HotS 2.0

Has anyone tried it? Is anything different? Did it save the dead game?

I ask because I unironically rely on Sup Forums for all my gaming decisions.

you have a chance to get free skins or slowly grind up to buy the one you want as a f2p player

you apparently gain gold slower since the brawl now gives a loot box instead of gold

It's fun

It makes progression more fun since you can unlock every cosmetic in the game now via lootboxes. It's not going to fully save the game but it will revive it for some time and more players will stick around for the cosmetic grind.

the actual game is identical

they just improved the skinner box aspect

Its boring.

It was never a dead game

>Is anything different? Did it save the dead game?

The update did not change the game it only added the Overwatch unlocking and box system.

it going to die when they ran out of ow character to add

For someone who isnt interested in an actual MOBA and feels like a casual version would be enjoyable, should I give it a shot?

Did they fix the balance? I quit when diablo sorceress became 1st pick of every game

It was and is and will always be the deadest of Blizzard games, and the deadest of MOBAs.

>get 20 heroes "for free"
>meanwhile DotA has 113 heroes and the only paid shit is cosmetic

Why the fuck is charging for heroes even remotely acceptable

>Diablo 3

I might pick this up. What free 20 hero pack should I get?

Dota is not fun tho

The game is popular, it's just that it isn't very fun to watch.

I usually don't like mobas and I like it. One of my friends loves league and hates it. So I assume it's mobas for non-moba players.

What exactly have they changed

Yeah, that's literally what HotS is for.

>watching video games
it's free

Only reason to play right now is for the free shit they're giving you for other games. Otherwise literal trash.

its overwatch 2 now , blizzard realized the game was dead months ago and decided to turn it into a gateway for overwatch shit , they just keep releasing awful overwatch heroes and now a map which is arguably the worst in the entire rotation
two or three months from now the retards claiming this lootcrate shit is a good move will realize how impossible it is to get something you actually want

muh genji spam, other than that incredible lag and stutter as usual. As expected from Blizzard.

Gaining gold slower isn't that much of a big deal since "master skins" aren't a FUCKING THING ANYMORE.

But yeah, it makes buying new heroes even MORE tedious.

>new hero reveal cinematic
>creepy graveyard, naxxramas in the background
>Uther getting swarmed with zombies, kicking ass
>about to smite the last one
>suddenly he gets frozen solid
>camera pans over
>it's Mei_______

they should make controls like in battlerite/bloodline champions

the one you like playing the most ????

>Did it save the dead game?
Game wasn't dead though.
No they shouldn't. Those games are great but they are their own thing.

I took Flex to cover every class . So far i' don't know enough about any class, so i don't wanna end up with 20 heroes i don't wanna play in the end.
implying I'll continue playing after the event.


- Metzen

game wasn't dead, just underplayed because muh ASSFAGGOTS

I've never played it though.

i really like it, the thing i hate the most from other mobas its not the creep farming but calling lanes

Every fucking game is underplayed beside LoL and Dota 2, and Dota 2 is underplayed compared to LoL. Yet LoL is the worst in the fucking bunch. I rather play Stryfe.

I only play Butcher and Li Li

He got out at just the right time. Like a rat fleeing a sinking ship.

Assassin for all the fun and sexy bitches.

nothings really different, its all garnishing and pavlovian response.

that definitely makes it more satisfying though, to actually have all kinds of junk pouring in every time you play; skins, emotes, all that shit. what can i say, i, and many gamers, are suckers for that shit. it used to feel like an empty endless grind just to get one character you like, now it feels like the game is throwing more stuff at you, its more engaging on a game-to-game basis.

i can't believe on a podcast i heard them have a kneejerk negative reaction to it "omg blizz what are you doing!? loot boxes in HotS now like OW!?" - like, yeah? why is that bad? they didn't give a single reason, but it was some dullard shills on twitch so what do you know.

HON is still more fun

Downloaded just for the 20 free heroes and got a bonus hero too. Might keep it installed for the D.Va skin and Overwatch lootboxes. Tried a few heroes in practice mode, and all it did was make me feel like playing League of Legends again. As pretty and fun as it looks it doesn't have near the same level of impact of League. Not sure what it is. Maybe the sound effects and the generic action fantasy hero music without any buildup, maybe the way every character seems to have either a pssh nothing personnel kid personality, or an overly comedic/obnoxious personality. Maybe it's because I haven't played Diablo or any Warcraft game, but I just can't get into it. I don't feel excited to look up builds or get tempted to buy skins. Blizzard games have this massive scale and polish and presentation to them even as an outsider who hasn't touched a Blizzard game besides Starcraft and Overwatch, but this game in particular feels like a poor man's game of another game for some reason. Like if Paladins is to Overwatch, and Medal of Honor is to Call of Duty, then Heroes of the Storm is to League of Legends. On the upside, there's plenty more waifu heroes than the time I last tried it. But then again if you're up against League, you only have Kerrigan, Nova, Tracer, and a couple of the elves from WoW against an army of waifu fanservice champs in League which is the whole point of mobas imho.

Actual degenerate.

neither is HotS

Never really played it before because the grind turned me down and Blizzard was squeezing every dime out of people they could.

Now you get a free Lootbox after every 1-3 matches and get to pick a pack with 20 heroes as well. Blizzard realized that the game is pretty much dead and if they want to attract new players, they can't act like the eternal jew.

game is more shallow than a kiddy pool. You play literally 10 games and every game after that will be near identical to those first ten. This is why the games dying and will die out. Its babby tier even for babbys

>Maybe it's because I haven't played Diablo or any Warcraft game
hahahaha what a faggot. But you do play Overwatch? Kill yourself.

