What the fuck is this fat shaming bullshit Bethesda? As somebody who is obese I'm legit offended by this.
What the fuck is this fat shaming bullshit Bethesda? As somebody who is obese I'm legit offended by this
I don't get it.
How does one person jumping in front of a train stop it?
becaue he's so fat
Why is it a fat man and not a fat women/person, I'm so triggered right now
maybe you should stop being so fat that you could stop a train
>OP is obese
Subhuman alert. Just know that everyone talks shit about you OP. If you're fat, stop being a lazy fuck and stop eating 100000 calories a day you fucking retards.
If it's the fat that stops the train, there's no way you could stop it unless you are also a fatty
Perhaps if both you can the fat man teamed up to try and stop the train with your combined fat everyone might survive
It's a Fallout 4 reference.
Most people are fat, nobody talks shit about peoples weight anymore.
>Most people are fat
Yeah and most people's life expectancy is set to plummet because of this. Anyone who has a grasp on their health and well being talks shit about you guys. Enjoy death at 38.
In the old days being fat was considered part of a wealthy lifestyle. I think lanky skeletons are just jealous.
Fatties are the one demographic that deserve to be bullied.There's no excuse for being fat when you live in a 1st world country besides laziness or some obscure medical condition (made up mental conditions don't count)
Nothing stops a lardass from doing situps inhis basement, cycling an hour per day and just eating less.
Bully Fatties into submission for their own good and the good of mankind.
In the old days, people got fat by eating succulent meat and cheese, and drinking alcohol all the time. Sweets were still pretty rare.
You fatties chug soda and eat candy/McDonalds/Microwave food. The fact that you're trying to compare the two is AMAZINGLY indicative if the rest of your problems dude.
Get help
You know HAES is a thing right?
They missed the opportunity to make a good multi track drifting joke here.
>stop eating 100000 calories a day you fucking retards.
Well now that can cause they're dead.
>Despite scientific evidence to the contrary, HAES advocates are highly skeptical that weight loss directly and controllably improves health.
>Despite scientific evidence to the contrary
>the us is about to be downgraded to a third world country
I don't eat McDonalds, don't even own a microwave. I have a big family and we enjoy big hearty meals. Obesity is caused by many things other than just eating a lot, think about genetics.
Wha are you trying to say here?
>Most people are fat
Only in America. It's coming to EU tho, this needs to stop now.
Good job the UK is leaving
>i'm not fat because i eat a lot, it's just that my fatty families likes to eat a lot
But that could just make it worse.
>Bully fatty
>Ha! Now fatty will go on a diet!
>Fatty gets depressed instead
>Eats more because depressed
I'm trying to say that obesity =/= fat, lazy or unhealthy. You can be overweight and healthy, that's been proven.
UK will do fine, pakis tend to be skinny.
Lose weight you piece of shit
No, I do eat a lot but I don't eat shit processed food like that person thinks. I enjoy big home cooked meals.
Hoo boy
The obesity epidemic is a lot like the transgender trend in that they both take care of themselves eventually
fat people die early and transgender people kill themselves
There is no "become a fat slob"-gene, you lardbrain.
The question's logic is bad. Noone would think they could stop a train by jumping in front of it.
is this the trolley thread?
Put a quarter on the track, it'll derail the train.
I mean we're already using retarded cartoon logic with the idea that a train wouldn't just plough through the fattest of men.
Didn't you read his post? The mind is magic and can't be affected by disease
Natural selection at work
They can't handle tough love and retreat further into their addiction instead of nutting up and kicking the habit and bettering themself, they basically aren't fit to survive. Nature working as intended.
There's a gene effects hunger and stomach functions.
It's not bad logic because the question states you COULD stop the train by jumping.
Then he dies faster.It's still a win for humanity.
I guess it's a good thing we have a society then.
Prey 2 - 1
Prey, the remake. They released the first hour as a playable demo.
This. It's so fucking retarded. And even if you could, the question does'nt emulate the short time you have to come up with a decision. In that short timespan, you couldn't overcome your self presevation instinct and you wouldn't jump even if you would have wanted to.
Hopefull they'll kill themselves too.
Again with this fucking shit
Fuck off you mentally ill degenerates
UK is the fattest country of the EU
Mine's better.
Going by the questions logic wouldn't the train stop after hitting the first person on the tracks anyway and the other 4 live.
can we please have a shout out to all the transgender fats....seriously!
what game is this?
What the fuck?! I'm trans and black! APOLOGIZE BETHESDA!
Not for long
Wait, what fat guy? The question doesn't mention a fat person at all, where the fuck did he come from?
I saw a video where a fat man didn't stop the train
It doesn't even say push him on to the tracks.
It just says push him.
>you're an idiot for pointing out the truth
It's calories in, calories out. Everything else is subtle. I was fat too. I worked on it. Stop making excuses.
The previous question asks if you would push a fat man onto the tracks to stop a train, they're making a funny
>It's calories in, calories out.
myth busted, it's not always that simple. Some people are just naturally fat, get over it.
The answer to these is always whichever option lets you kill the most people. Why does everyone always struggle with these again?
>there are people in this thread right now unironically defending being fat
Prey maybe
All I see is outdated sources from 2010 saying it was the fattest and anything recent saying otherwise.
Says the lard ass that doesnt move.
Sometimes I can see the appeal, I wouldn't want to fight a fat person
>waah im not fat because im stuffing my face full of food waah it's muh genetics waah
please be ironic
Is this a trolly thread?
Trick question.
Women aren't smart enough to do something like this.
No I'm not saying genetics makes you magically fat, I'm saying genetics can play a part in your appetite.
Let the trolley kill those people and then push the fat man off the bridge.
Btw, does this mean the fat man is heavier than the five moderators combined if he can stop the trolley but they don't ? he's a pretty big guy
i'm obese and i find it offensive that you're a giant pussy in addition to being obese. You give our kind a bad name you limp wristed fagget.
My favorite.
why? it would be an easy win
a lot of fat people, especially the ones on here, are really doughy and have never really done much physical stuff, so they're fat in addition to being weak. no muscle hiding under all that blubber.
you could just tip them over and they'll be like a fat turtle.
>waah waah not my fault!!! not my fault!! waah waah it doesnt matter if i live like a trash compacter waah
this is some spicy bait
>tfw started getting fat because my thyroid was fucked
Scariest shit of my life I'd have killed myself if I actually got fat, glad I got that shit under control.
It's literally not your fault the same way it's not peoples fault that they're gay or trans, it's built into their brain.
Fucking Americans top kek
You're right, I was looking at outdated data. It seems that some other EU countries caught up.
>weighing 500 lbs is built into a persons brain
>Obesity =/= fat
Really makes your crank the frank
My favorite
you can't just post muh bait and pretend you're not falling for it
I'm Canadian, shit for brians
What if I want to be fat?
>Canada isn't part of America