Someone please wake me up. This is a joke right?

Someone please wake me up. This is a joke right?

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A kangaroo is stronger than a human too. The logic makes no sense.

Oh and also IT'S A FUCKING GAME.

Culling when

Isn't Roger's reason for fighting is to protect his home and nature? That is what I remember from his story videos.

Can't they disembowel with their kicks or something?

Op here, I decided I'm not getting the game if this is true UNLESS they replace roger with Alex.

Guess duck hunt has to be removed from smash too since it's just a fucking dog.

is this fake news? is it sad!?

>A kangaroo is stronger than a human too
You haven't seen all those videos of drunk australians beating up cangaroos

>"There was a video of a man’s dog being headlocked by a kangaroo, and he punched it in the face. It turned into a big problem," says Harada. "People were complaining about him punching a kangaroo. It seems that in the last few years there’s a lot more animal activists—even though they probably wouldn’t play our game they would still hear about that, about a kangaroo in our game being punched, and would complain about it."

Sounds like they were afraid of backlash related to that video of the guy punching the kangaroo so it would let go of his dog? Even though that guy was totally justified in saving his dog and I didn't hear a single complaint about that.

What the fuck kind of reasoning is this? He didn't even say they were approached/contacted by any animal rights groups. Sounds like bullshit to me, that deflection onto that video makes zero sense.

>not stronger than human
I thought they were

Kangaroos are nature's assassins. Not only can they kick the shit out of you, they also are smart enough to use chokeholds. And never fight one near water because these fuckers will hold you down and drown you.

You might be thinking of a cassowary but a kangaroo would give a solid kick to the nuts.

>"SJWs and leftists aren't REALLY censoring games, you're just paranoid"


nah, roos are bitches they just act tough

Well I guess fuck Tekken then? You don't just remove characters in fighting games, they're a pivotal part of the design.

Like seriously, that's unacceptable, especially if they want to charge full price.

Fuck kangaroos.They love drowning fuckers for no reason.

God Namco are a bunch of fucking pussies. Nobody would have even remembered that incident if they hadn't brought it up.

fuck off, you don't even play tekken

nobody really cares about the animals, coming from someone who started with 1

it's dumb if this is true, but stop finding things to get upset about that don't concern you like a loser

First they came for the anime boobies, but I said nothing, because I don't like anime boobies

PETA has been a retarded nuisance since forever now, this isn't actually surprising.

What is surprising, however, is that these devs (Japan even) actually caved in now, Could be from the pussy-whipped media environment due to said SJW's.

Ban this sick filth

>remove roger
>kuma and panda are still in


No, fuck you dude. You don't remove content from a game and still charge people $60. That's ripping cash right out of your pocket.

The jap version still has him in.


Alex is actually great, not sure about Roger.

It's Kuma/Panda whom truly suck. Basically the joke characters if something dumber isn't present.

Have you ever seen a big red kangaroo?

With the way Harada talks about headlines that come out of the west, I believe he was truly worried about it. He once said he was concerned about bringing back Ganryu because he shows so much skin and the west doesn't like that. Harada is a lovable retard.

They didn't in cave in to criticism aimed at them. They caved in to irrelevant discontent being directed at a fucking video of a man saving his dog from a kangaroo.

There might have been a point to it if PETA was a respected population that normies cared about. They don't; at all.

True, but they get to make the final decisions, regardless of what their 'murican branch's localizers demand (who yeah, are to blame here).

So are we going to get a pastebin or a link to any OTHER article about this, or are we just going to accept what might very well be complete bait by OP?

where were these shitters when Breath of the Wild was announced.

How to combat censorship:

>Don't buy the game
>Don't buy the game
>Complain until you're blue in the face

>kuma were a playable character until last years or whatever sf x t was released
>somehow now a kangaroo is problematic


Where the fuck did that come from. I meant organisation.

Boxing kangaroo should be fine.
Boxing kangaroo fighting while carrying a baby boxing kangaroo is kind of fucked up.

This. Saying a human could beat any kangaroo is fucking retarded.

wasn't the raptor just a reskin of roger?

are we really losing anything?

Pastebin it yourself, it's not really worth a read though.

So should the game be $59?

There's a reason we developed tools and later proper weapons.

No reason? Dogs are very aggressive and forward only slightly removed from wolves, they are a dangerous animal.
A kangaroo should dislike dogs unless they are complete retards lacking all survival instincts.
Are you insane? Dogs kill many people every year and seriously injure 10s of thousands.
Kangaroos have every right to attack dogs, who are often the aggressors themselves and if you want to tangle with a kangaroo, you get what's coming to you.
Too many people see their dogs as cuddly puppies when in actuality they are a prime hunters with a dangerous bite, many of which could easily kill a man.

Reminder that Roger > Roger Jr

People immitate what they see guys, if this game had boxing kangaroos then kids would take it up as a hobby.

Also it is only a problem is 2017 because of reason, all the other tekken games with roger jr in are fine.