Implying Blizzard is even close to sinking. It is not Bioware. And with Metzen gone...well I guess they might have to get a bit more creative with things than they been of late. Thrall has 0 part in Legion, that just shows his fat hands didn't have a lot to do...right? RIGHT?

I myself, play the shit out of Hots cause im so fucking burnt out on Dotka 2 it is not even funny. There is less skill, more idiots per capita in Hots but it is kinda fun anyway and the chest grind is fucking getting to me. Although I hate that you cannot carry a team of idiots like you would be able to in Dota if you had a good match. Never forget when you play a Luna, Natures Prophet or a QoP and just wrecks shit on the shit tier I Played in when you had a good start.

Fucking hell, I miss rating now, It doesn't work in Dota 2 anymore so well I say and Hots? Rating? Hue.

When they're making more money than ever?

I haven't won a game in 10 months

time to go back to not playing

You need to schedule matches in DOTA because of how long they fucking take

First game I ever played, my team consisted by a level 1, 3, 5, 4, 50. Other team, 68, 91,58, 10, 8

I quit after 10 minutes when my entire team refused to communicate and kept dying. This game is fucking trash garbage for fucking garbage people, congratulations blizz.. fuck this game

Just started playing this after quitting Dota 2. Some of the abilities are boring as shit and dumb. Like Tyraels passive for example. Why does the game reward you for dying?

Name five (5) multiplayer games that are not like this.

hello riot employee. do you seriously have the gall to criticize the music, of all things? cinematics and music is the one constant blizz are fucking high tier at.

stop playing shitty heroes you gay retard

just play cho'gall, user

I'm not gay, user

I didn't own my own pc when Diablo and Warcraft were around and they're too old to get into right now. If my friend didn't force me to play Starcraft I probably wouldn't have gotten into that either. I only got Overwatch for the waifu characters. I already have Borderlands for my loot grinder and after playing Firefall there's no way I'd be able to get into such an old mmo like WoW.

holy shit

i have like 80%WR and only play for these events and just run around clicking my buttons randomly.

do you just AFK?

you auto prestige after every 100 levels, so the people on your team could have been level 901 while the enemies were 108 or whatever. you have to know which color means which level, which is retarded, but the matchmaking was probably fine

>I didn't own my own pc when Diablo and Warcraft were around and they're too old to get into right now.
This is re-portable right?

>Unlocked Genji
>Don't know how to play him
Just like in real Overwatch. Mada Mada

I'm ready for DVA!

>cinematics and music is the one constant blizz are fucking high tier at.
The music in the HotS menus is pretty generic though. It's all in your face like the characters are legendary but I don't know over half the cast so that effect is lost on me.

Blizzards sole intent was to strip away everything that was "to difficult" about other mobas, so don't be surprised when the game gets boring after a few plays.

as a new player you get 20 out of the 60ish heroes for free. and you get to pick what champs you want (kinda, it's a choice between 4 bundles). So it's ok I think.

Not that guy but just playing under event render you playing with idiots who is just around for a WoW mount they won't use or skins or some shit in Overwatch. Filling the game with tard tier and you're probably low levelling playing against morons on low level if your skill is above average you end up winning. I played over 1400 games by now and sit on 50-51% winrate.

I'm pretty sure it's all remixes of themes from their other IPs

I've been playing it pretty regularly since release. There were some major changes that revolved around toning down chain CCing people and slowing down mounted movement speed, and it sounds like they're going to address the power of healing so that they can mess with burst soon, but otherwise the game is largely the same.

The 2.0 update was cosmetic only.

Even Blizzard considers these as 'Legacy Games', face it, they're both old. You can't even select them in the desktop client, you have to use the old launchers for them.

this tbf

The music is remixes of existing tracks. The menu is often either an existing one or remix.

The Overwatch remix when they announced Tracer was good. The Hanamura music is great. The WC2 music in Blackhearts Bay is incredible


It's a combination of me being a poor player and my team being poor players as well.

Great taste my friend.

The only ones I'd recognize then are Overwatch and Starcraft, and neither of those games have more than a few memorable tracks. Starcraft had what, like 2 tracks for each race and Overwatch only has its main theme and maybe 10-20 seconds of intro/outro music per level.

>Not having a solid 63% winrate.
Mastertier plays over here.

Why has Tyrande such a plump butt?


i can't belive blizzard made such a problematic skin
it's not cannon!

>there are people who don't play TAZ'DINGO
why even bother with the game then

It's still boring as fuck

Tumblr cries about almost every fucking skin in the game. They cried over the Native American Pharah one, they cried over the Vishnu one for Symmetra, they cry for almost every Ana skin that covers her face. They just bitch and bitch non-stop it's making me nostalgic for the old WoW forums where people cried about Paladins every fucking day.


Atleast the skin complains keeps them off bitching about all the tits and ass in hots. HOly fucking hell. They also cried about the Symmetra vampire skin being white washing, oh right, being fucking undead, sucking blood from peoples necks is now white washing.

>i wanna gargle sans

>Hating visors and masks

What why? That's a weird one to get offended by

Why would an asian girl care about nigger lives?

Won't a canon Korean either be nice-looking in an artificial way or really really ugly, because that's not Korean.

>Tumblr cries about almost every-fucking-thing

>Play Dota2 for years

>Pick up Hots just for fun

It's like going over to the special needs school and beating up all the retarded kids.

They complained that they were hiding the fact she was a dark skinned old lady.

Because Tumblr thinks the whole world is just America and don't realize there are people not involved in their bullshit politics

beauty standards are part of patriarchal white supremacy, the only way to fight is is to redraw attractive female characters as hideous she-coons regardless of race

That's... fucking retarded

>not maining based Anub'Arak


>Talking to Zagara
"Nice legs"



HotS team doesn't give a fuck.

>When you cacoon a motherfucker

it's pretty good
