Nu-fans spend months talking about how RE7 was a sucess

>Nu-fans spend months talking about how RE7 was a sucess
>It actually flopped and didn't hit the fiscal year target
>barely recovered it's development costs
>RE6's PS4/XONE versions, even when they're shit (because the game fucking sucks), still sold pretty well all things considered

That's what happens when you appeal to the let's player audience and force the shitty VR gimmick.

Time for RE7fags to apologize to us oldfags. Do it now.

Agreed, even RE5 and RE6 were better than 7

>RE6's PS4/XONE versions, even when they're shit (because the game fucking sucks)


RE6 was absolute video game kino that will recieve a major re-evaluation in the coming years. It will have a greater legacy then Meme: 7 which is already forgotten.

I can explain my opinion that RE7 is better than RE5 and RE6. It has better horror atmosphere, more classic-style survival gameplay, better focus on resource management for survival, less linear level design and no cringy nothing personnel animu kung fu shit. Can you explain your opinion that refutes those?

Otherwise this is just going to be Thief vs Metal Gear Solid again

Youtuber meme game. Next.

What the fuck are you talking about? Capcom expected 4 million sales (rather ambitious for a horror game these days) and it ended up selling 3.5, which is only half a million less. They're getting a ton of money from the DLCs too. How in the hell is it a flop?


Yes. Next point. Go ahead.

>Only sold 500k below target.
>Capcom themselves said sales were acceptable.
>Meanwhile RE6 sold 2 million below target and was the failure that resulted in RE7 happening in the first place.

Never ever 6cucks. Enjoy being the best selling Resident Evil that somehow still wasn't profitable enough.

I unironically enjoyed RE5 and 6. They're still my favourite in the series below REmake and 2.

All non-autists did.

VR worked well in Alien Isolation

they shouldve implemented it on pc for vive and oculus right away

hype died, no one cares now

I just want some news on that RE2 Remake, that's all.

Base game ended to quickly and had FAR too few bosses that felt like RE

The rest was bretty gud

It'll be TGS at the earliest, they'll be too busy showcasing RE7 DLC at E3

>tfw it's first person

>tfw it lets you switch between because both are fine

Don't give me that shit, resident evil 2 is still praised as many as the best game in the series and it takes 4 hours to complete

they shouldve implemented it on pc for vive and oculus right away

hype died, no one cares nowebst game on the series and it takes 4 hours to complete

Eh I guess it just felt longer as a kid.

Either way the bosses suck in RE7

eh, I would just go back to classic RE2 then, no big deal.

You can do RE7 in those sort of times too. You can't deny the atmosphere etc was better in the original. The problem now is that everything has been done, back then it was something completely new.

>I'm talking out of my ass and won't even post the stats that supposedly support my position
Friendly reminder that RE was never good until 4 and then it decided to turn to shit.

They should do this for A and B scenarios on both characters to maximise the playtime. Make one FPS the other Fixed Camera and then do third person for both too.

Nigger go back to your call of duty and stop shit posting please

nu-Sup Forums in a nutshell

There just were not that many people who became bosses.

-Chainsaw fight with Mia
-Dodge fight with Jack
-Chainscissor fight with Jack
-Pit fight with Marge (barely a boss fight)
-Greenhouse fight with Marge
-Arena fight with fatass molded (enemy introduction)
-Boathouse fight with Jack
-Engine room fight with Mia (only ending 2)
-Final boss Evie

That's 9 or so bosses, but with the same boss in different forms several times. If you compare that to RE1:

-Crimson head crypt fight
-Yawn attic fight
-Neptune "fight" in water control room
-Plant fight
-Yawn library fight
-Megaspider fight
-Lisa fight
-Tyrant002 fight
-Final boss

That's 9 or so bosses with two reused ones. I'm not going to argue that RE7 is as good as REmake, but comparing numbers is a bit dumb when it comes to these two. For example REmake has 14 enemy types and RE7 has 13. It really comes down to subjective opinion when doing comparisons. Going by the numbers puts things within the margin or error almost.

>Time for RE7fags to apologize to us oldfags
Growing up with re4 does not make you an oldfag.

