Shadowrun games are good?
Shadowrun games are good?
I enjoyed shadow run returns.
Shadowrun Returns was okay, Dragonfall and Hong Kong are better.
Yes. Dragonfall is the best, but I liked the setting of Hongkong better.
It definitely made me crave for Cyberpunk2077 even more.
This. They were surprisingly good.
Dragonfall and Hong Kong are excellent RPGs, with most people putting DF at the top.
Shadowrun Returns isn't outright *bad* per se but it doesn't have that same roleplaying goodness. It's more like a guided tour through the universe established by the tabletop games, so unless you're unfamiliar with the universe and want a crash course before hitting the other games (or, alternatively, you love the universe so much you want to play a meet-and-greet of its major players in video game form), you might want to give it a pass.
Im genuinely surprised by your cop bro in Hong Kong. Didnt expect me him to be likable at all.
Has anyone played the old Genesis game?
I really liked it.
They're decently written smaller budget RPGs.
I only played Shadowrun Returns so far and I didn't like the painful linearity. Are the other Shadowrun games also this linear?
I was lopping them all in the "shadowruns returns" game. They are all good.
Skip Shadowrun: Returns
Play Dragonfall for an all around great game
Play Hong Kong for that fucking style/dialogue/atmosphere
Then if you can't get enough play Returns as a kind of nicotine patch to fill the void left by the two good games ending
I just found I think the 5th edition of Shadowrun for 9$ at a bookstore, what supplements should I get for it?
Dragonfall>Hong Kong>Return
Shadowrun 4E would be a good start.
It seemed really grindy to me. I prefer the snes one
Hong Kong was fantastic, if a little buggy. Patrician tier waifus.
I wish cheng was hotter instead of some old hag
Sure if you like killing racists for being racists.
Dragonfall and Hong Kong give you more ways to complete missions and you get some freedom with the order you do missions in.
I cant remember what they did in Hong Kong but at some point in Dragonfall you are tasked with raising about 50 grand or something and you just choose what missions to do.