Dude, I need to preorder this now, Hope they have that 2x xp dorito promotion again
I can't wait to pay $69.99 for CALL OF DUTY: WORLD WAR 2 and then purchase the season pass for only $49.99!
CALL OF DUTY: WORLD WAR 2, coming Novemberd 3rd, 2017!
Fuck off.
>COD returns to it's roots
all these jrpg-niche-weeb-fromsoft-platinum fuqbois on this board crying that finally a real game is being discussed lolol
>literally every COD WW2 threads is either people accusing others of shilling or Sup Forumscucks baiting and biting other people's baits
> WW2
> Burgers
Alternative history?
Mine is better shill
Marketing in action here folks, nothing to see here
I wonder how they're gonna make money without futuristic toy camos. 2 season passes?
They are going to keep skin drops
Hope you like your WWII game with gold and pink rifles
delete this
Is it literally called Call of Duty WW2 or is it a placeholder?
No, that's the real name.
>a series so creatively bankrupt to the point where they can't come up with a proper title
Are you telling me I can get the entire CALL OF DUTY: WORLD WAR 2 experience for ONLY $120!? What an amazing price by Activision, truly the greatest publisher of this generation.
>redefines WW2
Oy vey
Will the pre-order geek crate include the SCAR-H?
>"How u want yo game f.a.m?"
>"Ever watched Saving Private Ryan?"
>"Say no more"
What even is the point?
I really feel like they painted themselves into a corner.
It's $100
it's been awhile since a good singleplayer ww2 game, if it's a 6-8 hour long action movie that's exactly what i want
I've been buying CoD games on launch day since Black Ops 2, this is the first one I won't be buying at all. This is NOT how you do a WW2 game. All they had to do was have a simple, light on story game that covers every major WW2 front. Like CoD 1 but with Africa and the Pacific. But no, they do this.
I'm gonna buy it for PS4 when it comes out and there's nothing any of you can do about it.
>I'm a retard and I'll do retarded things
gee go ahead bub. no one gives a fuck how much shit you gobble
it will be the first video game to show the truth about the "holocaust"
in cod2 we saw russia, africa, western europe and more. are we only getting normandy here? how many fucking times can they redo the beach landings and fights against tiger tanks? that shit gets boring after a while. especially when the majority of massive battles took place on the eastern front. a single battle on the eastern front is bigger than the entire normandy campaign combined. the russians lost more men in 1 day than americans died in the whole fucking european war.
It is not happening !
Good luck playing cod on pc
Good luck finding a match in 2 months! lol
One calculation is that for every American soldier that died in WW2, 80 Russian soldiers died. Honestly, not including the Red Army in this game is the worst thing CoD has ever done, from both a moral and historical standpoint.
>either people accusing others of shilling or Sup Forumscucks baiting
The later at least makes an interesting thread.
>World War 2
>From the American perspective
>the first half of the campaign is walking around your American neighbourhood in a 1939 domestic simulator
We should applaud Sledgehammer for their dedication to history
>light story
>developers want to focus on the vulnerability of soldiers
>squad starts off fresh out of boot camp and throne into one of the bloodiest engagements of WW2
>"they're scared and they fight like they are afraid"
Woah who would have thought. In WW2 people were not voiceless protag privates that were told what to do, and did it with ease under fire. WOAH
>Still no Dunkirk level
>eastern front
Will they be giving us a clip of ammo again? Honestly let's play as the Germans in the eastern front
>starts off as a cake walk
>growing resistance decreases soldier morality and increases aggressions towards Russian non combatants
>dark story about the pressures draconian punishment had on the German soldiers
i would literally spend money for a nazi dab
Why is anyone on Sup Forums hyped for it? It's just a CoD game and thus shit.
>returns to its roots
Another phrase Sup Forums memed into the ground that I can't take seriously anymore.
that's one of those gay battles without americans in it
>implying anyone gets baited by Sup Forums
Sup Forums can occasionally annoy the shit out of other boards but when it comes to taking world's laziest bait they're undisputed champions of the site
>No Dunkirk
>No Monte Cassino
>Still no campaign where you play as a German grunt from Warsaw to Paris to Kiev to Stalingrad back to Kiev all the way to the last stand at Berlin
>returns to its roots
I meant light story in terms of CoD 1's way of storytelling, no filler, no cutscenes, no laughable attempts at drama or emotion. But if they really wanted to have a story that shows the horrors of war, why didn't they look to the Eastern front? 60% of Russian families lost a member in WW2. 30 million Russians died in total. Germans traversed the lands slaughtering villages and towns of innocent people. Why doesn't anyone ever focus on that? Why does it always have to be America?
>Buy game
>Load into Multiplayer
>get spawnkilled by a Nazi with neon skins on his helmet and MP
>Watch him do a dab emote while teabagging your corpse
I don't think they'll do this, but it would be pretty funny.
It was in Medal of Honor: european assault years ago.
>Sup Forumscucks
If they are cucks why are you co-opting the way they speak?
I don't know why but that reminds me of RTCW multiplayer where you had all the German pros with multicolour names constantly spamming that script that lets them drop the gun and pick it up again because it's faster than reloading
well seeing that they will never change the actual gameplay of a COD game, they will have to just rip off every other shit feature theyve brought into the series.
Plus all those emotes and skins would be microtransactions, and thats money
Bruh. How Would they add blacks and trannies to your team if you are playing as the nazis? Think about these things man.
I thought a couple FPSs actually gave some love to the eastern front? It's Hollywood movies that straight up pretend WW2 consisted of the Pacific and western front.
I still don't understand why the nazi dab hasn't picked up yet.
>redefines World War II for a new gaming generation
So its going to have anachronistic bullshit up the ass, right?
Can't wait to run to the shingle for the millionth fucking time
No, it means they are going to take advantage of the fact that the average COD player isn't old enough to have played the games back when they were in WWII to show the same reused to death scenarios like Normandy or the Falaise pocket.
>oh look, another WWII game not from the German perspective
Nobody likes playing in the losing side.
May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.
t. browncoat
Law of the wild, Germany was defeated because it was weaker.
Should have been stronger.