>It's yet another FUCK WHITEY game
I don't own any slaves
I don't genocide people
I can't take this anymore
Just fucking stop
>It's yet another FUCK WHITEY game
I don't own any slaves
I don't genocide people
I can't take this anymore
Just fucking stop
>game with mostly white characters is a FUCK WHITEY game
Nothing is safe from the SJW crowd whitey
>Not owning any slaves
>Not genociding (((people)))
>Current year
They want to see Japs raping Chinks?
When did historical revisionism become OK?
When kikes do it.
>white man's war
I genocide, eat fetuses and own slaves. You're bad at being white
silly user, original sin can only be temporarily suppressed by indulgence, so go donate to some feminist go-fund me campaign.
How is that historical revisionism
it's just a fad. happened in the 60's, it's happening now. it'll be over in a few years when they realize they can't do anything without us.
For anyone accusing Sup Forums of "stirring up" shit like this up, the polygon article is literally the first google result I got together with The Guardian's "Call of Duty WWII is about killing for fun. Why pretend otherwise?" when typing Call of Duty WWII
Because there weren't women or minorities fighting in the same group as white people during that war.
you know you can always ignore it and pay it no heed? I know your post is bait to start a shit posting thread but for the people who get genuinely upset about this. Why not just fucking ignore it? Like unless yall have victim complexes why do yall seek and look for shit to get upset about?
Serousily why do so many people like to go through and dig up shit to get upset about and then screen cap it to show it to other to then circle jerk around each other about being upset over shit.
Why not just ignore dumb shit like this? Seriously why just not ignore written for a different echo chamber than yours if yall know yall are just going to get fucking uspet?
I just don't fucking get and seems dumb and sad as hell that people seek negative emotions for whatever sake. Whiny ass faggots i swear whiny about what other whiny faggots doing and say in like a perpetual motion device of faggity internet whining where people just whine about others whining and then people whine about the whining and so on and so on and so on.
I don't get who the fuck this "sjw" crowd is? Everyone online (youtube, reddit, Sup Forums) doesn't fucking care, and if anything, calls them out on it. So who is this crowd exactly that needs diversity so badly?
>I don't own any slaves
you buy things manufactured in china
>I don't genocide people
Yeah let's just ignore you're being cucked in your own country and hope it goes away.
WHAT'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM WITH HAVING WHITE CHARACTERS?!?!!?!?!?! sry for the caps this fucking "culture war" or however they want to call it pisses me off as a cis white male. I did nothing wrong and I don't hate other people but they treat me like the anticrist. I can sometimes understand why Sup Forums is constantly pissed.
>Polygon is failing
>let's make bait article so angry white males (aka 75% of people playing video game) will give us attention
>this thread
I'll be as honest as I can be : I would have never heard of Polygon, Anita Sarkeesian or Brianna Wu if I wasn't on Sup Forums
Stop giving them attention. They're not journalist, they are just dumb people who try to get attention to get their money from ads
Who gives a shit about Call of Duty and who gives a shit about Polygon? SJW's don't influence the games that actually matter
>buying things from slaves makes them your slaves
>you will never fuck Vambre's thighs
The problem is, they sometimes do. It worked with Naughty Dog, and it worked with Ghostbusters (the new movie).
What are you even saying? That people think Sup Forums is behind anti-COD material? Did you even read the Guardian article? Along with the analysis of war games, it literally says "It’s fun. It doesn’t have to be justified". What the fuck is wrong with you that you can't handle such an uncontroversial writeup?
They will never be happy, theres never a scenario where they wont bitch.
If this CoD was set in a war with little to no white people on each side they would release an article bemoaning white people for making it, or that it portrays non whites as barbaric, if non whites made the game then they would claim they had internalized the racism directed at them by whites.
There is no way out.
you would have heard of polygon and anita if you went on any gaming site in the past five years.
Is this real? I don't trust you Sup Forumsirgins.
>70 Million dead
>meh they were mostly white
Modern compassionate liberal.
The only people who have commited genocide since 1990 are Eastern Europeans, Africans, and Shia/Sunni Muslims. Failed states and clash of cultures are responsible for genocide.
yes there were...
well polygon are right it is diversity for marketing sake
but polygon are a bunch sjw cancer that move the goal post so much even they dont know were to kick the ball
imagine if they made battlefield 1 actually based on real events and situations instead of making up bullshit
Name and location of the guy who wrote this crap?
If I see another 5 articles like this I'm buying multiple copies of this game
I hate gaming """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""journalism""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""so god damn much
Remember comrades, if you see a liberal talking about videogames, playing videogames, or making videogames... REPORT IT to your nearest GG station.
These people do NOT belong in OUR hobby so report all liberal behavior on sight.
Stay strong, we are with you.
SJWs don't want "diversity". Not even token diversity.
They want a game with no white people. They are anti-white. Until they get this they will never be satisfied.
