Merrill is Cute! CUTE!

Merrill is Cute! CUTE!

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but dumb! DUMB

then again everyone besides femhawk and varrick where morons in DA2

sometimes you just need a character that is basicly a cute knife-ear child to talk to

>you cannot bonk your sister

DA2 was such shit

Snarky Marian is the best protag Bioware ever had.

She was a retard, but quite funny

giggle squee

>to this day there are people too stupid to realize that Merrill did nothing wrong

She did heaps wrong

Like what?

Op wants to nom her head.


>handing Isabela over to the qunaris
Got rid of that roastie and now the qunaris are going to die of AIDS, two birds with one stone

I liked selling that elf back into slavery.

>DA2 was the last time Bioware tried to put together semi-acceptable waifus for heterosexuals

Really makes you think.

Is there anything she did right? Seriously? Other then helping Hawke everything she did was to the detriment of herself, her clan, the elves and the world as a whole.

I know Isabella escapes on the way to the ship and I would imagine something similar happens with Fenris. BioWare's noncommittal is absolutely astounding in that regard.

Aside from one moment of weakness in the Fade, she

>Helps Hawke with blood magic without turning into an abomination.
>Tries to save her clan, but their leader is a retard.
>Can kill the whole retarded clan to end their suffering.
>Can make her happy about that fact.
>Can make her a lesbian.

Best DA2 girl by a landslide.

>Tries to save her clan
Tries and fails. How is her being directly responsible for killing her clan, the only reason she even resorted to blood magic a good thing? It's beyond retarded. She literally achieves the exact opposite of her intentions and by being a blood mage herself makes blood magic significantly worse as a concept in the world of Dragon Age. At least it did for me. I hated absolutely everything about her as a character and her role in the world and in the story.

It's been a good long while since I played DA2, but wasn't it the clan leader who went and did something retarded with a demon on the mountain? I seem to remember dealing with that bullshit, then dealing with the rest of the clan not believing her and trying to kill us.

There is literally nothing wrong with bloodmagic, it's just people being retarded and overreacting that killed the clan

No. Merrill yet again tried to help the clan, against their wishes and summed a demon. The demon was going to posses her and turn her into an abomination but the Keeper sacrifices herself and lets the demon posses her instead of Merrill. You then kill the abomination and once the clan finds this out naturally they lose their shit and are out for blood. One dialogue choice actually leads to you simply leaving and the clan surviving but it's really not obvious why that one would be a way out and the others would have you kill the entire clan.

There is. The thing everyone warned her about and why she shouldn't do it eventually happens but because she's a companion and because the keeper still cares about her she doesn't pay for her actions. I really don't understand how anyone can condone blood magic after all that transpires in DA2.

Teasing her was some of the best shit possible in DA2.

Absolute best waifu of the trilogy.

>only played DA:O
>heard nothing but terrible things about DA2
>still tempted to play it cause I want to bang an elf

Varric's nearly fatherly care for Merrill is adorable.
Varric, Merrill and Aveline were probably the comfiest team to hang out with.

As a fan of Tevinters and Byzantium, I saw nothing wrong with her blood magic.

It's worth it.
Characters are even better than DA:O. The problem is that the third act falls apart because they couldn't be bothered to think of an actual meaningful way to trigger the conflict.
Also, there's a lot of copy-pasted dungeons and visitng the same places over and over again.
If you can get past this, it's still worth it to do once or twice to experience the companions.

It has some likeable party members, and while everything about the gameplay is shit, it's a relatively short bout of torture at about 20-30 hours. I'd say you could give it a try if you get it cheap/free and have a weekend to spare.

Do NOT play Inquisition, though.

It's not the blood magic that is wrong with her. It's her childlike innocence, stubbornness and lack of experience.

