>next elder scrolls rumored to have multiplayer
Next elder scrolls rumored to have multiplayer
There's no reason for them to do that when ESO exists.
The next elder scrolls game is not even being worked on
>elder scrolls co-op campaign
I really want this but then I realise I have no friends to play it with.
>multiplayer sexmods
>next elder scrolls rumored to have multiplayer
gee. i can't wait to play elder scrolls VI: cawadutyboarderlandsgearsofwar with rpg elements and voiced protage with shitty choices of dialog that don't matter at all because its a railroad game with the theme of an rpg.
can't fucking wait. fuck you bethesda. fuck you.
This... actually sounds plausible. That's how they'll try again with paid mods, and with locking mods into their environment. "We can't let people mod how they want, because multiplayer".
Wait for it.
not a fucking chance
If it had co-op it would be great
2P Co-op would be nice if done well which it wouldn't be
Anything else no
Here's a suggestion, I know it's a wild one so sit down motherfucker.
Don't play the multiplayer?
>next elder scrolls will have voiced protagonists
>coop sexlab mods
>pimp wars
>Argonian and Khajit aren't playable because that would mean more voice actors
Will it be tethered open world like Fable 3?
I'd sooner die.
next elder scrolls will probably be an even dumber version of skyrim so i don't care
Yeah, let's spend millions on character customization instead of infinite replayability flopout 4.
Nah, even Todd admitted that shit was a mistake.
I don't think they're going to fuck it up.
If they do multiplayer, they'll probably do co-op which, for elder scrolls sounds fun.
>The Next Elder Scrolls will be even more dumbed down than Skyrim
>This will make people on Sup Forums who's only Elder scrolls exposure was Skyrim begin to get nostalgic over Skyrim
>They won't have played Oblivion and definitely won't have played Morrowind or earlier
>the inclusion of a co-op mode means either the quests are all dumbed down, or you'll get a perma companion that is irrelevant to the story
>Co-op Elder Scrolls
One of 2 outcomes will take place
1. If both players mods don't match perfectly, the game will crash/refuse to connect/glitchy as fuck
2. Bethesda will try to make the game unmoddable to prevent this
Or they could have a way to make mods sync between players.
>You need these 14 mods to play with your friend! Do you want them as a bundle (save 10%, only $19)?
>payed mods
Anyone stupid enough to even buy a game like this deserves to play trash.
There's lots of stupid people, user.
And they set trends for the industry when they blow out money for stupid things.
damn it, I forgot console modding exists now, can't wait for 9year olds to drive away even more modders
I'm more than aware that the world is full of idiots, user. Developers are at least moderately smart on average, so if they pander to that shit it's directly their fault. Not the other way around. Plus there's nothing forcing me to buy garbage.
I can't imagine that working out well, I install mine with Mod Organiser instead of NMM, pick and choose the individual files I want from the mod, check for conflicts in LOOT afterwards and tweak my load order to prevent crashes etc.
This ensures my modded Skyrim almost never crashes, nearly everyone I see who has Skyrim crash every 10 minutes just dogpiled all their mods in with NMM without any organising or curating, which I imagine any Mod-sync would do.
>a job posting programmer for a programmer with multiplayer experience
>omg must be for the next elder scrolls
Literally click bait tier
Custom mods like that would take a hit for sure, but it'd be a trade off for being able to play with someone.
>millions of dollarydoos into production
>have protagonist voice actor
>not having more variety voice actors for NPC instead
I mean, I don't really mind that one dude in Skyrim
You are salty user, but I have to agree
Play with /vee/
He said the dialogue wheel was a mistake.
We don't know if he realises that the root cause of the problem was the voice acting or if he just thinks the solution is voice dialogue system 2.0
>Argonians and Khajit are playable
>1 voice for Male
>1 voice for Female
>All races use these 2 voices
Hmm that's true.
>Hate Empire
Did he mean it in the context of it being a wheel itself, or that all your choices amounted to
Sarcastic Yes
No (Yes later)
co-op would be nice. npc followers have ridiculous pathing issues, and it would be an excuse to make the dungeons bigger and have harder boss enemies.
That is exactly what they would do too.
If you look at the progression of the games, dungeons are only going to get smaller. Removing issues with pathing associated with npc followers by implementing coop will give them a reason to reduce the size of large rooms.
>Hate Talos
i don't remember that many large rooms from skyrim's dungeons, aside from various entrance halls and boss arenas. they've already condensed the size of the average room. maybe we would see more ruins with the size of labyrinthian.