
a fucking ton

what happened?

Other urls found in this thread:


People literally too dumb to understand the story.

It's actually a pretty deep commentary about our society, religion and how people view religion. Except for Islam and Allah, praised be his name!

>what happened?
Well.... Resident Evil 7 came out and established high fucking standard for 2017/future horror games and then right after this pile of steaming shit came out.

The first quarter of the year was too much concentrated quality and now we have to sit through a drought of blunders until winter to balance it out.

>RE 7

>no combat
>no buildup, just running away almost whole game long
>gore is not scary
>MC is a cuck and can't fight an old woman with a shovel
>story is told through notes and text

It's shit.

Great game. Only retards can't appreciate it

>no combat
No fucking way, is this true?

I just don't like the premise.

>all you can do is run around and be scared


>muh overdone edgy ass ebil Christians meme

Story is of Z movie standard. Go back to Sup Forums skid.

RE7 and Outlast are fucking shit, if you think being chased and pretentious story lines are horror then you're part of the problem.

Sorry for my saucy opinion, but I beat re 1 when I was 7 fucking years old and you people are total losers.

Any horror game without combat is shit.

I bet you haven't even played it. Stop spouting memes

So this whole time faggots have been calling RE7 an Outlast clone, when Outlast doesn't even have combat?

just finished the game

it was clearly censored worldwide
redbarrels said there was a problem with the first code submission to the Australian rating board

you can clearly see how the scene was reduced, and all the sex content was removed

for anyone that have already finished the game, read what we have missed

This. For real he may be a news reporting liberal cuck but he's still a grown ass man and he can't pumble tbe fuck out of a granmy with a heavy shovel? Talk about retarded immersion killer and break of suspension of disbelief.

Yeah, just look at Resident Evil 4-5-6, so much HORROR.
Very scary game

People are finally getting sick of the "jumpscares, running/hiding and no combat" meme, thank god/ Those mechanics are all the laziest way to do horror and it's more agitating than scary. I don't know about 2 but the first one had the limited battery life mechanic and I fucking hate that shit.

I lost 2h on this dogshit of a game.

You survive an actual plane crash, has to walk and run a lot on hard surfaces, get beaten up constantly and you are obviously weaker than most enemies. It's ridiculous to expect the main character to fight everyone while still maintaining minimal realism. At least in this one he actually kicks the enemies sometimes on cut scenes. I think people that want combat simply don't like this kind of suspense.

memers and edgelords aside:
>amazing graphics
>amazing music
>amazing demo effect to play with friends casually
I have to admit, the gameplay is pretty much trash, but the artwork is insanely good, lads

You can have fucking combat without sacrificing horror. Silent Hill does this almost perfectly.

The plot is utter trash

Silent Hill couldn't be done with today's game mechanics. That age of gaming is over. You should get over it

RE7 was a horror and had combat.

Then don't fucking sell in australia, you'll lose what, 2 sales?

they made an honest attempt but it's not there
game isn't amazing just like other indieshit isnt


The demo was pretty cool, but the actual game sucked

That scene is still in the game though.
The satan orgy is in the mines

being unreal engine 3, the light effects are pretty much 10/10

yeah I know
but there is no sex between the imps, and you are not molested by the witch other than being reduced

The heretics do fuck though.
The closer to lynn the more they start to wank instead of fucking

>RE7 was a horror
>a horror

what did he mean by this

>nails through hands
>possibly infected with various diseases
>surrounded by decomposing bodies

He's just getting fucked up beyond belief

I am going to check that out again
I swear the scene looked bland as fuck to me

>Silent Hill does this almost perfectly.
Combat in SH was absolutely unnecessary. Hell, it even was on purpose made very clunky and unresponsive and sluggish. If you remove it, the rest of the fantastically done aspects and content of the game will still hold its awesomeness true.

Ok, worded that poorly. It is not the combat that made Silent Hill - Silent HIll. It did not even play the role above average importance.

It is low key censored what with the screen being blurry as fuck and whatsherface coming and 'raping' you while you have school flashbacks

Trash. It isn't a good game, nor is it a good story.

So what's the fucking point. Shame, because I think the enviroments are pretty well done, but nothing interesting happens in them. Just same old running away.

>combat makes a game scary
If by that you mean being able to kill enemies, you're retarded
Horror games should make the player feel stressed, powerless, they should immerse in the story and atmosphere and think of themselves as the main character. If you can fight, or ,god forbid kill, the scare factor, you're giving the player a power they (most likely) wouldn't have in a real life situation. And that breaks the immersion. "Bah, its just a stupid game, what am I getting all worked up for".
TL;DR real people would pussy out and run away rather than fight a monster

it absolutely could, it just takes creativity which is why shit like outlast is fucking lazy. Just allowing zero combat is a cheap way out, you can have combat and make it scary but it's hard. Just do like SH and have the melee combat be clunky and hard and have ammo be very limited. With some effort, low-tier mobs should be able to get clubbed to death with a struggle and high-tier mobs should need a clip of ammo unloaded on them.