The felt like RE.

Giant animal of some kind, the end started to get there with monstrosities. Thanks in part to jack.

Like the Yawn is re-used in Remake but both times it a thilling experiecne where as the old lady (wife) and mia in RE7 were pretty lame compared to any RE boss to me anyways.

Anyone else think the clawlers are introduced too late on normal?

Madhouse is tight as shit but normal was kinda tame

>Pit fight with Marge (barely a boss fight)
I wouldn't consider it a fight at all, considering you don't even have to damage her to beat her. Just kill enough insects and she'll fall in on her own.

Game was a 6/10 without Jack, he made it for me but it's a shame the game dies down after the house shenanigans.

I enjoyed the tanker for the change of pace but there wasnt a real boss there so it kind sucks and its a bit too small for my taste.

Jack literally made the game though, especially in the beginning for me after the car sequence because he gets around so much.

In madhouse difficulty, I think the tanker is actually the best part, because of the fat molded that you are forced to sneak past. I didn't think enemy placement was that good in normal difficulty though, and moving between floors felt like a bit of a chore.

What is it with kids these days that everything has to be divided into sides, like you can't enjoy all Resi game-styles, you have to favour one.
Or you can't like Nintendo AND Sony, nope, only one.
Or Marvel/DC for another example.
You lot are very odd.

Even Capcom isn't that deluded anymore to think Resident Evil sells 5+ million, that's why RE7 literally had no fucking budget.

Glad to hear that.
Paid less than 30 bucks for RE7, and still felt ripped off. Shit story, annoying MC, terrible "puzzles", awful bossfights, no replay value whatsoever.

Bull-fucking-shit. RE7 is linear AND scripted as fuck, and it funnels you through savespots AND enemies alike. The MC and the whole family were cringy as fuck.


>i didnt play madhouse

>Bull-fucking-shit. RE7 is linear AND scripted as fuck, and it funnels you through savespots AND enemies alike

I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics one has to use to ignore the fact that the holy grail of the series, REmake is identical in that aspect.

The last true RE and good survival horror game of the franchise was Code Veronica
Only faggots and idiots with no taste still follow the series now

I got more replay value out of Re5 and RE6 because they were co-op and shit, so duh.

But in terms of the better game and 'horror' experience? RE7 hands down. Never thought I'd feel tension being chased by a dude with a spade.

It's just a shame they happen to shit the bed with that godawful ship segment and Eve, who just wasn't scary at all; her parts felt formulaic.

And Lucas, while I love his voice and antics, his parts got real old real fast.

RE7 sold badly because it bad to deal with 6's shit. Its like DMC2 to DMC3, because the last game was so bad it ruined the franchise in the eyes of many. The other thing you need to consider was that 7 made its budget back extremely quickly, compare that to 6 where it was a money sink and needed more than 5 million to be considered a success.

Underage or NEET, therefore they can only afford one. Parents buying one console against another, so it's a form of justifying your purchase.

who the heck was aunt roadie?

>le cranked up damage & ""randomized"" items make up for shitty pacing, scripted & QTE filled ""gameplay"", terrible plot and cast, puzzles and bossfigts.

I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics one has to use to once again try and compare RE7 to RE1 / remake. It's the DooM vs nuDOOM, all over again: they are pretty much NOTHING alike, but kids go with the shill memes and love to list superficial details that can be found in both games, no matter how much the context, quantity and overall depth of said elements would differ in reality.

So yeah, both have an old house, green 'urbs, and a shotgun puzzle. That must mean they're TOTALLY identical!

>How in the hell is it a flop?
How do you like your first week on Sup Forums?
Even if it sold 3999999 form the expected 4M it would be reason enough for idiot Sup Forumstards to call it flop.

dude, the gameplay in RE7 was tight

also don't know what you have against nuDoom, it was pretty similar

RE7 is basically the first game but in a first person perspective

You clearly haven't played RE1

he's right tho

>Before RE7, Sup Forums regarded RE6 as the worst
>Now suddenly everyone says it's the best
I fucking hate you fickle idiots, this is the same exact shit you do with GTA.

