

A gun with a sword of course. He has long rang and if you get close he has the sword as backup. And the Sword with the gun would have to aim a lot harder because his weird arm is attached to his blade unlike the gun who's arm is attached to the hilt.

The sword because it has a gun while the gun only has a sword.

Depends, if thats the actaul scale of the 2 combatants. IT be a lot easier for the sword with the gun to shoot the gun with the sword.

The weight distribution for Gun might cause him to trip and fall.
If sword falls, which is less likely, he can still aim his gun.

Sword w/ Gun wins.

Assuming the sword with a gun can swing itself and the gun with a sword can shoot itself, I'd probably say the gun with a sword could win because I can't imagine the sword getting close enough to the gun to cut the gun in half or whatever, and the gun that the sword is using wouldn't do jack shit to the gun with a sword because the bullets are far too small. However the gun with a sword could fire itself and those large ass bullets would break that small ass sword.

>sword with gun has one arm
>gun with sword has 2 arms
there's a clear winner here

A tie

Secundus, don't perform oral sex on girls against the wall like a dog!

Can the gun shoot itself? Because otherwise the sword would win

This. Sword with gun can't even reload.

if the gun had any ammo it wouldn't have the sword, but the sword wouldn't carry around a gun with no ammo in it. ipso facto, the sword with the gun would win by shooting the gun

gun with a sword:
>huge gun, does a lot of damage
>two arms for better control of his sword

sword with a gun:
>small gun
>one arm, can't aim the gun very well

truly gub with a sword is the true master race

Sword with a gun.
Sword has full-sized gun while the gun only has a tiny sword.


Way easier to shoot a massive gun than a sword, which is very flat.
Sword with gun wins

Both don't have a means to reload as the sword only has one arm and the gun only has a sword

But sword with gun wins due to range and a smaller hit box

>gun with a sword:
>huge gun, does a lot of damage
>two arms for better control of his sword

It'll have to use at least one arm to pull that giant ass trigger though. Also, if it misses its first shot it might be game over beause it'll fly all over the place because of that recoil.

The sword is thin as hell and could just drop and become flat if the gun decides to fire


>gun with a sword can't pull the trigger without letting go of the sword, if he's even allowed to drop the sword

But what if the gun holding the sword is the one full size gun

very nice

there's 2 arms you retard

that's not fair, sword with a sworded gun has no chance

glhf swinging that sword while at the same time pulling that trigger family

judging by the size of the gun with a sword, sword with a gun would be obliterated before he could even get close

why would it need to do both at the same time you absolute tard it'd just blow away whatever with its fukhueg bullet from a distance and leave the sword waggling for close range

>not doing both at the same time
It's like you want to lose.


Gun with a sword.

When the sword swings around it's impossible for the gun to hit.

But the gun with the sword just stays steady while the sword swings around.

>with a massive artillery shell

how would the sword even swing itself while its got a fucking arm on the blade let alone shoot its gun accurately at the same time
ur dumb son

swords > guns

Nuff said papu.

Assuming we're using real world size, sword with gun would win.

If both fighters have an equal size, gun with sword will win

Who would win this?

>Forgetting about your son with a gourd

lamal has the guns and hoes so I'd put my money on him

Why not band both dudes for a game where each tries to solve half of a crime?


Erioiore would win by numbers alone due to him bringing police backup.

the delegates LAMAL

L.A.M.A.J brought guns. Erioiore dosen't have enough muscle mass to stop bullets.

L.A.M.A.L is so lanky he won't be able to handle the recoil of his guns and his tiny eyes means that he can't shoot for shit, meanwhile Erioioire can just run up to L.A.M.A.L and snap him in two after he misses his shot and the gun recoil knocks him down.

Shit thread.

this is my favorite thread

Sword = STR
Gun = DEX

Erioioire has the killing stare of a man who cannot be stopped. Just look in the background, he's already destroyed two fools who tried to stand against him. Lamal doesn't stand a chance.

This is important, can the the gun with a sword use its as a gun? If so then easily the gun with a sword, it would fire fuck huge bullets easily killimg the sword with the gun.

You don't fuck with 3RIOIORE, he already killed 2 people on the way to the fight.

Erioire has an army with him

6 people is not an army, user. LamaJ has two guns, so if he goes into bullet time he can take out Erioioire's """""army""""" in one fell swoop.