Horror is all about the struggle and the fight or flight response. When you refuse to allow the player to fight, the game becomes tedious and a game of "oh an enemy, I know I have to hide in this designated hiding hole and wait for him to leave so I can explore." Taking more agency away from the player ironically makes the game LESS scary because it destroys the immersion. When you see some disgusting, horrible monstrosity you have to immediately make the decision of whether you can kill it and risk wasting ammo or dying but have it be out of your hair, or just run like a madman. This is way scarier than instantly knowing what to do and how to be safe, especially when you are trying to solve a puzzle or figure out where to go and you really want the monster gone.

This also makes monsters that actually can't be killed like Pyramid Head and the ghosts in SH4 fucking terrifying because you can't even hide, you have to run into the darkness of the scary level, not knowing where you are going and not knowing if they are still after you until they're upon you. Sections like the Labyrinth are scary as fuck because suddenly the rules don't apply and he could be anywhere ready to get you, this wouldn't work if the game was like this often.

>games SHOULD BE something, otherwise it's bad

lol, trash opinion.

You are completely wrong. The entire game's design would have to be different without combat and the pace would be ruined.

>Radio waves are sending everyone insane

Did Alex Jones write this game?

Silent Hill 4 is the most stressful, scary, unpleasant game I've ever played and it has combat. I also loved it even if playing it was a fucking nightmare.

Horror games where all you do is run around and hide without being able to really interact with anything are a passed trend. People expect a little bit more nowadays.

sadly VR is probably gonna extend this meme's life support.

I do like for change that when the player character is booking it from what's trying to kill him he really hauls ass.
Too many horror games have the protagonist 'run' at a powerwalk pace and it's dumb as fuck

Hold shift to win the game and it's too linear.
Also the enemies range between fucking blind to having infra-red vison.
>Have to sneak past few dudes
>It's dark as fuck and I can't see shit so I have to use the camera
>Lie on a ground and decide to sneak by MGS style.
>Dude spots me and proceeds to beat the shit out of me
>Try to sneak by differently for 10 minutes
>I win this part just by running past them
>Other times I am standing on lightly lit road and the fuckers can't spot me for shit
Atmosfere is really fucking great tho and it's pretty good for what it tries to do, be a linear game filled with jumpscares.

But that game was hot garbage, user

I dont think so judging by the salt that Outlast 2 produced. After RE7 people expect more than a glorified walking simulator and i cant blame them.

>"You are wrong because you are wrong!"

Because religious propaganda, wether against it or for it, is fucking trash.

I just wrote a wall of text explaining why but I forgot to link you to it

Amnesia is the only game I know of that actually did horror minus combat of some sort, right.

Thanks for proving my point that combat in SH had little to no importance.

Unfortunately, once you started to realize this fact midway your "argument" you instantly shifted priorities and made completely illogical and incorrect "conclusions" but okay, I understand, hard to change your opinion, especially when you first time put effort into analyzing and reflecting on spoken opinion objectively.

Don't worry, few years from now on you will evolve it. Some people are just.. slow in the brain. Slow to adapt.

How is he proving your point?

nice nonargument retard, literally my entire post was about how important the balance of combat is to survival horror but just make up priorirty shifts and conclusions without actually pointing them out and instead just replying "no u"

You can read his post, he starts to explain how little badly implemented combat mattered in the game, but instead of challenging his belief and analyzing breakdown of this aspect further he moves goalposts and tries to defend it, pretending it was a"good thing" because "reasons".

It really wasn't.

Case of example: Shattered Memories.

It had no combat but at all (direct combat), just enemy interactions but it was genuine SH-esque game that proves the point combat wasn't integral part of SH at all. It's the remaining components of the game that made it (granted, SM were a bit weaker in these aspects but closes to match classic SH games)

Don't forget being forced to drink the scalleds blood

the game has barebones mechanics

basically all you can do is run, it's just a gory walking sim

Enemies occasionally don't attack you even if they see you. I had that after the first cornfield where a guy just remained seated on his rocking chair, machete in hand, as I walked past him. ame with a preacher woman who either just chants about how Jesus will eat their cunts or they will charge at you waving her knife.

You'll see this mostly in the diseased camps.

you are an idiot. I went in to detail about why combat is so important for the entire long post and now you are just injecting your own complete nonsense to fit your narrative and spouting more non-arguments. Please point out exactly how I explained how little combat matters, just a simple quote, it should be easy. Or just respond with more dodging the question.