>dude, the gameplay in RE7 was tight
it was awful. Period.
No, not "uncontrollable", just patronizing and predictable as fuck. And like so many modern AAA trash aimed for console audiences, it too loved to change its rules and gameplay style from time to time, instead of sticking to ONE style you can master and rely on like in older games.

>also don't know what you have against nuDoom, it was pretty similar
I had just about everything against nuDuum, and I fucking loathe each and every one of you GenZ morons who think that these raped imitations are even considered to be worthy successors to those classic IPs.

He is not.
Seriously, the RE7 fags literally get lost and cannot find the first fucking saveroom and -box when playing REmake, making threads how they're running out of ammo and can't pick up anything 'cos their inventory is full.

RE1 and 7 are miles apart. I simply cannot understand why it is so hard for newfags to realize.

>I fucking hate you fickle idiots, this is the same exact shit you do with everything.
Fixed your post for you.

still sold more than Nier Failtomata and Blunderborne combined

No, you're not. Fucking samefag.

Can you fucks stop referring to REmake as RE1?
It is not the first Resident Evil, it is a fucking remake that is only better in the graphics department.

>hurr never make something new cuz the old stuff better

OR you can go enjoy your classics and modern re-imaginings can let yojnger generation into the universe at potentially the classic.

Obviously you want every franchise to die since they all peaked before the 2000's

I'm not even the same user, you just sound mad as fuck for no reason since the classics will literally always be there. Also for Doom why the fuck are you ignoring nuDOOM completely and stick to wads

Are RE4 babbies the Tribabbies of Resident Evil?

>Also for Doom why the fuck arent you ignoring nuDOOM

Typing is hard

>biggest selling RE ever

what did he mean by this?

dude, old doom wasn't even 3d. Take the glasses off, grandpa.

>it is a fucking remake that is only better in the graphics department.
Negative. It is not "just" a remake. It is a real fucking deal REMAKE, that expands and improves the original game a ton.

>I'm mentally limited child
No one said to no make new stuff.
Everyone would rather have actually good and engaging games, not casual Twitch-watcher trash.

You are both wrong, and a pathetic child.
Enjoy your ban.

Not really, it makes the game easier, that's not an improvement

>it makes the game easier
"reviving" enemies, that can move around and chase you to other rooms = "easier"?

>You are ... wrong

ummmm, no I'm not sweetie

Yes, you are, sissy.
3D =/= made out of polygons, and that has nothing to do with the enjoyability nor depth of gameplay. Both at which nuDuum fails terribly at, alongside with art-style and replay value.

uhh, no.

3d means 3 dimensional, something old doom definitely is not. As to wether or not it affects enjoyability, you're the one complaining it sucks on the basis that it isn't similar enough...?

hey let's ignore all the dumb bullshit in this thread and talk about video games guys

how about that dino crisis am I right guys

Well yeah, it failed as a horror survival game and as an action game. The story and most of the characters were awful as well.

imagine an alternate universe where re dies and dino crisis continues.

the horror atmosphere is barely there at the start and dies out fast due to how much ammunition exists and how the family doesn't bother you outside of the very few scripted events.

As a survival game it's half decent at the ship but even that gets trivial fast.

>3d means 3 dimensional, something old doom definitely is not.
How does it "not" have it?

>you're the one complaining it sucks on the basis that it isn't similar enough...?
If you really wanna trivialize it like that, then yeah. It's pathetic that a 25 years old grandaddy of FPS genre has more depth and more satisfying gameplay than the cutting edge reboot.

NuDuum is linear, handholding, "cinematic" up your anus, enforces motherfucking RPG menu surfing, all the combat happens in tiny lock-down rooms, in which you face max of around dozen (spawning) enemies for X amount of time, every enemy is a fucking loot-pile Pinata that eliminates supply and secret hunting, and the ""secrets" of nuDuum are simply pathetic, not hidden, and instead of containing useful GEAR, they tend to have pointless COLLECTIBLES.

