Has Nintendo ever given a bigger fuck you to their fans than the way they handled this?

Has Nintendo ever given a bigger fuck you to their fans than the way they handled this?

Not that I can think of.

Virtual Boy

nes classic obviously


Federation Force
AM2R (the timing more than anything else on this one)

>Being a Nintendo fan after the Wii
You deserved it

Wii had a great library of games and wasn't cut short early

This. They fucking knew it was gonna be big.

The WiiU has a better library of games.

The Switch...barely any games, not enough consoles at launch and how much 400-500 dollars?, fuck that

You mean how they deliberately waited for the game to be finished and released before they "shut it down"? The game had been in development for ages and if Nintendo truly didn't want people to play it they would have pounced on it earlier. And I said "shut it down" in inverted commas because the game is still pretty easy to find a copy of.

Releasing the switch was. I refuse to buy it and hope it fails.

Once the hype of zelda wears off, which it already has, sales will drop after people realize its another underpowered piece of shit with no 3rd party games

I dont know what you mean, i like it. The only things missing are the calls of dutis but i never played beyonf MW.

No, it doesn't.
>Trauma Center
>Zack and Wiki
>Galaxy games (better than 3D World)
>Sin and Punishment 2 (better than piece of shit Star Fox Zero)
>Kirby Return to Dreamland (better than Rainbow Curse)
>No More Heroes 1 and 2
>Arc Rise Fantasia
>Little King's Story
>The Last Story
>Pandora's Tower
>Punch Out
Beats the fuck out of the Wii U library

>didn't even mention the Prime Trilogy

>all those shitty games
>better than splatoon, W101, and bayo2

No, Wii only has shovelware and your list proofs that.

I fucking love my WiiU.

But yeah Nintendo fucking blew it except for 2013-2015. I enjoyed it immensely and it beat everything else I have to game on in play time by a land slide.

>One shitty game in a series with a good amount of great games
>A pretty good if underutilized remodel
>Protecting their IP
>The same thing as releasing a console piggybacking off the Wii name with barely ever seen shit tier marketing
>Barely releasing any games for its launch year and slightly into 2013
>Console starts to become not an outright failure/ probably soon to be minorly profitable in 2015
>Iwata dies
>Kimishima comes in and all but abandons WiiU games that aren't basically done (Strangely the 3DS was largely pulled out of during the same time period and has only just started getting games again too)
A company just straight up abandoning a console with a full year to go until the next one is unprecedented levels of fuckery from a video game company especially when at the start of the gen Nintendo were easily the most consumer friendly option of the big 3. The PS2 had games and was in production until the late 2000s or early 2010s I forgot which. PS3 just got Persona 5 too. Sega was in its fucking death throes and managed to support the Dreamcast until the consoles official end.

t. Sony ponies

Now remove all the games where I don't get to play with a real controller

Oh yeah, can't believe I forgot it.
Wii U has plenty of its own shovelware.
>Star Fox Zero
>Mario Party 10
>Paper Mario Color Splash
>Sonic Boom
>Sonic Lost World
>indie shit like Meme Run and Affordable Space Adventures
Wii has more good games than Wii U does

The Wii U gamepad isn't a real controller.

I bet you're one of those faggots that thinks Metroid Prime on the Wii sucks because you use the Wiimote to aim

W101 and Bayo2 are good games but Splatoon is just babby's first shooter that only sold because pedos wanted to fuck the squid children and people wanted a break from Mario Kart and Smash.

Yet I didn't mention any of those awful games, while you listed a bunch of them and implied those were good games. They aren't. Just a bunch of waggling shovelware games.

>Just a bunch of waggling shovelware games.
you never played any of them, faggot

T. Toddler

Some people actually owned nintendo consoles and are getting sick of their bullshit.
Ive stuck with the 360 then PC, faggot

Played all the games listed and they are waggling shovelware games.

>He can't afford multiple consoles

Smash 4
Wonderful 101
Bayo 2
Mario Kart 8
I'm actually happy with that

Galaxy is a wagglan shovelware game?

Yeah, it's called Gamecube.
Same shitty marketing, same rushed first party output, same kind of pubblic response.