It's an unfinished as fuck game with some genuinely great bits. Not really comparable to DAO, it's a fairly unique experience as far as Bioware games go.

pretty much what the other guy said
as long as you get into it fully knowing that the plot will shit itself hard in the ending, you'll visit two dungeons over and over again, enemies just seem to parachute in waves and they fucking shit all over Anders, then the game can be sort of enjoyable
I advise going force mage so you can have fun with ragdolls

It's a step down from DAO similar to how ME2 was a step down from ME. I still found it enjoyable. The only truly bad thing about it is that they reuse the same 4 maps over and over again. I personally think the story was better than DAO (DAO still had superior back story and world building though)

>Do NOT play Inquisition, though.
Inquisition was fun. It only gets shit on here because of >muh diversity boogeyman

That's what shocked me the most. Despite how much of a massive step back DA2 was in so many way compared to Origins I somehow liked Inquisition even less. Even though the dialogue wheel was stupid as fuck DA2 actually had a really engaging story for the most part. I wish they did it better and there was more of it but the base premise was actually cool. Inquisition was just so fucking boring in every aspect in comparison which say a lot given how fucked DA2 already was in so many ways.

If you do end up playing it just go on easy or normal. The combat is pretty shit but maybe it at least looks cool if everything dies quickly and you don't have to slog through waves and waves of enemies.

it's also an incredibly boring openworld game with the most limited combat system and terrible companion AI plus some of the worst "main" missions Bioware ever did

>they fucking shit all over Anders

This only applies if you played Awakening, the difference between his characterization from then to DA2 is so great that he can hardly be called the same dude. If you haven't played Awakening, all you need to know is that Anders is the worst human being ever, period, there's nothing okay about him.

>4-hour story locked behind power grabbing bullshit.
>Every map is peppered with inane fetchquests, green portals and shiny spots on the ground.
>Anything 2+ levels over you is just an HP sponge slog to spam attacks at instead of needing any strategy.
>Those shitty farmville board missions.
>That shitty leveling system with almost nothing but boring +damage passives to level up.
>That inquisitor gathering 90% of the inquisitions resources because mines and farms don't exist.

It's boring as fuck. I mean DA2 is bad but it's just a light weekend of mediocre gameplay. Forty hours into Inquisition and you're still fighting the same handful of demons from green portals as you were within the first ten minutes.

Does the game actually have subclasses? Because the core skills are just so fucking boring. I played a mage and other then the ice dash or whatever it was called everything was just so fucking boring to use.

>Does the game actually have subclasses
3 options for a class but you're locked into only one and all of them are boring as shit


besides the rift mage and tempest they're all boring

you can play a spellsword but all that gets you is an OP autoattack

Do any of them offer any spells that are not "Do X amount of Y type damage to target or area"
Honestly the should have just committed to a full action game with 2 if that's what they wanted to do because this limbo shit is not fun to play because it doesn't work as strategy based RPG or an action game.

yes, but all you do is basically choose between party member.specific subclasses in your chosen role. It doesn't feel unique at all, more like you choose to completely disregard one of your npcs because you do the same things as him/her only better

>rift mage
and that one is a direct downgrade of force mage from DA2 with his hilarious ragdolls

This. They made the best girl in their game unromancable. Stupidity! They could have atleast moved her forward to DA:I to get that BID

>you can play a spellsword but all that gets you is an OP autoattack
They nerfed it (reddit complained it was too powerful for a single player game). Now it's the shittiest class in the game. Your light sword only gets 100 charges (1 charge per attack, so an encounter), and then you have to go collect all the ingredients again to make a new one

This. The companions are what make Dragon Age 2 salvageable. Hell even Anders is pretty interesting if you go rivalry with him. You find out vengence has basically taken control of his life and he's been blacking out more and more.

>going full MMO in a single player game
BioWare's biggest mistake to date. Other then getting bought by EA but they didn't really have much choice in that I guess so yea. They fucked up big time with DA:I.

literally retarded. She's pretty fucking cute in 2, but amazingly stupid. It's a complete 360 from her DA1 character.

