Name a flaw

Name a flaw.

Tip: you can't.

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The bloody deaths of the lolis aren't fully animated.

I don't enjoy grinding.

No cute Sovereigns

Airship sections are annoying
Class gimmicks were greatly standardized
Best girl is not available until the last stratum

>Best girl is not available until the last stratum


I assume he means the Imperial

That's until the 5th stratum, no?

There's no need to grind except you are retarded.

I didn't like it

>Airship sections are annoying

There is, even after you kill all the dragons and optional quest bosses, and clear out the Hall of Darkness, you're still at level 70~

Fallen One and Warped Savior will need far higher levels than that.

Inferior dungeon design compared to the other three games. The final Labyrinth is a single floor. The crappy tiny "dungeons" are garbage.

IV is a great game. Too bad that teachfags are to blame we won't get any more EO games here in the west.

The airship was the best new addition to the series.

>The final Labyrinth is a single floor.
Eh, can argue about that. I mean you are revisiting every other stratum for like half a floor. So that would add up to three floors.
But in return that makes every other stratum's 3rd floor suffer in size. Generally, it lacks in dungeon size.
I rather have 30 floors instead of 19 floors +10-15 really tiny mini-dungeons + 4 overworlds.

But i like a lot of it's gimmicks in the dungeons, especially the 6th labyrinth.

>19 floors
i fucked up. it's only 16 floors.

That we're never getting the 5th game because xenophobic moonmen.

>He didn't finish the final stratum
Why don't you just admit you've never beaten it?

>because xenophobic moonmen

Is it even good?

It's the best in the series

Did another moonman composer make the release to the US complicated?

But I wanted to explore the Forgotten Capital, not locked off sections of that horrible library and the other stratums. It just felt really anticlimactic from what this genre of games has made me expect.

Time to learn Japanese, kiddo.

You said that about IV too, user.

5 isn't out in US yet, that's the flaw

No sailing across the world.

They never finished the FM version of the OST.

EO music is god tier, and 4 have some of the best songs, but I'd still like me some FM

I want to punch Teach!

i feel a little lack (maybe is only me) of new monster but amazing game.

Stop being shit at the game then.

>you're still at level 70~
I sure as hell wasn't
I lost motivation to play before I could beat fallen one, but warped savior did NOT require grinding. Level ~75 was more than enough with items

the hall of darkness exists

Etrian Odyssey is the most mentally exhausting thing I've ever tried in my life.

>Fortress is barely standing after getting hit in the fucking face by a bear for so many turns in a row
>The medic is tossing out heals like it's their fucking destiny
>The nightseeker for some reason just refuses to land the blind
>Landshark is doing her best but has none of the good skills yet
>Runemaster is in the back channeling her rage

Jesus fucking Christ, man. If I actually took the time to try this series out, I have no doubts that it would end up being one of the longest JRPGs I'd ever play in my life.

3 was worlds better user

sounds like you're playing the game correctly at least
The ship stuff was kind of annoying and I wish the different routes were more different instead of having a different final boss and some different dialogue

The game's best dungeon, you mean?

>Name a flaw.

Dungeon crawler. I already had had enough of generic dungeon crawlers by the '90s. They're boring as hell.

Too easy.
Classes locked behind story mode.

The best game in the series is 3
This is a fact and not up for debate

Forge petrify/stun on every weapon. The super boss can be killed in 1 action with petrify

Grinding for items is boring

>Hollow Magus, Red Lion, Thunder Spawn encounters

just kill me now, that shit is pure RNG

>getting blindsided
There's a sniper skill for that

As long as you don't fuck up it's really easy to steam roll everything.

>airship in IV is shit
>sailing in III is acceptable though
Please help me understand.

Too soft

FM Synth arrange album never came out

official art has cameltoes

You mean not enough of the art has cameltoes.

Isn't that just the loli dancer? And she has nip bumps.

I can't think of any other ones with that.

