Sup Forums LOVES call of duty now

>Sup Forums LOVES call of duty now

What timeline is this?

The one where people get paid to advertise on Sup Forums

what? somebody likes cod? i think you got back to your own timeline. you have two ears, two eyes and two assholes right?


This, no substantial portion of Sup Forums will ever like a Call of Duty game now or in the future.

The one where children "grew up" and came here

I'm sure if it isn't shilling it's trolling, but I imagine a lot of us like WaW and Modern Warfare.

If you're contrarian enough to ignore those then have fun being a faggot to no effect.

It's called 2007

And it was hell

Remember when you got REEEEE'd off the board for even mentioning cod? Good times

>Shills and underageb&
I truly hate neo Sup Forums

People get older and in not so long their first console will be the 7th gen. Just accept the fact that we're too old for this board.

I hope MLG memes make a comeback along with it

>"grew up"
Keep telling yourself that.

the marketers for CoD were never not here though.

>but I imagine a lot of us like WaW and Modern Warfare.
No faggot actually those game are reviled by Sup Forums and as

It use to be unacceptable to even discuss them here. Goes to show you how much this site has changed. Even worse than fags like you being here though is that you actually think this is a place of like minded company.

Nah dude, anyone who likes good shooters does not like WaW or Modern Warafre. You know what's funny? Those games are barely different than the new ones, they'e always been shit. You just finally realized it after buying the same shitty game 5 times. The games have been devoid of depth since forever. The best strategy has always been camping. It's a shitty boring, twitch shooter with shitty maps and a lack of objective modes people actually care about. It's the bottom tier trash of shooters that is only popular because it's so shitty and luck based even shitty players get kills.

Time to fix this

I liked WaW and MW but only because at the time I had a lot of friends that played them and that made it enjoyable.

Remember when we used to tell people to lurk moar? Now, when was the last time you saw someone say that on Sup Forums? This board does way too much to make shitposters and newfags feel welcome.

>Health regen replaced with medkits

>Trailer had no form of WE WUZ KANGS in it
>Zombies mode will have a campaign about Nazis using black magic to raise an army of the dead
>Multiplayer is now a seamless military base where everyone hangs out and chooses what they want to do or go play a minigame
>Faction wars with player influenced map cycles
>No more fucking jetpacks
>No more red meme sight
>No more downs syndrome Quake but with instakill on gameply

And most importantly

>Normie kiddies are put off by the setting and the cancerous player base may get a little chemo therapy because of it.

Call me a shill all you want, but I am going to buy it and there is nothing you can do to stop me.


>Sup Forums being anything but an ocean of piss

You're silly.
You should learn what ironic shitposting is.

The easiest bait in the world is pretending you're a marketer.

Fuck off shill.

>that picture of the MW2 group, to not play, almost-all playing it

U mad?

Also, those games have some of the best maps of any shooter, which is most of what makes early shooters good.

> Sup Forums is one person

What's your favorite game?

It's a JRPG isn't it?

He who fights monsters, etc.

the one where redditors infest this website

Lol you've somehow gotten all this just from ONE cinematic trailer?

I don't love COD now. New game just looks fun to play. Of course I'm not dumb enough to pay for the thing. I'll play it when it's cracked

I liked some of the recent CoD games, they're fun to play a few rounds with friends

You call me a faggot yet you're going on this impotent tangent that made me question if you were even serious.

Get a life. Nobody cares about what "Sup Forums opinion" is. I like MW and WaW and you're just a bitter cunt bitching about shit nobody gives a fuck about. and spoiler alert: im better than you at quake, serious sam, wolfenstein or whatever you pull out your ass to accentuate your non-argument

Kids here are so braindead they can't understand the notion that one can enjoy "bad" games and good ones.

