Marvel vs Capcom Bread

This is my friend, Scott "Cyclops" Summers. Say something nice!

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That quiet fucking "behold". I hope he is in MVCI. He's my bro.

This fucking comic.

Ultimatum is fucking garbage though. You all know what panel I'm thinking of.

It is. The blob and wasp one?

The one with Spiderman diving underwater while jjj watches in awe?

Bingo. I dunno what I hate more, that panel or the one where Ant Man eats Blob.

Atleast the cool MCU Ant Man is probably in Infinite. Ultimate made all the characters shit by Ultimates 3.

Post the panel

I'm not getting B&.


Cap is /ourguy/

How does he win without his power ?

Gameplay looks much better here.

I'm a fan of the stone system

>ywn go back to a time where marvel was actually accessible to new readers
>ywn go back to a time where ultimate marvel was actually good
>ywn go back to a time where ultimate marvel sold more than 616 marvel
>ywn read good relatable stories about ultimate peter parker again


i wish someone would fucking fire slott that fat fucking incompetent slob

It's basically MSH which is good.
To be fair, a lot of shit was better than 616 because of the Clone Saga. Slott's writing was pretty good in Shattered Dimensions.

I just spent 10 minutes downloading 800+ x-men comics ot post this.

Wasn't worth it.

More details

>2 Light and Heavy attacks
>That mashing combo shit from Persona in it
>Down down motions confirmed


But I guess I have shit to read now when I get bored.

shattered dimensions was 7 years ago

slott has been on the title for 7 years as main writer, plus 2 more as part of the BND team.
for every great story he writes there are 12 stupid ones a at least two big decisions that ruin more and more the spirit of the character

marvel has been nothing but a bunch of hacks throwing shit on the wall to see what sticks. there are some good writers here and there, but the only real good larger story was hickman's run. everything since heroic age has been shit.

fuuuuck i remember this. leinil francis yu is fucking brilliant. dont they go to genosha in this issue to try and kill magneto or some shit?


>shattered dimensions was 7 years ago

>Cyclops will never fuck you so hard you go WOULPH?!

Oh, yeah. By no means am I defending Slott. Who wrote Hawkeye Vol 4? That was fucking amazing.

im not sure volume you're talking about, but if its hawkeye and its good its probably the volume by aja and matt fraction.

and then he survives and gets fucked by that mega sentinel during morrison's run lol

also, as much as joss whedon ruined avengers, his run in x-men is much better than morrison's.
pic related

America gives him infinite power, his muscles don't matter.

So he's like a Green Lantern, only powered by bald eagles and McDonalds Happy Meals?

I was going to say cruise missiles and gatling guns but that also works.

How dare you. Big Macs, sir.

Welp. I looked it up. The fuck were they thinking?

Are these the real pages? Or are they edits?

That writing is beyond bad.

>When you ask someone who's never seen a gun before to draw guns

loeb was writing it
his kid had just died or something
he was messed up and probably no one wanted to be mean to him and tell him HIS WRITING WAS SHIT

all real

>judging 2 bubbles of "writing" with zero context

Gotta love this I'm a Sup Forums writing expert meme.

link that shit

They all have the right pieces at the right place. Try again.



t. comic reading manchild

Seriously, comics aren't even on the level of fantasy when it comes to literature.

then why are you on an anime imageboard

You're just embarrassing yourself user. Grow up.

You're on Sup Forums m8. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the containment boards for you people.

t.X-Men artist

Well he's pretty shit surgeon.

are they putting anakaris in MvCiv? if not, i'm dropping it like the fat man


It sounds bad, context aside. This is terrible fucking writing.

My m8 is a writer, I'll send these to him if you want, and we can see what he says.

>Launched on October 1, 2003, the site was modeled on Japanese imageboards, particularly 2chan. 4chans first boards were originally primarily used for posting pictures and discussing manga and anime. The site quickly became popular and expanded, and now features boards dedicated to a wide variety of topics, from anime and manga, to videogames, music, literature, fitness, politics and sports.

t.Cornered shitposter

Sup Forums and any form of culture and art mediums go hand in hand as well as ice cream and ketchup.

Everything i said about comics is true. What the hell, you can't actually think that comics are serious literature?!

Why do you think something has to be "serious literature" to be enjoyable?

It's 2017. Come on now, things can change greatly in 14 years.

No, I'm thinking that anyone who feels the need to state that comics aren't literature on a board like he's making a great point is an immature retard.