Don't forget that the Wii had backwards compatibility with the Gamecube's library. The combined GC + Wii library is far greater than the combined Wii + Wii U library.

>Smash 4
>Mario Maker
>3D World
>Mario and Luigi U
>Mario Kart
>Captain Toad
>Wooly World
>Dong Freeze
>Breath of the Wild
>Hyrule Warriors
>WW and TP HD
>Pikmin 3
>Starfox Guard (Can be purchased separate)
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Fatal Frame
>Bayonetta 1 and 2
>Wonderful 101
>Kirby: Rainbow Curse
>Monster Hunter 3U
>Lego City Undercover
>Tekken Tag Tournament WiiU Edition
>Rodea (Wii game packaged as a WiiU game)
>Pushmo World
>Fast Racing Neo
>Affordable Space Adventures
>Good selection of 3rd party Indies
>Also picked up a few wii games I missed (Bit.Trip collection, Tatusnoko vs Capcom, etc) because of true backwards compatibility
>Pro controller is top tier
>Gamecube adapter is the best peripheral of all time, doubles as an easy ticket to playing Dolphin with the correct controllers solo or multiplayer
>Entire Zelda library available besides ALBW and the CDI games
>The only console currently capable of good DS emulation because of the touch screen
>Easy as fuck to hack, just have to connect to the internet
>Easy enough to load games onto your WiiU, I’m playing Banjo Kazooie with VC support right now
>Bunch of games worth looking at once you can grab them for free (Either because rarity shot the price up or because the price was always too much) like NES Remix 1+2, Game and Wario, Devils Third, previously Lego City Undercover, Paper Mario, SF0, etc.)
>Weak internal memory but with significantly better options to expand memory (External powered hard drive vs SD card on Switch and 3DS) I added two terabytes of storage to my WiiU, most I can add to a switch is a few hundred gigs, maybe less if Nintendo's SD card support is as bad as it was on the 3DS
>Mfw there are people who really think this is a bad console

Unless you count the NES Classic then the Wii U is the biggest debacle in Nintendo's history.

Punch-Out doesn't even use motion controls so I know you're lying.

>Affordable Space Adventures
No, fuck you, I won't stand for this. It's the best game that uses the gamepad like it should have been used, fuck you and your opinion.

You can play gamecube on the vWii I believe

Yet it printed money

Gamecube has
>Custom Robo
>Eternal Darkness
>Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2
>Baten Kaitos and the prequel
>Rogue Squadron II
>Pokemon Colosseum
>Paper Mario TTYD
>Luigi's Mansion
>Pikmin 1 and 2
Its way better than the Wii U library, has much more games

stale pasta
That requires hacking which 99.9999% of Wii U owners will never bother with

It seems you haven't played that waggling shovelware game.

Punch Out has motion controls, so now I know you are lying.

>300 shekel update to play your games on stable 30FPS 1080p

The WiiU gamepad is held like a normal controller, feels like a normal controller in your hands, is the weight of a normal controller, but also has a touchscreen in the middle like the 3DS.

With the Wii if I want to play the Metroid Prime Trilogy or a disgustingly large number of other games I have to hold the letter l and a comma if I want to play the video game and probably have to shake my hands at least a little. That's not a real controller.

Sometimes you need to cut off a finger to save the hand. Kimishima probably looked at the financials and (correctly) came to the conclusion that he could abandon the devoted nintendo fans for a year if it made for a better first year for the switch knowing for each jaded fan that finally gives up 100 will crawl back like a beaten housewife. The first year of a console is important for setting momentum and the public opinion. Look at the Wii, 3 years of godly growth, 3 years of nothing, but people look back at the Wii as a crazy success.

The Wii U can't read gamecube discs so you need to hack it to be able to play them. And if we're talking about unofficial modifications then you may as well say that PCs are have the greatest Nintendo library of all time.

Not all motion controls are waggle and Galaxy is still miles better than 3D world

>shake a controller to spin
I bet you use gyro aiming on the Wii U

Dude fuck off. The Wii remote is way more comfortable to use than the bulky ass gamepad.

>not a real controller
So you don't use the Wiimote to control characters in a game?

>not all waggling is waggling

kys, wiipoligist

>n-no that doesn't count
I can't believe we honestly have people saying the Wii was the better console or even a good console on this board.