Knight Enchanter wasn't even that OP. All the classes were pretty powerful if you got the hang of them, KE was just OP pretty much out the door and was just spam a button. The only class that was ACTUAL garbage was Necromancer. (Hurr let's make a DOT class who's only niche is to cause Fear and Burning, but make over half the enemies in the game immune to fear and burning)

Hawk and Varric were legitimately the only plus points about the game.

On a sidenote as I don't think this game deserves an ontopic contribution to it's thread, do we get to see the Warden or get any references to him in Inquisition?

Other than references (mainly from Morrigan), only interaction you get with him in a game is one of those table top war missions which takes forever to do and you get a shitty sword that is 5 levels under you.

>do we get to see the Warden or get any references to him in Inquisition
Provided he's still alive, he's referenced in one of the facebook operations as being in the deep roads fighting darkspawn, Morrigan also talks about him if you romanced her

I'd rather fuck the STD machine than you, though if it were up to me I'd fuck Varrick. Too bad Bioware refused to allow nice things in DA2.

Why do people like FemHawke but hate ManHawke? I only played it once as the former so I have no idea.

>being in the deep roads fighting darkspawn
I guess heading the calling or whatever it's called when the taint gets to them?

Something that really pisses me off with Inquisition is that you have to use their website to create your game's backstory, which could have EASILY been implemented as an external program (like Gibbed) or just in the game itself. Now I can't even replay Inquisition because Origin won't let me go Online

I forget the exact wording but it seemed like he was still himself, trying to find a cure for the taint I think?

>Why do people like FemHawke but hate ManHawke?
qt3.14 short haired tomboy gf vs most bland mashup of male protagonists in video games

>Same 4 maps over again.

I fucking forgot, that shit was infuriating. The only thing they did to try and change it up was change were you started om the map and seal off doorways with a literal wall of dirt.

>Upload DA:O/DA2 data through the site.
>Transfer it over to Inquisition.
>30 hours later the totally wrong gender/class of Hawke shows up.

Gee thanks, as if I wasn't already struggling to give a shit about anything happening.

>Upload DA:O/DA2 data through the site.
Why would you do this? Every decision that makes a difference is already on the site. There's no reason to actually transfer it over - which I didn't even know was possible until you just said so.

I just want to replay Inquisition but because Origin sucks dick and refuses me to go online I'd have to use the default story which completely turns me off from playing

But they have the same personality, which is what ManHawke gets hated for.

But yeah, maybe it's just because FemHawke was probably the best looking female in the game. In retrospect, Isabella and Merrill actually look pretty good compared to what we'd get in Bioware's later games.

Well shit, if Morrigan couldn't help then I doubt anyone could. And honestly Dragon Age is over as far I'm concerned. The only guy that's still left is Mike Laidlaw. All the writers are gone, even the ones Sup Forums hated with a passion. I think now BioWare really is just an empty husk and the only thing left is the name.

Fret not though, Dragon Age: Andromeda is just right around the corner to really crush any fond memories you had for the series

>There's people out there who let a fucking terrorist live after murdering a shitload of people and starting a war.

If anyone ever is considering to play DA2 for what ever the fuck reason, make sure you have merill, Andres Breivik and that Final Fantasy elf, forgot his name, they roast the little dumb cunt so hard at every turn, its one of the most satisfying things about the game, when someone else calls out other npc utter fucking stupidity

In Awakening Anders, was basically just a Mage version of Allistar. In DA2 he was a flaming homosexual who loved terrorism


They share alot of the lines and personality, and where FemHawk comes off as tough girl, Manhawke looks and sounds like a faggot. This is why I'm not fond of voiced protagonists in games where you have to stretch your budget over 30+ hours

DA2 wasn't their best but it at least had some redeeming qualities. MEA has no redeeming qualities whatsoever and SWTOR is unplayable shit

>FemHawk comes off as tough girl
>Manhawke looks and sounds like a faggot
Are you the guy that played femshep?

Aveline was fine. Most of the time.

Yep. The corporate overlords at EA demand it.