The point is that claiming Sup Forums is a "containment board" when it's the original topic of the site is obviously wrong.

I want to know what your big buddy Mark has to say.

You can enjoy comics I guess, but they are much more shallow and simple than books.

I read comics when I was younger, but like many others I grew out of it.


Well good for you I guess. You apparently didn't grow out of video games though even though many people played video games when they were younger and then "grew out of it."

If you want to pretend to be some kind of sophisticated intellectual go shitpost on /lit/.

You seem very angry for some reason. And saying something obvious isn't immature imo. Sometimes these things need to be said.

It won't change the fact that Sup Forums was the first board created, then Sup Forums happened as the first containment board due the original Sup Forums being Anime & Random.

I wanna take you for a ride

s e l e c t y o u r h e r o e s

>Well good for you I guess. You apparently didn't grow out of video games though even though many people played video games when they were younger and then "grew out of it."
What is your point exactly?

>If you want to pretend to be some kind of sophisticated intellectual go shitpost on /lit/.
What I'm saying is that comics are childish, and simplistic. I'm not saying that I'm some intellectual or anything.

Sup Forums isn't the same as back then. It evolved into something else. How can you not see this?

And video games aren't? That makes you a hypocrite.

Delusions usually aren't shared among groups of people.

>What is your point exactly?
That you're calling others "manchild" for enjoying something you claim to be for children because it isn't serious literature, while apparently simultaneously enjoying video games. That is called being a hypocrite.

morrison's was way better. whedon was just rehashing the past, morrison was bringing it into the future, which marvel then decided to completely ignore

Deal is, not all comics are childish, Image publishes a lot of stuff that's more mature, abd European comics are also raising the bar.

Manga is also notoriously more sophisticated with stuff like Berserk and Monster and Ghost in the Shell...

It's just Marvel is some of the most putrid immature shit in the medium. The only time capeshit is good, is when good writers put their own spin on it, hell even low brow Shounenshit like One Piece and Naruto and Jojo are eons ahead of Marvel in terms of writing.

>"le Bread XD"
Fuck off back to reddít


morrison is overrated as fuck.
i like pretentious shit but morrison is waaay over the tolerable level of pretentiousness.

isn't that a Sup Forums thing

You guys think someone who reads comics is the same as a guy who plays a few hours of CoD or Fifa a week?

Uh, yes? What's the difference? Neither is sophisticated art, both are basically escapist fun.

And look how you had to sneakily try to make the comic reading seem worse by comparing it only to "a few hours a week" of video games. Like you're trying to imply everyone who reads cape comics sits around all day every day doing nothing but, while everyone who plays video games is a stable adult with a good job who just plays occasionally to unwind. There are obsessives and stable people in both categories.

I read House of M again the other day and played some Black Ops 2 with some cousins yesterday.

Most "gamers" are casuals and do not play 20 hours a week.

>There are obsessives and stable people in both categories.
Sure, but let us be real and say that manchildren are much more common among the comicbook crowd. An adult who reads comicbook is looked upon as abnormal, whereas a casual gamer is seen as normal by most people.

>Sure, but let us be real and say that manchildren are much more common among the comicbook crowd. An adult who reads comicbook is looked upon as abnormal, whereas a casual gamer is seen as normal by most people.

Actually, among late 20 and 30-somethings it's widely considered perfectly normal to read comics now, especially among artistically inclined people. It's only older generations that still find it weird, and they're largely the same people who still find it weird for adults to play video games, too. Times change. Now there are a handful of comic books that are widely recognized as great art like Watchmen, and even those which are still considered to have ultimately been children's comics are recognized as having had some amount of artistic merit to them to the point that they've been adapted into much more adult-oriented versions, like Batman and Spider-Man.

None of this is to say cape comics in general are serious art, and most people know they aren't, but most people don't look down on them, either. If you haven't seen normal, fashionable adults with friends walking around in public wearing X-Men and Batman shirts then you don't go outside enough.

Reading comics /= cape comics.

I've been reading manga since forever, and still enjoy manga and Euro comics.

I will forever look down on any retard that actively consumes DC/Marvelshit. That stuff is atrocious.

Hence you're a hypocritical snob, as people have been saying. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's inferior to the silly escapist stuff you like to consume.

>I've been reading manga since forever, and still enjoy manga and Euro comics.
Why would you exclude American comics?