And that's not even touching on the absolutely awful MP and complete lack of modding tools. No, SM is NOT a modding tool, and is extremely limited.

There's a good reason why OG Doom(s) are still so popular and well known, while nuDuum is already becoming an unremarkable flavor-of-the-year trash.

>RE6's PS4/XONE versions, even when they're shit (because the game fucking sucks), still sold pretty well all things considered

Ah! But did they sell enough to recover it's dev costs??

why can't I imagine an alternate universe where they both live?

>That's what happens when you appeal to the let's player audience and force the shitty VR gimmick.
No, they appealed to hardcore fans with the marketing and it failed. Resident evil is dead, buried and will not rise again.

it's 2.5D, basically 2 dimensional with a couple of tricks to make it look 3d, you can't even aim up/down lol

As for the rest of your shit, that's all just opinion. I fail to see how nuDoom is any more linear than the old games and basically your entire argument boils down to m-mods can't fix it!!!

this guy knows whats up

>recieve a major re-evaluation

It did.
In populat culture at least, Charlie of thegamingbritshow did a "was it so bad retrospective" when the PS4/bone versions came out again, and i for one believe he single handedly got Sup Forums talking about it in a positive light again.

yeah, no

literally who?

Why does Sup Forumsv like RE6 again?
All I remember was none stop QTEs that broke the flow of combat and a shit camera that never stayed in one spot.
Am I just old now? I thought RE7 was what people wanted but suddenly now everyone wants 6 I don't get it 6 was just a blur of explosions and QTEs why do people like that shit now?

b/c capcom. u must choose.

Basic contrarian baitsmanship


>To hardcore fans

Capcom: who should be the protag in RE7?
Hardcore fans: it's obvious, of course ETHAN WINTERS

>it's 2.5D, basically 2 dimensional with a couple of tricks to make it look 3d, you can't even aim up/down
1) kill yourself and then go back to Le leddit
2) the visual trickery used to achieve the 3D feel has nothing to do with the fact whether or not it is actually tree dimensional. You can move 360 degrees in DooM's space, and different heights do matter as well. It is three dimensional game, just not formed out of polygons.

>I fail to see how nuDoom is any more linear than the old games
that's because you've clearly not played original DooM games. Originals had very circular and intertwining map design, which only restricted access to certain areas with keycards. The new one, however, funnels you from one combat room to another, and "key hunting" is now literally a matter of just picking up the damn thing right next to the door it goes to.

yeah, yeah.

maps are designed in 2D, and because of engine limitations you only have one "floor". You can't make traditional buildings, at best you can have a set of stairs leading up to a balcony area that doesn't overhang anything. It's like a contour map.

>Originals had very circular and intertwining map design,

new doom has this too, guy in addition to fun, actually 3d arenas to do combat in from time to time.

>maps that are complicated with secrets

This is why I'm replaying turok 2 now that its on steam.

>Time for RE7fags to apologize to us oldfags. Do it now.


I guarantee I've been playing game, and RE, longer than you have. I thoroughly enjoyed RE7.

>how about that dino crisis am I right guys

We aren't souls fags here user. If you want to talk about a game that is not resident evil, go make a dino crisis thread.

well it doesn't look like anyone else is talking about resident evil here so I don't see why not

7 is the first actually atmospheric resident evil. 1 and 2 were campy

The fuck is a nu-fan?

My only complaint is how the house will make a random noise and then nothing will be where it came from.

Sure it could be a rat knocking over a dish in the kitchen but you never see what actually makes the noises.

>different heights do matter as well
No they don't. You can hit an enemy meters higher than you while standing on the ground and shooting straight.

>It is three dimensional game, just not formed out of polygons.
It IS formed out of polygons tho. Do you even understand how 3D rendering work?

I bought Resident Evil on release day when I was in elementary school, YOU did not.

It's not a resident evil thread because vii isn't a resident evil game

God could you imagine this logic when RE2 was released.
I can just hear you fags now.
>Where's Chris and Jill? I don't want to play as these new characters who wants that? just give me the old shit over and over.

That's funny. I distinctly remember being 15 years old and buying Resident Evil the week it was released in North America.