You are proving my point. Shattered Memories is the absolute worst example of how bad the zero-combat design can be. In Shattered Memories you instantly know when you are and aren't safe because the world fucking changes color when enemies are on the scene. There is ONE enemy type in the entire game that never changes it's behavior and remains 100% predictable the entire time and you deal with it the same way every time, you just run back to the exit. Keep in mind I actually like Shattered Memories, it's the only SH after 4 that I wouldn't call a fucking atrocity but it isn't scary and it sure as shit isn't SH-esque, NONE of the game and it's core design elements are like classic SH at all. If it were just called "Shattered Memories" and some story details were changed it would be nothing like SH in any way.

>blah blah blah

ok, now go jerking off to your outlast clones

It's one of the most boring games I've played in a long time. There's barely any gameplay, just hold W to go and you're good. There's absolutely no exploration and it's not scary at all. It's shit and can only be scary to kids

>Shattered Memories is the absolute worst example of how bad the zero-combat design can be.
Nice shitty personal opinion you manifest as a fact:

The "shitty" game:
79 score

Awesome SH-games with LE COMBAT:

metacritic.com/game/playstation-3/silent-hill-downpour --- 64
metacritic.com/game/pc/silent-hill-homecoming --- 64
metacritic.com/game/playstation-2/silent-hill-4-the-room --- even SH4 is 76
metacritic.com/game/psp/silent-hill-origins --- origins barely got 78

And all 3 classic SH games are 85-89 range. That's, like, 0.5. A ZERO DOT 5 SCORE DIFFERENCE. And t is not even all dedicated for the lack of combat. Shattered Memories had some other weak points.

Your argument absolutely has no objective ground to stand on. it's moot and you just defend your shitty opinion by trying to present it as an objective argument. It is not gonna work that way kid, and I will call you on this bullshit.

Just like Outlast 1 then.

The game just feels fucking awkward, I'm only on that bit after you find Lynn and she gets taken again, but the patrolling cunts have some fuckin divine insight as to where I'm hiding every time.
There isn';t much room to run and escape either, just get bungled into a corner and fucked.

Does the game pick up? I loved the first, but this doesn't really feel the same at all. It's frustrating more than anything else.

You know that was one of the worst points of Evil Within for me. The first 3 chapters were amazing, you could choose between stealth or fleeing and going all in on combat. But later on you are just bombarded with mobs that you HAVE to kill in order to progress.

People always say that it is all about aminution managment in that game,but thats not true. I played the game without upgrades and had more than enough ammunition, but no fun at all because it was the same fucking formula all the time. Great concept wasted on shitty game design imo

I much rather be in constant flight mode and panik about where I have to run instead of being stuck in a room with 20 enemies that you have to kill.

Had the audio from the school sections been reversed yet?
Blake is saying something but its backwards

Marketers posted threads RPing that they're mad about the game being supposedly anti-christian, then samefagged and a couple retards joined the shitflinging in some threads.

Same exact thing was used to market the game Dantes Inferno.

I played for about 3 hours and no, it doesn't get better. Every area is exactly the same

>metacritic reviews dictate how good a game is
also note that I stated that shattered memories was still enjoyable and called every other game you listed besides SH4 a fucking atrocity, you clearly didn't even read my post. I explicitly stated that just including combat isn't automatically good, and it's a hard balance. The combat in Homecoming fucking sucks, same with Origins and Downpour. Way to prove me right that you are fucking retarded though by replying with yet another nonargument.

I wrote actual arguments and said why I feel how I do and then you respond with "You're stupid! check these metacritic scores from random morons that have bad taste! I win!" and that's literally all you have provided, proving that you have not even read my full posts. This is obviously not a meaningful debate so just stop.

> explicitly stated that just including combat isn't automatically good, and it's a hard balance.

And I explicitly stated that "le balance" wasn't achieved in SH 1-2-3 and combat as it was in these games did not add anything of as high value as other aspects of the game (narrative, story, visual design, etc)

>cherrypicking the absolute worst games in the series for an argument
>using metacritic to support your argument

Ryder's face pisses me off so much

I'm pretty stoked people play this game trying to hide from the bad guys

I swear to god, I finished the game without using any locker or barrel

in outlast 1, there were 2-3 mandatory hiding sections
here there are literally none
even the naked water bitch.... you can pass through here getting one hit

Well when you have a game that removes so much core elements of what makes a videogame a videogame you need to add to the other core elements. If you remove all forms of combat and puzzle solving from a game you need to fall back on the genre and story. From what I understand Outlast 2 didn't do that great with that. The game wasn't as scary as the first and story wasn't amazing either.

