After GTA V's success on PC it was inevitable. It'll still get a delayed release, though

After GTA V's success on PC it was inevitable. It'll still get a delayed release, though.

Other urls found in this thread:

i don't give a shit about rdr and if that's true i'll give negative shits
for what i care sonybros can keep it

This means nothing. You are being baited by the journalist into reading his dumb clickbait.

It's several times more likely that this is pertaining to GTA VI.

Aspergers and Autism need proper treatment. You should not ignore your mental disability.

Everyone knew RDR2 was going to PC eventually, the only reason RDR didn't was because it's code was a mess. Same reason it didn't get a remaster.

Only shitposters tried to argue otherwise.

this isn't coming to pc. as a majority pc player i'm just going to accept it and play it on console when it comes out. i'm not some cuck and will refuse to play it just because it isn't on pc.

Denuvo is cracked now, big deal

>tfw PC is so irrelevant that pee kuks have to rely on literal rumours

>Rockstar wants to sell Sharkcards to more people

No way

>tfw consoles are so shit that console cucks have to rely on hope and rumors that a game will be on their respective system or on the competing system


Pc will get first person red dead 2 with more content and mod support. Watch.


I don't have to rely on anything since the game(just like every none shovel ware) is design for consoles.

Now back to for your daily petition pee cuck.

true, 100% this

now I don't have to buy a scorpio

[internal monologue]
No, this can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

Cant wait for the funposting again.

Wow Red dead redemption on PC? finally I will play a game that might be interesting.
My $800 won't be in vain.

Holy shit this is pathetic. I can't believe people like this actually exist

Well, well, well, what have we here, pardners? Looks to me we got ourselves some fun for the night don't we?


>when memes go too far

full autism this guy but I liked it


>It'll still get a delayed release, though.
Who cares? Exclusives, and early access have always been for cucks.

After GTAV why would I give a shit?

V4 isn't, Nier wasn't cracked yet

fuck off aaron you fucking shill

also never ever peazey cucks

>fan website fishing for clicks
>rdr2 not even confirmed for pc
totally legit news guys.

>never ever gta v
Yeah never ever

>rocksteady will implement some scuzzy cash shop
>they'll also ban your account on bogus reasons while ignoring all the RUSSIAN HACKERS actually exploiting their shitty (mandatory) multiplayer
th-thanks for your gay cowboys eating pudding console game

>on console
lel make a petition, petitioncuck

Why the fuck are you even questioning whether it will come to PC? OF COURSE IT WILL YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER

Holy shit a dedicated sony nigger anti everything else channel? This is sad as fuck man

another shitpost bait thread, good job OP
>mfw retards actually answer seriously with counterbait
>muh PC
>muh sony
>muh nintendo
all of you KYS

>Port Possibly Outed By DRM Leak


where's my goldenface when I need it

this man gets it, /vunderage/ at it again

>praises multicultural masterpiece horizon
>posts racist caricature of japanese person

ugh, can't this person get a clue?

Not everything is bait, you cynical crybaby

Delay for optimization sounds like a really good deal to me, Rockstar made that delay worth.

The real problem, in my honest opinion, will be if RDR2 ends up being a sequel of RDR1 and not just another story in the same universe.

>t. triggered sonyygger

>Putting two and two together here shouldn’t be too hard

What's hard about 2+2?
Why would he even say something so stupid, what is it even in reference to?
Fucking idiots

Literally nearly every game comes out on a console. The only ones that are PC exclusive are shitty dungeons'n'dragons type MMORPGs.

Game developers don't bother with PC because they know no matter what game they make or how they do it they're gonna have a fuck load of whiny virgin PC autists squealing about some trivial bullshit.
There's a reason games are always fucked when they port them to PC. Because the developers can't be fucked to care about a bunch of manbabies freaking out that no one cares about PC gamers

>There's a reason games are always fucked when they port them to PC.

Why are they even more fucked on console then?

Don't even really care about Denuvo but I'm still not getting it. It's going to be a long delay again I imagine and it's going to be just as mediocre as GTAV. Maybe even more so since RDR is already an incredibly overrated game. Rockstar should go die in a fire.


Paying 800 for a pc????? are you reatrded? Kek