These kinds of people wont be happy until a game portrays WW2 as it actually was. Full of pink haired transmorphic demiamorous polygenderkyns destroying the patriarchy (who to avoid offending people is not portrayed by fucking white males because they don't deserve to be in video games).
funny thing is most these sjw are white women the most privileged demographic in the world
some are numales but who cares
I still remember when Polygon started and it was good. Then they started having SJW articles.
They're all over reddit, dude.
At least most people call this shit out.
I've been enjoying seeing people react negatively to Vice and Polygon in regards to articles like this.
I hope no one actually clicks through and reads the articles on their sites though.
That was some beautiful whining.
ffs whats next? they are gonna make a change.org petition to rename wars?
>White World War 2
Yeah i noticed an increase on it too, that is wonderful, but its strange how to counter them we have these weird posts going like "just ignore this" or "these comments are cancer" like it is forbidden or shameful to disagree with the media.
>yfw all of this is simply helping to reignite the flame of ethnic nationalism among whites
Not only them, but i am not white and i am all for it.
The problem starts when we listen to women (as well feminised men).
Thats a big mistake and must stop.
The bigger problem is
>its an American in Normandy again
There were fucking epic battle going on in Caen rightth next door, no one ever shows it. Shit went down in Italy, no one shows it. Shit went down in the Pacific, a theatre where you have EVERY EXCUSE TO MAKE THE PC AMERICAN and its never shown.
Saving Private Ryan ruined WW2 media, Jesus Christ.
Slavs aren't white, check your privilege fucking Westerners
Don't remind me...
everyone knows cod is just american military masturbation since mw4, stop pretending you had any hopes for this shit series.
Nah, since Black Ops. MW/MW2 was an "SAS are gods, cannot be stopped" wank.
Who teaches these people to write, it's so bad and over-written. Every time this cunt goes a tangent I skip 5 lines.
they won't stop until we are all dead
MW1 was mostly about the SAS, MW2 is best known for the ranger campaign especially the wolverines and whiskey hotel levels (aside from No Russian which doesn't count because it's a gimmick).
>it's another Whites kill Whites in order to save minorities who hate Whites episode
>tfw Sup Forums showed me the light and told me that all niggers and mudslimes are beyond redemption
Read a book.
>boo hoo im so oppressed
>naughty dogs
they only effect garbage that can't sell on their own merits so they try to sell based off their political agenda. they are doing us a favor so we know which games not to buy.
>boo hoo why is the white devil using MY narrative?!
>white mans war
Confirmed knowing fuck all about either world wars
Fuck polygon the ignorant shit stains. I doubt the game itself will have any racial narrative but i expect tons of hollywood american normandy action.
Christ the most horrible conflict in human history and the only thing that matters to them is what colour the bloated corpses were.
I wish we would have a diverse slavery game, so black people could be selling white people in a colonized black America.
Also jewish nazis genociding christians.
But no, diversity only goes one way. I'm seriously starting to believe Sup Forums when they say that "diversity" and "anti-racism" are code words for "anti-white".
welcome to reality
The only way to achieve diversity in a population that already exists is to remove a component and reduce its size. The only component targeted for downsizing in 'diversification' is white people. Diversity is anti-white.
delete, capitalist pig
"Who are these SJWs?"
There's no pleasing these people. It wouldn't surprise me if someone out there gets legit mad that there isn't any trans representation in the game.
Well part of the article reads:
"From what we saw and heard about this game today, that tradition doesn’t genuinely include brothers of other races, or brothers who don’t identify as male."
"...don't identify as male."
Genderqueer is just a step below tranny fags.
White people aren't allowed to feel sorry for themselves, celebrate other cultures, or mind their own business. White people are here to provide for all the other races. They owe it to all the others. America was built on the backs of slaves and the graves of Natives. Or something like that, I don't know, I don't give a fuck, but I've been calling people out for being racist against whites lately.
The left won't be happy until your gender and race is either dead or castrated.
Dude two SAS dudes literally kill over 100 SOCOM guys so they can kill Shepherd with a throwing knife after shooting down his helicopter with a fucking assault rifle while going over a waterfall. It was SAS wank.
>tfw misandry and white genocide are actively being celebrated in the industry
>tfw even Japan is being cucked by the SJW jew
See: Bayonetta, Pokemon Sun/Moon, Nier Automata
>dont play as any Axis soldier
>play as a French woman
>play as a black American
that's just the final mission, and they were all full of ridiculous michael bay moments like that. the defense of burger town is hands down the most widely celebrated moment in the single player campaign, aside from no russian.
Stop going to their country lmao
How does Polygon know? They probably couldn't play past the tutorial section.
Oh fuck I forgot about that, so embarrassing
>reddit spacing
Kys yourself, faggot.
2 fucking threads on the same non vidya related topic, and they say the Sup Forums leak isn't real. fuck off back there you turbo nigger
Fucking this.
Yeah man fuck Sup Forums and fuck white people too we need to stick together man and genocide this white racist fool