*blocks your path*


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great for farming with paired greatswords, every hit of L1 staggers them.

*inserts dick*

With that long ass windup you'd probably get hit by another one while you stagger one

B-but they're full of pointy branches

*Falls on top of*

give me a quick rundown on the lore of these guys

Thats why you group them together. The R2 literally murders them since every hit staggers them.

They were a legion of knights that wanted the dark soul for their country
they fucked up, got dragged in the depths of the abyss swamp and became these sexy things

>paired greatswords

Well that's why you fight them one at a time. Then you start the L1 at a distance since the lunge covers a fair bit of ground

yes but what ARE they now?

hollow husks animated with what remains of humanity

Disfigured humans that were corrupted by the abyssal swamp
if you mean in what category of "things" they fall under now i have no fucking idea

They actually still have some part of their body, you can see their bare hand

Oh come off it. Meme PvP weapon yes but super useful for farming enemies.

reddit automatically hates you for using them
so go on ahead

>the most bullshit, absolutely abysmal weapon of the entire game with the most predictable moveset ever
>good for nothing but "farming" enemies

Yes? Having predictable moveset is a non-factor with AI controlled enemies and the combo damage and the fact that every hit will stun anything that can be stunned means it's EZ mode when you need to farm something. I don't see the problem.

spotted the ds3 shitter
you're lucky ds3 enemies dont read your input, faggotlord

This whole DLC with a dark build

why would fucking Dark Souls enemies read your inputs? What's your point? Are you in the wrong thread?

>Midir as a pyromancer
Thank god for Mercury.

>ds3 thread
>spotted the ds3 shitter

>people actually "farm" trash mobs and encourage others to do so

why does this fucking kid's face annoy me so much whenever I see it?

>not farming the harald knights for their armor

>wanting that generic edgelord armor
I hate the trend with DaS3 armor of just being shitty looking points and chunks all over instead of well-designed, semi-realistic armor. It looks like something you'd see in a shitty wRPG.

>giving a shit what reddit thinks
where do you think you are

They did add some really good shit. Problem with this set is that you need to make your legs maximum thicc and the head slightly larger to make its proportions right. The design itself is fantastic.

ooo It's been scanned? Point me in the right direction.

>generic edgelord armor
We're talking about THIS armor, faggot


Enjoy, my nigga

Have a great day today user, all the best.

it's a good design but it features another big issue with DaS 3 armors, which is that you cannot mix and match with a lot of them. It's really disappointing that even DLC armors have this problem, the worst offender though is the Lothric Knight chest with it's bizarre low collar that makes it completely unwearable with anything but the matching helm.

It's lazy as fuck because DaS 1 and 2 had cool instances of armor actually changing a little bit when combined with a different set to avoid clipping, for example the long hair/hood on the back of the Darkwraith mask usually disappears when the armor has a collar to avoid clipping. Even Bloodborne did this with the Cainhurst helm's hair and the collars of most masks.

>no restored balder armor in DS1
>no restored Harald Armor in DS3

Yeah it's an issue. I enjoy the sets that have a wholesome enough design to make wearing the full thing a nice idea, but a lot of sets' designs aren't strong enough to warrant that. They just clash with other items for the wrong reasons, like plate always being diffrent shades that clash, or weird clipping issues like that stuff you mentioned.

I really hate this set desu, my character has a larger build, and the skirt thing sticks out so damn far that it looks retarded, and the legs look like twigs

If you put your legs at maximum thiccness it looks way better. The chestpiece ends right where the groin begins which gives you the illusion of having way longer legs than you actually do.

I might try this on my next NG, ive already wasted all of my rebirths

>No mix-matching
Youre just not trying hard enough, i usually run Fallen knight chest and ordained trousers, with the sellsword helm and Abysswatcher gauntlets. Shit looks primo

I'll grant DaS2 the fact that it had the highest amount of armors of any Souls game, but they weren't all great.

The armors do but the cloth outfits are actually great in this aspect. I have so many combinations for the firekeeper outfit.

Obviously there is some mixmatching but constantly when I try to mix stuff there is some big weird issue like a neck gap or something, I have literally never encountered this at all in any other Souls game. Some of it is absolutely nonsensical too, for example the Lothric Knight helm usually has a big neckpiece, but on some armor where the neck would be exposed without it the neckpiece fucking disappears.