If you actually played the game then you would know that Punch-Out's motion controls were entire optional and you could play the game with the same control scheme as the NES game.

selling rare?

>Wii remote shake is bad
>gyro controls are fine though
Kill yourself Wii U fetus
The Wii WAS a better console. Deal with it.

>you mean how they deliberately waited

No, he means how they deliberately shut down a fangame of a product they refused to sell themselves after relegating it to shovelware territory, thus preventing future updates that could improve the game, like the various content features that were being planned.

thanks for your input 12-year-old

Confirmed for having literally never held one or having literally the tiniest hands in existence.

I have really small hands I measured them against a small 4 foot tall asian women I worked with once and her hands were the same size, I have accidentally derailed threads with how small my hands are and have absolutely no trouble with the Gamepad

Face it, the Wii U is a joke of a console and even Nintendo realise how badly they fucked up (which is why they completely abandoned everything they tried to do with the Wii U and why they're rereleasing all of its games for Switch).

Not trying to defend Nintendo's shitty practices, but based on their interviews about the low NES Classic stock, it kind of makes sense. The NES Classic was for nostalgic 30-40 somethings who don't play games who wanted a nostalgic stocking stuffer kind of gift for Christmas. Any gamer who had any sort of interest in playing NES games would have a 3DS or Wii U that could download those games off the Virtual Console, or quite honestly just emulate them on damn near any electronic device. The fact that gamers wanted one too was kind of odd.

>gyro controls are fin

Said noone ever, waggling shiteater. Wii is the worst Nintendo home console and will always be.

>Confirmed for having literally never held one
Fuck, I wish I had never held one. Its an eyesore in my living room.

>562 hours in splatoon
>398 hours in mk8
>124 hours in smash
>158 for game1 and 92 for game2 hours in BoTW
>various 20-50 hours in each single player games like hyrule warriors, zombi, zelda tp/ww

yeah nah, I got my monies worth and then some.

>nintendo thread
>but sony


They made 5 3DS models in the span of two years

Wii is shit m8.

>nintendo makes a shitty gaming tablet
>says they're going to do their best to pander to die-hard nintendo fans
>releases terrible games
>everyone hates it

>nintendo makes another shitty gaming tablet
>re-releases all of the last shitty gaming tablet's terrible games
>everyone loves it

Fact is we all know the truth of the matter; people are selling on hype alone, there's nothing on the switch or in the switch's near future that merits buying a switch, but people love the gimmick that will never get utilized properly so much they'll invest deeply just to be posting 'has nintendo ever given a bigger fuck you to their fans than the way they handled this? switch.jpg" in 5 years.

>Said noone ever, waggling shiteater.
So you don't use them for Splatoon? You don't play Star Fox Zero?
Half those games you listed aren't even exclusives. Thanks for proving the Wii U library is shit.

Post your cute hands user

The Wii is far from my favorite Nintendo console but it is still miles better than Wii U

>Owns all nintendo consoles since NES
>Owns xbox line

Dont you have middler school classes, toddler?

federation force isnt even a bad game
just horribly mistimed release

I camped out for 6 hours to buy a Switch at launch and is absolutely right. The Switch was sold on two things: new Nintendo console launch hype and the ability to play a brand new Zelda game. After all it said and done, the Switch is just a less gimmicky Wii U: severely underpowered and unable to run big name third party games

But not just gamers wanted one. As soon as news broke that they were going to sell the Mini, word spread like crazy. It was talked about on the news, and on the radio. Of course people in their 30's and 40's were interested, but it reached far beyond that. It had gigantic appeal to casual gamers, and most importantly, people who aren't normally gamers at all. They missed out on a ton of profit.

It is a bad game. Its a shitty co-op shooter with some soccer minigame.

The WiiU sadly was one of the biggest disappointments this gen.

>Bayonetta 2 was a disgusting cinematic experience with no good gameplay
>Splatoon was esports without a singleplayer (if you don't count the barebones, casual tutorial)
>Wonderful 101 was cinematic trash as well
>XEnoblade X was casualized MMO garbage
>Mario, Donkey Kong and Kirby were all supremely casual, to the point where it became frustrating how much they held your hand
>Smash had way too much dLC which destroyed online play
>MK8 had too much DLC
>everything else was either a poorly made rehash of another game, a port, or shovelware

When you make even the Ps4 look good in comparison, you know you've screwed up.