How to get games censored:

>Don't buy the game
>Complain about game
>Complain until you're blue in the face
>Devs listen
>Feel smug
>Still don't buy the game

How many games charge people for DLC characters, no matter what their worth is in the meta?

You fucking remove a character, I expect that equivalent price off from the game. I except $5-8 cheaper.

We won fhe kangaroo war, obviously, but at a great cost.

They should replace the character, or discount it by the price they plan to sell a DLC character for.

Both seem fair since either you get a character swap, or you get what they deem the value of a character to be in discounts.

When will the cuckoldry end, bros? I thought Trump was supposed to fix this!!

this is correct - they specifically try and do this in fact


So how are tournaments going to work if a Jap comes over and is Roger main?

Have you ever seen a drunk australian?

Harada is known to fucking hate it when special interest groups complain about something in his games when the complaints are nothing about the actual gameplay. Back when Lucky Chloe was shown off SJWs were trying to talk down at him because they were all offended and shit. Harada told them to fuck off and that they probably didn't even play video games anyways before taking a selfie of him carrying an assault rifle.

It was allowed in japan with no problem, now because Americans are offended over everything the rest of the world has to pay.

Harada didn't want to put Roger in the game to begin with because he's a joke character and nobody plays him.

No, fuck you. Kuma was my main.

>no wall
>Obamacare still going
>immigrations bans BTFO
>still in NAFTA
>now this
Man, can Trumpbros get a break?

Is Alex in? They don't always throw him in just tekken 2 and the tags I think. If they swap him out for roger that would be cool with me

Right, so if you plead with the devs to listen to reason i.e. explain to them that pandering to these tards isn't going to add sales you win. You censor our games we don't buy them.

I'm pretty sure that PETA has literally no control over this and that if they really wanted to, Roger Junior could still be in the game no hassle.

We live in a world where GTA exists and can be released so I don't believe this bullshit one bit


You don't deserve happiness

I am a drunk Australian, the video you mentioned is just people beating on baby kangaroos, the equivalent to fighting a retarded 12 year old. Where as actual kangaroos will bend you over and fuck you in the ass and and break your neck.

Well they arent its the developers fault for giving into these retards demand

You can't kill dogs in breath of the wild you shitter


He said humans. Drunk Aussies are... something else entirely.

>Keeping Kuma because Bears are obviously stronger than humans

What about Panda's, they are literally responsible for their own extinction

Pure sensationalism.

Roger was never confirmed for Tekken 7. He hasn't been removed from the western release because of animal activists. He's not in any version.

>Drunk australians are stronger than humans

why are you blaming liberals for this clearly unrelated incident

>liberals ruin games
>i'm at fault


Clinton was going to start WW3 with Russia you know

Trump sent nukes and MOAB on Terrorists

>ending net neutrality
>tax cuts for the rich
>WWIII on the horizon


>don't buy the game
>devs assume the game isn't selling well because no one likes it in the west
>future installments don't even get localized

There is literally no way to win.

I guess the PC stands for "politically correct".

you can't kill dogs in villages, you can kill dogs in the overworld though, as well as get meat from them cause there were literally rice farming rural chinks apparently working on the game.

even then you can visually harass and harm the dogs in villages.

BotW is sucha fuckin' retarded game like holy shit nothing about it went right.

Pandas are still bears, they can fuck you up if given the opportunity

>Clinton was going to punish Russia economically for annexing another country
>Trump is trying to start WWIII with China and North Korea


Just add an Emu to replace Roger, problem solved

What were you banned for?


Dogs don't occur in the overworld

I'm sure every other word you posted was cuck.

Most complaints I remember about Lucky Chloe were about how she was lame and a stupid character, nothing to do with SJWs.

Fucking white people gotta shit up every form of media.

Yeah but I'm exempt from military service so that doesn't affect me at all. I wanted him to fix things in the homefront, not fuck it all up. IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS

Reminder that the left is winning.
Despite having lost traditional political power, they still control the overwhelming majority of the popular culture power. Their only significant mainstream opposition, Fox News, is crumbling. Even long-time conservative dominated mediums lile Talk Radio have seen left-leaning programs like NPR take the spotlight away from titans such as Rush Limbaugh. While gen Z leans slightly conservative, it's still not nearly enough to override the ever-growing number of minorities in the west. By 2030, whites will be a minority in the United States.
The left has grown in power to a point where corporations have to preemptively cater to their desires of diversity and anti-capitalist rhetoric.
The end is near, friends. Hold me.

I shouldn't even have to explain this

>clinton was going to punish russia
clinton sold mining rights to nuclear grade uranium on american soil to a russian company operating out canada

democrats are projecting cucks, where do you even think the narrative of trump being in cahoots with russia even came from?

It might've been a corporate decision and Harada was just explaining the reasoning. If it was Harada who took the decision it was probably because he hates SJWs and wants his western fans to hate them as well

That was a good selfie

>no complaints have been issued against the tekken dev
>oh yea we're totally cutting the kangaroo because of activists not because we don't want to include him

So who's easier to trigger at this point, SJWs or Anti-SJWs?