>probably minimal levels of recoil
>probably awful mobility, without even CoD4-like FPS jumps or bounces
IDK, it could have run and shoot?

reddit hates call of duty though

People are willing to defend any shitty game JUST because it's not SJW-influenced and contains mostly white people in it. It's all Sup Forums's fault

3D Sonic too apparently

Battlefield fans are a lot fucking worse now.

i love cod2

It was in dev interviews with various journalists, you retarded piece of shit.

Do more than 30 seconds of research and you'll confirm all of it.
What are you fucking 12?

Where the fuck do you think I even got that screenshot?

Damn you're stupid.

>not wearing gunnars to protect your eyes

its like you want to go blind

I just started playing Ancient Aliens. I'm only a couple of maps in, but I expected it to be slaughtermap after slaughtermap based on the description.

I'm excited for new COD due to the fact it's WW2, so it makes me nostalgic for better days. Still not pre ordering tho

because call of duty used to be considered one of the best game series in the world, before it became just another corporate cashcow. in the first two games there was even large modding communities with the actual developers hanging around on forums making devtools and tutorials, providing content from the original game as examples and so on. the games had dedicated servers with full support for modding.

unfortunately most of those people dont work at infinity ward anymore, they left long ago. i remember the lead developers quitting after the activision lawsuit where they didn't pay promised royalties.

"You'll confirm all of it"
Because developers have never lied in an interview before, right?

It's literally going to be the same as all the previous games.

Also, using the screenshot as your argument is fucking dumb.
>Cinematic camera
>Players all standing like npcs and not static player models with set animations
>Thinking a cod game would ever have a "hub" world.

Lol fucking Moron.

Their reveal conference mentioned run and gun gameplay being an option. But that is literally all they said.

I know there was a perk in a recent one that let you shoot and reload while sprinting so I don't know what the fuck they're doing. Maybe the division system will dictate what skills you have access to.

The fact they are going back to a medkit system alone is enough to instill a necessity for changing basic gameplay function.


>They are lying about fundamental gameplay changes

Nigger it was a full fucking clip of the hubworld.
They are factually changing basic gameplay functions. There aren't any fucking exoskeletons and lasers in fucking World War II.

You are too fucking retarded to even talk to anymore. You are painfully contrarian and extremely fucking moronic about it. You are beneath me and it feels good.

Despite being here for 4 years I can already tell that the majority of Sup Forums actually liked CoD until/after 4. It's just r/The_Hivemind or whatever reddit infestation there is that just come here for shits and giggles being shitposters.
This board never really hated CoD I think. It's more being mad about what has been done to the series.


This is the impression i get as well

>Sup Forums LOVES Persona now
>Sup Forums LOVES fetch quest ridden games now
>Sup Forums LOVES movies over games now
>Sup Forums hates multiplayer and challenge ni3
>Sup Forums defends mobile gatcha and VNs now

Times have changed. The board is filled with casuals now. If the original Tribes:Ascend was released today it would be called westacuck and f2p shit with a 400 post Grandblue thread right above it.

You're kinda wrong. Sup Forums hivemind has had a hate-boner for Cowadoody since around 2008, peeking in 2010. Although a soft spot was held for Black Ops for some reason.

but you're a faggot who thinks anyone cares that he's a "true Sup Forums gamer" or anyone wants your opinion

and tribes was always a p2w xp boost/more perks/ SMG's ruining the game piece of shit

of course he's a tripfaggot

kys weebshit

Zombies saved Black Ops 1, that shit was and still is incredible

>What timeline is this?

Probably the one where underage people had Modern Warfare 2 as their first COD and think that rehashing the entire wave of WW2 games from 14 years ago is super fresh in some way


i swear we have this thread every fucking year.

You should have saw this coming with all the eceleb bullshit popping up.

CoD and GoW kiddies are adults now and are now probably the majority of Sup Forums users. I've been browsing since 2006, and that generation was its own kind of cancer. They really did hate the changes that CoD and GoW introduced though. Brown and bloom, cover-shootan, regenerating health, linear corridor shootan, etc.