>a horror game that's not that scary
>a story that's not that great
>no puzzle solving
>no combat

There's your problem

But unlike me you provided no actual criticism as to why. The combat is not as outwardly important as the qualities you mentioned and that was never my point but the entire game's design and pace would have to be different if combat vanished. If the game was exactly as is just with no combat it would be a fucking mess.

With combat, every different enemy represents a new, unknown threat. They all have different moves, different stats, and different tactics. Each one is a new, scary struggle with how to deal with them. Without combat they are all the same, just an obstacle that annoys you constantly and the pyramid head chase/SH4 ghosts are now nothing special at all instead of hugely memorable and scary. You've also eliminated the fun of finding new weapons which is a large part of the game that you've eliminated for no reason other than to make it worse. The enemy placements would also have to be different too, and key items would need to be more obvious as instead of taking your time, carefully exploring and appreciating the atmosphere you are now constantly running everywhere, either that or no enemies can be anywhere near key items/puzzles. We have to remove the cool bosses now too. Congrats on chunking out multiple large parts of the game and rearranging what's left for absolutely no justifiable reason.

>The combat is not as outwardly important as the qualities you mentioned and that was never my point but the entire game's design and pace would have to be different if combat vanished.
Why are you keep repeating this nonsense. I never said it just should outright vanish. I provided example with Shattered Memories how it could be handled. Stop putting words in my mouth.

The game sucks. The camera recording and then reading the protagonists thoughts on a paper was a miles better system than the recording in 2 which first of all takes way too long and then you listen to the protagonists horrible voice-acting.

I don't know how they went so many steps backwards. The game doesn't offer or do anything new or interesting compared to the first one, graphics are more or less the same, the voiced protagonist is terrible, I legit got a headache from the unnecessary and overused special effects and the game is short as fuck but yet it feels like it drags on and on because of the endless chase sequences. Didn't the first game sell very well? I'd like to know the train of thought that went in their heads that lead to the Outlast 2 that we got.

You didn't read the rest of my post, stop replying without doing that. Shattered Memories didn't handle it at all, there was no combat and because of that every encounter was just running back through the linear area to the exit. Shattered Memories is the worst example you could provide to prove your point as among these hide, run and seek horror games it probably balances it's hide, run and seek the least well by far. As I said in the rest of earlier post, if the classic SH games were changed to feature more SM-esque combat many other huge aspects would have to change as well or totally vanish.

>Shattered Memories is the worst example you could provide
Because you say so?

>Shattered Memories didn't handle it at all,
But it did and it proved SH series did need combat as much.

Shattered Memories had other weaker points and "lack of combat" wasn't one of them.

in a way, I am sad about this ratings, because the game shows a lot of good values

I know gameplay is oversimplified and twitch/youtube bait, but fuck it looks and sounds awesome as fuck

It's clear that you are going to keep reading the first sentence of my post and ignore the rest but reply anyway so I'll keep this one short. I already explained why the other SH games would need to be completely rebuilt to change/remove the combat and why the """"combat""" in shattered memories doesn't work so you can read my earlier posts if you want to know why I "say so".

or may be you should stop ignoring the point I make and stop hammering yours.

You never made a point or a counterpoint to my points, I will repeat exactly what you've provided.
>SH combat is unnecessary and SM did it better because
>nuh-uh you are wrong look at metacritic! look at how bad all these games you already agreed were bad are!
>combat in SH1-4 adds no value because
that's it. I'm just waiting for the "lmao look at how much time you wasted, #trolled".


>"White knighting"
>"Casual misogyny"

Can someone explain what is going on in this article, I am legit bambuzaled by this ""logic".

>People literally too dumb to understand the story.

Story my ass


Found your problem

I liked SM but the lack of combat and the protag agility really make it much less scary than the first one.

Didn't play the rest.

>god doesn't want the anti-christ to kill everyone
>to stop the anti-christ from killing his believers god forces everyone to kill their families and themselves
>when the anti-christ is born god nukes the earth to prevent the anti-christ from destroying the earth

i turned out to be wrong
the scene is still there, although not that obvious


this kid obliterates the game in 2 hours


Now imagina protagonis would have been female.

>get nailed to a fuckin cross
>spend an unspecified amount of time hanging on it
>wakes up and rips off his hands from the goddamn nails through the front by brute force
>stumbles around and avoids more loonies
>wraps two scraps of dirty cloth around his Jesus hands and all is good and well now
>is pulling all his body weight by scaling rocks like 2 minutes after

Yeah you know what? I have a limit of suspending my disbelief.
This shit is batshit ridiculous.

all of that and he can't even pick up a weapon to defend himself

one thing is sure
if outlast 3 includes combat, i will blame this board