ITT: Subtle vidya clothing

ITT: Subtle vidya clothing

Subtle because it's from a dead franchise.

Holy shit it's Frank West.

Nice autism, OP.
I wear this sometimes when it's chilly outside. Most people don't notice it's from a video game but the ones that do are pleasant to talk with.

Does it actually protect against the cold? I've almost bought this countless times but it always looked paper thin to me

My friend used to wear this and I felt bad for him.

Also incredibly small, it always looks like it can only be worn by skellies



should I pull the trigger on this

Megaman is so dead this might has well be considered subtle

if by trigger you mean kys
Though really, do go on

Is it bad that I had to check to make sure the OP image wasn't from the live action movie in the works? I expect it to be that awful.

I'm a gamer not because I have
but because I chose to have


megaman has a movie coming out soon, killer comics and one of the best bands in the world

megaman is just begining

Comic line was cancelled

Is he cosplaying blue tracer?

Yep the last 6 years of having been shunted off to a foreign monthly comic series and an option that likely won't be developed clearly means Capcom hasn't been burying the corpse of a relic that they only ever continued to develop out of obligation.

>not wearing Socks from your favorite Youtube Personalities
Are you guys really gamers?

No, he's Frank West

Dead game.
Dead franchise.
Dead company.

AssCreed is a pretty autistic series, and not the good kind.

>Pewdiepie killed creativity on youtube
>Google actually bowed down to Pewdiepie when they tried to get more nobody arthouse and animation users some spotlight and he started to butch about not being on recs
>Pewdiepie now killed ad revenue

Lol, this is the monster Google made. When will youtube die so vimeo can finally become king?