amiibos

>tfw you always had the worst luck and got crap like this as a kid every time


>a shitty chip into a cheap mass produced hunk of plastic?

Exactly! They did it for the switch but can't do it for their toys?

Also, is Nintendo a toy or video game company?

Just go through the drive through and say, "look i wouldn't mind one of those mario toys but I don't wanna buy a happy meal. Can I just get one with a Big mac meal?"
If you look 30 or under nobody will give a shit.

They're a fun company user


For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

Videogame company that does some moonlighting in other departments where it bolsters their videogame profits.

nice shilling user

If they put them in customers would realize they're paying out the ass for the equivalent of happy meal toys

>Putting chips in 5 cent toys
For what purpose

why is McD still around ? last time i ate there was like 20 years ago

>match my daily nutritional needs


Well, at least you're oblivious to the fact that you're being bullied.

>McChicken sauce
Nigga what, McChickens have shredded lettuce and mayo.

You must be ecstatic then

You had me going at first, I'm baffled that two people read this in its entirety and thought it wasn't bait.

Three-for-free? Fuck sakes user.

Not here in my country
Here I asked the employee if I could buy the toy alone he said lol nope
So I had to buy that piece of shit burguer made of rat meat and gift it to some kid sitting there
They only took it because they literally saw me buying the happy meal and I just wanted the fucking toy

>made in a chinese factory made by kids.
Chinese kids are building autonomous factories now? Sweatshops have indeed gone too far.

>why is "one of the most efficient and lucrative and widespread businesses of literally all time" still around?

Gee, I wonder.

Well, what country are you from? And why the fuck would you buy toy from McDonalds in the first place.

are you a shil or just very very autistic?

>Being such a cuck that you actually decided to buy a meal just to get a toy that's aimed for 5 year olds
>While managing to look like a creepy weirdo by talking to kids that aint yours at mcdonalds

>posts weebshit

It's the vanilla burger fast food chain. People pay for a slab of some beef placenta on a bun and that's what you get. If you want a real meal go to a restaurant or something.

Their parents were there. And I was with my sister, so looked much less creepier.
My sister is 35.

One day I was working at McDonald's and some fatass waddled in asking for one of our new Mario toys. I decided to fuck with him and told he couldn't buy it separately, his spaghetti started pouring out of his pockets because he was holding up the line and he quickly ordered a Happy Meal. Then he threw the burger at a kid who was sitting there and mumbled something about rat meat before scooting off.

>all the 9fags not recognizing the McChicken pasta

There's more flavor in a McDs burger than you will ever have

>Imagine the amount of autistic manchild nintendo fans asking for a fucking happy meal just to get these worthless toys..

>not even chipped as amiibos

Okay, did she remind you there that you're a waste of space ?

Taco country
And the toy is pretty nice, the meal is a piece of shit but the toys are pretty fucking cheap
I don't have a lot of merch so I said why not? that was with pokemon stuff.

Shit I'll buy some happy meals if it means not spending 400 canadian on a switch

Nintendo have deals with McDonalds happy eals like once a year. How is this making the news?

Nope because we are wealthy and none of us has to work
She just does because she wants to make more money

McD's has been in financial decline since forever. It's probably going to die in a few more decades.

just buy the switch and be happy its even in stock i cant even find one

I was at McDonalds at my niece's birthday party and some sweaty fat fuck started making a scene at the counter. Something about wanting one of the My Little Pony figures, the clerks started laughing and said he needed to buy a happy meal to get it. The guy literally started sweating and slammed his cash on the counter. He then tried to give the food to some little girl. The parents smiled and thanked the man before slamming the sweat soaked happy meal into the trash as soon as the man turned to leave.

The staff had to apologise to all the parents because of the smell and said they had to close early. Fucking hell that was horrifying.

Slow news day.


Yeah, making lies on the internet, maybe someday you will get that work at mcdonalds so you can take home the toys without buying a happy meal

how much did this guy stink that they had to close early? and where the hell did he get any money?

It isn't in stock in leafland either though. Even if it was, I'm not paying 400 for a handheld.

I used to love the small radio things they had that played usually only a few seconds of one song from bands that were popular at the time.

There go my main mayne, lemme holla at dat nigga 343 real quick

Do the wealthy really care about shitty toys from fast food chains? Get a nendoroid.

Also your sister might not say it to your face but she totally thinks you're a waste of DNA.

Ok user
In taco town there is no welfare, so I can't be a NEET or I would be thrown to the street but believe what you want
I'll be here enjoying my money from rents

>0 people realizing this is /ck/ copy pasta


>I'm being retarded on purpose!

>much less creepier

that should be "much less creepy"

Good post but people from here are to stupit to know quality /ck/ memes.

You can be a NEET that leaches off his parents. They probably wish you'd just die at this point user.

Do it for them.

Oh fuck, this is the first thing that came to my mind.

this would make obese ebay hoarders storm the mcdonalds and order hundreds of happy meal seta

will we get mulan sauce too?

You are just jelly that I have it good unlike you. You have to go to work or otherwise you will end homeless and starving.

ha fucking asshole got what he deserved

I vaguely remember this copypasta.

>to stupit
>quality meme
Now there's two contradictions in one sentence.

Uli is that you? You're not wealthy stop lying on the internet

My father is already dead.

Lucky bastard is free of you then.

I too also love Randy And Morgan, do you happen to browse reddit?

reminds me of a friend of mine who was a brony
he used to rant that he'll never eat at mcdonalds because evul corporations

then they released happy meals with MLP toys...

I honestly don't understand what drives people to buy a low quality toy just because it's a character from a show/game they like

I'm not jelly because you can buy happy meal toys with your clammy income, dude. Jesus.

>To qualify, you have to buy something at a McDonald’s restaurant and then register that purchase with the company’s mobile app

Isn't that illegal because a purchase was required to enter a contest or sweepstakes?


>if you like Rick&Morty you must be from reddit xD

ebin simply ebin

>Sup Forums fags have to ruin yet another thread with their autistic obsession over one show

Just fucking nuke that shit ass board already.

Yeah sure user
Hate me all you want, I don't give a shit.

There'a worse, user. Remember the happy meals that came in with My Little Pony toys.


Fucking kill yourself.

this thread was shit from the beginning

You have to go back

I am in taco town I already said and there is no welfare here.

Much like Rondy And Randy

you first

haha, nice one user, muh sekrit club :D


So you ARE from reddit?

when the fuck is the next episode?
do they still have to make them because they want to be up to date with the latest reddit meme?

Blame Sup Forums for opening the borders to reddit refugees.