This. DA2 is essentially the first true BioWare victim of EA which set the stage for things to come.

Don't bully Merrill.

I think the debate was whether or not Merrill would have been able to stop/control the demon, while the Keeper straight up sacrificed herself to keep the conflict from happening.

It was selfless, but at the same time it feels like Hawk and Merrill might have just been able to kill the demon the old fashioned way.

Nah, male Shep was cool manly dude.

It's a shame, because I think the party dynamic in DA2 is one of my favorites in the series, with different parts of the group becoming an awkward family while the city changed over the years and acclimated to different social issues.

There were a lot of fun ideas in making it a smaller more personal game than the first, it's just too bad it got rushed out the door in the end.

Femshep had a grating voice and Shepard's personality doesn't work on a female. Everything she said sounded extremely forced and cunty whereas maleshep sounded like he was a man with a mission that needed to get done.

The opposite was true for the Hawkes

>But there's not really a fire, is there?
>No Merrill.... It's a trick....
>Ooh, that's very clever then.

Don't you still end up having to fight it, though? Pretty sure all the clan leader does is pointlessly kill herself. Plus if you talk to Merrill later on she's not even really shaken on her ability to control such dangerous magic, odds are good she had that shit covered but the clan leader underestimates her skill.

For all the well-deserved shit that Anders gets in DA2, I find him more interesting as a character than I did in Awakening.

All I really remember about him from that is that he made snarky comments about dead templars and liked cats.

How old is Merrill anyway?

I kept trying to get back into Jade Empire, but its aged a bit roughly.

>Dragon Age: Andromeda
oh god why did you make me imagine this
>only humans again because "the story is more relatable this way"
>no classes, just 12 or so overall abilities, but only three slots for "visceral combat"
>you get possessed by a spirit that acts as your guide/voice inside the head/magic scanner
>Tevinter open world, explore the same Elven ruin over and over for each mini area. NEver gets any less terryfying.
>New enemy that turns human/elves/qunari into something else, holy shit "they're actually us!" reveal

He wasn't the only victim of character derailment in 2 either.

Merril herself got it as she was a character in the Dalish Elf origin in DAO. She saw what happens when you fuck with the mirrors and completely forgot about it come DA2.

DA2 actually explores themes like refugees or terrorism without trying to portray them in current libtard media light
How the fuck it was possible for Bioware even 5-6 years ago?

Yeah, the only issue would have been if the demon just instantly possessed Merrill in the Keeper's place, forcing us into a boss fight her instead.

I think it's meant to be unclear what would have happened.

DA2 is such a clusterfuck that some parts actually turn out good

One thing DA2 doesn't get enough props for are subtle changes in Hawke's choices depending on whether or not you were heroic, aggressive, or a snarky git.

Simple: The refugees and terrorists were all white males, or in the case of the quanari - characterizations of toxic masculinity

But the big bad of the game is a psychotic woman.

>Comfy DAII thread with fellow anons of fine taste, who appreciate Merrill
Finally, after all these years, home.

>She saw what happens when you fuck with the mirrors and completely forgot about it come DA2.
She knows exactly what happens, though, which is why she cleanses them.
It's everybody else raving about how she's doomed them all by using blood magic that causes all the conflict. The shards themselves are harmless, beyond being the object of Merrill's desire/obsession.

She was a good girl who dindu nuffin until she put on jewelry (a male oppressive invention) and turned evil.

One of the people trying to pin the blame of murder on you is a priestess, and Aveline's calling for a final solution purge at the end.

There are loony extremists on all sides.

>they share the same personality
You just hit the problem on the head. Malehawk had the personality of a tomboy carpet muncher and was basically a homosexual barafag

I'm still bitter that they didn't at least bring Merrill back for a cameo in Inquisition when all the Dalish History and Eluvians became relevant.

Stupid kunt.

iirc the demon was going to use the mirror to escape it's prison and not Merrill herself. But the keeper went up to the mountain and forced the demon to posses her so Hawke and Merrill could stop it there.