>Barneyfag 2.0 gets called out for making the same thread every day yesterday
>Today he posts literally the same OP image but with the white WiiU instead of the black one
Holy fuck my sides. How can one sex genie be so upset about the existence of a console?

Its not odd, this kind of thing is "in" right now. Its kinda like people wanted an earthbound cart even though they probably heard about the game from a LPer.

>Half those games you listed aren't even exclusives.
Not an argument, OP was talking about the console itself.

>Thanks for proving the Wii U library is shit.
A system does not need lots of shovelware like horizon, neir, etc to be popular.

It just needs a handful of great games to have hours and hours of enjoyment on. Which the wii u had.

So why the fuck were you stupid enough to waste 5 hours of you life and $400 to buy a Switch?

>A system does not need lots of shovelware
Wii U has plenty of shovelware

>so you don't use them for Splatoon
I refuse to use gyro for Splatoon. I'd rather just twin stick it , which didn't even hamper me because online was laughably casual, and the singleplayer was even worse. IT made Undertale look like Brutal Doom.

>b-but muh higher ranks

Doesn't help when every single person you face is a 10 year old who doesn't know how to play.

>I refuse to use gyro for Splatoon. I'd rather just twin stick it ,
B shitter detected

I'm a retarded consumer whore with an unhealthy attachment to Nintendo, plain and simple. Assuming the Switch is still a pain in the ass to find for retail later down the line, I'm also glad I have one because I know I'm going to love playing Splatoon 2 in a few months

>I'm too young to know what shovelware is

Snow White and the Seven Clever Boys is shovelware. Those are bad releases by video game companies (Except Sonic Boom, meme run and Shovelknight, those are Shovelware).

>>Bayonetta 2 was a disgusting cinematic experience with no good gameplay
First one was like that too

>>Splatoon was esports without a singleplayer
I fail to understand why an online shooter game needs singleplayer to be good.

>>Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze

>>MK8 had too much DLC
didnt it only have like 20 dollars and 2 separate DLCs?

>Wii U has plenty of shovelware
Never said it did not have it. I listed games I had fun and hours of enjoyment with to counter the OP.

Oh please. Even the best Splatoon players are the equivalent of new players in Doom or Quake. Even Team Fortress takes more skill.

>You don't play Star Fox Zero?
Played and finished SF0. It's shit and shovelware.
>So you don't use them for Splatoon?
Nope, turned gyro off.

If only you could turn off motion controls in Galaxy, Prime Corruption, and DKC Returns. Then they wouldn't be waggling shovelware games.

>xbox line

Yeah user, you sure own all these things you don't even know their name of, we totally trust you.

Agreed, i have bought every singlr one of their consoles but im getting fed up with their bullshit.

It is constantly underpowered crap. The exclusives on the Wii U were garbage with no sugn of getting better. Nintendo has worse business practices than EA and everyone defends them

Nintendo likes to do things the hard way. They purposefully skimp out on production and "scalp" their own items on ebay. You honestly can't defend that from a consumer standpoint.

>I fail to understand why an online shooter game needs singleplayer to be good.
Because you're charging full price? I demand a good singleplayer for that price.

user, don't tell me you've ever actually died in that game.

>didnt it only have like 20 dollars and 2 separate DLCs?
Even one penny is too much. Either make it all free, or don't make it at all.

So stop buying their stuff

>Those are bad releases by video game companies
Fine, just call it "shovelware-tier" then.
They're shit games regardless. Your arbitrary distinctions don't change that

This senpai

If you can't even get out of B in splatoon then you must be truly shit.
>Nope, turned gyro off.
Hey look, another B shitter
How does it feel knowing literal kids can master a control scheme that you can't?

Exclusivity is one of the if not main argument they use durring damage control. Quality doesn't matter when every game is a spinoff.

brilliant reasoning, now I understand exactly why its bad. thanks.

Cry about bait as much as you want, claiming the Wii is better than the Wii U is not even close to an unpopular opinion, nor is it wrong. The Wii U is an abomination, the Wii is just bad.