DaS2 had some really good armors but I 100% agree, a lot of it was very gross generic fantasy. I was mostly referring to how the armor interacted when mixed, not the designs themselves.

Since the topic is fashion souls, does anyone know of any good alternate leggings that go with the rest of the eastern set? I pretty much use nothing else but the legs are a bit 'skipped leg day' to me

Anyone else use Carthus Curved Greatsword?

>Not Murakumo
I am dissapoint user

yeah i see your point, i guess i just dont see it too much because i dont really dig most of non-cloth armor in the game

Brass set of Favored set

>2 DLCs in
>No Silver Knight Weapons
I just want my SK Straight Sword, is that too much to ask, From?

Does Murakumo have the same flips that CCGS does? Because that style's a big factor for me. Splitleaf Greatsword is also just as good

>Just want a good looking black cape that transitions into a scarf or something
>The only one in the entire game comes in black with that tryhard edgelord hood + cowl

I-I'm not 14 years old, I swear

Im not sure, i havent played in a while.

I think pic related looks pretty cool, the black hand garb.


cathedral knight

Thank you, i kept seeing it in fashion souls but no one would ever tell me

Im only now realizing i have so many pieces of armor left to acquire

No one tells you because this game has been out for almost a year and it's part of the main game.

literally nobody gave a shit about the silver knight weapons before they noticed that they were absent in ds3
stop pretending to like them

You say that, but it was always my favorite weapon in DS1

SKSS is great what're you talkin about

Well that was mean

*blocks your ass*

legit autism

You're right, I just had a bad day, sorry user

>Liked fighting these guys
>Hated fighting the vikings in the other dlc

Is something wrong with me

Yes because the vikings are literally nothing compared to these assholes
they're both great enemies tho

because harald knights are predictable and easy and you are shit at the game

Vikings usually came at you in harder scenarios, like paired with a dog, with archer support, in a very small arena that has lethal fall damage or in a killpit with 3 guys and an earthquake mage

I think the worst scenario the herald knights had was that you could potentially agro several at a time in one specific area if you weren't paying attention

>Shira's staircase where there's a literal legion of them along those scrawny slaves

Hardest it ever got with the herald knights was on the stairs, where there was the bridge over where you could drop attack them, but sometimes they would pathfind up there, and the cleric dues would fuck with you too

>alt tab in that small cave at the dreg heap
>go back to the game after 15 minutes
>huge harald guy just walking next to me and ignoring me for some reason
I nearly shat myself.

>Talking to Shira
>[clanking gets louder]
>She's still talking
>[clanking gets even louder]
>She's still not done
>[there are multiple clanks now]

>Silver knight weapons aren't in the game
I just assumed they were a rare drop

as if farming ears wasn't already hard enough

>turning around just to see abysal Scarce with his greatsword already lifted

I like Shira's voice so her talking a lot wasn't a big deal... if it wasn't for the murder machines slowly approaching to corner you. It's a shame her facial model like every female NPC looks like shit for such a qt voice.

They absolutely destroy most things in pve, will wreck scrubs in pvp.

>Alt tab
How's Bloodborne working for you faggot

>a legion

You mean six.

She's such a bitch to fight tho
the fucking lightning arrow is so annoying

Come on i just wanted to make a shitty joke on their name

Hey fellas, For a bow weapon should I go with dex to use black pharis of composite or strength and use millwood? Don't wanna do quality because I'd rather put it in endurance.

This isn't main damage by any means.

>black pharis of composite

Sounds op, but it really balances yet, I prefer black pharis because longer range. It really doesn't make a difference though so take your pick.

Oh shit, was just going through the thread and clicked this.

Thanks user, you made my day


Infinite rolling/stupid high i-frames ruined so many weapons and builds in this game, there's so many cool weapons that are totally pointless, same with infusions. Really dissapointed about the weapon balance.

>This isn't main damage by any means.
If what you want is basically throwing knives with a bit more damage for pvp, then take whatever can spam arrows fastest and works the best with your build. If you just want something to bait enemies out or cheese things at range then it doesn't really matter as much.